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Neil Druckmann has being getting transphobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic messages


You know what would be great, that all this people spouting all this vitriol are rounded up by police for death threats and hate speech. I want to see how ballsy they are when not behind a keyboard. I can interrogate them if needs be...

>I want to see how ballsy they are when not behind a keyboard
>I can interrogate them if needs be...

Dude c'mon. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

By trying to rationalise that it's okay/expected for death threats to happen as they happened before, you are giving the unhinged an licence to do it in the future.

How do we know which death threat should be taken seriously or not? I imagine he has informed his employer of all threats against him, who would discuss it with the police. I was on about people trying to diminish death threats and making jokes about it.

Also common sense is not common. Unfortunately it never was.

But nobody's saying it's okay. And nobody in the future needs me to metaphorically grant them a license to be an asshole, they're just gonna do it.

Nobody wants to treat individuals like individuals anymore. Some randos send death threats to Neil Druckmann because they thought TLoU2 sucked, and suddenly every person who plays videogames has to publicly denounce idiocy lest we all be labelled racist, misogynist, transphobe, homophobe, anti-semite? I don't give a shit. None of these people are going to kill Neil Druckmann; he knows it, I know it, you probably know it, I'm not gonna waste my keystrokes on some vapid moral grandstanding for halfwits on Twitter.

I mean, here's a pretty good yardstick for judging the seriousness of a death threat: if it contains your home address, the make and model of your car, the type of alarm system you have, etc., maybe take that one seriously. That's it. Just be sure to share screenshots of the threats to Twitter so people know to feel sorry for you.

If they did something criminal, let the law take care of it.
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Oh man we totally agree on this... really, people need to calm the f* down. These should be classified as death threat and if some people need to see their account banned it's people like these. You don't like something, just move on don't threaten people, wtf!?!

At some point this kind of behavior should be punishable.

Why are both of you so quick to believe any of this? All that has been posted are a couple .jpg.

Do you really just instantly believe that this must be true?



I am not defending these idiots, but, tje guy started a controversy and I believe he is smart enough to anticipate such a thing. This is not new and been happening for years now.
If you decide to fuck up with something then prepare for the shit storm

Those who have been following him for a while know that he GETS OFF on this type of shit. He loves when people write such comments because he knows it is meaningless (a bunch of sexually repressed pubescents who would squeal at a paper cut), but it gives him the opportunity to play victim and have his legion of mindless SJW parade him with complements, calling him brave and the like. He appears like a fallen martyr for the cause.

This guy has been egging nutjob alt-righters since day 1 and each time pretends to be surprised at the fallout. If people think this backlash will make the next naughty dog game less liberal they have another thing coming. He will double down and afterwards he will open up his twitter and bring out the lube reading the next batch of hate mail.
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It's just people need to grow up mentally. Co-creator of game ruined my enjoyment of game, must send anti-semetic comment/death threat to him.

You don't know this though.

You've created this very specific idea of the person sending the threats as if you know them and as if you know why they are doing it.

Then all your arguments and reactions are based on that but you don't actually know anything here.

None of us do.

Listen, if someone was coming here and saying "I hated that goddamn game and I hated what they did with the characters so I send them a death threat" then very likely that poster would be criticized heavily and probably banned permanently.

If you were able to come here and say you were friends with someone who sent this stuff and you know why they did it then we could have a sensible talk.

Its total speculation though.

To me it's like the whole situation is being used to through shade at people who genuinely just don't like the game.

Like "oh you wanna say you hate TLOU2 well just you consider that people got death threats over that game".

Name and shame the perpetrators or get the fuck out.

So tried of this limp wristed "oh the community needs to grow up" shite. The community is fine. These specific people need to be found, named and charged.

Why should the rest of us need to shoulder responsibility for the actions of people we don't know, from nobody knows where and for reasons we also do not know. Fuck that.

I'm not going to throw a whole community under the bus because some daft kids halfway across the world get a kick out of abusing people online.
That's one way to get people to continue talking about your game.

What those trolls are saying is wrong, no doubt. But I feel Neil is not innocent here. He forced identity politics into the game. He forced his own beliefs into the game. I also noticed how there is a Christian symbol (fish symbol) used in the cult faction in the game, depicting Christians as evil, crazy people. Trying to label true, loving, peaceful Christians with crazy,murderous cult people is no better.

