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Dusk Golem reiterates that the Xbox will be more powerful than the PS5 (Admitted to starting console wars, demodded)

On Demand

One more thing, wondering if you all noticed it: EVERYTIME a shitty thing is happening to Xbox (like delaying Halo Infinite in this case), some wild bullshit rumours appear that spread FUD about PS5.

Yes exactly. That's done on purpose by the late night discord crew to try and take attention off MS and SX's clearly terrible next generation momentum. You notice nobody is talking about the Halo delay anymore and SX poor first party line up.

How are we seriously suppose to believe these "struggling" resolution issues when we've see PS5 games running on actual hardware? Games like Deathloop are 4K60fps. There has not been one game running on a SX to be seen, yet it's PS5 with these problems with development. You have to use common sense to see through the BS.

Try as they might it never works. The next news from Sony will make this discord manbaby FUD irrelevant as it always does. PlayStation is the more popular brand and has vastly more excitement and next generation momentum with PS5. The final proof will be in the games.
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Yes exactly. That's done on purpose by the late night discord crew to try and take attention off MS and SX's clearly terrible next generation momentum. You notice nobody is talking about the Halo delay anymore and SX poor first party line up.

How are we seriously suppose to believe these "struggling" resolution issues when we've see PS5 games running on actual hardware? Games like Deathloop are 4K60fps. There has not been one game running on a SX to be seen, yet it's PS5 with these problems with development. You have to use common sense to see through the BS.

Try as they might it never works. The next news from Sony will make this discord manbaby FUD irrelevant as it always does. PlayStation is the more popular brand and has vastly more excitement and next generation momentum with PS5. The final proof will be in the games.
/Thread, both of these posters are spot on.
Can it be possible for both versions framerates to be the same?

I'm assuming developers will just drop the resolution to stabilize the framerates on the PS5.
Sure... However we've already seen developers push 4k on the One X at the detriment of frame rate several times this gen. Seems like it would be just as easy to lock the frame rate at 30 if they can't maintain a relatively stable 60fps instead of changing resolution. I imagine it will be up to whatever they deem a priority.


Gold Member
Yes exactly. That's done on purpose by the late night discord crew to try and take attention off MS and SX's clearly terrible next generation momentum. You notice nobody is talking about the Halo delay anymore and SX poor first party line up.

How are we seriously suppose to believe these "struggling" resolution issues when we've see PS5 games running on actual hardware? Games like Deathloop are 4K60fps. There has not been one game running on a SX to be seen, yet it's PS5 with these problems with development. You have to use common sense to see through the BS.

Try as they might it never works. The next news from Sony will make this discord manbaby FUD irrelevant as it always does. PlayStation is the more popular brand and has vastly more excitement and next generation momentum with PS5. The final proof will be in the games.

Things that make you go, hmm. :pie_thinking:


Xbox One leveraging clocks to match more CUs in PS4 = Lie

PS5 leveraging clocks to match more CUs in XSX = Lie

Thanks for the confirmation :messenger_beaming:

More CU's > Higher clock speeds.

Where did Sony say it overclocked the PS5 like MS?
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Real data from an older architecture. You think that 2.23GHz cap was arbitrary? They did the research and determined that up to 2.23GHz on the RDNA 2 architecture that there was benefit to be had. Beyond that point there was not. Up to what clock on a 5700 does upclocking begin to yield diminishing benefit, is this something you can tell us?

So RDNA is an old architecture like GCN? LMAO, RDNA is completely different from GCN, RDNA and RDNA 2 share the same architecture, one is updated with a new set of features but should behave the same.


Yes exactly. That's done on purpose by the late night discord crew to try and take attention off MS and SX's clearly terrible next generation momentum. You notice nobody is talking about the Halo delay anymore and SX poor first party line up.

How are we seriously suppose to believe these "struggling" resolution issues when we've see PS5 games running on actual hardware? Games like Deathloop are 4K60fps. There has not been one game running on a SX to be seen, yet it's PS5 with these problems with development. You have to use common sense to see through the BS.

Try as they might it never works. The next news from Sony will make this discord manbaby FUD irrelevant as it always does. PlayStation is the more popular brand and has vastly more excitement and next generation momentum with PS5. The final proof will be in the games.
I don't know shit about fuck when it comes to discord crews. But here's what I know --> When a company worth billions and billions and billions of dollars sees a several year plan start to get laughed at by the internet, there will be no shortage of people willing to take shots at the competitor.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Not necessarily, especially when it comes to memory bandwidth for example. Say you have a 30 gallon tanker to fill, one person has a bucket that holds 10 gallons of water and the other guy has a bucket that holds 9 gallons, see where I'm going? 9 vs 10 is tiny, but 3 trips later the guy with the 10 gallon bucket finished his job while the other guy still has an entire trip to run, in other words, you're looking at just the TF difference without accounting for all the other inner workings of the graphics pipeline. 560GB/s vs 448GB/s can make a difference at higher resolution, especially 4K

Except XSX's whole RAM pipeline isn't 560GB/s

I guess we'll see in due time, we only got four more days to find out.

