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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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checkerboard rendering is cheating too mate. I'm not defending checkerboard and then piss on VRS, they are different methods of cheating out on a real efficient culling, and provide extra overhead for non efficient rendering done but can never replace an efficient culling 1:1. VRS never increases fidelity in any areas, if you cheap out on circumferential fringes only to increase fidelity in the center there is no net gain anyway, no real efficiency, only cheating by saying pixels on sides are not important as pixels in the middle and doing a form of asymmetrical checkerboarding. You may highly doubts all you want, facts substantiated by software engineering principles leave nothing beyond the shadow of doubt for normal people, except for fanatics.

And "same base tech" which is a gross underestimation and an umbrella term for RDNA 2 is wrong in that each console has malleable feature lists that they have chosen. That is why both corporation underlines time and again by saying CUSTOM, this part is one of those customizations based on RDNA 2 μArch.

Well if you use this logic in gaming context almost everything is cheating. Having PBR textures is also cheating. Simply creating a low poly character and making it look highly detailed using normal maps is also cheating. Using specular maps and bump maps for showing sweat or water droplets is also cheating. Even all those 2d planes of grass / leaves is also cheating. using LODs is also cheating.

Gaminig is essentially like cinema It's all about what the end user sees or believes in the end



i was kind of pissed-off at that moment. I really wanted to see the new menu system after all they talked about it pulling-down live stats and lobbies; which implies a lot of data on the screen. And also how they took design cue's from netflix (whatever it was they said about netflix), which would imply just a simplistic row or grid of game squares with less info pulling the focus away.

i have a feeling it could end up looking quite bad, depending on how much they try to cram-into the space.
Meanwhile in forums and Twitter when they see that the people like the presentation.
(denial stage)

Calm down guys nobody should care an opinion of technical aspects from people who never made a game in its life or even
doesn't have any technical knowledge of the topic.

If you don't like some of the games is good but that doesn't means is necessity to show something which you don't have even
an idea of what are you talking about and say "see is not worth it" that is pathetic, if you like this hobby buy both consoles and a PC.

If your problem is you don't have enough money for this that maybe means than you should focus your time first improve your salary
instead to fight like a kid in internet.


Feel the need to reiterate that portion:

Now to the crux of whole VRS debacle and PS5's inherent hw efficiency that voids the need to use VRS in the first place
Remember Matt Hargett ex Sony principle software engineer on Playstation when he tweeted this gem:

and also this thread where someone working at MS gets in on the discussion and says MS also have GE (but from GCN μArch, then Matt retorts and says what PS has is specific to their platform and what MS has is generic version - and MS employee deletes his tweets after breaking NDA and making a fool of himself in the meanwhile)

Let me try to explain it to you guys, GE - Geometry Engine is not something one and done, it has versions just like GCN, RDNA 1, RDNA 2, and what MS didn't work on with their consoles were primitive discards right on the primitive shaders, which unsurprisingly what Sony was working on for during last gen, both in PS4 and then later on PS4 Pro consoles. Their efforts were mostly unused because of some reason that are not clear, but it is safe to say they botched that aspect up until now. However on PS5, with their past mistakes, they implemented the correct hw to discard geometry that is
1 - not in the FoV of the screen with some safety margins, (++ perf gain)
2 - in the screen but behind objects thus are unseen (+++++ perf gain)

#2 is important because up until now, the objects behind were still being calculated in the GPU (before GE) but then later on discarded, since they are not drawn on the screen anyway, however as you can see even some calculation for those unseen/behind objects are completely unnecessary. PS4 Pro botched the implementation of this step (did the #1 very well and you can see HZD documentary for it - timestamped for exact visualization and explanation to #1)

Back then it was (trade marked) called as frustum culling which lead to the no loading, no cut open world designs like the ones found in God of War, HZD etc.

Now at this point they could do #2 as well but not on hardware, and not before whole lot of calculations were done on the object that will end up non-drawn anyway. Doing it in software not only loads CPU, but also not all GPU cycles were freed for those occluded objects, only a portion of it (and most likely very small one).

Now GE on PS5 is capable of doing it in hw and freeing up those precious cycles for other things, and on the next gen consoles only PS5 has the new version while MS gone ahead with the old one (but instead they went with VRS way).