I do not feel sorry for the guy. Now, he'll continue to get free marketing for the game
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Gold Member
Lmao. Do you really think He photoshopped it or asked some people to send him those messages? Really dude?
You never know.

People pointed out the LoU 2 trailers from a couple years ago were totally BS with misdirection. People said the old trailers showed Joel in it at certain points of the game, but in the real game Joel wasn't there. It was different characters.

So anyone thinking the game had lots more Joel in the game got mislead.
Lmao. Do you really think He photoshopped it or asked some people to send him those messages? Really dude?

Is that difficult for you to believe? Why?

SJW types love to play the victim, and here they are, easily collecting those victimhood points.

Have you not asked yourself why they would bother hiding their names so we can't see them? Why would they do that? Is Twitter a platform where people can easily say horrible things without getting called out? No, it's th complete opposite. Twitter loves to call people out, to name them and shame them.

We can't see a name, not even one, so we can't search the name and check their post history to confirm if they actually said any of these things?

Wouldn't it be the right thing to post their names so they can be dealt with and likely banned from Twitter?

What's the reason for spending time and effort to protect the names of the people he's claiming are victimizing him?

For what reason would you see a .jpg and no proof, and instantly believe it?
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Lmao. Do you really think He photoshopped it or asked some people to send him those messages? Really dude?

Well, smart arse, if you can show that the messages are genuine then go right ahead.

Otherwise you are talking out your arse.

We all are. :)

I'm not gonna say I think they are fake but I wouldn't say its impossible either.

Ever heard of Jussie Smollett?

"LMAO you really think he would make it all up and actually pay two dudes to stage a fake assault."

That's what allegedly happened though.

Can we say we know anything for sure here?

Common sense tells us the messages are likely real. We know people do send shit like this so it's not even unusual.

Even so. What do we really know here?

We know for sure that certain people are not above trying to use stuff like this for clout so...?
With a 5 min photoshop, he now gets to be the victim and use it as a shield.

Now anyone who criticizes his game or his politics can be easily lumped in with this toxic group of gamers ( who totally exist and aren't just a made up photoshop ).

How convenient. :pie_thinking:


I'm out of this shit, you guys probably also belive Corona is a lie and 5G will kill us all.
Have fun

LOL. So you can't verify these messages and it's everyone else's fault somehow?

Sure we must all think Corona is fake and 5G will kill us all. Cos you can't verify a few messages you claim are 100% real.

Why do people always flip out like this when asked for proof?

Proof literally wins the argument for you here. Easy.

Yet you run away crying when asked for it.
I'm out of this shit, you guys probably also belive Corona is a lie and 5G will kill us all.
Have fun

Difficult for you to accept that you can be so easily fooled isn't it?

Better to just paint anyone with critical thinking skills as conspiracy theorists.

You act like you've never seen an SJW or someone fake being a victim, but unless you've been living under a rock for the past decade, you have seen it, many times.

It's time for you to wake up.
Yeah i don't think he or Laura has to fake this stuff... I'm sure these assholes are real.

While it is true that people say fucked up shit on the internet, why not simply prove it?

They didn't simply not prove it - they went out of their way to make sure that it can't be proven, that it can't be verified.


WHY would they go out of her way to remove the names of the people who supposedly threatened to kill her child? Why would they do that? If I was in their position I would plaster their names for all to see. They would more than deserve it.

Why not provide even a shred of proof?

I know why.
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Gold Member
These cunts are assholes. There is no need for it. I have no sympathy for him though. He is talking shit, playing the victim, and he is only encouraging this kind of behavior.

Lie in your bed.


Look, none of these comments are from fans, these are from sick demented people. This is console wars through and through. Threatening people's lives because "they don't like a story in a game?" Don't be fooled by this BS. Look at that first page, you have posters like Stuart360 saying 'You reap what you sow", and of course look at the posters supporting such re-actions, the same guys who have been trolling TLOU 2 threads everywhere and of course the same guys who want the next gen thread closed.....I mean this is just console wars and it's much too transparent.

So what exactly are people upset about here?

Ellie is a Lesbian? She was since part 1, where was the hate then? I guess again, the minority directed their attention to the easiest target, the framerate on PS3, whilst millions enjoyed the game and called it their GOTG. Some came in for quips about ladders, whilst many enjoyed the excellent multiplayer for years ongoing.....

