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TLOU2 Haters and Detractors are review-bombing Metacritic. The Salt rises!


When you have to go all the way back to the year 2000 and bring up No One Lives Forever as a good game with a female lead. A game that only those of us gaming since the 80s would likely even be old enough to remember, and that mostothers are unfamiliar with. There's probably a problem of representation in your industry.
Did you really just forget tomb raider and Horizon zero dawn?
What? That Bioware completely fucked up the ending and 'game journalists' failed to mention it in their reviews? Not to mention some other problems like the quest design, menu system and other nagging problems with the game.

ME3 received universal acclaim on it's release just like the TLOU2, and people were pissed that such a flawed game got such high scores. And when gamers complained, the 'gaming press' went full ham in calling them 'entitled' and 'ungrateful'. As if consumers of an entertainment product don't have the right to complain that they'd been sold shit.

I think this brings up a very good point about why just "voting with your dollars" might not be enough in this industry. If you truly want to make an impact, you need to think about mindshare as well.

I may not agree with some of the personal reasons many are review-bombing TLOU2, but if they truly want their frustrations to be heard by Sony, this is a better way of doing so than simply refraining from buying alone. It's important to remember that most of TLOU2's sales will be due to the series' positive reputation, something that many fans of the first game contributed to and can't take back, even if they have issues with the 2nd game.


That dance scene was a long time ago. A year or two ago? How many anti-LoU2 posts or threads have there been dedicated to the dance scene?
Again, your memory is either bad or selective. Pretty much every thread about the game since that trailer was been brigaded and derailed, a long time before the leaks.

Really? I must've missed it somehow. I mean, I'm sure I saw some of the flak it got. But I don't recall a huge wave of disgust or anything. I just vividly remember the negativity, toxicity, and trolling that came when Abby was revealed + the leaks.
Nah, it all started with that gameplay reveal trailer. Off the top of my head I can remember these threads that very quickly descend into lesbian jokes & SJW accusations:
(This one wasn't even about TLOU2 originally but if got dragged up):
Compare that to the tone of a thread before the gameplay reveal trailer:
Some people were still bringing up UC4 but you can clearly see the difference. It's like something happened in that gameplay trailer in 2018 that suddenly made a lot of people really bitter 🤔 ...
Are you seriously trying to make the argument that people gave The Last of Us Part II an honest 0/10 with absolutely no agenda?

Do you realize you are basically asking to never be taken seriously again?
It really does show how completely dishonest people are. There is no question as to the motive of what's going on, it's clearly a review bomb and they know it yet they're trying to pretend that just maybe it's not just because they're ok with it. Fucking ridiculous.

El Sueño

Yesterday I was watching Batman the Dark Knight Rises and if I knew how to do it, I would use Bane scene at the beggining when he says: that comes later in a video of salty lads. It would be awesome if you thing about it.



When you have to go all the way back to the year 2000 and bring up No One Lives Forever as a good game with a female lead. A game that only those of us gaming since the 80s would likely even be old enough to remember, and that mostothers are unfamiliar with. There's probably a problem of representation in your industry.

Right... Not enough wahmen leads in gaming because geemers are meesoginisk.








We gamers am bad. So solly.


GTA IV and even RDR2 were also very divisive but you didn't see anything close to this kind of vitriol towards Dan Houser. There is something much deeper going on here.

II TheBlade II

Neo Member
The triggering continues as TLOU2 releases today. A mob of children have taken their anger and moral purity to Metacritic to make sure TLOU2 is made an example of. As we watch the salt pour from every single keystroke we're reminded of the fragility of their egos. Snowflaking has never been this good. Here is to enjoying the tears when the reviews eventually get taken down.


The prophet has foreseen it.


The meticulous planning.


Makes me laugh.... OP talks about snowflakes and triggering but then posts this after being triggered like a snowflake because others don't like the same game he does.

or it could be genuine reactions from people who finally played it and hate what ND did to their favorite franchise. I sincerely doubt they're all just trolls and haters.
Haters and Detractors...lol. Did DSP create this topic or something? Considering both him and Abby have now exposed their o-faces to us I guess they've got something in common.


Neo Member
GTA IV and even RDR2 were also very divisive but you didn't see anything close to this kind of vitriol towards Dan Houser. There is something much deeper going on here.

They simply messed with the settings from the first game, which is universally known as a masterpiece.
The first TLoU was the heartfull story of Joel and Ellie, this is more look alike a teen drama with zombies (but without the zombies).
The anti-anti-woke D. Quixote who keeps claiming the alleged coordinated alt-right attack against TLoU2 is motivated by the fact Ellie is a gay character better present evidence. But, as per established tradition, none will be provided.

Then there are other odd rationales being offered here.

If you don't like the game, don't play it

Maybe some people had to play it before coming to the conclusion they didn't like it?

