You don’t show 1080p 30 fps raytraced minecraft eitherIf you lead with your best foot, you don’t Show 1440p dynamic at 30 FPS on next gen hardware
You don’t show 1080p 30 fps raytraced minecraft eitherIf you lead with your best foot, you don’t Show 1440p dynamic at 30 FPS on next gen hardware
Wake me up when Sony shows a real-time path traced Demo.You don’t show 1080p 30 fps raytraced minecraft either![]()
See I think both next-gen consoles are powerful enough to do ray-tracing at NATIVE 4K@60FPS. (I was shocked when I saw ray-traced reflections on Clank while the game was running at native 4K on the PS5. I initially had way lower expectations when it came to ray-tracing for next-gen, but that R&C trailer changed everything for me) The reason I think we’re seeing games run at 30FPS when RT is enabled, is because I don’t think most devs’ game engines are ready for next-gen just yet. You still have devs figuring out the hardware while also building tools for their engines for next-gen. I think in 2-3 years, when game engines evolve and are fully next-gen ready, we’ll start seeing games with ray-traced effects running at 4K@60FPS.
You don’t show 1080p 30 fps raytraced minecraft either![]()
Man, normally someone has to be paid 250$ Mil to say that!
Did this make sense in your head, or..?MS showed it on their new console, with results pretty comparable tohigh end GPUs. It wasn’t a showcase for the game, but the hardware
Epic passed over not only the series X, but PC, which can have a far more powerful GPU, with enough ram to do whatever you want if you have the budget.
There’s no comparison between a platform holder showing their console and a 3rd party showing a lesser version of their new middleware
Path-traced reflections on an actual game (not a demo) running at native 4K@30FPS, captured on PS5.Wake me up when Sony shows a real-time path traced Demo.
Tim Sweeny "PS5 is REVOLUTIONARY guys!." "Did i mention Sony invested 250 million into my company?"
Wake me up when Sony shows a real-time path traced Demo.
Path-traced reflections on an actual game (not a demo) running at native 4K@30FPS, captured on PS5.
MS showed it on their new console, with results pretty comparable tohigh end GPUs. It wasn’t a showcase for the game, but the hardware
Epic passed over not only the series X, but PC, which can have a far more powerful GPU, with enough ram to do whatever you want if you have the budget.
There’s no comparison between a platform holder showing their console and a 3rd party showing a lesser version of their new middleware
Its wonderful news, the best Engine being given to the best game developers, working on the most technically advanced console out there.
The things they are going to do are going to be mind blowing.
Tim Sweeny "PS5 is REVOLUTIONARY guys!." "Did i mention Sony invested 250 million into my company?"
Path-traced reflections on an actual game (not a demo) running at native 4K@30FPS, captured on PS5.
I haven't heard anything either, but it wouldn't surprise me if Sony could easily do that. At the end of the day, I don't know how much it's really needed. Looking at the slow-as-hell PS4 CPU, the PS5 CPU at 3.5 is plenty to run those games at much higher frames. Honestly, I don't even think it's that necessary for Series X to run at 3.8 for current gen, but whatever, could be wrong. I'm not sure if the next Halo game is built with Xbox One as a foundation, but if it is, than they may need 3.8 to hit the much hyped 120fps on console. Just bullshitting here, I dunno.Does PS5 CPU run with SMT off? All I've heard is that it's 3.5GHz SMT.
XSX is all most 2tf more powerful at sustained performance, while also being smaller. PS5 is the weaker platform on top of having variable clocks, and larger in size. Evidence and facts to not supporty your comments. Phil is going all out stating XSX is more powerful. Notice Sony isn't saying anything of the sort.
I get it. Sonys own 1st party games from the E3 event failed to wow anybody, but somehow a 3rd party engine will surpass what world class 1st party studios can accomplish on the PS5. I didn't know all of sony 1st party studios are going to use UE5. Can you provide a link to this?
On the other hand, majority of MS 1st party is using the UE5 engine on top of having the more powerful hardware to work with.
Revolutionary is a broad term. Whats revolutionary? Audio features? Controller features? I have noticed nobody is saying PS5 is more powerful than the XSX including Sony. Phil Spencer is not shy about stating XSX is the most powerful next gen console.So are your saying he was lying about that despite many other devs saying similar things? From everything we have heard it is revolutionary.
