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Digital Foundry claims PS5 doesn't exhibit any evidence of VRS(Variable Rate Shading) from PS5 showcase.

Actually it sharpens detail where it matters most, while blurring things that are less noticed/if noticed at all in the background.

Has nothing to do with Alex. It's one of the core new features in RDNA2 and onwards. Hellblade 2 was already shown to be using the feature in the trailer.

Graphics get better by better software,effiecient implementations.

What you just said is sheer nonsense and naïve.
VRS...RDNA2 key features? When the tech was pioneered by NVIDIA?


I swear someone said the UE5 demo used this kind of tech 🤔 maybe it was not hardware based but software based?
Games can ALWAYS use better/more efficient ways of improving graphics at a lower cost.
Which is irrelevant when you have hit your target frame rate. If they target 30fps/4K and it can be achieved without VRS, why would they care about using it? It'd be useful if they fell short of their target frame rates and used it to claw back some extra performance. Otherwise, native res is still preferable.
I wonder when Digital Foundry does their analysis of Xbox Series X, they are going to find Xbox doesn't exhibit any evidence of software to play.

Ok that might not have been called for. Maybe.
Only the best multiplats, which make up the majority of game release.

There's this really big game called Halo Infinite launching on the XSX. And i'd wait before we see the MS 1st party main July E3 event before making dumb fanboy statements. Well known insider Shinobi says it will be a very good show full of big beautiful worlds, sci fy etc..


Ratchet running in native 4K looks amazing. I wouldn't think it needs VRS unless you wanted it 60fps and more advanced ray tracing. All these games are still in development so who knows what the release will look like. Any improvements would be that sweet cherry on top

Why WOULDN'T you want 60fps and better ray tracing if there was a hardware tech that would help with that?


Do i need vrs to have fun and enjoy my games? Ten of thousands games have not had vrs for many many years. We were really dumb playing games without it!! Dumb dumb gamers. Uncle Phil is right we are not capable of comprehend what good games are until we play with vrs on. I hope they spread vrs all over my games to play them right and have real fun.

if this is a feature on the api i do not see why not some engineer can develop it within the ps5 api and named it differently to achieve the same result. MS just published its internal features with fancy names and they can claim that ps5 does not have any of those features with the same exact name And it is stupid. I work for a large telecom company and the features on our products have different names across different vendors.
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Disregard then i must be confusing it with checkerboard rendering. I stand by my point though that these early generation games done need VRS to hit thier targets.

You might be thinking of FP16, kinda similar in that it aims to be more efficient by rendering certain elements with less precision, but half rate precision and VRS are very different in practice.
You might be thinking of FP16, kinda similar in that it aims to be more efficient by rendering certain elements with less precision, but half rate precision and VRS are very different in practice.
You mean it uses half the precision to render the same elements at half the computational costs saving on resources immensely. Kinda why DOOM Eternal runs so much better on cards supporting it than cards that do not.
Which is irrelevant when you have hit your target frame rate. If they target 30fps/4K and it can be achieved without VRS, why would they care about using it? It'd be useful if they fell short of their target frame rates and used it to claw back some extra performance. Otherwise, native res is still preferable.

Improving graphics with sharper detail is irrelevant now? It's not just used to up framerates
Improving graphics with sharper detail is irrelevant now? It's not just used to up framerates
The fuck? Dude do you reseach. VRS does the opposite of improving graphics. It uses less shadings in areas outside of the player's field of view to improve performance. Not the opposite. It's extra performance at the cost of parts of the scenes that don't suffer too much from less shading.


You mean it uses half the precision to render the same elements at half the computational costs saving on resources immensely. Kinda why DOOM Eternal runs so much better on cards supporting it than cards that do not.

Nah I’m talking about FP16, which at this point everything supports but is not often used, or VRS. FP 16 is literally doing the maths at half rate, VRS, as the name implies, at work at any rate, even less than half rate, but it’s the rate of the shaders, not the rate of the maths being done


The fuck? Dude do you reseach. VRS does the opposite of improving graphics. It uses less shadings in areas outside of the player's field of view to improve performance. Not the opposite. It's extra performance at the cost of parts of the scenes that don't suffer too much from less shading.

VRS can save performance which means more render budget for other elements such as RT, is the idea


Digital Foundry claims "While the jury is still out in the absence of higher quality assets, what we've seen so far across the board shows little to no evidence of the use of variable rate shading - a technique Microsoft is championing as a key efficiency driver in next-gen rendering."

Speculation: This seems at odds with some who were claiming that PS5 had VRS because it's in RDNA2. If that's the case, is it possible the XSX could have a more advanced or higher version of RDNA2 as the PS5 shows no evidence of VRS, at least as of yet? Or is it possibly just a custom feature for XSX GPU...ergo not a standard RDNA2 feature? Or will other PS5 games show it on a per game by game basis in the future?