4 days for what?
So RDNA is an old architecture like GCN? LMAO, RDNA is completely different from GCN, RDNA and RDNA 2 share the same architecture, one is updated with a new set of features but should behave the same.

If RDNA2 yielded limited benefits at higher clock speeds they wouldn't have bothered doing it. Clearly there's a benefit to clocking so high. It's past that point that chip logic begins to fail which is why they didn't go any higher even though they could.


560GB/s vs 448GB/s can make a difference at higher resolution, especially 4K

Of course it is faster because it needs to feed more flops. But what will happen ( and it will ) when games will start to use more than 10 GB of RAM in XSX. Yeah, RAM speed will go down.
Anyway, if you didn't know, RAM speed per TF is basically the same on both ( even if you count XSXs 560GB/s ).
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One more thing, wondering if you all noticed it: EVERYTIME a shitty thing is happening to Xbox (like delaying Halo Infinite in this case), some wild bullshit rumours appear that spread FUD about PS5.

Yeah, said tha too few pages ago. Everytime when fuck up by MS happens.


The 10 Teraflop GPU (pushed hard to get there)? The slightly weaker CPU? The reduced specs across the board? The fact that I mentioned the SSD?

Is today play dumb day, lol?

Better cooling is a guarantee, though. I don't think the controller will be too bad -- Nintendo ships with the same rumble solution, PS4 ships with most of the same features, and we don't know what kind of costs the shoulder buttons carry, whether cheap or expensive to execute.

Regardless, the system on the whole looks designed to keep prices down/acceptable or Sony from taking a bath to keep it affordable. If its not, and the system is magically more expensive than another piece of hardware it's better, why even go with these specs and this design in the first place? Common sense.

Like i said as you don't seem to understand yields. higher clocks = more chips not making it. 10 tflop metric isn't interesting for yields its the clocks. This is why AMD ships there GPU's at 1755mhz for the 5700xt. This is why microsoft opted for a ~ 1800 mhz clock speed gpu, and this is why mostly in consoles which are mass produced massive have reduce the clock speeds ( also other reasons ). Even PC vendors sell those 5700 chips at below the 2000mhz.

What does that mean? more expensive as a lot of chips simple won't make it.

This is why xbox goes for lower clocks and higher cu counts. This is why people say that chip in the PS5 is really just a 9tflop gpu if you clock it down to acceptable levels. And this is why people say its a expensive GPU even while its weaker. It could very well be more expensive to make then xbox chip at reduced performance.

It's like trying to make a 2500k at 6ghz, 5 out of the 100 chips will make it, even while a 9900k is way faster at 4ghz which out of the 100 chips 99 make it. Guess what is cheaper to make?

Then the CPU clocks don't really matter much, they are on both consoles heavily underclocked versus what is already on the market, so price will be the same. the bit higher clock speed on the xbox won't cost them anything extra most likely.

Memory wise same stuff.

SSD the PS5 SSD is clearly going to be more expensive through obvious reasons. Then bigger cooling system, bigger box, probably more expensive controller vs xbox. yea i don't see where the cheaper idea of PS5 comes from even while its weaker.

Why did cerny design it this way? I honestly think he got caught off guard by microsoft and there bigger chip. It's clear through the clock speed that cerny knows the importance of the GPU which is going to be the main bottleneck next generation or else he would never clocked it that high to start with. I guess they left it at that for the simple reason to get as much as possible performance out of it.

It would have been really interesting if some outlet would actually ask him to there design choices and if they are not worried about costs when it comes to these things but frankly most outlets don't even understand half of the tech they review let alone ask solid questions about it. Also not sure if sony would allow those questions to be answered.

In my view xbox is better designed for a console perspective.

Real data from an older architecture. You think that 2.23GHz cap was arbitrary? They did the research and determined that up to 2.23GHz on the RDNA 2 architecture that there was benefit to be had. Beyond that point there was not. Up to what clock on a 5700 does upclocking begin to yield diminishing benefit, is this something you can tell us?

