It's an official rumor, duh.How is this official with the rumor tags?
true.It is broken, the Story is and since this isnt a Zelda or Mario but a Narrative Game, Story IS a big part of why People are attached to it.
And lets be honest, just look at the shit Cuckman has already said about the game, the people who complain about it and recpetion in general.
Does this look like a mentaly healthy Person ?
And why is no one allowed to express displeasure when Characters that they love get treated like that ?
Is it so hard to understand that getting a product thats intentinaly shit should be called out for it ?
My experience in a thai massage placeNah, I'm married.My wife will kill me if I mention the name "Thailand".
Pretty famous around here to ease the steam around there.
Tag to post correlation confusing.....I’m 20 hrs in and the game is fantastic.
It was more of a generalized observation in regards to the hostility towards the game.I don't think I've once criticized the game for have gay people in it.
The only "SJW" stuff I complained about is Abbys model and how weird it looks, thats about it.
So I'm not sure what you're accusing me of.
The problem is there are hundreds of people giving scores of 1-3 out of ten. Even on a bad day, even if the story was utter tripe and garbage, you're never going to arrive at pathetic low score like that.
Perhaps if we have a lot more scores like 7 or 8 out of ten those will add some legitimacy so we can actually zero in on the problems.
15 hours?Im 15 hours into the game. Was I suppose to have gotten to the shitty part yet? So far this game is amazing.
15 hours?
Either you suck at the game, or the opening movie hasn’t ended yet.
The drama
It’s amazing how some are so anti-TLOU 2, they will find anything to justify their hate.
Game is a fun game to play and it’s one of the prettiest non open world games I have ever seenThat's WAY too generous.
You really think the only way anybody would give it a 10 is if they bought into the hype? LOL ok.can see why people may give it a 5, in very rare cases, or a 10 if they really bought into the hype. But these scores are from real people.
I have this feeling that there is an anti-Sony agenda here but what do I know I just finished the game in two days.
You really think the only way anybody would give it a 10 is if they bought into the hype? LOL ok.
Whether you like it or not there is nothing average about this game.Having trouble understanding that chief? Yes. Because for me, it’s not a perfect game, it’s not even a fantastic game.
It’s just a pretty game with really shallow gameplay and not enough of it. So for ME, I doubt it could get below a 5, but also fail to see how it could get a 10 for having the same flaws a lot of games have been hung for recently.
I know it’s hard to accept but not everybody thinks the games the second coming of Christ. It’s just a totally average game in a sexy wrapper. If you don’t agree? Who cares. My actual post that you quite clearly didn’t read said “real scores will give it a 5-10”, as in people not making shit up who haven’t played it. And for ME, I can see why people would score it a certain way, either they don’t like the game, or they bought into the hype. Because yes, This game has some of the dullest gameplay I’ve played all generation, and yes, the games story itself is utterly dreadful and has no respect for the characters or universe the first created. Of this was any other game it would be reviewed 7 or 8 out of 10 and would be hung for being “pretty but shallow”, but because this is a major blue IP it gets a pass. It’s quite blatant.
I know chief. I'm trying to point a simple thing out.I know it’s hard to accept but not everybody thinks the games the second coming of Christ. It’s just a totally average game in a sexy wrapper. If you don’t agree? Who cares.
Whether you like it or not there is nothing average about this game.
I know chief. I'm trying to point a simple thing out.
You are asking people to accept your poor opinion of the game, you dislike even its gameplay. For you, it's a 5. Sure, it is after all, your informed opinion. Based on your playtime. I never said you were wrong to give it a 5.
On the other hand, you say that anybody who likes this enough to give it a 10, could only be doing so due to buying into the hype. They couldn't possibly actually genuinely like it, no. They just got brainwashed by marketing, I guess.
You don't see your double standards there? You expect people to listen to your opinion, while dismissing the opinions of others.
For the record, from what I've seen so far, it looks like a 7 (at most 8) in my personal scale. Only bcause I'm intrigued by the gameplay. But I won't be sure unti I try it. I won't dismiss the opinions of people who liked or strongly dislike it though.
I talked to 3 friends who are somewhat religious yesterday and who played the game. (1 Muslim, 2 Christians)I personally hate all ND games, but I fail to see what makes TLoU1 better than 2, I actually think it continues the story well, and it has a nice message.
The hive mind mentality is at work, making it popular to hate, so everyone hates it.
The thing is, story in this game is a matter of opinion. People who like fairy tales stories will probably hate the story here, however I like surprising stories where things dont go well for the main characters.Game is a fun game to play and it’s one of the prettiest non open world games I have ever seen
But at the opposite end you have this story that starts off with some shit execution and continues to rub your face in that for the rest of the game
It completely undoes the cleverly written characters and dialogue of the first game
I'm 11 hours in and blown away.I’m 20 hrs in and the game is fantastic.
No other game I have checked has collected so many User Reviews. There were many games that were a letdown for people but None and I repeat None collected so many User critics on Metacritic.
Regular Numbers are between 2000-4000+ User Reviews in TOTAL for Games Like RDR/GTA Size. These AAA Titels collect most User comments but also Games Like Zelda or Mario collect These numbers in quantity, So let's call them System Sellers.
Tlou 2 has 64.000!!!!!! User Reviews.
22,000 positive
37,000 negative
There has seldomly maybe even never been such an example in Quantity of Feedbacks and all I am saying is that I hypothesize there is a Form of Hidden Agenda behind it.