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Ryan McCaffrey on Unlocked: There is nothing here (XSX launch lineup) that says I need to spend $500 dollars on XSX. Launch games

Do you find the Xbox Series S|X launch lineup disappointing?

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Different people have different opinions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some people wants to play the new FIFA/COD/BF/whatever on the newest console of their prefered brand and others are mainly concerned about the exclusives.
People fail to understand that casual gamers don't care about exclusives


Gold Member
there are enhancements coming to the series X version. that was the first game they announced smart upgrade or what ever its called

Yea, next year. The Xbox Series X isn't 3D Mario All Stars, it's not timed. It will still be around next year. Hopefully MS actually figures this out and makes it a worthwhile system, it's not now.


Is it coming to the Xbox? Because if not, it is a PS5 exclusive even if releasing on the PC, at least by Xbox fanatic standards.

The term you're looking for is 'console exclusive' - still doesn't fucking it mean it's only coming out on one particular machine, bub.

Your fanboi is showing, might not wanna do that in public.


The term you're looking for is 'console exclusive' - still doesn't fucking it mean it's only coming out on one particular machine, bub.

Your fanboi is showing, might not wanna do that in public.

Wait, Godfall is coming on the PS5 and PC. Doesn't that make it a console exclusive then? Triggered much, child?


Nvidia got shit for not having Rtx ready titles for launch and tbh most of the time when you buy new pc hardware, you'll be playing the same games better. Most people upgrade just because of that reason.

For consoles it's different. The whole point of a new console was to launch it with new games that somewhat showed their capabilities.

I think the whole point is to make money. And there is more money to be made by making games playable across multiple tiers of hardware, and just having that entire install base in the same place.
At least at this moment in time. Timing is key. If there are 45 million xbox users, and ZERO are Series X (ie right now) why spend hundreds of millions of dollars developing a game for November release to the smallest possible audience?

You can hope MS sells a few million units this christmas, then hope a percentage of Series X owners pick up your new game ... or you can make a game that can be played across all xbox systems, that runs best on series X, and you suddenly have a way bigger customer base. Or you can just patch your existing game that you are making millions off each month in microtransactions to just take advantage of the new hardware. I mean, what are developers most motivated by?

Consoles have been becoming more and more like PCs for a long time. Gone are these 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit 64-bit 128 bit CUSTOM RISC this and that.. these old leaps in console technology where architecture changes so fundamentally from hardware gen to hardware gen that if you wanted to play the new game, custom built for whiz bang hardware of new console...you needed the new console..... There's no more whiz bang, man! They're just PCs. Any console game from last gen could be "ported" to PC with virtually no effort. Some were. Consoles are PCs now, and PCs are scalable. When you upgrade your pc, it plays all your existing games and it plays them better. Eventually a game will come out that your old PC simply doesn't meet the requirements for, and you are glad you upgraded. Microsoft is selling us all an idiot proof, small form factor gaming PC, and making it really attractive because of game pass. I'm fine with that! But I do still agree that they should have had something ready to wow us with. Halo should have been that something and it was spectacularly unimpressive. A lot of people said "Wow" but for the wrong reasons , har har etc.

Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
RAM is the same, GPU means tflops, CPUs are 3.5 to 3.8.

Do you honestly think when we do eventually get gameplay comparisons that they are going to look any different without using a microscope? Because I think you have a nasty shock coming if you think so. The differences are just too small - and you cheerfully neglect to mention the things in the Ps5 that are stronger than in the XsX.

And you can bang on about better engineering all you like when you haven't seen any game comparisons, but it's meaningless until you do.

The acid test of a video game console's engineering prowess is the way it plays games. Nothing. Else. Matters.
RAM isn't the same, GPU is more powerful, CPU is faster, all in a smaller form factor. Like I said, better engineered.

We'll see soon enough, DF apparently has all systems, but once we see gameplay we will see that XSX performs better, since the whole system is just more powerful.