Just check PC vendors. If they could sell GPU's at higher clocks they would do it. There is a reason why amd selling the chips at 1755mhz for maximum yields, pc vendors that sell more expensive models that bin are sitting still below the 2ghz.
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"Developer Ebb designed Scorn around the idea of "being thrown into the world." In the game, you find yourself in a dream-like world that's made up of several interconnected regions that you can explore in any order you want as each one has its own self-contained story and theme that contributes to the overall narrative.

As you explore, you'll unlock additional skills, weapons, and items that allow you to explore further and discover new areas. Of course, this being a horror game, your journey won't be without a few frights and dangerous-looking threats."

Its Metroid.
Have we seen any gameplay? Could be interesting but can see this disappearing without a trace.

Mister Wolf

Have we seen any gameplay? Could be interesting but can see this disappearing without a trace.

Microsoft signed this game to an exclusive deal and on their official news channel refer to it as releasing this year. It has metroid game design.
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Okay, astroturfing at least for the typical xbox consumer, it worked.

The lies started.

The differences are compared in %.
source: basic mathematics.

Always the same script.

tell me, do you believe that or lie on the internet to "win the argument"?
Lol percentage is just 1 metric, not the only one.

Think about this situation: I have $5, you have $10. You have 100% more than me, and can spend $5 more.

I now have $5 million, you have $8 million. You “only” have 60% more than me, but that 60% is $3 million. That can go a whole lot further than $5, can’t it? So while it’s less percentage difference, it’s a massive amount of money difference that can be used to do a lot more.

Which of those scenarios would you think is better? Having an extra $5 or $3 million? Surely you’ll take the $5 because it’s a higher percentage more, right?
4 days for what?

The Hot Chips presentation. MS's spot should be on the 17th, I don't know the specific time though. Hell, I don't even know if it's going to be streamed, this'll be the first Hot Chips I actually pay attention to.

FWIW Nvidia and Intel will be talking about their next-gen GPUs, too. I'm hoping there's a stream for all of this.
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Hearsay vs real data


Your real data is not RDNA2 so its pointless.

RDNA2 cerny says ps5 stops giving performance improvments at 2.23 Ghz due to RDNA2 logic, so they capped it there for ps5 DESIGN.

What do you think the cap is for RDNA1 and 5700. You are into bottleck territory for 5700 at such hugh clocks for RDNA1 so its meaningless.

Try taking a 5700 and compare 1890 vs 1512 MHz so they are not bottlenecked and then come back - but nobody would do that because difference would be MASSIVE.
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Your real data is not RDNA2 so its pointless.

RDNA2 cerny says ps5 stops giving performance improvments at 2.23 Ghz due to RDNA2 logic, so they capped it there for ps5 DESIGN.

What do you think the cap is for RDNA1 and 5700. You are into bottleck territory for 5700 at such hugh clocks for RDNA1 so its meaningless.

Try taking a 5700 and compare 1890 vs 1512 MHz so they are not bottlenecked and then come back - but nobody would do that because difference would be MASSIVE.
Cerny says this, cerny says that.......cerny works for Sony and is the lead on the ps5 hardware, of course he’s going to say everything about it is the absolute best decision and perfect solution. It’s PR. I bet you laughed at Greenberg or whoever it was that dismissed the 40% power difference this gen because they made dx12?

Company spokesman says their product is best, more at 8!

Stop believing PR.

Mister Wolf

Your real data is not RDNA2 so its pointless.

RDNA2 cerny says ps5 stops giving performance improvments at 2.23 Ghz due to RDNA2 logic, so they capped it there for ps5 DESIGN.

What do you think the cap is for RDNA1 and 5700. You are into bottleck territory for 5700 at such hugh clocks for RDNA1 so its meaningless.

Try taking a 5700 and compare 1890 vs 1512 MHz so they are not bottlenecked and then come back - but nobody would do that because difference would be MASSIVE.

Excellent post.


Yes exactly. That's done on purpose by the late night discord crew to try and take attention off MS and SX's clearly terrible next generation momentum. You notice nobody is talking about the Halo delay anymore and SX poor first party line up.

How are we seriously suppose to believe these "struggling" resolution issues when we've see PS5 games running on actual hardware? Games like Deathloop are 4K60fps. There has not been one game running on a SX to be seen, yet it's PS5 with these problems with development. You have to use common sense to see through the BS.

Try as they might it never works. The next news from Sony will make this discord manbaby FUD irrelevant as it always does. PlayStation is the more popular brand and has vastly more excitement and next generation momentum with PS5. The final proof will be in the games.

From the 1990s onward the term became most often associated with Microsoft. Roger Irwin said:[10]

In 2000, Microsoft settled the lawsuit out-of-court for an undisclosed sum, which in 2009 was revealed to be $280 million


It is certainly cheaper, and there is no risk of paying 280M, to use organized fanboys.