But if it makes you feel better to think that and that it's all a big marketing ploy, more fool you.
Its the opposite of butthurt. I actually saw the headline and grinned saying "i knew it"!! I and many others have been vindicated by saying all along that all the gushing from Tim Sweeny over the weaker performing PS5 while totally ignoring the more powerful XSX even exist screams marketing deal!You really are butt hurt over all this aren't you, you been fucking trolling all day, antagonising people, then you come in and lay another one of your shit posts, your not trying to have a conversation, your fucking transparent.
First your like boo fucking hoo sony is paying Tim to say nice things about the ps5
Then your contradict yourself 5 seconds later asking for a source where are they using UE5.
Make up your fucking mind troll.
This forum has been fine for the last few weeks until they let the horde of Phil my good mate back in.
Report me, get me banned, what ever you like, but stop talking dog shit.
XSX is all most 2tf more powerful at sustained performance, while also being smaller. PS5 is the weaker platform on top of having variable clocks, and larger in size. Evidence and facts do not support your comments. Phil is going all out stating XSX is more powerful. Notice Sony isn't saying anything of the sort.
I get it. Sonys own 1st party games from the E3 event failed to wow anybody, but somehow a 3rd party engine will surpass what sonys world class 1st party studios can accomplish on the PS5. I didn't know all of sony 1st party studios are going to use UE5. Can you provide a link to this? I didn't think so.
On the other hand, majority of MS 1st party are using the UE5 engine on top of having the more powerful hardware to work with.
I'm going out on a limb here, but it's entirely possible that one of the reasons Sony's console is bigger isn't just down to cooling, but because we haven't seen all the hardware inside the PS5 yet. What I'm referring to is the possibility of hardware dedicated to their next-gen VR. I say this because the current PSVR has a breakout box that comes with it and that kind of hardware could be built into the PS5 this time around. It could also simply mean Sony's cooling is top notch, so we'll see. I'd also like to add that variable clocks, aka AMD SmartShift, actually increase performance, so Sony including such tech is not a bad thing. The only downside is it does create more heat, so again, it may be the sole reason for a larger console, but it could be more cost effective for Sony versus purchasing a larger GPU. Just spitballing here. At the end of the day the Series X has a more powerful GPU, but with things such as their cache scrubbers and SmartShift, they may close the gap better than you would think.XSX is all most 2tf more powerful at sustained performance, while also being smaller. PS5 is the weaker platform on top of having variable clocks, and larger in size. Evidence and facts do not support your comments. Phil is going all out stating XSX is more powerful. Notice Sony isn't saying anything of the sort.
I get it. Sonys own 1st party games from the E3 event failed to wow anybody, but somehow a 3rd party engine will surpass what sonys world class 1st party studios can accomplish on the PS5. I didn't know all of sony 1st party studios are going to use UE5. Can you provide a link to this? I didn't think so.
On the other hand, majority of MS 1st party are using the UE5 engine on top of having the more powerful hardware to work with.
You really don't get it? Cmon now you're close.What is it with people called Eastwood and xbox lol...
What is it with people called Eastwood and xbox lol...
But where is the advantage so far? Not a single game announced runs at a higher resolution or framrate. Suddenly now a dev leak said the only difference was more effects.
The massive 2 TF advantage has so far now only meant slightly better effects and this is what your dining out on?
Xbox 52 CU's are harder to fully utilize and if not fully utilized it wont be hitting its theatrical max much. PS5 has cache scrubbers which should help with getting higher CU occupancy. Add in other benefits from faster clocks and you can see why devs have said they are actually very close in real world performance and why there is little difference in res and framrate announced.
This 2TF sustained advantage you think it has isn't what you think it is and your only setting yourself up for a fall.
lolXSX should have advantages in resolution,framerates, ray tracing(significantly more CU's)etc...while PS5 games will probably load 1-2 seconds faster.
Revolutionary is a broad term. Whats revolutionary? Audio features? Controller features? I have noticed nobody is saying PS5 is more powerful than the XSX including Sony. Phil Spencer is not shy about stating XSX is the most powerful next gen console.
He was quite convinced the PS5 was considerably more powerful then it turned out to be.
Still to this day from speaking to him privately I do not believe he intentionally set out to deceive people I think he had bad info from his source and after some recent events with some devs I believe that more then ever today.
