I was banned from the "PS5’s SSD is far ahead...." thread the other day. It was unclear as to why I was picked out of all the people. I only reiterated that the demo could be run on Xbox series x and pc. I wasn't speculating which platform is better or anything like that. Only posting about how it was a multiplatform engine, and that the devs themselves confirmed it was or would be running on all platforms.
For me to get banned for that, seems crazy to me. Especially as there were some repeating the same lies over and over again, about how Xbox cannot run the demo, or it would be at reduced detail, which I would respond with factual data about the devs never implying that.
I was called a cunt and talked down to, multiple times, yet all of that goes out the window, as I'm the one to receive a ban?! I've not modified any of my posts. Please let me know what did I do to relieve a ban, which would have to have been much worse than the toxic name name calling, or intentionally spreading misinformation? These same people are still posting in the thread, so I'm confused.
Also none of my posts were edited by mods or deleted. If it was because I was "invested too much in the thread", then why wasn't the people spreading misinformation and trolling the thread, still in there?
Only if you like, subscribe, and share. Also, don't forget to hit the bell, to get notifications when new content gets released. And without further ado,Are you going to Livestream the reply ban?
Only problem with that is, several of us were posting the actual tweets and quotes from the devs themselves. So it's not like some of us were stating false information, unlike the handful of people who kept saying it won't run on Xbox or pc, without reducing the detail (which had and currently has, absolutely no factual basis behind). So it seems odd to be single out. I even told a few members to stay on topic, or I would stop responding to some if they couldn't provide actual factual data. *Mind-blown*In fairness to D DoctaThompson it seems like there might be some stuff from an Epic Dev in China that supports what was he saying about UE5 demo on all platforms.
Thanks all, much appreciated!
Thanks all, much appreciated!
I was banned from the "PS5’s SSD is far ahead...." thread the other day. It was unclear as to why I was picked out of all the people. I only reiterated that the demo could be run on Xbox series x and pc. I wasn't speculating which platform is better or anything like that. Only posting about how it was a multiplatform engine, and that the devs themselves confirmed it was or would be running on all platforms.
For me to get banned for that, seems crazy to me. Especially as there were some repeating the same lies over and over again, about how Xbox cannot run the demo, or it would be at reduced detail, which I would respond with factual data about the devs never implying that.
I was called a cunt and talked down to, multiple times, yet all of that goes out the window, as I'm the one to receive a ban?! I've not modified any of my posts. Please let me know what did I do to relieve a ban, which would have to have been much worse than the toxic name name calling, or intentionally spreading misinformation? These same people are still posting in the thread, so I'm confused.
Also none of my posts were edited by mods or deleted. If it was because I was "invested too much in the thread", then why wasn't the people spreading misinformation and trolling the thread, still in there?
The Sony guys are preying on the forums 24/7.
Both sides are doing this.
Just ask the moderators if you don't believe me.
How would you know?
Ban all shills that defend any corporation against all logic and reason, regardless of side.
i want to be banned right now
How would you know? There was a “PS5 will have better graphics” thread based on pure speculation by the OP, hundreds of replies, still open
there was a “UE5 demo requires PS5 specs” thread, a quote that never existed and has been proven wrong since, still open
Goliathy posted a “UE5 demo was 1440p and 30fps” thread and that seemed to get reported to high heaven and then closed. He also was banned but I don’t know specifically which thread or post did it.
Just seems kinda odd to me
I feel like I’ve noticed quite a bit of bait thrown Xbox’s way, especially recently
Because I regularly check the ban list and read the comments the moderators left behind.
Unless your trying to suggest a Sony Gaf thing which I don't see happening since the mods are pretty fair here.
If you have an issue with any of the bans (like Goliathly for example) just ask a Moderator likeBill O'Rights or
Mod of War they seem to be pretty open to suggestions and transparent.
Not sure why you are so stuck on trying to spread FUD like someone who doesn't have a clue.
Not gonna lie, but you definitely need glasses bro. Don't think you could school anyone, more or less yourself, with vision that bad.
I said him and others. Without being so quick to circle jerk each other, you could easily spot all the naysayers over the past 16 pages, and numerous threads. If course since you like that agenda, you pretend to not see it.JareBear: Remastered am I lying here?
Because I didn't respond to you, means I was proven wrong?! Lmao what are you, 5 years old?! Maybe you don't post with much intellect, and it's a waste of time replying to. Especially as it's off topic, and adds nothing to the topic. Imagine if i get a strike or get banned from arguing with a fool?