There's a patent deep dive in a post if you want to read further

Bonus points for Death Stranding

EDIT: You know what watch the whole thing

What a wonderful post! Can you repost it there to stop further brain gymnastics and goofy posts by xbox fans?

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Meanwhile in forums and Twitter when they see that the people like the presentation.
(denial stage)

Calm down guys nobody should care an opinion of technical aspects from people who never made a game in its life or even
doesn't have any technical knowledge of the topic.

If you don't like some of the games is good but that doesn't means is necessity to show something which you don't have even
an idea of what are you talking about and say "see is not worth it" that is pathetic, if you like this hobby buy both consoles and a PC.

If your problem is you don't have enough money for this that maybe means than you should focus your time first improve your salary
instead to fight like a kid in internet.
Most game reviewers haven’t made a game yet it is their job to critique them.
I doubt many in here have any technical knowledge of game design beyond the theoretical. It doesn’t mean we can’t criticize or discuss different aspects. It could be a good way to learn more about the actual process.
Let’s not dissuade people from expresses their thoughts whether they are correct or incorrect.


Wonderful catch, sir! I think Sony made those offset labia to protect the air flow (most likely exhaust, intake from the back) as someone might place the console in a tight space, which is always not good.

My original PS4 and PS4 Pro never been cleaned or serviced, they're both dead silent most of the time and barely hear a thing because I always place them in an open, or near open spot.

Those details are nice but will make my white PS5 very dirty in a short time because dust will be caught in them. Also makes potential modding with painting/foil more difficult. Those are disadvantages I can see for people living their short lives in polluted shitholes.

Very interesting interview with Eric Lempel, PlayStation’s Head of Global Marketing and Consumer Experience.

Key points:
- Astro's Playroom game is FREE.
- 30 exclusives on PS5
- Same SSD size on the PS5 Digital version
Great information. 30 titles is insane. The biggest launch window catalogue in gaming history, I think?

This was quite obvious. I noticed it immediately.
I'll go further and speculate: once you unpack the console, connect it and switch it on, this is what you're going to get: a guided tour of the system with Astrobots which lead you through setup and downloads. Then you continue having fun while updates, games and patches download in the background. No more waiting in menus, watching the progress bar go tick tick tick...
Those details are nice but will make my white PS5 very dirty in a short time because dust will be caught in them. Also makes potential modding with painting/foil more difficult. Those are disadvantages I can see for people living their short lives in polluted shitholes.

Great information. 30 titles is insane. The biggest launch window catalogue in gaming history, I think?

I'll go further and speculate: once you unpack the console, connect it and switch it on, this is what you're going to get: a guided tour of the system with Astrobots which lead you through setup and downloads. Then you continue having fun while updates, games and patches download in the background. No more waiting in menus, watching the progress bar go tick tick tick...

Yeah same SSD size means this is going to be expensive.....i think they kept the price out of the event to keep the positive vibes going


Yesterday I posted that metacritic score at 95 here and it got mass reported from salty members until it got deleted. Those goons aren't stopping it.


nothing to do with salt mate, this is next gen thread, so posts about current gen games are pure off topics
Most game reviewers haven’t made a game yet it is their job to critique them.
I doubt many in here have any technical knowledge of game design beyond the theoretical. It doesn’t mean we can’t criticize or discuss different aspects. It could be a good way to learn more about the actual process.
Let’s not dissuade people from expresses their thoughts whether they are correct or incorrect.
Express an opinion if you like a game is not the same that express an opinion of technical aspect. You can tell me "you know what I like more Crackdown 3
than TLOU 2" that is okay is your taste and is respectable.

But If for example someone tell me is not a software dev, an engineer or never made a game in any way (been an artist or a dev) I couldn't care
less his/her opinion of a technical aspect because why I should care an opinion of someone who doesn't know anything about it, these
are facts not taste.

I seen people believe that engine has a tool which show a bar with TF that tell you how much power you are using when in reality you only see in the profiler
how many time each process is taking or believe that the framerate is attached to input responsiveness in a game when is not.

For example I remember you one time you were agree with a video which says the faster SSD doesn't matter because the GPU cannot process that
quantity of info so fast which is so false , so or your have an idea of this topics but you internal fanboy tell you another thing or you don't have an idea, decided
which is worst.

