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After the PS5 reveal, PC gaming is still where it's at... right?


Why have you not bought them on PC?
No desire to replay those as of yet.
Hitman III and REmake 4 are also releasing on PC so that's a no from me on the next gen Hindenburg hype.
Yeah it seems pretty simple now. Keep an eye on former exclusives coming to PC. Keep an eye out for people selling PS4s so I can play Bloodborne, TLOU 1&2, etc. I remember when TLOU first came out thinking it looked really dope. Now that I'm seeing trailers/reviews for TLOU2, that's where the hype is hitting me the most!
I guess? I've got a solid gaming PC but sometimes prefer console gaming and then there are legit exclusives. The cost of consoles is pretty minimal if amortized over a 7 year generation. I recommend people just look at it that way and get all platforms so they can enjoy all exclusives.


If you enjoy paying lots of money for higher res (if you have a UHD+ monitor/TV) and a few fps more, having to deal with that shitty aweful Windows 10 OS and everything that comes with it, yes, then PC gaming is still where it's at. No worries.

"A few more fps". I'm playing Destiny 2 @140fps/1440p. Bungie said the new consoles will run the game at 60fps. 140 is double and then some of the proposed next gen consoles fps,seems like more than just "a few more".

Its okay if you don't like PC gaming, truly it is,but at least have a original argument and not just the typical tired lines people like to throw out there. Your experience is not everyone's experience.
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Gold Member
Its okay if you don't like PC gaming, truly it is,but at least have a original argument and not just the typical tired lines people like to throw out there. Your experience is not everyone's experience.

I like PCs and PC gaming, as you can see in my post history. Regarding Destiny or other twitchy shooters, you have a point. CSGO @ 144/240 is a different story. I played Q3A religiously for many years. If you're only playing mainstream run-of-the-mill AAA single player experiences, I think consoles are the more cost effective choice.


PC will always be bleeding edge since it's a custom build.

Consoles have always been about first party exclusives, good power for relatively low cost, and ease of use.

Outside of exclusives PC is where it's at. Hearing these companies hype up ssd's and 60fps and people gobbling it up makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
What do you mean? PC fans always hype up ssd and high framerates, so why wouldn't they do it too?


Ive been out of the loop. I didnt even know these new consoles were coming out til a few hours ago, so I logged back in to GAF for the first time in a while. Now that Im somewhat caught up, I find myself with the age old question: is it worth it?

The last console I bought was PS3 and I got some great times out of it. Ive never owned an XBOX. Ive always had a decent PC. ATM I still have the same i5 2500 PC I got in 2012, upgraded with a GTX 1060 6GB. All of my current displays are 1080p.

What I care about is the games... I have to admit I saw a couple of really neat looking games on the PS5 reveal that made me think it would be nice to have one. In the same way I wanted a PS3 for Demon's Souls (best game of the millenium?), Heavy Rain, Flower, Journey, etc... but even Journey came to PC eventually.

I played Dark Souls 3 and Witcher 3 pretty recently on PC, I know most games eventually come to pc, and Im not a day one kinda guy. There are a couple games I can think of that I would like to have played that Im pretty sure it never came to PC: The Last of Us, Beyond Two Souls. There are also games like FFXV and Detroit Become Human that are Win10 only (Im still on Win7 til this PC dies).

My train of thought is, I hope I won't be missing any huge games if I decide to upgrade my PC (get a 4k display, etc) instead of purchasing a PS5. Am I mistaken? Are there gonna be a bunch of PS5 exclusives? Is too early to tell? The truth of the matter is that there are literally HUNDREDS of great PC games from the past twenty-odd years that Ive never even played, are cheap and available right now, and my current machine will play them no problem. So this question is really a non issue. I know how GAF felt about this in 2008 but I'm curious about how is GAF feeling about this in 2020?
You're asking this on the day Sony release a 96% meta rated game.
Next month they have Ghost of Tsushima and they will have a few exclusives at launch of PS5 too and many huge exclusives over the first year.....

If you really want to play those GOTY contenders every year, you need a PlayStation, simple as that. They have games up for the award every year.

I go with a PS5 and a Switch combo.


Not for me. I got my first gaming PC in 2016 and have used it way less than I thought I would for several reasons.