Just release the leak on your own website, RDNA1, without RT, 8TF, 36CUs and leave the rest to your fanboys.
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Cerny says this, cerny says that.......cerny works for Sony and is the lead on the ps5 hardware, of course he’s going to say everything about it is the absolute best decision and perfect solution. It’s PR. I bet you laughed at Greenberg or whoever it was that dismissed the 40% power difference this gen because they made dx12?

Company spokesman says their product is best, more at 8!

Stop believing PR.

What he explained at the Road to PS5 about game design and how it's limited to HDD isn't PR. It's a fact. Alongside with other stuff like variable clocks and audio. He is in this industry for more than 30 years and he won numeorus awards for accomplishment in gaming industry. Also, he isn't a Sony employee.


Lol percentage is just 1 metric, not the only one.

Think about this situation: I have $5, you have $10. You have 100% more than me, and can spend $5 more.

I now have $5 million, you have $8 million. You “only” have 60% more than me, but that 60% is $3 million. That can go a whole lot further than $5, can’t it? So while it’s less percentage difference, it’s a massive amount of money difference that can be used to do a lot more.

Which of those scenarios would you think is better? Having an extra $5 or $3 million? Surely you’ll take the $5 because it’s a higher percentage more, right?

So the xbox SX will run an entire "god of war" (1.8 ~ 2TF) more than the PS5? or will it run 20% more resolution in the best possible case?

because with 3M more, I buy another whole house of difference, much more than $ 5

Curious, when it was PS4 vs xone,% worked perfectly and nobody questioned it.
But what does this REALITY matter?
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So the xbox SX will run an entire "god of war" (1.8 ~ 2TF) more than the PS5? or will it run 20% more resolution in the best possible case?

because with 3M more, I buy another whole house of difference, much more than $ 5

Curious, when it was PS4 vs xone,% worked perfectly and nobody questioned it.
But what does this REALITY matter?
“Nobody” questioned it then because it was Sony that was ahead and that’s what this forum wants. I’m sure many Microsoft fanboys absolutely did question it and played all the PR talk that ms were spouting to try and downplay it, like power of the cloud and “we make direct x”.

they were wrong then and the ps fanboys are wrong now. 2TF is a *massive* amount of power, and it doesn’t matter that the percentage difference is smaller when the raw power difference is that big.


“Nobody” questioned it then because it was Sony that was ahead and that’s what this forum wants. I’m sure many Microsoft fanboys absolutely did question it and played all the PR talk that ms were spouting to try and downplay it, like power of the cloud and “we make direct x”.

they were wrong then and the ps fanboys are wrong now. 2TF is a *massive* amount of power, and it doesn’t matter that the percentage difference is smaller when the raw power difference is that big.

So the xbox SX will run an entire "god of war" (1.8 ~ 2TF) more than the PS5? or will it run 20% more resolution in the best possible case?

because with 3M more, I buy another whole house of difference, much more than $ 5

Curious, when it was PS4 vs xone,% worked perfectly and nobody questioned it.
But what does this REALITY matter?

Here's the explanation.
If you don't want to believe ... unlucky yours.

“Nobody” questioned it then because it was Sony that was ahead and that’s what this forum wants



The XBO X was more powerful than the PS4 Pro, and yet the better looking games where on Sony's machine... funny that.
Were they? Nothing on the PS4 Pro matches RDR2 on the X. Horizon 4 at locked 4K30fps is a sight to behold too.

Graphics are also highly subjective. Imo the best looking game this gen was cuphead, hands down. Technically the best game graphically is without doubt RDR2.
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2TF is a *massive* amount of power, and it doesn’t matter that the percentage difference is smaller when the raw power difference is that big.

I'll save it here ... when the DF videos come out I'll paste it there.
Can you?
I hope you will last there, because the others who spoke this nonsense took Ban definitively.

According to you what will we have?

PS5: 1200p 30fps vs X: 4k 60fps?


I'll save it here ... when the DF videos come out I'll paste it there.
Can you?
I hope you will last there, because the others who spoke this nonsense took Ban definitively.

According to you what will we have?

PS5: 1200p 30fps vs X: 4k 60fps?
“According to you will we have....” and then lists objectively fucking stupid example. Great way of starting a discussion.

lol at your tag too. How true it is.
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Yeah, especially Phil Spencer. His track record is less than stellar recently.
100%. Anyone that takes anything these PR mouthpieces say as fact is extremely naive. They’re literally “paid shills”. It is their job to talk up their product as the best and justify every decision as the best and right one, especially when their product is objectively worse than the competitors in whatever they’re talking about.

