This was right after announcing dates, prices and opening pre-orders, that point is when all is free game, there is no secret and you can go all-in with whatever you had up to that point in terms of policies and marketing. And believe me this was one of their kill-shots, they obliterated MS right then and there that day. And I expect the same this time around.
Right now, much is unknown and using these fake 'insiders' and/or unprofessional 'journalists' in your PR either openly or secretly (but we all know how instantaneously they run to MS aid after their many blunders, so in fact not so secretly) is just punching below the waist, kicking balls unsportsmanlike. So while MS deserve a response-in-kind, Sony is not pouncing on it. They could be all over MS in similar strategies, but we know they will just go for the kill shot like they did in the past. That's why I'm at least trying to stay calm (not easy always), and actually quite comfortable in knowing Sony has the better hardware AND software this time around too.
I know these are just baits for people to make them start asking Sony for bones to throw, when we all know Sony is just laying on its treasure like a dragon biding his time. The giant treasure is there, we just don't know the content. MS is either sitting on a pile of pretty much nothing and only have what they have already shown, or the stuff down the line is coming up too little and too little.