Why do you want them to so much?
As a gamer/consumer, I don't want it, but if I was an investor in those companies I would want it.
Xbox and PlayStation games are not fun?Power of consoles only matters in gaming forms but outside of that most people just like to play fun games, that’s biggest reason Switch selling well.
They are, I have both PS4 and Switch, but my enjoyment of those games doesn't come from having high tech graphics but from actual game themselves. This why I was able to enjoy games like Nier Automata, Bloodborne and Valkyria Chronicles 4 on PS4 even tho they didn't have high tech graphics mean while I didn't like games like Horizon Zero Dawn and Order 1886 even tho they had high tech graphics.Xbox and PlayStation games are not fun?
Only Nintendo games are fun?
I'm sure everyone knows by now that I have a friend who's a Nintendo fanboy and he also often talks about how Nintendo games are fun and PlayStation games are crap and play the same way.
He only plays the edgiest of edgy games when he's at a sufficient level of edge beyond the current level of edge which gives him the edge.14 year olds think this way. On a scale of 1-10, how edgy are you? Do you only play the edgiest of edgy games?
Probably because it’s true....Why do people keep saying this lie?
Nice one. No sensible argument to use against infantile Nintendo in sight so let's throw some insults...
Did you vote Trump by any chance?
Nintendo will be able to make more big budget games in the future.
They can also increase development team.
Another Fun Fact
The legend of Zelda BOTW generated more revenue and profit than any Sony and Microsoft 1st party titles in the US and Japan. probably worldwide too as the current price of the title is still at $59.99 MSRP .
I'm always amazed at this. Nintendo's first party games, ALWAYS sell amazingly well to their audience. It's the promise of quality that they sell. People are going to hate me after this LOL but it's whatever. I had a Switch, I bought ARMS, I bought BOTW, I bought Mario Odyssey, I bought Mario Cart... none of them stuck with me. They were good, but I didn't finish a single one of those games. I get why some people love them tho, like people REALLY love those games. A part of me thinks that it just hits with some people a lot more and another part of me thinks, these people wait for these Nintendo releases and that is their only game so they have to love it. Like they LOVE those games. I personally didn't, i thought they were good. But, that probably says a lot more about me than anything else. There aren't a lot of games that I would say that are "great" or that I "love." If need to know, I sold my Switch and all the games on my account. I bought a Switch Lite a few months ago, picked up Animal Crossing, it ruled my life for a good two weeks... it is now my Final Fantasy 7 machine and mostly just collecting dust.Not even close, Nintendo last FY is the highest ever recorded for current gen consoles makers. Sony relied heavily on 3rd party games, their profit margin isn't gonna reach the same tier as Nintendo as Nintendo 1st party generated more profits than 3rd party games.
Nintendo less revenue more profit - 1st party strategy
Sony and Microsoft more revenue less profit - 3rd party strategy
damn the game is from 2017 and it's still 60$? Nintendo fans are suckers
This so bizarre to me, you sold your Switch because it doesn't have the game that interest you and you buy it again knowing the system might not have the games you would enjoy and saying it collecting dust now......why?I'm always amazed at this. Nintendo's first party games, ALWAYS sell amazingly well to their audience. It's the promise of quality that they sell. People are going to hate me after this LOL but it's whatever. I had a Switch, I bought ARMS, I bought BOTW, I bought Mario Odyssey, I bought Mario Cart... none of them stuck with me. They were good, but I didn't finish a single one of those games. I get why some people love them tho, like people REALLY love those games. A part of me thinks that it just hits with some people a lot more and another part of me thinks, these people wait for these Nintendo releases and that is their only game so they have to love it. Like they LOVE those games. I personally didn't, i thought they were good. But, that probably says a lot more about me than anything else. There aren't a lot of games that I would say that are "great" or that I "love." If need to know, I sold my Switch and all the games on my account. I bought a Switch Lite a few months ago, picked up Animal Crossing, it ruled my life for a good two weeks... it is now my Final Fantasy 7 machine and mostly just collecting dust.
Why people try so hard convince themselves people who enjoy Nintendo games are lying to themselves. Is it that hard to believe people enjoy game you personally don't like? I own both PS4 and Switch and I enjoy playing Nintendo games because I simply enjoy them.....yes this might sound very shocking to you.these people wait for these Nintendo releases and that is their only game
They wont
and they wont
they maximize profit by operating far under modern standards.
They've been doing it consistently ever since the Gamecube.
Zelda BOTW has sold over 1 million in the last quarter that put the game over 18 million copies world wide.damn the game is from 2017 and it's still 60$? Nintendo fans are suckers
In a competitive market, this doesn’t happen.
Let’s no brush aside what else Nintendo strategy means. It has a lot of drawbacks for gamers, a lot.
Of course the PROFIT is gonna be higher, when you make much cheaper hardware and the games cost alot less to make, yet they still sell as much/more
Honestly this is super shocking to me. Theres maybe one game that was any good from nintendo in the last 10 years or so - Zelda: BOTW, the rest of the pack is complete shovelware, if you're over 6 years old.
Of course Nintendo will always be more profitable, they can make lower spec hardware, and games that have a lower budget and use cell shading, and sell them at prices that make eyes water...and the dedicted fan base is happy to spend that money.