Oh noes, here come the lowball insults.

Oh. Noeseses.


Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Xbox has no exclusive games, news at 11. Like seriously what have I been telling you people. They can have games on PC but much like Sony I say delay them up to a year and have people invest in your actual hardware that you put out. If not get out of the console business and focus on pc.


I wasn't impressed with Ratchet at 1st watching the trailer on my phone but then I went into bestbuy and saw it on the Sony 900h and holy shit did it looked great
Almost sold me on the 900h but the LG CX was the TV for me.

Ratchet really does look great.

Im on a c9 and now I’m trying to figure out how I’m gonna set everything up because I’m holding off on a 2.1 compatible receiver and that adapter Astro is putting out is garbage. Too much half stepping from these accessory companies.


But that's why you can spend nothing , $25 or $35 a month , $299 , $199 & so on & still play the games.

They are going the Apple idevices way but they need to make Xbox something that people will buy even without games like the phones & tablets for this to work. which is where they was going with Kinect if they would have pulled it off it would have been a different way of interacting & could have been like the Amazon echo devices.
MS strategy at the minute feels like when Marge Simpson finds the pink designer dress in the outlet mall and has to keep rehashing it to stay relevant.

Having said that Sony games get way overhyped IMO to the point that you would think that multiplatform games (the stuff that most people will end up playing for the majority of the gen) don't exist.

A bigger concern than launch games is how quickly MS studios can start pushing out quality AAA exclusives and it looks like that may be years from now which leaves a very awkward few years for people not interested in Game Pass unless the Series X is dominant in multiplatform games.


Honestly, most of my early 9th gen adoption is because I never got a Pro, so it's a 4K(ish) upgrade for many of my 8th gen games, it's boost mode, and it's an entry into next gen all in one. If it wasn't those first two with BC I'd have waited.
I know it’s not on everybody’s wanted list but I do like the look of The Falconeer, single developer and he comes across as a passionate gamer and guy.

Not enamoured with the Phil Spencer regime, in fact I don’t like his period as Xbox Chief much however I try to be positive too and The Falconeer could be a great little game to me.


True - I just want a powerful console to play third party games on along with a huge list of stuff I have not played yet on gamepass.
I don't see anything worth my time on the PS5 launch either.
This is a byproduct of forward compatibility and the mid gen refresh. Xbox is becoming like PC where the upgrades are incremental and games work on multiple consoles. As I already have an Xbox one x, I’ll be waiting for the killer apps to take advantage of the hardware before upgrading. It will probably be Forza Motorsport. TBD. Until then, I’ll game in 4k on my 6TF machine.

If I still had the original Xbox one, it would be a no brainer to upgrade now.

Codes 208

I find both generally lackluster. The saving grace of ps5 is demon souls for me.

though in their defense this gen’s lineup wasn’t much better honestly. Resogun (and possibly dr3 which wasn’t half bad) aside we got ryse, killzone and good ol’ knack. Not much of a lineup imo.

People fail to understand that casual gamers don't care about exclusives
except Nintendo apparently because you know, games like animal crossing can hit 20+ million sold.


I made a thread on the industry implications of this.

It's bad. An Xbox lover like Ryan isn't hard to please and won over by MS - he's as hardcore to the brand as they come. So you know it's extremely bad when even he can't sugar coat it. It's laughably bad compared to previous Xbox launches according to this:



Obviously I get that casuals will buy it to play COD, Madden, NBA2K21 etc but for the hardcore, the likes which frequent Gaf to make excuses (they know better).... ooofff. Phil had 6 years to prepare and is asking for 2-3 more. Close to a decade. Biggest pimp to ever grace gaming. Then all he talks about is Gamepass. Where the damn AAA exclusive games?
Pretty sure there are more than 8 games at launch:

First party at launch:
Forza Horizon 4 (Game update)
Gears 5 (Game update)
Gears Tactics
Ori and the Will of the Wisps (Game update)

