hemo memo
You can't die before your death
I was watching CohhCarnage's stream a bit ago and saw the Joel scene live in its entirety. Yeah, the whole thing just feels really lame. Like, how Joel and Tommy just roll with all of it like everything is A-OK. I mean, in that world, how would you not proceed anything with caution? If not excessive caution.
Also, with Ellie stumbling onto them with Joel, and her retaliating, why on Earth would they spare her and leave her? Why wouldn't they kill her? Why wouldn't they capture her? It just feels silly for them to be like, "Oh no, we're in too deep, we could surely attract the town/city, we should get a move on." But then leave one person alive that heard their names, saw their faces, and heard everything and more. It just seems really silly to me.
Because of awful writing. That’s how.