Abby is buff?

I guess a tough muscly girl is something no one has seen in this world with almost 8 billion people. We have never seen the women in gladiator, in weight lifting, MMA or body building competitions. Perhaps Abby loved her dad so much, she felt she needed to bulk up not only to survive the Zombie Horde but to survive enough to take her revenge on those who did him in....It's a sick cycle isn't it, that what goes around comes around...? Why are people so wrapped up in a Kumbaya Sunday Service hypocritical stance. Do you think if the world goes to shit and it becomes dog eat dog, that the reality of existence will be one of a Utopian feel good, taste me the rainbows, let's pass this joint affair?

Have people never watched The Walking Dead? Or even The Road. Mentally, physically such a world or how it's portrayed will be exhausting on all fronts, rash decisions made, survival and revenge would be the order consistently displayed.....I think LOU2's story is consistent with the World Ellie and Joel is in. They did some things, some things did them. The outlook of that world was always grim, it's impossible and naïve for people to have anticipated that one old man and a young girl could have taken on all militia, zombies and enemies they made along the way forever. Whoever wants to write that story can go right ahead and write this fairy tale for a good hearty feeling, but it's not reality in the grim world ND has constructed here. Those who don't like the story are free to go make that game where the protagonists just go on forever or one where there is restoration and peace, or one where all girls like the D or all bad ass girls that fight loads of zombies and take names look like Eva Mendes in Sin City, but it's not one ND has to tell or a narrative anyone can force them to tell. They will tell their story or one consistent with what they want to say. It's their show, if you don't like it move on like an adult and go do yours......Or punish them by not buying part 3, Or better yet, ask for a refund if you still can. Death threats and people trying to de-sensitize people to death threats, by saying it's no biggie, it's an internet thing is ludicrous in every sense of the word.

The minority are trying too hard and it reeks of desperation stemming from Jealousy of mounting success. My take on the story is I think LOU2 opens up a very powerful message of how things can get seedy protecting those you love, especially in such a world and events. Your love towards another is not the only love that exists, so based on what you do, there are repercussions. To every action, there is a reaction, but even in LOU2's story, the hate cycle has to be broken, the common enemy are the zombies, but humans are killing each other more so than zombies, so how can they amass their resources to ever combat the scourge. Forgiveness has to start somewhere in order to make any headway in fighting this plague off, and I think that's what LOU2 was. It opened up the franchise more than any Kumbaya White Knight Story, "we survived again, fluff piece" would have ever done....


Really wouldn't be that shocking to find out this was manufactured for marketing.

You'd think after the Jussie Smollett thing people would smarten up.

Aparently not.

Better to just give a quick vacuous "I condemn this cos I am a good person" and feel smug about oneself.

It's nice that people want to put out the impression that they are good people. Saying the right things at the right times on the topic of the day. It's not bad to want to be good.

Unfortunately there are other folks out there who will take full advantage of that kind of naive thinking.
That's one way to get people to continue talking about your game.

What those trolls are saying is wrong, no doubt. But I feel Neil is not innocent here. He forced identity politics into the game. He forced his own beliefs into the game. I also noticed how there is a Christian symbol (fish symbol) used in the cult faction in the game, depicting Christians as evil, crazy people. Trying to label true, loving, peaceful Christians with crazy,murderous cult people is no better.

I do not feel sorry for the guy. Now, he'll continue to get free marketing for the game
You mean to tell me, A jewish man who has strong leftist views that in some cases goes against Christian values. Who is a creative director put stuff in a game that paints Christians as evil. Wow I'm shocked!

Maybe in the next Last of Us Neil could put a Jewish faction in the game that is a porn cult that deals in child sex trafficking. You know, to even things out.


You never know.

People pointed out the LoU 2 trailers from a couple years ago were totally BS with misdirection. People said the old trailers showed Joel in it at certain points of the game, but in the real game Joel wasn't there. It was different characters.

So anyone thinking the game had lots more Joel in the game got mislead.

Here's your proof:
1) Go to twitter
2) search @neil_druckmann with any slur you want i.e. 'jew', 'fag' or 'tranny'.
3) look at the results. Here's one I searched for ^

Now will you stop with your moronic "Neil made this up for marketing" conspiracy theories?
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Gold Member
The idea that he made this for marketing is ridiculous.

