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TLOU2 Haters and Detractors are review-bombing Metacritic. The Salt rises!


Gold Member
lol, 1h

That rating isn't improving. It used to be 3.4 at about 10000 reviews. So it's actually got 0.1 worse 10000 more posts later. lol

For every 10/10 trying to prop up the score, there's two 0/10 scores keeping it down.
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No, The alt right and gaming had not gelled back then as much as they do now though we should have seen the signs with gamergate. Also Left Behind was a DLC that most appealed to core fans of the original game.

Who are these mythical alt right in gaming that you are so concerned with? You said they came about after 2014? Where did they come from and was there an organization that they took orders from and receive funding from? How did they manage to grow so fast, and what type of tools did they used to spread and recruit? What are their goals and what they do want anyway?

Can’t wait for the game to break sales records as an exclusive :) #winning

Just wait for the eventual backlash and 1/2 price sell in 6 months.


Is it SHIT because of the lesbian garbage SJW bullshit or is it SHIT because in general you believe it is poorly designed and implementation of mechanics are subpar leaving it a SHIT game?
all SJW shit is POORLY designed because it is garbage SJW bullshit.

it can be the greatest technical achievement on earth but any SJW shit automatically turns the story into garbage and lesbian shit fuck that.


Ah, so the Alt Right is the new windmill at which you lot can tilt, congealed from the primordial soup of Gamergate.

Do you honestly believe that every negative review and impression of this game is a bigoted troll with some imaginary patch on their sleeve, while also simultaneously believing that every 10/10 is 100% honest and true and earned?

Game publishers paying for good reviews is a known fact, and it has been for decades. You think it stopped for this, the sequel to one of the biggest exclusives Sony’s ever published?

Game’s just kinda shit bro sorry.

Do you think people are idiots?

problem is when you judge others for yourself.
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That rating isn't improving. It used to be 3.4 at about 10000 reviews. So it's actually got 0.1 worse 10000 more posts later. lol

For every 10/10 trying to prop up the score, there's two 0/10 scores keeping it down.

No one with a brain is taking this seriously.

the idiots who are doing this have no sense of ridicule


Can’t wait for the game to break sales records as an exclusive :) #winning

Oh it’ll absolutely break sales records. That doesn’t make it a great game or even a good game. And unless you’re a Sony shareholder that #winning hashtag is just sad.

Do you think people are idiots?

problem is when you judge others for yourself.

People are absolutely idiots. I’m no different.


Gold Member
No one with a brain is taking this seriously.

the idiots who are doing this have no sense of ridicule
I do't think anyone takes users scores seriously when it's like this. So for anyone going nuts at user scores, they should ignore them like 99% of other gamers do.

Lots of heavy hitter games from FIFA to Warcraft to shooters get grilled with 2/10 or 3/10 all the time. The last 5 Call of Duty games have got rated 3-4/10 by 1000s of users for Activision being loot crate lovers.

FIFA 20 is at 1.1/10 and the Warcraft Remastered game is I think at 0.6/10.

If anyone thinks games like this are worth 1/10 they take user scores too serious.


Gamergate showed that the far right segment of the gaming world can organize itself and form hate campaigns. Steve Bannon himself said that he organized the gaming world for political purposes.


Nobody noticed LOL
Pretty sure this has been brought up multiple times in the thread...

I get the point that is trying to be made, but it is an invalid data point to look at.

For example:
FIFA 14: 687 reviews
FIFA 20: 2379 reviews

EDIT: Not to mention people are much more likely to write complaints than compliments because people love to throw around hate.
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Pretty sure this has been brought up multiple times in the thread...

I get the point that is trying to be made, but it is an invalid data point to look at.

For example:
FIFA 14: 687 reviews
FIFA 20: 2379 reviews

EDIT: Not to mention people are much more likely to write complaints than compliments because people love to throw around hate.

OutRun88 OutRun88
Neo Member



I don't think there's ever been a bigger gap between critic reviews and user reviews. What do you think the reviewers were more afraid of? Not getting Sony perks in the leadup to PS5? Or being called a phobe and getting cancelled? The Japanese review seems the only one not tainted by politics, but being a AAA game it still scored the minimum of 70%.


Gold Member
I don't think there's ever been a bigger gap between critic reviews and user reviews. What do you think the reviewers were more afraid of? Not getting Sony perks in the leadup to PS5? Or being called a phobe and getting cancelled? The Japanese review seems the only one not tainted by politics, but being a AAA game it still scored the minimum of 70%.