All this seems to be is an injunction to shut up if you played the game and didn't enjoy it. Apparently, disliking a game disqualifies you as a potential lay reviewer. Review the game, by all means, but only if you rate it above 6/10.

Praising a game is the exact same thing as criticizing it. It's passing comment, judging it, expressing an opinion, reviewing a product.

But the anti-anti-woke Champion won't stop there. Certain detractors "need a smack across the face and their diapers changed. It's a fictional character in a fictional universe ". Internal logic and consistency doesn't exist, plausibility is to be disregarded. You are supposed to roll acritically with it.

Yes, you are allowed to have and express an opinion on the story an characters, provided it's laudatory.

You can really tell when people have nothing else going on in their lives that need to dedicate so much time to waging a fake war

I'll leave it here. This sentence speaks volumes.

Remember it's ok to do it if you're praising the game. If you're praising the game, defending it post after post after post, thread after thread after thread, none of the above applies. It's only when you criticize the game that this pearl, this precious insight into human psychology becomes a maxim encapsulating the Wisdom of The Ages.
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They simply messed with the settings from the first game, which is universally known as a masterpiece.
The first TLoU was the heartfull story of Joel and Ellie, this is more look alike a teen drama with zombies (but without the zombies).
I can assure you that it is not that. Also I have mostly fought infected by far and my friend was right be saying the infected look and sound very unsettling.


It really does show how completely dishonest people are. There is no question as to the motive of what's going on, it's clearly a review bomb and they know it yet they're trying to pretend that just maybe it's not just because they're ok with it. Fucking ridiculous.
Respect for all of that man, major kudos. I feel like I just blocked these memories, haha. I honestly think it got to a point where I just avoided going into the threads because of the replies. I'm almost positive that's what's happening.

Yeah, wholeheartedly agree that it's fucking ridiculous. Disgusting, even.

In any situation review bombing is stupid. Be it positive or negative. I'd prefer a world where people provide genuine reviews and opinions. But, yeah, internet, lmao.
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We gamers am bad. So solly.
Did you really just forget tomb raider and Horizon zero dawn?

You missed my point entirely. If you're having to go back 20 years to find a candidate. You're doing it wrong. I was just trying to figure out why someone was trying to pluck No One Lives Forever out of obscurity for the sake of making an argument. If you have to go back 20 years to make a point there's an issue.


Honestly I'm not buying this game. The leaks pissed me off but I want to wait and see the true ending of the game. Will watch it through a playthrough video or something and determine if it's that upsetting. If it is then I'll pass. If it's good, then I'll buy it on PS5 when it rereleases. I'm weird though, I take this approach on movies/books too. I'll read/watch the end and decide whether or not it's worth it before investing hours into it.


Wait captain marvel shoved an agenda? Because she’s a lesbian? Really bro? Like I can’t. Y’all need to stop w the homophobia. This girl was gay in the first game.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
A few weeks ago: Fans are giving the game 5 stars on PSN without even playing the game. Why does Naughty Dog allow this.

Today: Ha! Fans are upset and TLOU Part II has a 3.1 user score on Metacrititc.

You would think people aren't this dumb. lol

*Not referring to people on here, but on YouTube\other Social media platforms*
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Wait captain marvel shoved an agenda? Because she’s a lesbian? Really bro? Like I can’t. Y’all need to stop w the homophobia. This girl was gay in the first game.

No no no, see, the real issue, is that censorship of cartoon titties is bad and that the artistic vision of the creator should always be allowed, but also, that artistic visions of creators that include "wokeness' and "sjw" related issues should be censored because people are fragile and delicate and don't want to acknowledge anything outside of their bubble of reality. Anything we don't like is an agenda, anything we do like is "normal".

Got it? Good.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
No no no, see, the real issue, is that censorship of cartoon titties is bad and that the artistic vision of the creator should always be allowed, but also, that artistic visions of creators that include "wokeness' and "sjw" related issues should be censored because people are fragile and delicate and don't want to acknowledge anything outside of their bubble of reality. Anything we don't like is an agenda, anything we do like is "normal".

Got it? Good.
I think TLOU2 sucks because of the terrible narrative and the way they handle characters. I could care less who they like to fuck.

But you go ahead and keep generalizing everyone if you wish.
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If you review bomb, there is a 100% chance you’re unemployed, retarded, and single.
I haven't review bombed TLOU2...but I've review bombed a few different things for a few different reasons...sometimes with good results. Like it or not review bombing can work if it's organized and sustained for long enough. Review bombing was a significant factor in bringing OpenIV back from the brink after it was CnD'd.
Oh, by the way, you're wrong on all 3 counts.