But he is either using it or maybe he needs to take a break from the internet.
You mean to tell me, A jewish man who has strong leftist views that in some cases goes against Christian values. Who is a creative director put stuff in a game that paints Christians as evil. Wow I'm shocked!

Maybe in the next Last of Us Neil could put a Jewish faction in the game that is a porn cult that deals in child sex trafficking. You know, to even things out.

Not sure what you're trying to imply here, but it sounds ridiculous. Are u suggesting Chrisitians are into porn and child sex trafficking? Why would a jewish man paint Christians as evil in the first place?


Look, none of these comments are from fans, these are from sick demented people. This is console wars through and through. Threatening people's lives because "they don't like a story in a game?" Don't be fooled by this BS. Look at that first page, you have posters like Stuart360 saying 'You reap what you sow", and of course look at the posters supporting such re-actions, the same guys who have been trolling TLOU 2 threads everywhere and of course the same guys who want the next gen thread closed.....I mean this is just console wars and it's much too transparent.

So what exactly are people upset about here?

Ellie is a Lesbian? She was since part 1, where was the hate then? I guess again, the minority directed their attention to the easiest target, the framerate on PS3, whilst millions enjoyed the game and called it their GOTG. Some came in for quips about ladders, whilst many enjoyed the excellent multiplayer for years ongoing.....

Abby is buff?

I guess a tough muscly girl is something no one has seen in this world with almost 8 billion people. We have never seen the women in gladiator, in weight lifting, MMA or body building competitions. Perhaps Abby loved her dad so much, she felt she needed to bulk up not only to survive the Zombie Horde but to survive enough to take her revenge on those who did him in....It's a sick cycle isn't it, that what goes around comes around...? Why are people so wrapped up in a Kumbaya Sunday Service hypocritical stance. Do you think if the world goes to shit and it becomes dog eat dog, that the reality of existence will be one of a Utopian feel good, taste me the rainbows, let's pass this joint affair?

Have people never watched The Walking Dead? Or even The Road. Mentally, physically such a world or how it's portrayed will be exhausting on all fronts, rash decisions made, survival and revenge would be the order consistently displayed.....I think LOU2's story is consistent with the World Ellie and Joel is in. They did some things, some things did them. The outlook of that world was always grim, it's impossible and naïve for people to have anticipated that one old man and a young girl could have taken on all militia, zombies and enemies they made along the way forever. Whoever wants to write that story can go right ahead and write this fairy tale for a good hearty feeling, but it's not reality in the grim world ND has constructed here. Those who don't like the story are free to go make that game where the protagonists just go on forever or one where there is restoration and peace, or one where all girls like the D or all bad ass girls that fight loads of zombies and take names look like Eva Mendes in Sin City, but it's not one ND has to tell or a narrative anyone can force them to tell. They will tell their story or one consistent with what they want to say. It's their show, if you don't like it move on like an adult and go do yours......Or punish them by not buying part 3, Or better yet, ask for a refund if you still can. Death threats and people trying to de-sensitize people to death threats, by saying it's no biggie, it's an internet thing is ludicrous in every sense of the word.

The minority are trying too hard and it reeks of desperation stemming from Jealousy of mounting success. My take on the story is I think LOU2 opens up a very powerful message of how things can get seedy protecting those you love, especially in such a world and events. Your love towards another is not the only love that exists, so based on what you do, there are repercussions. To every action, there is a reaction, but even in LOU2's story, the hate cycle has to be broken, the common enemy are the zombies, but humans are killing each other more so than zombies, so how can they amass their resources to ever combat the scourge. Forgiveness has to start somewhere in order to make any headway in fighting this plague off, and I think that's what LOU2 was. It opened up the franchise more than any Kumbaya White Knight Story, "we survived again, fluff piece" would have ever done....

That's all great but the truth is you don't know who is doing it or why.

So it's all just talk.

I mean, the "console wars" angle is interesting because you see even here that people can get very heated over their consoles and the game is PS exclusive so, who knows?

Truth is we don't know.


They keep insisting that if you go woke you broke but TLOU2 is not going broke and I think it drives them even crazier. This has been a failed hate campaign and many of them can't stand losing. They threw everything they had at this game and it still tops the charts.