The review bombs are not real reviews.
Let's be honest, they know. They just want to pretend they are because they've invested over 2 years of hate into this game. Fake reviews are all they've got after all of the shining pro reviews & the upcoming sales figures.


Yes, the extreme is only problematic when it's a 0/10. When the extreme is a 10/10, lo and behold, the problem with extremes magically vanishes.

Mate you're approach is not honest, not reasonable. Naught Dog games have a track record you know?

This anomalie happening right know cannot possibly be explained by honest criticism of the actual game.
It's an ideological battle between political fractions and you whole-heartedly support it.

An sincere and genuine person would never do such a thing. A honest judgment would be to criticise whatever agenda or mechanics they dislike, but nevertheless respect a good work done.

A 0 out of 10 is a straight political evaluation - a mere fraction of the genuine thing. Hence ultimately limited in scope.
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Honestly, I do look at Metacritic and both critic scores and user scores.

If there is a disconnect between them, it encourages me to look for the cause.
If both scores are thought to be arbitrary and pointless, the reason for the disconnect never is.
In this case the point isn´t the score, but the reason for the disconnect, but still, lower than 8 this game doesn´t deserve.


I don't think there's ever been a bigger gap between critic reviews and user reviews. What do you think the reviewers were more afraid of? Not getting Sony perks in the leadup to PS5? Or being called a phobe and getting cancelled? The Japanese review seems the only one not tainted by politics, but being a AAA game it still scored the minimum of 70%.

If this is the case, then fucking 'games journalism' is done. They're so afraid to be cancelled by their peers that they can't even practice objectivity in their field. And they wonder why gamers hate their guts and don't follow them anymore.

Also, reading through the thread so far, nice to see the defense force coming out in full force with the usual tactics to deflect criticism. Calling those who dislike this game AltRight, homophobic or jealous of Naughty Dog's 'winning' reputation.

I shall endeavor to answer these accusations as pertains to me to the best of my ability. To the first, I'm Filipino and we really don't have any AltRight movement here in my country. And I'm far from being conservative. Hell, I fucking play videogames. Don't conservative people hate videogames?

To the second, I don't have a problem with gay people and I don't really give a fuck about their representation in games. If they're in a game then so be it. And I had no problem with Ellie being gay. My problem lies with how this shit tier story treated her character in the worst possible manner. Not to spoil anything, but she and Joel deserved better than this after their journey in the first game.

To the third, which I find the most laughable. Why the fuck would I be jealous of Naughty Dog? If they make great games that helped elevate the gaming medium, then I'm all for it. Why would I be envious of that? It's a win for me as a gamer to be given more choice as to what I can play and enjoy. But if they make shit? Then I won't bother. Why is it hard for people to understand that? Just because NaughtyDog made some great games in the past doesn't make one beholden to them.

For once, just consider my opinion and not the thousands who've voiced their displeasure in case you want to generalize. I thought this game was shit. Get over it.
Honestly, I do look at Metacritic and both critic scores and user scores.

If there is a disconnect between them, it encourages me to look for the cause.
If both scores are thought to be arbitrary and pointless, the reason for the disconnect never is.
In this case the point isn´t the score, but the reason for the disconnect, but still, lower than 8 this game doesn´t deserve.

My honest opinion, it’s going to be more divisive than the Critic reviews lead people to believe. I’m not even halfway through I don’t think so I have not formed a solid opinion - but so far it’s not matching the first one in the narrative department. By any stretch imo. It looks better, and is a technical masterpiece, gameplay itself is tighter than the first one and obviously a lot of love went into it. I appreciate that they had the balls to try something with the story since the first one didn’t necessarily need a sequel. But so far I’m not really feelin it, oddly boring in some ways and (once again imo) I can almost hear the people in the writers room going “Wait what if we did this?!”. Still I appreciate the risks taken - but I’m not feeling near the same emotional connection to it at this point.


The amount of salt in this thread is outstanding. It's just another #NotMyBattlefield moment, just because it happened to Sony's 1st party game doesn't make it any different, deal with it and stop hurting yourself by being so blindly attached to some brand/company that doesn't even know you exist, fanboyism can get you only so far.


So wait, people are not allowed to dislike a Game for a story that shits all over the first part ?
For being directed by the biggest Cuck Soyboy that has ever lived ?
You simply assume that because the main character in the game is gay, it can ONLY get 10/10 ?
How shallow can you get ?
You know what dissapointment is ?
That look in your Parents Eyes when they see you with an Antifa shirt.


