
Game of the Month:
We will break this into 1 month chunks. With each month having its own game to play and discuss. The first month will be October and it will be decided via a vote in this thread. For future selections, the process has not been entirely figured out yet. As we get participants we can come to a decision together.How to Participate:
To be involved in the discussion all that is asked is that you play the game of the month. Even if you have played it 100 times, please do another play-through to get the games contents fresh in your mind. Stay on topic for the concurrent months game.Challenges:
For those gamers who want an extra challenge each months' game will have an extra challenge. For instance, getting all chaos emeralds on Sonic 2 or getting the good ending on Splatterhouse 3. This will serve as a way to elongate the play-through if possible. Not all games have an obvious challenge. As we dive into the library we will have to rely on some suggestions for game challenges.Our first game is Streets of Rage 2!
Release dates:
Currently available on:
XBOX One/360
Nintendo Switch
She did a lot in this game and for those who didn't know, she is Yuzo's sister, the legendary composer who did the trilogy soundtrack . Some interesting bits of the interview:
—What was your role in the development of Streets of Rage II?
Koshiro: Role? I’d probably say Chief Graphic Designer. Nowadays we’d call it something like “art direction” (deciding the overall look of the game). I also did character designs. I came up with all the special moves and attacks too—in their rough outline/draft form, that is.
—The graphic design took precedence. A lot of emphasis was placed on that visual impact.
Koshiro: Yeah, that is true, but there was also a certain flow to the fighting that we wanted. I’m sure you’ve played Street Fighter II—my brother and I did too. We liked it so much we bought a cabinet and had it installed in the office at Ancient. My brother and I liked the way they fought in SFII, and between the two of us, a shared vision of the fighting of Streets of Rage 2 arose: two jabs, followed by a straight punch, then some heavy hit, and the enemy goes flying! That kind of flow had to be in there.
We were also asking, “what would be fun for the sequel?” You had Axel, your standard fighter, then Blaze, the speedy character. But there was also Adam in the first game…. but Adam had no real speciality… (laughs) So he was out. (laughs)
—Another secret to the the success of Streets of Rage 2 was the cheerful voice acting. Do you have any interesting episodes to share about that?
Koshiro: Cheerful, hah. You’d have to ask my brother about that.
—Was the vocal recording done at a different location from the development?
Koshiro: Yeah. It was done here, at our headquarters (the development actually took place in a different location). It was an old house, before the remodeling. I called my friends and some girls I knew and made them yell out Blaze’s lines. (laughs)
—Oh, so those were done by your friends? I thought I read somewhere that Yuzo did them all except a few that he gave to his male friends.
Koshiro: Nope. I know Blaze was different. Although I wasn’t there to see them record it.
—Were you excited once the voices were added, since they add so much energy to the game?
Koshiro: Ah, yeah. But I was actually more happy when the sound fx for the hits got added. All of a sudden everything had a weight behind it. There were also these two popular comics at the time, who had a routine where they’d make funny sounds when they hit each other. Bishii! We loved that, my brother and me. It was funny and there was something satisfying about it. So we really fussed over the sound fx for SoR2.
You can read the full interview here
—What was your role in the development of Streets of Rage II?
Koshiro: Role? I’d probably say Chief Graphic Designer. Nowadays we’d call it something like “art direction” (deciding the overall look of the game). I also did character designs. I came up with all the special moves and attacks too—in their rough outline/draft form, that is.
—The graphic design took precedence. A lot of emphasis was placed on that visual impact.
Koshiro: Yeah, that is true, but there was also a certain flow to the fighting that we wanted. I’m sure you’ve played Street Fighter II—my brother and I did too. We liked it so much we bought a cabinet and had it installed in the office at Ancient. My brother and I liked the way they fought in SFII, and between the two of us, a shared vision of the fighting of Streets of Rage 2 arose: two jabs, followed by a straight punch, then some heavy hit, and the enemy goes flying! That kind of flow had to be in there.
We were also asking, “what would be fun for the sequel?” You had Axel, your standard fighter, then Blaze, the speedy character. But there was also Adam in the first game…. but Adam had no real speciality… (laughs) So he was out. (laughs)
—Another secret to the the success of Streets of Rage 2 was the cheerful voice acting. Do you have any interesting episodes to share about that?
Koshiro: Cheerful, hah. You’d have to ask my brother about that.
—Was the vocal recording done at a different location from the development?
Koshiro: Yeah. It was done here, at our headquarters (the development actually took place in a different location). It was an old house, before the remodeling. I called my friends and some girls I knew and made them yell out Blaze’s lines. (laughs)
—Oh, so those were done by your friends? I thought I read somewhere that Yuzo did them all except a few that he gave to his male friends.
Koshiro: Nope. I know Blaze was different. Although I wasn’t there to see them record it.
—Were you excited once the voices were added, since they add so much energy to the game?
Koshiro: Ah, yeah. But I was actually more happy when the sound fx for the hits got added. All of a sudden everything had a weight behind it. There were also these two popular comics at the time, who had a routine where they’d make funny sounds when they hit each other. Bishii! We loved that, my brother and me. It was funny and there was something satisfying about it. So we really fussed over the sound fx for SoR2.
You can read the full interview here

Did you know?
* When someone throws you, if you hold UP+Jump you'll land on your feet and take no damage.
It was the early 2000's when a younger cousin, mashing the buttons found this out while we were playing.
* For those looking for an extra challenge there is a cheat code that unlocks the "Mania Difficulty":
In the MENU highlight the OPTIONS and then HOLD A and B on controller 2, and HOLD A on controller 1.
For players on PC/Emulator please refer to a post by user jshackles on how to get achievements on retro games. In the future I will look into this and post more about it once I have an opportunity.

SNES Game Club - May 2021: Super Metroid
I'm in of course, but Explain! How is it tracked?
That's it! Let the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Club Begin!
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