Third party at launch:
Bright Memory 1.0 (exclusive)
Cuisine Royale (exclusive)
Dead by Daylight (exclusive)

King Oddball
Manifold Garden (exclusive)
Tetris Effect: Connected (exclusive)
The Tourist (exclusive)
The Falconeer (exclusive)

War Thunder
Yakuza: Like a Dragon (exclusive)
Yes, Your Grace
The Median (exclusive)

Third party on Both XBOX and PS5:
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
Cyberpunk 2077
Just Dance 2021
NBA 2k1

So yeah Kotak is full of shit. Also games are either cross gen or they aren't there is no " in a manner of speaking..." Kotaku have always been fanboys. It doesn't mean this is a great line up, as its not. However lying about what is getting released seems like an odd move.
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He's not wrong, this is the first time in a very long time that I won't be jumping on the launch console train, neither machine has much in the way of compelling software until 2021 at the earliest.
COVID really screwed this launch.


Pretty sure there are more than 8 games at launch:

First party at launch:
Forza Horizon 4 (Game update)
Gears 5 (Game update)
Gears Tactics
Ori and the Will of the Wisps (Game update)

Third party at launch:
Bright Memory 1.0 (exclusive)
Cuisine Royale (exclusive)
Dead by Daylight (exclusive)

King Oddball
Manifold Garden (exclusive)
Tetris Effect: Connected (exclusive)
The Tourist (exclusive)
The Falconeer (exclusive)

War Thunder
Yakuza: Like a Dragon (exclusive)
Yes, Your Grace
The Median (exclusive)

Third party on Both XBOX and PS5:
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
Cyberpunk 2077
Just Dance 2021
NBA 2k1

So yeah Kotak is full of shit. Also games are either cross gen or they aren't there is no " in a manner of speaking..." Kotaku have always been fanboys. It doesn't mean this is a great line up, as its not. However lying about what is getting released seems like an odd move.

lol at those third party exclusive’s.


PS5 launch is fantastic, DS, SM, Sackboy, Godfall, shortly followed by Rachet and God of War
If you think God of War is "shortly after launch" I have some magic beans to sell you.

Also I find it funny people mentioning Godfall when its been consistently shit on by most people here.

DS- a remaster.....
Spiderman- On the ps4
Sackboy- no


Both consoles has a disappointing launch. And it's pretty normal.
speak for yourself.
Demon's souls is instant buy for me. I've loved whole dark souls series and bloodborne and never get a chance to play demons souls because i've owned 360 not ps3. Also Miles Morales ? I've liked lost legacy even more than basic U4 and i feel here will be the same. It's for sure better launch than PS4,Xone. XSX and XSS are not even close, due having worst lineup in console gaming ever.
I find both generally lackluster. The saving grace of ps5 is demon souls for me.

though in their defense this gen’s lineup wasn’t much better honestly. Resogun (and possibly dr3 which wasn’t half bad) aside we got ryse, killzone and good ol’ knack. Not much of a lineup imo.

except Nintendo apparently because you know, games like animal crossing can hit 20+ million sold.

Agreed about PS5, not much excites me. Couldn’t care less about Demon Souls but that’s just personal taste.

However it’s obvious Sony has more of the hype given the generation they’ve just had and with it brings good will, excitement for the future and momentum for PS5.

Xbox has more to prove and they haven’t really nailed it for me. The criticism they got for first party particularly the last three or four years, I was hoping they would come out almost guns blazing.

IMO if the Coalition had two teams for example we could have had a new game IP or reboot of something after Gears 5 launched last September, already to go for XSX launch to compliment Halo Infinite the following months after launch.

Infinite has been delayed so the new Coalition game could of took its place showing off the hardware, it’s a new IP and with that brings excitement and freshness to the portfolio in the AAA space. Whilst in the background 343 can improve infinite for Spring next year and the new studios can start showing off their stuff soon after. Momentum.

