Ok so I'm miles behind and may never catch up in this thread and all the rest so I'll post this here. Fairly long post....
My analysis of last nights reveal. (Was 9PM reveal in uk)
So the event itself overall was good. It started well and there was a bit if a lull somewhere around halfway through as they got some more 'cartoony' games in there but pretty much all games looked great graphics wise and with some looking incredible. Then it finished the event strongly.
Ratchet and clank looks cgi and has that superfast loading into new worlds section. That along with the graphics did excite me. They then followed it up with some pre alpha footage gameplay that still looked insane and had tons of effects and particles flying everywhere.
I think the event was paced pretty well however I can see why some like Bg's were a little disappointed if they know what ps5 can do and they didnt show more of that type of game rather than some lesser ones in the middle of the show. It wasn't a wall to wall brute force of unique power and titles.
Its almost like they gave us all a taste and left us wanting more and kept a lot back.
Anyway without going into each game I will mention one last game and that's horizon.
Some lunatics had been saying it didnt look like a leap.... wow. Go back and watch horizon trailers from ps4. It looked great with a current gen view but the footage we saw yesterday some was like cgi super stylized.
I really think judging by some comments not just on this site but across the internet some people don't know what they are looking at sometimes. I'm no expert just a hardcore casual gamer
but only people who need their eyes checking as well as their heads IMO, would question the Horizon trailer.
Also heard 'it wasnt gameplay'. Well what if it was in parts and will look exactly like that? The bit when that machine comes out the water. I've watched the trailer so many times now and its breathtaking and the music is so beautiful it made hairs stand up.
Can you imagine if someone on twitter said to Guerilla wheres the gameplay and they replied, that basically is gameplay, it looks like that we just moved the camera round for some of the scenes.
I really think it'll look like that in a lot of scenes. The one where she climbs up and theres plants in the foreground and beautiful sky etc in the back, looks like its basically gameplay.
I've seen a gif on here but no idea where to find it.....
I'm just blown away by it and its probably still improving and getting to grips with the hardware.
The console itself I think is great. Its futuristic, stylish and slick. The horizontal view even is growing on me. I just think it looks pretty cool if a bit unconventional. I think there were renders I liked more in a traditional way but I'm still loving this one, the real tower of power? LOL It looks better than the xbox would lying horizontal.
I like how it wasn't pushed for this is that res and this is that. If a game looks stunning and like cgi and you find out it was 1600p upscaled with temporal injection to 4k but it's almost unnoticeable who cares? For me next gen shouldn't look to play res wars but cgi wars. Lower res upscaled and cgi and 30fps if necessary over 4k 60 for the sake of it and current gen look anyway. Obviously some titles differ in between depending on need. Some could be upscaled 4k 60 and still look incredible.
All in all a good show and a feeling a lot more to show. We still need to see load time demos, teardown, more evidence and explanations of how the unique power is used. Obviously more games that push the boundaries of what's possible.
My analysis of last nights reveal. (Was 9PM reveal in uk)
So the event itself overall was good. It started well and there was a bit if a lull somewhere around halfway through as they got some more 'cartoony' games in there but pretty much all games looked great graphics wise and with some looking incredible. Then it finished the event strongly.
Ratchet and clank looks cgi and has that superfast loading into new worlds section. That along with the graphics did excite me. They then followed it up with some pre alpha footage gameplay that still looked insane and had tons of effects and particles flying everywhere.
I think the event was paced pretty well however I can see why some like Bg's were a little disappointed if they know what ps5 can do and they didnt show more of that type of game rather than some lesser ones in the middle of the show. It wasn't a wall to wall brute force of unique power and titles.
Its almost like they gave us all a taste and left us wanting more and kept a lot back.
Anyway without going into each game I will mention one last game and that's horizon.
Some lunatics had been saying it didnt look like a leap.... wow. Go back and watch horizon trailers from ps4. It looked great with a current gen view but the footage we saw yesterday some was like cgi super stylized.
I really think judging by some comments not just on this site but across the internet some people don't know what they are looking at sometimes. I'm no expert just a hardcore casual gamer

Also heard 'it wasnt gameplay'. Well what if it was in parts and will look exactly like that? The bit when that machine comes out the water. I've watched the trailer so many times now and its breathtaking and the music is so beautiful it made hairs stand up.
Can you imagine if someone on twitter said to Guerilla wheres the gameplay and they replied, that basically is gameplay, it looks like that we just moved the camera round for some of the scenes.
I really think it'll look like that in a lot of scenes. The one where she climbs up and theres plants in the foreground and beautiful sky etc in the back, looks like its basically gameplay.
I've seen a gif on here but no idea where to find it.....
I'm just blown away by it and its probably still improving and getting to grips with the hardware.
The console itself I think is great. Its futuristic, stylish and slick. The horizontal view even is growing on me. I just think it looks pretty cool if a bit unconventional. I think there were renders I liked more in a traditional way but I'm still loving this one, the real tower of power? LOL It looks better than the xbox would lying horizontal.
I like how it wasn't pushed for this is that res and this is that. If a game looks stunning and like cgi and you find out it was 1600p upscaled with temporal injection to 4k but it's almost unnoticeable who cares? For me next gen shouldn't look to play res wars but cgi wars. Lower res upscaled and cgi and 30fps if necessary over 4k 60 for the sake of it and current gen look anyway. Obviously some titles differ in between depending on need. Some could be upscaled 4k 60 and still look incredible.
All in all a good show and a feeling a lot more to show. We still need to see load time demos, teardown, more evidence and explanations of how the unique power is used. Obviously more games that push the boundaries of what's possible.