That is why I don't pretend to know of medicine and wants the people respect what I think should be a good medicine for a disease. Have the right of say
an opinion but that doesn't mean that opinion is as valid as that of someone with technical background.

If someone wants to learn exists many courses and free engines to use and I am sure when someone start to make a game, that person will appreciate more
all the hard work which is necessary to make a simple game.


It is all about concurrent viewers streaming a specific single content, no streaming platform on the world right now can provide all viewers with 4K on a hour long content streamed worldwide.

People all around the world might be watching Netflix but concurrently they do not start watching at the same exact time and tune in to the same exact content. I get where you are coming from but these things are not the same, Netflix is streaming platform yes, but the event was a LIVE STREAMING, completely different monsters especially during worldwide Covid19 internet bandwidth capping times.

World cup / Olympics



I can't help but wonder about Yoshida's honesty regarding Demon's Souls ... considering he referred to it as crap when he first saw it on the PS3. Did he came to appreciate the game and feels guilty for almost destroying a game which spawned a sub-genre? Or is this simple PR talk?

It's commendable that he came out and said 'Yeah, I saw this game and I thought it sucked. Biggest mistake in my life', I just don't know if he's being honest about this game being 'dear to him', while he could be saying on the inside 'I have NO idea what people saw in this piece of crap'.


what did each one say? are these recent statements?

Just watch the Gigaboots video breakdown of what Cerny says and the below is the CNET question in bold and what Jim Ryan states in response.

The disc version will also obviously offer backwards compatibility with those old discs too.

We said that the PS5 has been designed to play PS4 games. We're going through the process with the publishers and developers testing that rather exhaustive library of over 4,000 games. We're happy with the progress that's been made.

Between the above, Mark Cerny's entire explanations in Road to PS5 (not just the Gigaboots section) and two PS Blog posts, it has been a real mess to me. Clearly IntentionalPun IntentionalPun and about half of everyone else don't agree, but when things are this split on a subject then you messed up the messaging.

I can't help but wonder about Yoshida's honesty regarding Demon's Souls ... considering he referred to it as crap when he first saw it on the PS3. Did he came to appreciate the game and feels guilty for almost destroying a game which spawned a sub-genre? Or is this simple PR talk?

It's commendable that he came out and said 'Yeah, I saw this game and I thought it sucked. Biggest mistake in my life', I just don't know if he's being honest about this game being 'dear to him', while he could be saying on the inside 'I have NO idea what people saw in this piece of crap'.

It is near and dear because it was a chick he disregarded in the beginning then got jelly and fell for once other dudes started hitting on her instead.
Oddworld: Soulstorm Will Deliver Stunning Visuals and Advanced 3D Audio Thanks to PS5 Hardware

Lorne Lanning, Co-Founder at Oddworld Inhabitants, waxed praise over the PS5 hardware and how it's going to improve the game:

“We are using the power of PS5 to push Oddworld: Soulstorm toward a cinematic visual and storytelling leap over our previous titles. The game’s scope and scale are larger than we’ve tackled before. Its technical achievements are capable of delivering stunning graphic fidelity and advanced 3D audio, and combined with its advanced DUALSENSE Wireless Controller, PS5 will enhance our storytelling and artistic abilities to create a deeper emotional connection to the Oddworld experience for fans to enjoy.”



Oddworld: Soulstorm Will Deliver Stunning Visuals and Advanced 3D Audio Thanks to PS5 Hardware

Lorne Lanning, Co-Founder at Oddworld Inhabitants, waxed praise over the PS5 hardware and how it's going to improve the game:

“We are using the power of PS5 to push Oddworld: Soulstorm toward a cinematic visual and storytelling leap over our previous titles. The game’s scope and scale are larger than we’ve tackled before. Its technical achievements are capable of delivering stunning graphic fidelity and advanced 3D audio, and combined with its advanced DUALSENSE Wireless Controller, PS5 will enhance our storytelling and artistic abilities to create a deeper emotional connection to the Oddworld experience for fans to enjoy.”

it will be extremely interesting to see how pc vs ps5 versions compare in terns of graphics and sound


Oddworld: Soulstorm Will Deliver Stunning Visuals and Advanced 3D Audio Thanks to PS5 Hardware

Lorne Lanning, Co-Founder at Oddworld Inhabitants, waxed praise over the PS5 hardware and how it's going to improve the game:

“We are using the power of PS5 to push Oddworld: Soulstorm toward a cinematic visual and storytelling leap over our previous titles. The game’s scope and scale are larger than we’ve tackled before. Its technical achievements are capable of delivering stunning graphic fidelity and advanced 3D audio, and combined with its advanced DUALSENSE Wireless Controller, PS5 will enhance our storytelling and artistic abilities to create a deeper emotional connection to the Oddworld experience for fans to enjoy.”

this Game is also coming to PS4.
will be interesting how this game is being hold back.


this actually looked like a lot of fun, maybe a bit to chaotic for me, but i liked character models and the style of graphics presented

It's like Rocket League game, you jump in it to have a blast and laugh and not take it too seriously like RB6 or Battlefield that might be frustrating if you're in a noob team. I think I'll play it a lot and would love a race mode and other modes inside the game.


this Game is also coming to PS4.
will be interesting how this game is being hold back.

It's a very simplistic game, and if it's already going to PS4 it's already held back in terms of creative horizon. Not every game will be that demanding anyway. Ratchet & Clank transition is near impossible on other platforms, that's why they kinda over show it in that short gameplay footage.
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There's 4k footage but if 4k footage is there they mention that it's definitely 30fps. If the graphical density is high and they don't know the framerate, then it must be 30fps just coz. There are raytraced elements on almost all first party titles. R&C had raytraced reflections but some were excluded from being raytraced. They generally liked all the indie titles apart from the Octodad creators title which they felt was like a ps3 game. Talked a lot about wanting more gameplay and less cinematics. Complained a lot about unclear messaging on whether titles were cross gen or ps5 only. Godfall is 4k 60 but according to them no raytracing. (personally i thought godfall looked like crap) Threw in a xbox targeting 120fps statement. Regarding the console it's too big, big, big (add any other synonyms for big) wanted to know how the cooling was going to work. There are not fans of the design and hated the Digital edition.

And in conclusion they felt there could have been lesser games and more gameplay. and a price. In Richard's words they should have shown Horizon and then shouted out the price of the PS5 saying this is what you have to pay to play this game.

Why they kinda sound like the typical FUD distributors we got used to around the forums? That's some high quality concern FUD. But who cares, the world thinks otherwise.
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I can't help but wonder about Yoshida's honesty regarding Demon's Souls ... considering he referred to it as crap when he first saw it on the PS3. Did he came to appreciate the game and feels guilty for almost destroying a game which spawned a sub-genre? Or is this simple PR talk?

It's commendable that he came out and said 'Yeah, I saw this game and I thought it sucked. Biggest mistake in my life', I just don't know if he's being honest about this game being 'dear to him', while he could be saying on the inside 'I have NO idea what people saw in this piece of crap'.
If he still can't comprehend what Demon's Souls did for the entire gaming, than his "honesty" it's actually the last problem considering he's managing indies now.


It is all about concurrent viewers streaming a specific single content, no streaming platform on the world right now can provide all viewers with 4K on a hour long content streamed worldwide.

People all around the world might be watching Netflix but concurrently they do not start watching at the same exact time and tune in to the same exact content. I get where you are coming from but these things are not the same, Netflix is streaming platform yes, but the event was a LIVE STREAMING, completely different monsters especially during worldwide Covid19 internet bandwidth capping times.

no, it was all about the production:

Now that the event is confirmed for June 11, I wanted to add that this pre-taped program will be broadcast at 1080p and 30 frames per second. This eased the show’s production process during a time when many of our team and developers are working from home. The games you’ll see on Thursday will look even better when you play them on PS5 with a 4K TV, as you’d expect

so, it was all about Production process.
YouTube can easily stream 4K. Xbox event was also 4K and that was even in MAY!
we are Talking about June.

Like most modern gaming presentations, this Inside Xbox will be live-streamed on almost all major platforms. That includes YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, the Microsoft-owned Mixer. The YouTube stream is the only one confirmed to support 4K if you want to see these games at their true resolution.