1. Sony and Nintendo first party games end up monopolizing my time given my tastes are mainly cinematic narrative driven games and easy, charming games like Mario, Animal Crossing, Pokemon etc.

2. Microsoft put out way fewer games I liked this generation than on 360. Part of getting the gaming PC was that I could play Xbox games and have the other PC stuff instead of just buying an Xbox One.

3. PC exclusives ended up just not appealing to me much. I tried RTS games, CRPGs like Divinity and Pillars of Eternity, MOBAs, 4X games like Civ 5 and 6 etc. and just didn't dig them. I liked a few indies that were exclusive at the time, but they all eventually came to consoles (Kentucky Route Zero, Slay the Spire etc.).

4. I loathe keyboard/mouse controls (outside of things like Diablo, Slay the Spire etc.). I gave them a long try but my late 30s-now early 40s brain and muscle memory just can't adapt after more than three decades of playing with controllers. I also just can't stomach gaming at my desk as I work from home a ton (even before the virus shutdown) and after spending 40-60+ hours a week sitting there working it's the last place I want to be in my free time. So I don't get that control option benefit that many people love about PC gaming and just game on my couch with an Xbox controller. Thus it's basically just a console to me and one with no exclusives I really enjoy.

5. While PC gaming is way more streamlined than ever before, it is still more of a hassle for me than consoles. I have to re-eanable the TV as a display (have to disable it or I end up having things open on it rather than one of the two monitors on my desk) and set it to only display on that screen to avoid screen tearing, switch the audio to my receiver, launch which ever game launcher what I want to play is in, and as my rig has gotten older it's a lot more time messing with graphics settings to keep frame rate stable. Consoles I just hit a button on my Harmony remote and a button on the controller and I'm gaming. Again, the PC is pretty dang streamlined, but it's just enough extra hassle that I mostly end up buying multiplats on PS4.

6. Most of my gaming friends I play things like Borderlands with are on PS4 and don't have gaming PCs. Crossplay is becoming more common, but it's still easier to be on the same platform, using the built in party chat. Game chat is fine for co-op games with no randos, but we avoid it like the plague when playing things with any matchmaking and don't want to mess with discord etc. as we need game audio and chat in our headsets as we're mostly playing at night while our SOs are sleeping.

So my gaming PC has largely been a bust for me. I see why people love it, but it just doesn't do much for me given my limited genre tastes and the other things noted above. I'll probably just stick with Sony and Nintendo going forward and hope that Xcloud works well for the few Xbox exclusives I care to play once my PC can't run them (should be fine for Halo Infinite and other things that get an Xbox One version).

The only real benefit of PC gaming for me is the TON of free games from Epic, Twitch Prime, giveaways on Steam, Gog, Humble Bundle etc. But it's not really a benefit when I think about it as I haven't played a single one yet. I have the same issues with PS+ "freebies." I buy games I want to play and don't have the time to buy and play everything that I want to. Thus it is very rare for anything I've gotten free to outweigh whatever I want to play badly enough to buy next. I still claim them all though!
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You're asking this on the day Sony release a 96% meta rated game.
Next month they have Ghost of Tsushima and they will have a few exclusives at launch of PS5 too and many huge exclusives over the first year.....

If you really want to play those GOTY contenders every year, you need a PlayStation, simple as that. They have games up for the award every year.

I go with a PS5 and a Switch combo.
Yeah, this thread served an additonal purpose of reminding me of many games I missed out on, some of which already came or are coming to PC, others which never will.

I already stated that my plan as of now is to possibly grab a used PS4 (once PS5 drops) for the games that are never coming to PC that I know I want to play - there are maybe five total.

I also have to remember that there are SO MANY GOTY games on my steam wishlist that are available to me at any time. Nier:Automata is a perfect example of this. (Also RE7 is on sale for $10 right now and downloading as I type this!)
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Yeah, this thread served an additonal purpose of reminding me of many games I missed out on, some of which already came or are coming to PC, others which never will.

I already stated that my plan as of now is to possibly grab a used PS4 (once PS5 drops) for the games that are never coming to PC that I know I want to play - there are maybe five total.

I also have to remember that there are SO MANY GOTY games on my steam wishlist that are available to me at any time. Nier:Automata is a perfect example of this. (Also RE7 is on sale for $10 right now and downloading as I type this!)
PS5 is backwards compatible... you'd be hitting two birds with one stone, if you were able to do it. Of course we don't know price yet.... just a thought.


