I have zero interest whatsoever in console wars, petty tribalism and weird forum politics. There’s no hidden implication behind anything I’ve said. I’m buying both and I hope Microsoft make in roads this generation so that they stick around and keep the competition up.
If you think what I’ve said somehow slights XBX or unduly praises PS5, that says more about you and what you’re sensitive to, for whatever reasons.
I also don’t care about how “the masses” misunderstand or misinterpret anything. Both Road to PS5 and this UE5 demo were technical presentations, and they were both very clear in what they were saying for anyone paying attention.
You’re writing like a politician. I care about what those in the industry say, now about what or how other people think. That’s weird and doesn’t interest me.
Your words contradict your behavior. You've constantly been putting PR talk from Cerny and Sweeney on a pedestal, without questioning anything. You said so yourself, like here;
A lot of trying to be done to cynically dismiss what Cerny and Sweeney are saying as just marketing or even somehow political in nature.
They are both proven and successful game engine engineers.
If they can be dismissed as just being clever at marketing and misleading the public with the UE5 demo (even at the expense of alienating all other platforms/customers in the case of Epic), then gaming journalists and technodabblers and babblers here can be dismissed as knowing far less about the subject than either of these two men.
It's just a fancy way of saying "they know more than you, so just shut up and accept what they're telling you". I'm not the one pretending to know everything to have conclusions like that demo being impossible on the XSX. I am reserving judgment on XSX performance. That somehow makes me 'sensitive'? Oh joy.
When Sweeney talks about scaling down, he's talking about PCs with HDDs, phones, tablets and the like. And people like to put the XSX in there, and we all know why.
I have discussed the subject with you, but you suddenly had to start talking about me personally with some sort of scorn. And you're being completely dismissive towards the fact that they are trying to put their products in the best light, which is what every company does. And you put my factual comment regarding PR aside because it is inconvenient to you.
When they talk about the PS5 really enabling them to do X, they are saying it that way because they have a partnership and marketing deal with Sony. It does NOT mean that ONLY the PS5 can do that. That is jumping to conclusions. And it's quite clear that you believe only the PS5 can do it to this degree. Your behavior has been exactly like the ones putting the XSX in the same category as an android phone or a low range PC with HDD, because you've already bought into the idea that the XSX can definitely not do the same thing. More importantly, you are cherry picking what is being said so that it supports what you already believe.
It is extremely annoying that everyone pretends to already know all the facts, that this is somehow impossible on XSX despite Sweeney himself saying that things will work the same on next gen consoles and PC...
"You know, we love all of our babies. We can't make comparisons or pick favorites. The nanite technology we showed here is going to run across all next generation consoles and high end PC."
And another important one...;
"Nanite is a new geometry system for Unreal Engine, that lets us get down to almost sub-pixel level of detail on the screen. It is possible because we have a new generation of hardware that really allows us to put loads and loads of triangles on the screen. And we thought that we'd come up with a new technique that allowed us to create content in a similar way to the way that they do on movies today. "
And lastly, and most likely the most important one;
"One of the key features that we've been working on is being able to build content once and put it across devices. So, on higher end hardware where we can support nanite directly, we'll be able to render scenes with the fidelity that you just saw, like on the PS5. For say an Android or IOS mobile device, what we will be able to do is have tools that help to scale the content down, so that you'll be able to take the game that you built at the highest fidelity level for console and bring it to all other devices."
So actually, you are right. Questioning Sweeney is stupid. He knows more than all of us here, and he himself stated that the nanite technology will work on all next generation consoles and high end PCs.
To be clear, I'm not dismissing the idea that this can only be done on the PS5. I definitely have my doubts about that. But I am not extremely sure that the XSX is incapable of doing this, like so many here are saying. I will give the XSX a chance to prove the console's capabilities, rather than being dismissive of its capabilities. Bottom line is, we have seen what the PS5 dev kit can put out. We have no confirmation yet if the XSX can do the same or not, and to what degree, although their own words seem to imply that it will be the same across high end PCs and the XSX. At this point it is still an implication.
Dont worry, thts his way. He always trys to paint himself as this "neutral" gamer taking no sides just using logic but I've seen him "like" some Microsoft schilling posts lol so we know what the real agenda is.

Oh really? Show me one.