Nintendo fanbase is unique in that gamers get equally excited for older ports, I dont see this anywhere else in the gaming space. Personally I dont get it but people can spend their money how they like, its a free world.
Good for Nintendo I guess, as to quote that famous line " Nintendo like profits".
Problem is investors will always expect those profits and as such Nintendo will always be expensive and paying for the same games 2 or 3 times will not go away soon.
Wanna know what else is a kicker? This current gen, Sony has over a 100 million systems sold and still can't compete with Nintendo's first party profits.
Quite the opposite. Nintendo gains nothing by investing in expensive tech their audience is not interested in.
Wow, you sound so bitter. Everyone doesn't think like you, therefore it's pointless trying imply that your taste and opinions hold more value over someone else's.
Nintendo’s consoles are generally a must have, even concepts like the Wii U were more a failure in overall execution of some parts than a bad concept (I do like my Wii U, full of potential), but while I do understand being happy they are successful and have a high revenue...
Why are you excited about their profit margins knowing what a profit margin is? I would get sustainability concerns being an answer, but I would like to hear you articulate your answer to this...
Are you proud that Nintendo is raking in so much cash?Wanna know what else is a kicker? This current gen, Sony has over a 100 million systems sold and still can't compete with Nintendo's first party profits.
Bitter lol ? Where ? Its praise, if you can sell for more with less cost and lower investment = profit + good for that buisiness.
Where did I imply my opinion is heavier than anyone elses ?
Its an appriasal of the market and commercial from my view. Nintendo stocks would of been a great buy when they were low damn.
And you went with the personal attack like a true fanboy.
Are you proud that Nintendo is raking in so much cash?
If you're gonna call me a fanboy, make sure its fanboy of gaming in general.
Not a personal attack on you purposely, my apologies. Just that for me, when you started pointing out a company's execution of attaining profits, it seemed shortsighted somewhat. To me I seen it as a smart business idea/move.
Again sorry for the assumptions and will questions before project my assumptions.
I'd like them to keep doing things the way they do them now, only more of it.Nintendo will be able to make more big budget games in the future.
They can also increase development team.
To be honest, I could care less about all 3 companies profit margins, except for the purpose of them being well off to continue supporting my hobby of gaming. From what I tend to observe here is: you get people making a company's business executions to be profitable as something trivial, tasteless, and typically comes off as being bitter.
This is a Nintendo thread informing us on positive news of them making positive profits. I'd do the same for any other company of it is warranted. For instance with Sony, no one can deny Sony's first party quality of games and what they mean to gaming yet people try and theres never a valid reason why.
Same for Microsoft and their upcoming Xbox SX, it's primed to be the most powerful console next-generation yet people want to deny them their "chest beating" moment without substantial facts and/or reason. I love gaming in general and have no desire to tear down any company because that could mean I'm cutting off my chances of potentially great gaming moments regardless of wherever the moments may come from. All opinions from from me.
Maybe you should cyber-stalk him until he sees error of his ways.Are you proud that Nintendo is raking in so much cash?
I know this is a bit non-applicable but:
Microsoft net income 2024 | Statista
In the fiscal year 2024, Microsoft Corporation reported a net income of over 88.14 billion U.S.www.statista.com
Microsoft reported $39.2 billion net income for FY 2019. I know very little of that is the gaming division, but think about the resources that they CAN throw at it to make it competitive with Nintendo & Sony.
And why should they do that?Nintendo will be able to make more big budget games in the future.
They can also increase development team.
I am pretty sure that SEGA failed all on its own. Not the least because the USA and Japan branch were hostile to each other, And Sony certainly proved that they are no fluke by building a trusted brand for four console generations, and with gaming being a huge part of the company now.When people celebrate competition they celebrate products going toe to toe on their own merits, not superior resources used to prop a product onto the top of market not based on the product’s virtue, but thanks to money you made in other markets. Part of the reasons why SEGA fans are still passed off at Sony...
Voice chat by phone app... really? Not supporting Bluetooth headsets (please correct me if I am wrong here, really please)? No cart in their eShop?
I am not sure there is anything to war about. Nintendo simply decided to make its own target market separate to the others, and it is well established that many gamers buy Nintendo hardware as their 2nd console. Nintendo is old fashioned and their online presence is rubbish, but they keep Sony and Microsoft on their toes on reminding them what gaming is all about. That in essence, they sell TOYS, and Nintendo is proud of that fact.I’d like to give a warm welcome back to the console wars to Nintendo fans.
Your company’s success just threatened the e-peen of insecure plastic warriors everywhere.
Sure, but you side stepped my, admittedly a bit cheeky, point... why are you not donating them money to support them making said games on top of buying what they make then? (keep reading please for some context)
As I said, I get why having high revenue and sales help a company, I get how having non razor thin margins decreases risk, just a bit less excitement over a corporation increasing their profits margins (is there a limit where this becomes easier to accept?)...
In all fairness, I would be a lot happier celebrating good profits for a small underdog than a colossus like Google as I can directly relate to them making risky investments against behemoths that can crush them by taking huge losses (Nintendo and Sony do fit into this category against MS and Google or Apple), but when for example Apple announces that they are trying to move profit margins per unit closer to 50% (they are steady far and far away from razor thin margins levels) and they are a company worth like a Trillion dollars... wel, less so...
Don't give him ideas. Its a waste of timeMaybe you should cyber-stalk him until he sees error of his ways.