Link: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2020-ps5-reveal-does-it-deliver-the-next-gen-dream

Why use VRS when you got Geometry Engine? VRS is a retard tech that gimps the graphics and causes ladder effects and artifacts. And why talk about it when all are native 4K?

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The fuck? Dude do you reseach. VRS does the opposite of improving graphics. It uses less shadings in areas outside of the player's field of view to improve performance. Not the opposite. It's extra performance at the cost of parts of the scenes that don't suffer too much from less shading.
Da fuck??????

https://developer.nvidia.com/vrworks/graphics/variablerateshading[/QUOTE] "This fine level of control enables developers to deploy new algorithms that were not previously possible for optimizing shading rate and increasing image quality."
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Why use VRS when you got Geometry Engine? VRS is a retard tech that gimps the graphics and causes ladder effects and artifacts. And why talk about it when all are native 4K?

Again, XSX mesh shaders does what ps5s geometry engine does. Doest mean Hargett posted is false. Just , in other words, his implication from his statement is that VRS doesn't hold a candle to XSXs mesh shaders (ps5 Geometry Engine equivalent). The XSX has BOTH VRS AND mesh shaders. Mesh shaders on the XSX is more potent than VRS from my understanding too like Hargett implies, it's just nice to have both features, which are complementary and the sum is greater than the 2 features separately.
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... what? That’s like asking why use a seatbelt when you have airbags. Please use both. They have similar goals but are not the same in any way

No they don't have similar goals. VRS downgrades the overall image, Geometry Engine locks in the needed polygon budget per frame for stable native/chosen resolution.

VRS is shit tech compared to smart Geometry-Engine-based tech like Nanite on UE5.
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Read my prior post, genius.
VRS sharpens detail where it matters most to the naked eyes, while putting less detain in objects further away that are less noticeable/ if noticeable at all.
VRS does not sharpen detail genius, it reduces detail. The point is to vary the rate of shading based on area of importance. If done right, you won't notice it if done poorly you will notice it.


Again, XSX mesh shaders does what ps5s geometry engine does. Doest mean Hargett posted is false. Just , in other words, his implication from his statement is that VRS doesn't hold a candle to XSXs mesh shaders (ps5 Geometry Engine equivalent). The XSX has BOTH VRS AND mesh shaders. Mesh shaders on the XSX is more potent than VRS from my understanding too like Hargett implies, it's just nice to have both features, which are complementary and the sum is greater than the 2 features separately.

Mesh shaders? You mean the software solution? Geometry Engine is hardware solution. And yes, it's like asking about underwear color when someone is well dressed and not naked. And assuming they didn't notice it using youtube, well, glad that PS5 hardware is strong enough to not partially gimp the graphics and ruin the overall image.
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VRS does not sharpen detail genius, it reduces detail. The point is to vary the rate of shading based on area of importance. If done right, you won't notice it if done poorly you will notice it.

VRS free's up resources to improve other graphic's and is not just for stabilizing framerates.
I just posted a link of an Nvidia engineer explaining as much.
Nah I’m talking about FP16, which at this point everything supports but is not often used, or VRS. FP 16 is literally doing the maths at half rate, VRS, as the name implies, at work at any rate, even less than half rate, but it’s the rate of the shaders, not the rate of the maths being done
Sure everything has some support of it but nowhere near the same level. Everything after Fermi and before Turing has lousy FP16 performance. Apparently explains why pre-turing cards suck so much with DOOM Eternal.
The way you worded your post made it sound like you were implying FP16 rendered scenes with less accuracy but it really uses half the precision to render the same elements. Re-reading now that you clarified, it makes more sense now.
Da fuck??????
Yes sure, don't link the rest of it by all means;

Variable Rate Shading
is a Turing feature that increases rendering performance and quality by varying the shading rate for different regions of the frame.


That's what it does. The areas outside of the immediate field of view(or blurry or dark areas) use less shading that either free up resources for higher performance or said resources are redirected towards the player's field of view to increase the image quality there. It still sacrifices image quality in other parts of the scene to improve it elsewhere. It doesn't increase it across the board.

They also demo'd it in Gears Tactics and the image quality was overall worse.

Also watched the DF analysis of Hellblade 2...not a word about VRS. Alex even suspects it of being pre-rendered.


VRS free's up resources to improve other graphic's and is not just for stabilizing framerates.
I just posted a link of an Nvidia engineer explaining as much.
It is all about compromises. Reduce rendering load by reducing shading rate and detail of certain parts to gain in other places, just like checkerboard rendering and temporal reconstruction. All these tools like Primitive Shaders, VRS, Raytracing, Tessellation etc are optional graphics features that can be used at developer's discretion. Keyword here being optional.
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