I definitely don't want to get a strike on my account by arguing with someone with worse vision than Stevie Wonder or Ray Charles. You don't even understand why AA is applied to games or how it can help. We all had our laugh here, and bookmarked your post. You can run along now. If you aren't posting on topic, I won't reply. Deuces clown
Series question for the fanboys. Can someone point me towards any devs saying this isn't possible on pc? Or any quotes that say pc would get a downgraded experience from their ssd's? And lastly, how could this run on a ps5 with an aftermarket SSD? Wouldn't it not have Sony secret sauce anymore?
So just prematurely ejaculating is all they are doing right now. It's funny how they think the SSD is some holy grail that adds TF's to the GPU.
So why are some clueless people thinking this is impossible to do on pc? Especially from a tech demo? It would be impressive if there was actual gameplay, not just a few scenes that were carefully put together for the purpose of a tech demo.
It's harder to see aliased images in low resolution, so I can't even imagine how bad this image is in full rez. And this guy thought he was gonna school me on techniques, he doesn't even understand. Smh
Wish I could see his post history. Sky gods, burning witches, an Egyptian deity avatar and name ... I should automatically be tagged when someone like that shows up.Thank god for "Djau" being permed.
Dude was insufferable.
He was that typical internet strong dick poster who thought he needs to act like a bad ass in each and every post.Wish I could see his post history. Sky gods, burning witches, an Egyptian deity avatar and name ... I should automatically be tagged when someone like that shows up.
Wish I could see his post history. Sky gods, burning witches, an Egyptian deity avatar and name ... I should automatically be tagged when someone like that shows up.
Weird, this is what I get when I click his name:Press/click on his name, then messages. The whole lot is still there.
That’s what I get too. I think it’s a mobile thing vs desktop thing.Weird, this is what I get when I click his name:
That’s what I get too. I think it’s a mobile thing vs desktop thing.
I still see the same thing when clicking that link on mobile and desktop, and when clicking his name on the ban list in mobile and desktop.
I already ignored you over 6 months ago so suck it
I still see the same thing when clicking that link on mobile and desktop, and when clicking his name on the ban list in mobile and desktop.
By the wayhaxan7 Im going to have to ignore you now for using that awful light theme.
I found out today that 2 of my favorite posters use that godawful thing.
Disappointing all around.
(I didn’t really ignore either of you, but the dark theme is infinitely better)
have to voice my displeasure about the banning ofJon Neu he is one of the best and intersting posters here. there is nothing passive aggressive about his comments, you are supposed to argue and cause arguments in a discussion board!
Unless all you want are posters who reply with "this" and "agreed" or "nah". Oh well even mods are humans who can sometimes make mistakes but very disappointed that's all
Look how incredibly easy is to make a Sony warrior rage![]()
Just because people have different opinions that doesn’t mean they are “baiting you”.
This is literally an Xbox thread yet here we have all the usual Sony fanboys acting all enraged against people who where having a technical discussion (much more interesting than anything that user could say).
I bet that’s why he got so mad.
have to voice my displeasure about the banning ofJon Neu he is one of the best and intersting posters here. there is nothing passive aggressive about his comments, you are supposed to argue and cause arguments in a discussion board!
Unless all you want are posters who reply with "this" and "agreed" or "nah". Oh well even mods are humans who can sometimes make mistakes but very disappointed that's all
have to voice my displeasure about the banning ofJon Neu he is one of the best and intersting posters here. there is nothing passive aggressive about his comments, you are supposed to argue and cause arguments in a discussion board!
Unless all you want are posters who reply with "this" and "agreed" or "nah". Oh well even mods are humans who can sometimes make mistakes but very disappointed that's all
lol still whining about his perm. he can easily make an alt or already have one(or two). a good troll never get banned so this is just the mods saying that he is a bad troll
anyway I'm offering my account only in exchange for his account unbanned. if it doesn't work this way oh well whatever
Jon is aposter.
I don't know what happened here (I'm certainly out of the loop), but I'm guessing that our persistent Dunce Club of plastic warriors irritated him into saying some things he shouldn't have.
It's something to watch out for. The only way console warriors can procreate, is by annoying people enough to become like them.
That's interesting because what I've seen of him just looks like a typical console warrior, you know his position in a thread before you even see the content of the post, for instance. That said I haven't known him a long time or anything, it's really just a recent spat of threads where the only contribution from him I see is low level bait and honestly really juvenile commentary most the time.
I wonder if Club Neanderthal pushed him too far.
Are you his alt?: