Crap! I'm getting too excited! I just saw thd date and thought PS5.For the Xbox consoles.
Crap! I'm getting too excited! I just saw thd date and thought PS5.For the Xbox consoles.
If you are a PS+ subber, it looks like you'll get these 10 games added as downloads.I'm confused on what PlayStation Collection is
Is it GamePass or something else?
Really? I think I've either played or own almost every one of the games they showed.Playstation plus collection is huge
The show it self was uninteresting. Real bombshell was the price.Not gonna lie, my hype was non-existent, so I was not disappointed, but when the best thing you show is a remake, I wasn’t exactly thrilled neither.
Pretty sure they're just adding that on to PS+ so there shouldn't be another purchase necessary
I'm confused on what PlayStation Collection is
Is it GamePass or something else?
NO, not a mention.did i miss preorder date?
Really? I think I've either played or own almost every one of the games they showed.
Crap! I'm getting too excited! I just saw thd date and thought PS5.
$50 difference never made sense. They want to drive people towards the DE, and also compete with the XSS.
looks so good it's almost fake (even if they try to make it look like mobile game ad)I need the 4k footage because some games didn't looked that impressive...
Gow2 and hogwarts in 2021 are hot fire(they are both gonna be delayed to 2022
spiderman continue to look the quintessential cross-gen game to me, like i said, we need 4k footage.
Not really impressed by demons except for the inevitable joy of seeing such a great and old game with updated animations\graphics, again, 4k footage to form a better judgement.
Cod looks like the usual shit with cardboard enemies, it's nice to have some certainties during this hard times.
good to know that i can download for free the freetoplay game called fortnite at launch, that really saved the end of the event for me.
LoL I taste saltunderwhelming show without any meaningful new game except a logo ..
So PS5 perorders tomorrow morning then.
You're going to need 8k to make these games impressive.I need the 4k footage because some games didn't looked that impressive...
Gow2 and hogwarts in 2021 are hot fire(they are both gonna be delayed to 2022
spiderman continue to look the quintessential cross-gen game to me, like i said, we need 4k footage.
I get it but your casual audience isn't who buys consoles at launchWell most people don't buy every game that comes out so this is great especially for the causal audience
I know you'll be having sweet dreams of Demon Souls tonight literally has gameplay that looked better than any gane on any conference, it's, ok to be a fan.This was the weakest showcase I’ve ever seen. They could’ve just posted the price and release date on Twitter or whatever instead. None of the games looked very impressive to be honest, and Ragnarök was hardly even a teaser. The price was nice though.
This fell flat on its face and was a very disappointing showcase. This really isn't going to get people excited at all. Sony really didn't presented a reason to get a PS5. The price is good, but not when your competitor is selling a console that is more powerful and offers a vastly superior service.
COVIDAmazing but why didn't they say that in the showcase?!?
looks so good it's almost fake (even if they try to make it look like mobile game ad)
LoL I taste salt