Just my thoughts anyway.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
speak for yourself.
Demon's souls is instant buy for me. I've loved whole dark souls series and bloodborne and never get a chance to play demons souls because i've owned 360 not ps3. Also Miles Morales ? I've liked lost legacy even more than basic U4 and i feel here will be the same. It's for sure better launch than PS4,Xone. XSX and XSS are not even close, due having worst lineup in console gaming ever.

I speak for myself.

Sorry, but seriously. Everyones laughing at xbox only have old bc games (which gets HD patches), but when a ten year old gets a remaster then it's worth buying the PS5 alone for that.

Missing the "only new games are good" meme right now.


lol at those third party exclusive’s.
Not a great lineup like i said. To be glib about it seems stupid, as sony's third party exclusives are crap at launch too. people keep including ratchet and clank and god of ward in that launch lineup, while they aren't launch games. GOW especially is late next year at the earliest.


Gold Member
He should be genuine. He shouldn't change his tune because of the stupid fanboys pressure. I've been listening Unlocked for years and this is not his take. He's been excited for the Series X all the way.

Maybe he's changed his mind after getting some hands on time with the machine?

I don't understand why you would want someone to unconditionally fanboy for a console brand, especially not somebody who is involved in the mainstream gaming media.
I play games, not only next gen exclusives. When the Xbone launched, my games were Peggle 2, Ryse, and Dead Rising 3. That's basically all I played until Titanfall came out. The third party games in the 2013 launch window were, imho, doodoo. And there was no option to play a backlog of 360 titles in enhanced form or anything or OG Xbox titles at all. Thank god I kept my 360 and still had my PS3.

This time around I'll be able to play:

Ass Creed Valhalla
Watch Dogs
Tetris Connected

And others day one (or day 7 or whatever for Cyberpunk) PLUS I can play all of these from my backlog, enhanced for next gen, at no upgrade cost:

Gears 5
Horizon 4
Gears Tactics
Witcher 3
Dead by Daylight
Borderlands 3

Idk when the Witcher upgrade is coming but the rest are day one. Some of these titles like DbD and Tactics, I have played extensively. I already beat Tactics on PC, but it's a great game, and I'll do the endgame stuff on X|S. DbD is my most played game ever, but on PS4/Xbone the game struggles to maintain even 30fps. On X|S it gets enhanced graphics and 60fps. I'll pay $500 for that alone. Other titles like Borderlands and Gears 5 and Horizon and Maneater, I've barely played on my Xbone and are in my backlog... they're essentially brand new next gen games for me, even as a hardcore Xbox user.

And then into 2021 there are good things coming, first up being stuff like Medium, Scorn, and Ascent. Seems like a great launch window to me? I can certainly understand if he is taking a purely next gen exclusive look at things, it's disappointing to him, but that's a pretty crappy way to look at things. And if you're looking at it like that, how is the PS5 launch any better? A PS3 remake, a couple cross gen titles, and a shitty looking Rocket League x Fortnite title for $70? Amazing. But, like the X|S, it has tremendous third party launch support. And the SSD enhancements.... again, worth $500 alone. Or $300 in the case of XSS I guess.


speak for yourself.
Demon's souls is instant buy for me. I've loved whole dark souls series and bloodborne and never get a chance to play demons souls because i've owned 360 not ps3. Also Miles Morales ? I've liked lost legacy even more than basic U4 and i feel here will be the same. It's for sure better launch than PS4,Xone. XSX and XSS are not even close, due having worst lineup in console gaming ever.
I'd prefer a remaster of a PS4 or Xbone game then i would a remaster of a PS3 title. That's just me though, I'm sure you will over hype anything that is exclusive.


I speak for myself.

Sorry, but seriously. Everyones laughing at xbox only have old bc games (which gets HD patches), but when a ten year old gets a remaster then it's worth buying the PS5 alone for that.

Missing the "only new games are good" meme right now.
I wouldn't hype Demon's souls PS3 in 4k and 60 fps because it would be shitty OLD game.