Not for me. I got my first gaming PC in 2016 and have used it way less than I thought I would for several reasons.

I don't know if you find yourself in the same boat as me, but as a 40 year old I have steadily moved away from FPS and competitive online play for a while now. I just can't keep up with the kids who play 8 hours a day and frankly my reflexes aren't what they once were. That has been (for me at least) the main reason I've moved back toward narrative driven single player games over the last decade.


Gold Member
it can't replace Playstation yet but who knows? If sony are letting games be release on PC then there might be less reason to get a Playstation..

Death Stranding is coming to PC
Horizon Zero Dawn is coming to PC
Horizon 2 potentially releasing on PC
Bloodborne possibly coming to PC
Detroit Become Human on PC
Beyond Two Souls on PC

there is a trend....

I have a pretty damn good PC and will probably upgrade it. If I do there will be little reason to buy an Xbox. I will get a PS5 if there are enough exclusives for it but if Sony are letting their exclusives on PC then i might just not bother getting a PS5 even if it does mean waiting a while to play a game after it launches.


I don't know if you find yourself in the same boat as me, but as a 40 year old I have steadily moved away from FPS and competitive online play for a while now. I just can't keep up with the kids who play 8 hours a day and frankly my reflexes aren't what they once were. That has been (for me at least) the main reason I've moved back toward narrative driven single player games over the last decade.
I was playing Destiny 2 a while back... multiplayer and had a good match and this kid challenged me to snipers on banner court.... I headshotted him a few times in a row and he started making weird noises and hitting things (I could hear over the microphone)
So I talked to him and tried to calm him down and then he said 'yeah, I better not break my arm again'
I really think there is some disturbing behavior going on with young guys playing shooters... shocking stuff. I was left quite worried for him.

I mostly stopped playing all of those games except for COD due to the toxicity around them.

Mister Wolf

Of course. Being able to tune a game to your own preference is better than anything a console can provide. Say framerate is important to me(It is) and a multiplatform game runs at 4K 30fps on the consoles with no additional modes, I would gladly lower the framerate to 1440p to get 60fps on that game running on my PC. Having access to high quality sharpening filters and DLSS makes the choice to lower the resolution even easier to stomach especially with most of these games using TAA for jaggies which always even in its best implementation adds blur to the image.
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PC gaming is the best for those that either want no compromises, or who want to control what compromises are made in their gaming experiences.

For either though, you will need to pay a premium, because consoles just focus on gaming in a way PC gaming can't, and are always going to have the power to price ratio advantage.

If you have the cash to splash mind, PC gaming's quality ceiling is way, way higher right now than either the PS5 or XSX.


It all depends on what you're into. Personally I know that I'll be getting a PS5 at some point, but after the reveal it made me feel less confident about preordering. That could change, of course. But I don't see myself leaning towards an XSX unless some wild exclusive pops up. At this point it's really looking like every XSX game is going to be on PC. With some of the PS5 titles it looks like they're coming to PC as well, or will. But I still think there's going to be a large number of exclusives that will remain on PS5 and only PS5. Unless Sony throws a huge curve ball, haha.

I'm currently playing my PC more than anything else, and I don't think that's going to change anytime too soon.
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I mostly stopped playing all of those games except for COD due to the toxicity around them.

Rocket League is really the only one I play these days, but even in that I'd guess i'm told to kill myself or called an N-bomb about 1 out of every 4 games. Games need to be tied to device level accounts and bans need to be issued at the device level by Sony and MS. It's a little extreme but I'd guess it's the only way to combat this shit.


Rocket League is really the only one I play these days, but even in that I'd guess i'm told to kill myself or called an N-bomb about 1 out of every 4 games. Games need to be tied to device level accounts and bans need to be issued at the device level by Sony and MS. It's a little extreme but I'd guess it's the only way to combat this shit.
I had no idea RL was so bad... I'd definitely agree with bans for serial abuse of people.


I don't know if you find yourself in the same boat as me, but as a 40 year old I have steadily moved away from FPS and competitive online play for a while now. I just can't keep up with the kids who play 8 hours a day and frankly my reflexes aren't what they once were. That has been (for me at least) the main reason I've moved back toward narrative driven single player games over the last decade.