See here: https://www.inverse.com/gaming/xbox-series-x-reveal-2020-summer-games-fest
Why they kinda sound like the typical FUD distributes we got used to around the forums? That's some high quality concern FUD. But who cares, the world thinks otherwise.
It's the usual attack to DF, yesterday someone saying "UH STILL NOT PS5 VIDEO11!!!" and then we got one a little after. People are just expecting them to dance at their pace.
They said that some games probably will be 30 fps because they looked insane, yet they ammitted that they just didn't expect for RT to be possible with those graphics and native 4K. They didn't "threw in" an Xbox targeting 120 fps statement, they were wondering if the apparent commitment of MS to frame rates could lead to MS exclusives targeting 60 fps at least while it's still unkown for PS5.
And I finished the conference not knowing exactly what was exclusives and what not, between second parties, first parties, temporal exclusives, console exclusives also on PC...


It's the usual attack to DF, yesterday someone saying "UH STILL NOT PS5 VIDEO11!!!" and then we got one a little after. People are just expecting them to dance at their pace.
They said that some games probably will be 30 fps because they looked insane, yet they ammitted that they just didn't expect for RT to be possible with those graphics and native 4K. They didn't "threw in" an Xbox targeting 120 fps statement, they were wondering if the apparent commitment of MS to frame rates could lead to MS exclusives targeting 60 fps at least while it's still unkown for PS5.
And I finished the conference not knowing exactly what was exclusives and what not, between second parties, first parties, temporal exclusives, console exclusives also on PC...

You need to watch the trailers, the ending of each for your last point.

And I don't care about what they think, we all have eyes and can see, they're not some kind of gods. Hell, they're just youtubers.

And if they wanna compare with Xbox, better bring those gameplay event for direct comparisons, which they played some or all on PC with 2080Ti!
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You need to watch the trailers, the ending of each for your last point.

And I don't care about what they think, we all have eyes and can see, they're not some kind of God. Hell, they're just youtubers.

And if they wanna compare with Xbox, better bring those gameplay event for direct comparisons, which they played some or all on PC with 2080Ti!
There was no indication after each game, only one is the PS symbol at the start but only for first parties.
You may not care of their opinion but doesn't mean it's "FUD!11!!"
They didn't wanna compare much, watch the reaction: they are chill guys wondering what will be the differences in approach between Sony first parties and MS first parties, as everyone here.


There's no way that the X Series X will be able to play PS5 multiplat games at 120 fps while the PS5 will play them at 30 fps. 2 TFs won't make that of a difference.

However, X Series X console exclusives? Those will DEFINITELY play at 120 fps, for the simple reason they also have to run on an X-Box One S.


There was no indication after each game, only one is the PS symbol at the start but only for first parties.
You may not care of their opinion but doesn't mean it's "FUD!11!!"
They didn't wanna compare much, watch the reaction: they are chill guys wondering what will be the differences in approach between Sony first parties and MS first parties, as everyone here.

Man, should I timestamp every game for you? Do your homework please: (timed console exclusive, coming to PC)

Richard is a great even he said that he prefers Xbox at some old videos, but he maintains professional. John is also great. Our main problem is the confirmed XboxEra Discord FUD contributor Alex (aka Dictator).
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Considering all footage we’ve seen is either alpha or pre-alpha, what sort of improvements do you expect to see over how the games currently look?

I hope horizon integrates animal fur physics, I remember 7 years ago cd project red promised realistic wolf fur, and that fox in the horizon trailer needed it badly
Man, should I timestamp every game for you? Do your homework please: (timed console exclusive, coming to PC)

Richard is a great even he said that he prefers Xbox at some old videos, but he maintains professional. John is also great. Our main problem is the confirmed XboxEra Discord FUD contributor Alex (aka Dictator).

Yes, some did not have this, like Oddworld. I suppose because it's multiplatform, but generally every trailer has all the platform available indicated, even if it's all of them. In a conference with 30 games or so one after another can be confusing, it's better to be very specific in these things.

Neo Blaster

I see no point in buying next gen til they address their trash multiplayer selections. We have no survival games, no star citizen type game, no military tactical hardcore, no respawn games anymore and havent for a whole generation. Congrats on making the same general single player games with idiot AI and easy puzzles that I can beat in a few days just by understanding patterns in the game....

That shit is soooo boring, Multiplayer games just last longer.
Dude, looks like PC is perfect for you, get one and be happy.


Yes, some did not have this, like Oddworld. I suppose because it's multiplatform, but generally every trailer has all the platform available indicated, even if it's all of them. In a conference with 30 games or so one after another can be confusing, it's better to be very specific in these things.


Please, man, go watch them all:

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