Im hesitant to say anything since I think we are getting dangerously close to spoilers but I just finished TLOU 1 again and my take away from going back to the game is that:

-Ellie is the focus going forward just based on how the story ends. Joel seems to be desperately hanging on to Ellie as the one last reclaimed piece of his humanity while Ellie is in the process of losing hers by way of Joel.

-Joel is not a good person and cannot be redeemed.

-Its established that she is either gay or bi or curious (Left Behind)

Is this really what people are pissed about? Because so far its sounding like a fairly logical progression of what TLOU set up.

EDIT: Simple yes or no will suffice so we dont go into spoilers.
No, that I not what people are mad about.
This review pretty much summarizes my feelings on the game story as of now:

The Last of Us Part II is the worst video game I’ve ever heard. For hours on end, thanks to the craftsmanship of top-notch audio engineers and dedicated performers, you will hear sounds of human misery: people shrieking in pain, pleading for their life, gagging and gurgling as blood seeps out of them. If you heard it all without the benefit of context, perhaps by being in an adjacent room while someone played, you’d register a parade of murder that would seem exceedingly difficult to justify. And you would be right. It’s not justified. Trouble is, The Last of Us Part II thinks itself clever by making this the point of its story, seemingly unaware that one does not need a thirty-hour video game to make this point.” - Vulture


This game will be on sale in a month.

The story is garbage and i deleted the game. I dont have time to play this typebof shit . I have too many good games on backlog to waste my limited time on this.
Waste of money but since i share games i hope my buddy will have more fun and at least i can sleep better.

And just in a nutshell the leaks were correct and the reviewers are shills and liars . Note how they were not allowed to say much even in their review.
This game should have a refund policy attached to it.

Most of the time i dont care for the story in games but here its soo in your face.

Guys you dont have to boycott this garbage just wait for a deep sale and at 20 bucks i am sure you will look at it different.


Must be a bitch being a conservative in favor of business regulation in spite of the anti 1st amendment nature of the proposed changes. Just shows that none of you read a fucking thing or know a fucking thing beyond the bullshit Hannity et al feed you, and you have absolutely no adherence to what could be called old school conservative values. Trump will be laughed out of this case in the same way he has all his others.
Mods please look into this alt account from 2013 with 174 posts.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Must be a bitch being a conservative in favor of business regulation in spite of the anti 1st amendment nature of the proposed changes. Just shows that none of you read a fucking thing or know a fucking thing beyond the bullshit Hannity et al feed you, and you have absolutely no adherence to what could be called old school conservative values. Trump will be laughed out of this case in the same way he has all his others.

Lets try to move actual political discussion to the politics subform.


People are giving this a worse review than Devil's Third?
Come on.

Plus, who cares if the main character is gay. Do people actually care? Maybe it's just me but why would straight guys (the majority demographic buying this game) care about a lesbian main character? Both the main character and her girlfriend/partner whatever are both visually pleasing so I'd expect most straight guys not to care. I wonder if it's compounded by how the director/producer really jumped on the BLM stuff and was duking it out on Twitter with people.
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People are giving this a worse review than Devil's Third?
Come on.

Plus, who cares if the main character is gay. Do people actually care? Maybe it's just me but why would straight guys (the majority demographic buying this game) care about a lesbian main character? Both the main character and her girlfriend/partner whatever are both visually pleasing so I'd expect most straight guys not to care. I wonder if it's compounded by how the director/producer really jumped on the BLM stuff and was duking it out on Twitter with people.

she’s been gay since 2014 - I don’t know who these people are that are so offended by that. Its weird because I feel the game has some major flaws (obviously not 3/10 level flaws) and def didnt deserve so many 10/10 reviews but these anti-sjw types are embarrassing and overshadowing actual legitimate criticisms
she’s been gay since 2014 - I don’t know who these people are that are so offended by that. Its weird because I feel the game has some major flaws (obviously not 3/10 level flaws) and def didnt deserve so many 10/10 reviews but these anti-sjw types are embarrassing and overshadowing actual legitimate criticisms