Yeah, I'm 41 and don't play anything PVP anymore. That said, I never really did other than trying a bit to get into some CoD, Halo etc. back on 360 when online gaming really took off. I played a fair amount for 3 or 4 years but never got good at them and just dropped online gaming outside of coop PVE stuff with friends. The last PVP stuff I played was some crucible in Destiny 2 and that I despised and was just doing it to grind power levels or to complete quest steps that required it. Big part of what had me quit the game as it was literally a chore with me doing things I wasn't enjoying to chase levels and loot.

So I was never really as MP gamer. Grew up on single player Nintendo games and then my tastes shifted to mostly enjoying narrative-driven stuff from the PS1 on. Though I still enjoy and play a lot of Nintendo games.


it can't replace Playstation yet but who knows? If sony are letting games be release on PC then there might be less reason to get a Playstation..

Death Stranding is coming to PC
Horizon Zero Dawn is coming to PC
Horizon 2 potentially releasing on PC
Bloodborne possibly coming to PC
Detroit Become Human on PC
Beyond Two Souls on PC

there is a trend....

I have a pretty damn good PC and will probably upgrade it. If I do there will be little reason to buy an Xbox. I will get a PS5 if there are enough exclusives for it but if Sony are letting their exclusives on PC then i might just not bother getting a PS5 even if it does mean waiting a while to play a game after it launches.

Yeah the ONLY thing that could get me back to PC gaming is if Sony and Nintendo went the MS route and put all their games on PC. Then it would absolutely make sense to just have one machine that could play every game.

I don't see that happening though, especially with Nintendo since they sell their hardware at a profit from day one. If there's ever an "every game on one device" future for me it would probably be them figuring out streaming/cloud gaming tech and there just being a few different platforms like there is for streaming video. I know a lot here hate it, but as a 100% "one and done" gamer I'd be all for it if they can perfect the technology. I don't give a shit about owning my media since I almost never revisit anything.


I've been playing Killzone 2 on PS3. This is a prime example of why console exclusive games suck with the test of time. Horrendous input lag, low frame rate, low resolution. None of this would be a problem if it had ever got ported to PC. So I'm all for ending exclusives. I suppose I should not be buying PS5 in protest but it will make little impression on Sony. But buying their games on Steam, like Horizon Zero Dawn, will.
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Protip from someone who games primarily on PC: get the PS5 like 3 years down the line, maybe the revision. It's gonna be cheaper and the games are gonna be super cheap too. And the exclusives are also gonna be more numerous.


Look... I have a 'great' PC (3700X & 5700XT) and I love the platform. For certain genres of games it's the obvious only choice as well.

But I think console gaming is where "it" is at and there have been very few times (and most of those have been in the distant past) where that hasn't been true. The monumental PC moments in the past have been the Half Life 2's, Crysis and Doom 3's... but I really can't think of a recent example like that that won't simultaneously launch on console. Those were PC exclusive games in their time that made insane leaps in fidelity or gameplay.

I watched the Horizon II footage in 4K and there is nothing on PC that approaches that right now. Sorry.


Look... I have a 'great' PC (3700X & 5700XT) and I love the platform. For certain genres of games it's the obvious only choice as well.

But I think console gaming is where "it" is at and there have been very few times (and most of those have been in the distant past) where that hasn't been true. The monumental PC moments in the past have been the Half Life 2's, Crysis and Doom 3's... but I really can't think of a recent example like that that won't simultaneously launch on console. Those were PC exclusive games in their time that made insane leaps in fidelity or gameplay.

I watched the Horizon II footage in 4K and there is nothing on PC that approaches that right now. Sorry.
Yeah, I gamed on PC back from 99 to 2004/5 and it really was a golden age of PC gaming... Half Life, HL2, Operation Flashpoint, C&C, Ground Control, Homeworld, Jagged Alliance 2.
Now it just isn't as interesting to me as back then.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
I can't wair for Linus to show how PC is better and what are the games that now do better than Ratchet and Clank. Come on Linus, show us your balls! 🤣😂🥳📣

Good luck finding a PC that can run this

Look... I have a 'great' PC (3700X & 5700XT) and I love the platform. For certain genres of games it's the obvious only choice as well.