You missed my point entirely. If you're having to go back 20 years to find a candidate. You're doing it wrong. I was just trying to figure out why someone was trying to pluck No One Lives Forever out of obscurity for the sake of making an argument. If you have to go back 20 years to make a point there's an issue.
Horizon ZD is litteraly from 2017......


When you have to go all the way back to the year 2000 and bring up No One Lives Forever as a good game with a female lead. A game that only those of us gaming since the 80s would likely even be old enough to remember, and that mostothers are unfamiliar with. There's probably a problem of representation in your industry.

Uh? There's tons of good games with female leads. What kinda non sense is this.


I haven't review bombed TLOU2...but I've review bombed a few different things for a few different reasons...sometimes with good results. Like it or not review bombing can work if it's organized and sustained for long enough. Review bombing was a significant factor in bringing OpenIV back from the brink after it was CnD'd.
Oh, by the way, you're wrong on all 3 counts.

The fact that review bombing can and does occur renders things like Metacritic instantly meaningless to me. I look at the pro reviews and watch gameplay videos and make a decision from there. Review bombing is like masturbation in that it is fun but ultimately unproductive.
The fact that review bombing can and does occur renders things like Metacritic instantly meaningless to me. I look at the pro reviews and watch gameplay videos and make a decision from there. Review bombing is like masturbation in that it is fun but ultimately unproductive.
What is a pro review?


The triggering continues as TLOU2 releases today. A mob of children have taken their anger and moral purity to Metacritic to make sure TLOU2 is made an example of. As we watch the salt pour from every single keystroke we're reminded of the fragility of their egos. Snowflaking has never been this good. Here is to enjoying the tears when the reviews eventually get taken down.


The prophet has foreseen it.


The meticulous planning.


imagine spending your free time- your little, hard earned free time--leaving a rant on a website for a game you didn’t play and have no interest in playing.



TLOU2 is a wonderful game! Insane! Played like 6 hours so far, having a complete blast. Chose the Survivor difficulty and it's harder than real life to get bullets and resources which is ridiculous, changed the resources to moderate difficulty which makes way more sense. Imagine playing through barely using guns, even against armed enemies, then killing up to 5-6 armed enemies and you don't get a single bullet out of them! Before changing the difficulty down to moderate for resources I had many guns and didn't use any and killed a lot with a knife or bare-handed!

So yes, that's not realistic, that's trolling. :lollipop_tears_of_joy:

Minor problem is it's not giving me surround 7.1/5.1 channel sound, only 2.0 channel although I'm using PS4-certified Astro A40 with the mixer through optical audio. The gore is serious, and I like it, won't spoil even the simplest things, and don't waste your time by waiting for reviews or like playing it on PS5 as you're missing a lot of fun!



has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.

1. Game only came out today, so most people won't have had sufficient time to play much of it. Let alone enough to write it off.

2. As to whether they watched it all on YT... well lets be real if you were interested in giving the game a fair shake why would you watch it all on Youtube in the first place?

3. 0/10 is evidently not a real score. Its a protest and needs to be treated as such: An empty performative gesture. The "cause" doesn't matter when the "action" itself is this feeble. What are they hoping to achieve.

4. We know its all protest because we saw it coming with all the hoopla following the leaks. All of which showed a distinct pattern of people grinding axes and sharpening pitchforks in readyness.

5. Even if people hate the story/representation of characters, what about the rest of the game? If the gameplay was also worth 0/10 could the story make up for that no matter how good it was? Obviously no, but its one of many evident logical fallacies.
200% accuracy


Minor problem is it's not giving me surround 7.1/5.1 channel sound, only 2.0 channel although I'm using PS4-certified Astro A40 with the mixer through optical audio.
? I have a 7.1 setup and it's working great. Game actually has full options for it and even lets me set in game whereabouts the speakers are in my room.
The fact that review bombing can and does occur renders things like Metacritic instantly meaningless to me. I look at the pro reviews and watch gameplay videos and make a decision from there. Review bombing is like masturbation in that it is fun but ultimately unproductive.
That's the thing...it's not necessarily unproductive. Take the OpenIV example. Take2 and Rockstar Games CnD'd OpenIV, which led to mass review bombing of GTA5 on Steam. It was the largest effort I've ever seen. Consistent bombing for 2 weeks straight...the overall score dropped to mixed and didn't recover for well over a year afterwards. This was enough to actually impact their bottom line (their stock price actually began dropping as a result of all the negative attention) and after 2 weeks they relented and started working with the OpenIV team to allow them to continue development. No review bomb, no OpenIV today. Sounds pretty productive to me.
I don't understand how any of you like this game, unless your skipping cutscenes. This game cancels out all of Joel and Ellie's motivations from the first game. I've watched the whole game by now and it really isn't a well told story in any respect. It's about the cycle of revenge without the vengeance, that's the best way I can put it.
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