Aristotle once said inserting your ideology into a story is a bad story. every writer who knows his shit has read Aristotle's Poetics. Druckmann said that was his main goal, he responded to a fan saying he uses his ideology as his focus for story ideas. This is really bad and any real writer who reads this would laugh at him in disgust.
Aristotle once said inserting your ideology into a story is a bad story. every writer who knows his shit has read Aristotle's Poetics. Druckmann said that was his main goal, he responded to a fan saying he uses his ideology as his focus for story ideas. This is really bad and any real writer who reads this would laugh at him in disgust.
Well I’m gonna have to disagree with Aristotle on this one. Every story is subjective, usually the person who writes/directs it is trying to express something they feel is meaningful in their art - if that’s their political opinion or otherwise - I don’t think ideology is the problem with the story at all. The problem with it is that it really feels like it’s gilding the lilly and attempting to make a point that can be made in two sentences but is stretched over 30 hours.


I think the idea of review bombing is kind of ridiculous. That said, people do have the right to voice their own opinions on the game. If you played it and didn't like it, then you should have every right to post a critical review. But I don't think posting a negative review for the sake of a negative review when you haven't even played the game is a smart idea.


Gold Member
Lol the people acting like we didn't know the review bomb was coming and it's some media pandering to naughty dog as to why it got high scores. The salt is mountainous with this one.

Keep up the propaganda machine we 👀👀you. Too bad you'll be missing another goty contender. Been playing non stop since 12:00 :)
Poor you. Hope you get better soon.
Well I’m gonna have to disagree with Aristotle on this one. Every story is subjective, usually the person who writes/directs it is trying to express something they feel is meaningful in their art - if that’s their political opinion or otherwise - I don’t think ideology is the problem with the story at all. The problem with it is that it really feels like it’s gilding the lilly and attempting to make a point that can be made in two sentences but is stretched over 30 hours.

You can totally disagree with it that's fine, that doesn't make it any less true and a rule to follow for the most successful writers. His ideology is on full display and it ruins all the classic tlou characters motivations making the original completely irrelevant and the sequel pointless.
You can totally disagree with it that's fine, that doesn't make it any less true and a rule to follow for the most successful writers. His ideology is on full display and it ruins all the classic tlou characters motivations making the original completely irrelevant and the sequel pointless.
My problem with this idea is that if we follow this completely - doesn’t that completely rule out the genre of satire?
My problem with this idea is that if we follow this completely - doesn’t that completely rule out the genre of satire?
A great satire hides it's motivations with comedy. They typically uses humor and sarcasm to poke fun at institutions and public figures, with the goal of reforming society or politics.
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Gold Member
Lets be honest, does anyone pay any attention to user reviews?
I rarely ever pay attention to any reviews. If I like the look of a game I'll buy it and decide for myself. I don't need some stranger online to tell me if they liked it or not.

Sometimes I do look at reviews if I'm unsure of a game. I think both critic and user reviews are valuable. Critics mostly do a good job but they don't feel as honest. I mean, it's their job so they need to toe the line at both ends. They are getting paid and in some cases I believe they are paid to give it a certain score. When a game receives multiple 10/10 or 5/5 it makes me highly suspicious. I'd love a perfect game but c'mon...just look at TLOU2. Apparently that's perfect but people are hating on the story. Why did it get perfect reviews?

User reviews are brutally honest but are open to abuse. Review bombing is pathetic and immature. You get the thoughts and experience of a real gamer playing the game. Someone who coughed up their own money to buy it at full price. Maybe they are completely satisfied with their purchase or maybe they regret it. They don't need to worry about trashing it or praising it...there's no money coming into their bank as a result of it.

I think both critic + user reviews are important and help give you a better idea. They keep each other in check when done honestly. Reviews might be handing out perfect scores like it's christmas but the users could be like "hey wait...yeah it's a good game but the story/visuals/gameplay/performance sucks. Why has nobody mentioned that??"
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This review pretty much summarizes my feelings on the game story as of now:

The Last of Us Part II is the worst video game I’ve ever heard. For hours on end, thanks to the craftsmanship of top-notch audio engineers and dedicated performers, you will hear sounds of human misery: people shrieking in pain, pleading for their life, gagging and gurgling as blood seeps out of them. If you heard it all without the benefit of context, perhaps by being in an adjacent room while someone played, you’d register a parade of murder that would seem exceedingly difficult to justify. And you would be right. It’s not justified. Trouble is, The Last of Us Part II thinks itself clever by making this the point of its story, seemingly unaware that one does not need a thirty-hour video game to make this point.” - Vulture
Wrong link for the quote there friend - that link is a September 2019 first impressions. You want this one.
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