But I think console gaming is where "it" is at and there have been very few times (and most of those have been in the distant past) where that hasn't been true. The monumental PC moments in the past have been the Half Life 2's, Crysis and Doom 3's... but I really can't think of a recent example like that that won't simultaneously launch on console. Those were PC exclusive games in their time that made insane leaps in fidelity or gameplay.

I watched the Horizon II footage in 4K and there is nothing on PC that approaches that right now. Sorry.

I think Doom Eternal launch gave me a bit of same feeling that something like doom 3 or half life 2 did back in the day. Sure it launched on consoles as well but no way I am touching it on consoles. Pc all the way.

Same for games like horizon that are coming to pc. It just is not same feeling as playing on native hardware. For them playstation all the way.


It's funny how many people brag about PCs are more powerful than consoles, yet play in PCs that are weaker.

It's the same when I see certain poster brag about the Xbox One X and months later see them admit they only have a base Xbox One or S.

Sure, PCs will always have the ability to outperform consoles, but the price to do so is going to grow exponentially for diminishing returns.


Looking at the sort of games revealed yesterday I'm guessing the relationship between PC and consoles will continue being similar.

Consoles have the ease of use, some cool exclusives and a pretty good price to performance ratio
PC's have the flexibility and the potential to offer better visuals and performance depending on how much you are willing to spend on the hardware

It's funny how many people brag about PCs are more powerful than consoles, yet play in PCs that are weaker.

It's the same when I see certain poster brag about the Xbox One X and months later see them admit they only have a base Xbox One or S.

Sure, PCs will always have the ability to outperform consoles, but the price to do so is going to grow exponentially for diminishing returns.

Yeah that's why I've never liked it when people refer to PC as this uniform platform that always seems to default to a high end setup.
"This PC version of this game is much better" often translated to "The PC version of this game running on a setup with a $1000+ GPU is much better"
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It's all a matter of preferences, user experience, and budget.

If you've got the money to blow and want the PC experience (tinkering, mods, etc.) buy a PC.

If you want to just play videogames with a simplfied end-user experience buy a console.

Both can co-exist and it's okay to prefer one over the other.
Look... I have a 'great' PC (3700X & 5700XT) and I love the platform. For certain genres of games it's the obvious only choice as well.

But I think console gaming is where "it" is at and there have been very few times (and most of those have been in the distant past) where that hasn't been true. The monumental PC moments in the past have been the Half Life 2's, Crysis and Doom 3's... but I really can't think of a recent example like that that won't simultaneously launch on console. Those were PC exclusive games in their time that made insane leaps in fidelity or gameplay.

I watched the Horizon II footage in 4K and there is nothing on PC that approaches that right now. Sorry.

The strength of PC Gaming is in customizability, not a handful of heavily marketed exclusive video games. Anything (which is basically 95% these days) ported on PC is usually the definitive version, but is also customizable and moddable.

Home console gaming was "where it's at" wen the Playstation 2 held an actual library of exclusives which were usually tremendously diverse.


What do you mean? PC fans always hype up ssd and high framerates, so why wouldn't they do it too?

I just meant that these things have been a feature for PC gamers for years and these "next gen" consoles suddenly start using similar terms as if it's some new future tech.


Too bad the thread derailed into platform warring... Sony fanboys are the most toxic.
Nah theyre just enthusiastic and rightly so. I did make this thread right in the middle of their hype week.

Still, a lot of unnecessary dick swinging posts - something that I had hoped the community had grown out of!


If we don’t get 60fps options and are stuck with 30 because of teh gfx, then maybe so. Otherwise not so much.
OP's sleepiness and late to the party characteristics make him harmless. PC is definitely where is at for you. Your brethren will port beg Sony exclusives, and you'll eventually play them 3-5 years out. But unlike them, who agonize each day that goes by without playing those games... OP will simply stumble upon the games when they release on Steam and be happily surprised.
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What was so weird is that... there were PS5 only Games, so they could fully utilize the SSD/IO, right?
And yet, in ratchets and clank:

level switching had hidden loading screens. I thought it’s instantly?

And pop-in issues etc.

how is this possible? I thought it’s impossible with the PS5 ssd? And they aren’t even hold back by the pc ssd or anything?
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