Before I start I want to point out that I'm merely stating my opinion and I'll gladly listen to/discus with people who think otherwise.
After the last Sony event I had mixed feelings. While there were definitely good looking games, others raised questions to me and not in a good games.
We already saw in the current gen more and more companies try to score woke points by pandering to our purple haired friends at Resetera. While we all remember the battlefield V-drama also other companies believed that pandering translated into more sales. Examples were animal crossing, rage 2, dishonored, Wolfenstein.
While you'd think that companies learn from this, the wokeness not only does not stop, they even seem to go further.
Games in general reaches people of all ages and are thus a great medium to sell a political agenda. Without throwing oil again on the The Last of Us 2-fire, the developer clearly stated that the game would be inspired by his personal politics.
Even during game conventions a forum is given to parties that strive for diversity, political correctness and censorship in video games. I believe this is a dangerous trend as it means that developers who threw years of finances and talent into a game can face backlash simply for not meeting representation quota for a specific community. For example Days gone was review bombed by individuals because it was too white focused with two white protagonists. I fear now this will encourage other developers even more to get on the woke train because they could potentially lose profit for simplu not being inclusive enough, even if it doesn't benefits the goal of the game.
As someone who has been a Playstation fan all my life I fear even the most for Sony. The western headquarters lie in San Mateo, California which is a very leftist orientated state. So for them representation is a very important topic and I reckon it will stay so. In Hollywood they are currently working in such a way that you have to meet a certain inclusiveness quota to be eliglible for an Oscar nomination so I wouldn't be surprised if this practice would be copied to the gaming industry.
Sony had already shown disturbing signs of censorship. Removing cleavage from female npc's, making women less feminine because they might offend the trans players etc
The reason I believe this will only worsen is because the people they try to pander with wokeness will A) never play the game anyway . B) can never be satisfied. Even one of the games during the last event is facing backlash because of certain racial stereotypes. They don't seem to realize you can't win with these people. They'll just keep try to please them and and revenue lost will simply be linked to bigotry/sexism/racism or any kind of buzzword.
While I have no problem with certain inclusiveness as long it benefits the story or gameplay I believe this is rarely the case. While I'll admit that I am more right leaning I would be equally displeased with games that would be inspired by right politics.
For me games are fun escapes of reality where I'd like to forget social issues for a few hours and just enjoy a game which shows the developers creativity and which is not used as a Trojan horse for a political agenda. I am certainly not saying developers can't implement their personal politics because that would also be a sort of censorship and I support developer creativity as long it doesn't involve illegal activities (like the developer of the Volcano high game). I can simply chose not to play the game and hope others still enjoy it nevertheless.
As much as I love gaming I'm afraid this could be a determening factor for me to stop gaming or at least go retro.
So what is your opinion on this fellow gaffers. How do you feel about personal politics in games, are you indifferent about censorship and how high do you rate representation in games.

After the last Sony event I had mixed feelings. While there were definitely good looking games, others raised questions to me and not in a good games.
We already saw in the current gen more and more companies try to score woke points by pandering to our purple haired friends at Resetera. While we all remember the battlefield V-drama also other companies believed that pandering translated into more sales. Examples were animal crossing, rage 2, dishonored, Wolfenstein.

While you'd think that companies learn from this, the wokeness not only does not stop, they even seem to go further.
Games in general reaches people of all ages and are thus a great medium to sell a political agenda. Without throwing oil again on the The Last of Us 2-fire, the developer clearly stated that the game would be inspired by his personal politics.

Even during game conventions a forum is given to parties that strive for diversity, political correctness and censorship in video games. I believe this is a dangerous trend as it means that developers who threw years of finances and talent into a game can face backlash simply for not meeting representation quota for a specific community. For example Days gone was review bombed by individuals because it was too white focused with two white protagonists. I fear now this will encourage other developers even more to get on the woke train because they could potentially lose profit for simplu not being inclusive enough, even if it doesn't benefits the goal of the game.

As someone who has been a Playstation fan all my life I fear even the most for Sony. The western headquarters lie in San Mateo, California which is a very leftist orientated state. So for them representation is a very important topic and I reckon it will stay so. In Hollywood they are currently working in such a way that you have to meet a certain inclusiveness quota to be eliglible for an Oscar nomination so I wouldn't be surprised if this practice would be copied to the gaming industry.
Sony had already shown disturbing signs of censorship. Removing cleavage from female npc's, making women less feminine because they might offend the trans players etc

The reason I believe this will only worsen is because the people they try to pander with wokeness will A) never play the game anyway . B) can never be satisfied. Even one of the games during the last event is facing backlash because of certain racial stereotypes. They don't seem to realize you can't win with these people. They'll just keep try to please them and and revenue lost will simply be linked to bigotry/sexism/racism or any kind of buzzword.
While I have no problem with certain inclusiveness as long it benefits the story or gameplay I believe this is rarely the case. While I'll admit that I am more right leaning I would be equally displeased with games that would be inspired by right politics.
For me games are fun escapes of reality where I'd like to forget social issues for a few hours and just enjoy a game which shows the developers creativity and which is not used as a Trojan horse for a political agenda. I am certainly not saying developers can't implement their personal politics because that would also be a sort of censorship and I support developer creativity as long it doesn't involve illegal activities (like the developer of the Volcano high game). I can simply chose not to play the game and hope others still enjoy it nevertheless.
As much as I love gaming I'm afraid this could be a determening factor for me to stop gaming or at least go retro.
So what is your opinion on this fellow gaffers. How do you feel about personal politics in games, are you indifferent about censorship and how high do you rate representation in games.