Gold Member

Here's your proof:
1) Go to twitter
2) search @neil_druckmann with any slur you want i.e. 'jew', 'fag' or 'tranny'.
3) look at the results. Here's one I searched for ^

Now will you stop with your moronic "Neil made this up for marketing" conspiracy theories?
Who cares. It's social media. People say dumb stuff.

I'm sure Lebron James get nailed with insults and discriminatory remarks every day. How come he never cares.

If someone can't handle social media, then get off it. It's not for everyone.
Not sure what you're trying to imply here, but it sounds ridiculous. Are u suggesting Chrisitians are into porn and child sex trafficking? Why would a jewish man paint Christians as evil in the first place?
No I'm implying that if he's going to paint Christians as evil then in their next game he needs to paint jews the same way (porn and child sex trafficking).


Plenty of people have taken issue with the direction the game took, especially since it undermines the first game which was universally loved. I'm one of them, but at the end of the day, it's Neil's game and he can do whatever he wants and I'm free to not buy it (which is what I did) if I don't like it. That's how it works folks. All these people harassing and threatening him and Laura Bailey are pathetic shitbags.

What I take issue with BIG TIME though is when moronic "games journalists" take it upon themselves to lump all the people that don't like the game or criticize it with the aforementioned shitbags.

^ Well said. No amount of 'Look at all these awful messages I've been sent on Twitter' makes up for the fact that he made an extremely divisive game that despite what the critics may believe, is clearly deep into ME3 territory in terms of the actual fan reaction. Personally I think the story could have worked, but probably told over 2 games rather than lumped into one. TLOU2 should have been about Abby and her friends after the events of TLOU and what they went through with the collapse of the fireflies, migrating to Seattle and integrating with the WLF and then the breaking of the truce between the WLF and the Scars and then the 3rd game could have dealt with matters coming to a head between her, Joel and Ellie. That way people might actually have given a damn about Abby


Who cares. It's social media. People say dumb stuff.

I'm sure Lebron James get nailed with insults and discriminatory remarks every day. How come he never cares.

If someone can't handle social media, then get off it. It's not for everyone.
So now that I've provided evidence it's "who cares"?

Yes or no do you still think he's photoshopping insults?


Gold Member
But he is either using it or maybe he needs to take a break from the internet.
Totally. Name one high profile gaming employee that tweets so much defending his game. Guy is a total crybaby.

Call of Duty and FIFA and especially Warcraft Reforged with a whopping 0.6/10 score. Much worse than LoU2 on metacritic user score of about 5/10 now. Where's all the EA and Activision employees fighting back?

You know how much shit Randy Pitchford and Bobby Kotick have got over the past decade for lousy games or being greedy assholes? I don't think I've seen Kotick ever respond once to social media and forums insulting him. And even Pitchford doesn't rant back and he's one who likes to fight back.
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I already showed you proof ND can mislead people with their trailers. So don't think ND is 100% honest in things.
I think there's a huge difference between misleading people with video game trailers so that the plot of your story isn't spoiled vs making up lies about being called every slur under the sun. Is Laura Bailey lying too in your opinion?

Here's your proof:
1) Go to twitter
2) search @neil_druckmann with any slur you want i.e. 'jew', 'fag' or 'tranny'.
3) look at the results. Here's one I searched for ^

Now will you stop with your moronic "Neil made this up for marketing" conspiracy theories?

Great, let's look closer.

When I search for Twitter Asenzzy I get nothing and when I search for Twitter Huk50like I get this....

Obviously Chinese. I'm not even sure it's a real person but even if it is then why not post their name? Why not simply report them to Twitter or block them?

Why would anyone care what this "person" thinks?

Druckman is his own "victim" and anyone who goes along with his SJW victimhood pony show is incredibly naive.


Gold Member
I think there's a huge difference between misleading people with video game trailers so that the plot of your story isn't spoiled vs making up lies about being called every slur under the sun. Is Laura Bailey lying too in your opinion?
You've obviously never played an online shooter. I've been called stupid shit too playing online. And some of them would even send me a message after the match which is either cuss filled text or recording. Here I am thinking maybe they are sending me a message to be friends so we can play together, but then you open the message and its...... "Fuck you chicken shit" And like everyone, I've been called racist names too and I'm not even Black. Lots of angry communication in gaming.