We will find out when DF head to head analysis appear. We haven't seen anything really running on XSX yet other than a few cross gen AA games. We have seen PS5 exclusives by 1st party devs.
XSX should have advantages in resolution,framerates, ray tracing(significantly more CU's)etc...while PS5 games will probably load 1-2 seconds faster.
yep. It certainly is 'just' minecraft. But it's still more than sony has been able to show.
XSX has the better gpu, cpu, and bandwidth advantage.
yep. It certainly is 'just' minecraft. But it's still more than sony has been able to show.
XSX has the better gpu, cpu, and bandwidth advantage.
You keep telling ur self that lolXSX has the better gpu, cpu, and bandwidth advantage.
Now I know your ass is trollingyep. It certainly is 'just' minecraft. But it's still more than sony has been able to show.
We will find out when DF head to head analysis appear. We haven't seen anything really running on XSX yet other than a few cross gen AA games. We have seen PS5 exclusives by 1st party devs.
XSX should have advantages in resolution,framerates, ray tracing(significantly more CU's)etc...while PS5 games will probably load 1-2 seconds faster.
Gpu but not as much as the numbers on paper suggest according to most devs and actual res and framrate announced.
CPU is negligible. 100mhz ish but its CPU has io on it whereas PS5 is all done in the io unit.
Bandwidth is debatable too as for games less than 10gb it should do but games more than that there was talk of the split ram causing some issue of slowing the effective bandwidth... although not an expert in that and sure someone else can explain better. Also I think bandwidth per CU was broadly similar?
So no again it's not as simplistic as you claim.
yep. It certainly is 'just' minecraft. But it's still more than sony has been able to show.
Well on the GPU there's no argue to be made, XSX has the upper hand, but saying XSX has a CPU and bandwidth advantage... that we can't be 100% certain, some will say the PS5 will have the advantage when a game needs more than 10 GB of RAM because of the XSX asymetrical memory and some others will say the PS5 coprocessors and Tempest Engine will remove workload from the CPU, leaving room for a better performance.XSX has the better gpu, cpu, and bandwidth advantage.
Stop trolling. We’ve already seen PS5 games are 4K. You won’t get higher than that on Xbox. We’ve also seen the load time differences to be around 10 seconds.
For frame rates the only comparison we have is Dirt 5 running at 120FPS on both. On top of that we’ve only seen PS5 with 8K textures.
You’re living in hypotheticals when we’ve already seen a lot of what to expect.
Look at the spec sheets released by both platforms.You keep telling ur self that lol
C´mon, really?
"basic raytracing & Demon´s Souls", 4K30, 4K60 or Ratchet&Clank
So you rather have Minecraft full ray traced looking at 1030@30 then ratchet & clank 4k@30 “some implementations of RT”
We have seen a fair bit of RT at 4k 30 and 4k60 on GT7.
It's not too much of a stretch to imagine at only 1080p it could have much better RT on a game like minecraft.
Xbox should have an advantage but remember xbox can probably have more Ray's but I read about PS5 less Ray's but more bounces because of the clock speed advantage.
Also lets not forget what quantum error are targeting. That's a game that looked miles better than minecraft.
Now I know your ass is trolling
This has been the best day in the thread in the last few weeks
Please keep it going![]()
Stating the XSX is more powerful based on facts is not trolling. Nor is pointing out sonys 250 million investment into Epic explains all the biased one sided gushing for sony trolling.
Yes, both appear to be able to hit 120fps, but at what cost? XSX should be capable of running games at higher resoultions, steadier framerates, and better ray tracing based on both platforms console specs.
I'll say it again, slowly this time so perhaps you'll all understand.
Fully. Path. Traced. Rendering.
You’re guessing from the brute force angle. The numbers don’t tell everything and we know PS5 is faster which means it can stream more content and since it is switching content in and out every second it won’t rely on the GPU as much as Xbox.
Bottom line is they’re not comparable in how they operate to draw a straight line.
Being less powerful is ok though. It's the endless attempts at 10>12 with constant delusion and denial that's the problem.They know. They know the PS5 is worse. They pretend not to understand. Their shit tier trolling is just them trying to convince themself being less powerful is okay, and spread fear uncertainty and doubt about the SX capability.