Cerny, Spencer, Greenberg, anyone that works for one of these companies should be taken with a grain of salt. Everyone here saw through the “power of the cloud” and “we made direct x” bullshit, yet are taking cernys PR speak as gospel. It’s ridiculous.
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“According to you will we have....” and then lists objectively fucking stupid example. Great way of starting a discussion.

lol at your tag too. How true it is.

got scared?
It is already saved here .... I will paste in the topics of DF.

English is not my first language :)
If you haven't figured it out yet.
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got scared?
It is already saved here .... I will paste in the topics of DF.
What is already saved here? “Got scared” of what?

Try and make sense mate. I haven’t said what I think the differences will amount to anywhere. All I’ve said is that a 2TF difference can amount to more than a 0.5TF difference even if the percentage difference is smaller, because it can.
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What is already saved here? “Got scared” of what?

Try and make sense mate. I haven’t said what I think the differences will amount to anywhere. All I’ve said is that a 2TF difference can amount to more than a 0.5TF difference even if the percentage difference is smaller, because it can.

English is not my first language :)
If you haven't figured it out yet.

will you pretend you don't understand?

So, what will be the massive difference?

lol at your tag too. How true it is.

Joined Jul 9, 2020

Joined Dec 6, 2016

LOL I want to see that your account lasts until 2021 at least ...


Curious, when it was PS4 vs xone,% worked perfectly and nobody questioned it.
But what does this REALITY matter?

“Nobody” questioned it then because it was Sony that was ahead and that’s what this forum wants.

Joined Jul 9, 2020

the bummer with banned alternative old account
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It is known that the XSX is the more powerful of the two, I don't see anybody denying that except for the small handfull of delusional usual suspects that try to turn and twist in every corner they possibly can. They will be in for a rude awakening I reckon when all third party games inevitably play better on XSX.
Cerny says this, cerny says that.......cerny works for Sony and is the lead on the ps5 hardware, of course he’s going to say everything about it is the absolute best decision and perfect solution. It’s PR. I bet you laughed at Greenberg or whoever it was that dismissed the 40% power difference this gen because they made dx12?

Company spokesman says their product is best, more at 8!

Stop believing PR.


What a retard post.

I am Sorry. 😂

Do you realize that First Ps5 vídeo presentstion with Cerny was directed to devs who obviously have much more knlowledge than we do. Do You think Cerny would straight lie to the devs community wich have been building great conection since PS4 Project?
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English is not my first language :)
If you haven't figured it out yet.

will you pretend you don't understand?

So, what will be the massive difference?

Joined Jul 9, 2020

Joined Dec 6, 2016

LOL I want to see that your account lasts until 2021 at least ...


Joined Jul 9, 2020

the bummer with banned alternative old account
Pretend I don’t understand what? You’re not making any sense.

Again, I’m not saying there will be massive differences. I haven’t said anywhere what I think the differences will be because I’m not pretending to be some expert on these unreleased unproven consoles. You’re the one trying to make out like I am making these big grand predictions. I’m not.

Oh goody, now you’re trying to say I’m an alt account? Grow up. The mods could verify that my email and IP address have never been used here. Unless you’ve got some proof that I have, which I guarantee you have not because I haven’t - in fact the mods could even likely verify that I tried to join years ago using this same email iirc but it didn’t get accepted because it’s a free one.

you’re scraping the barrel now trying to just fob me off as an alt troll account. Quit the bullshit and actually try arguing the point instead of trying to dismiss the person making the point.


Except XSX's whole RAM pipeline isn't 560GB/s

4 days for what?

It doesn't need to be, 10GB reserved for VRAM will run at 560GB/s. Remember, the PS5 will also need ram for its OS, CPU and Audio, it may well end up using about 6GB for that, so ~10GB will be left for games, except it will run at a much slower 448GB/s

Here's an example of the memory layout for Series X



TBH XSX is probably more powerful but that doesn't paint the whole picture. PS2 was less powerful than OGXB and... well, you know how that turned out.

The only thing Sony needs to be careful with is pricing.

Still, I hope Microsoft really puts up a fight.


In case you haven't noticed bad news for Xbox Series X always follow these outbursts

If people actually believe that the XSX is going to be cheaper than the PS5, they got a big surprise coming. The XSS exists for a reason. And it's not because MS is going price the XSX at $349-$399. The best case scenario is that MS matches the price of the PS5 Disk edition, which I'm guessing will be $449-$499. Personally, I think it will be $50-$100 more expensive.
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