Who cares. Here's what I do: Delete Message.

If I can handle it, why can't you or the game employees?

I don't even bother reporting them. Only people I report are hackers/modders messing up the MP lobbies. For angry people cussing out, they are harmless.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: Fuck these kind of people. They don't deserve to be in this world.
Yup, pretty much. The thing about this situation that makes it worse, is that your stance is not shared by some people. Like that's kinda fucked. The anonymity of the internet really lets your inner thoughts shine through.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I think there's a huge difference between misleading people with video game trailers so that the plot of your story isn't spoiled vs making up lies about being called every slur under the sun. Is Laura Bailey lying too in your opinion?

There are some real pieces of work in this topic... Jesus.
What a jackass cuckman is. I mean seriously what do you gain exposing these threats? Yeah people can be assholes, but your the biggest asshole of them all, you brought this upon yourself! You thought you can cheat and lie to the people with your deceit and agendas, and thought there wasn't going to be any repercussions? Grow up! Yeah people are going to hate your game and leave you negative comments, ignore it and live with it, like every other professional in the business, stop getting involved you pussy!


After finishing the game, I can see why he's getting all this hate and death threats. Same for Laura Bailey.

He totally destroyed old favourites and made it all about his new characters, who all happen to be LGBTQ or agenda-driven. They are always protected and put on a pedestal. Basically the real stars and heroes of the game.

The gameplay was fantastic but I didn't recognize TLOU at all, by the end I was fed up with all of it. I deleted the game and sold it.


Gold Member
boo hoo hoo :messenger_pensive::messenger_pensive:
boo ho ho
ho ho h.. h ..i hi hi... hehehehe he



Finally Neil Druckmann and Sony are Angry about the results of selling of the most "Famous" Game ever!!!
Makes sense. What better way to make an angry game, but have angry employees making it?

All the ND/contract workers need to do is just keep their mouths shut, let the 95 meta score do the talking and rake in the millions of sales. Who cares about user scores and all these fake and meaningless tweets. Games get user bombed all the time and every celeb get nailed with social media insults.

But got to keep the limelight on.

You can tell the threats aren't that serious. If they were to any of them, they'd put their account on private settings, which is what everyone does when hit with serious allegations, got doxxed, or needs to get away because something isn't right.

Look at that. Neil Druckmann and Laura Bailey Twitters still up.
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They keep insisting that if you go woke you broke but TLOU2 is not going broke and I think it drives them even crazier. This has been a failed hate campaign and many of them can't stand losing. They threw everything they had at this game and it still tops the charts.
Yeah, but at this point it's pathetic the lengths they go to. They should have just taken the loss and moved on. Yet I don't think it will be their last fight trying to undo LOU2's success, which is futile at this point. All I see they are doing is giving LOU2 more momentum......Yet they are so bitter. so expect an endless war being waged years from now on this game........Just wait till Sony gives the first huge tally on the game after a month of 3 months, or even when the NPD debuts.....All the red ants will be out of the nest again...


The comments are vile, by pathetic people.

At the same time, Druckmann should re-think his stance that it's 'important to expose this'. Is it really? All I see it doing is adding fuel to the fire. Block them, report them to twitter, don't respond and move on. If Twitter fail to maintain a satisfactory platform take it up with them or ultimately leave in protest.

Everyone knows twitter is full of cunts. It's why many don't use it. Which only increases the cunt ratio.


Great, let's look closer.

When I search for Twitter Asenzzy I get nothing and when I search for Twitter Huk50like I get this....

Nice detective work! :)

That account is rather curious.
Could be a bot. Seems like they often spam the same message a few times.

Only 41 followers. Yet they seem to tweet prolifically.

Very few likes or comments ever.

Almost the entire posting on the account seems to be in Chinese except for a weird 17 tweet over 12 hour attack on ND and Druckman. Then immediately back to Chinese.


What is that?
How come it doesn't get picked up and banned by Twitter?

Anyway, yeah let's throw the entire gaming community under the bus over some very strange and curious twitter accounts.

(Is it possible someone pays for these kind of things? Like a few bucks for X number of tweets for a set period of time on a set day?)

That account is very odd indeed, on the surface of it.


There is no insinuation that the Seraphites are even Christian. They are a religious cult that seems to take inspiration from many different religions.
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