I believe the X will be the best way to play Cyberpunk 2077, Cold War and Dark Souls 3 this winter.
Lol, honestly I don't get it. Everyday I see people on this forum still saying that Xbox Series X will be the best place for multiplatform games. Yet there is absolutely zero evidence to support this notion at this point. EVERY 3rd party multiplatform game announced so far has mentioned the exact same target specs for both PS5 and Xbox Series X when it comes to resolution and performance. Assassin's Creed, DMCV, Call of Duty Cold War, MK11, NBA 2K21 etc are all see PS5 match the Series X in resolution and perf. There is literally nothing that the Series X has announced or shown that would indicate it would be a "better" experience playing on it compared to PS5 (not including personal preference like controller, friends etc).

Meanwhile, PS5 has faster loading, unique controller features, custom 3D audio, and faster USB ports (for external storage and copying games back and forth) that all can contribute to a "better' gameplay experience.

People just cannot see beyond the theoretical 12 vs 10 despite the reality not reflecting that advantage at all :messenger_confused:


RAM isn't the same, GPU is more powerful, CPU is faster, all in a smaller form factor. Like I said, better engineered.

We'll see soon enough, DF apparently has all systems, but once we see gameplay we will see that XSX performs better, since the whole system is just more powerful.

Maybe. I hope for your sake, you're right. because if not, you're going to get absolutely rinsed.
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I'd prefer a remaster of a PS4 or Xbone game then i would a remaster of a PS3 title. That's just me though, I'm sure you will over hype anything that is exclusive.
You won't see nothing looking better than Demon's souls on XSX in next 2 years. Hell maybe you won't never see game looking better than DS on XSX.


Gold Member
I suppose it all depends on if you’ve ever owned an Xbox One and if so what of their first party library you’ve already played. This guy is Mr Xbox so he’s obviously played the big exclusives already maybe even multiple times.

It’s like someone asking “is the Switch exclusive library good” after almost four years. I would answer it’s good but if you didn’t own a WiiU and play those games already then Switch is absolutely phenomenal and can’t be touched in terms of exclusives and the frequency of their output if you didn’t own a WiiU.

Soneone who’s never owned an Xbox One but is interested in their new console will have a great time with Gears 4/5, Forza Horizon 3/4, Ori 1/2, MC Collection, Quantume Break, FM7 and Sunset Overdrive etc.
Salient point. They seem to be intent on disseminating their games to every possible console.. i imagine some people are just gonna want good games on a good system.. when i realised that I'll be able to play every xBox game on my computer, any residual interest i ever held in getting an xsx just vanished in smoke~

And this is the IGN xbox guy lol. unbelievable.

Its as if PC gamers haven't all bought Nvidia 30 series cards knowing no game on the planet right how takes full advantage of it. There are no games on PC that take advantage of the new cards. So why buy it? Right IGN?


RAM isn't the same, GPU is more powerful, CPU is faster, all in a smaller form factor. Like I said, better engineered.

We'll see soon enough, DF apparently has all systems, but once we see gameplay we will see that XSX performs better, since the whole system is just more powerful.
I wan't to see your meltdown on launch when multiplatforms will actually look exactly the same :D


You were saying there were no games with RT at launch. I gave you an example. If you had tried to be informed instead of spreading FUD like this you'd have seen that there are multiple games (not none, not one) that are said to be using RT at launch on the XSX.

Have we seen those? No. Will the Spiderman:MM RT implementation be the reference for some time? It might.
But let's not say things that are not true.
I said there were no XBox games, which is true because Legion is from Ubisoft. Even so, I specifically namedropped it, and the Medium. It's not FUD that XBox has considerably little RT to show for itself, especially when I pointed out this isn't hw limitation, but a definitive weakness of planning and marketing.

I'm still waiting for XBox's supposed RT superiority, and this is bad when the only games to have RT at all run the same on PS5.
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