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Dirt 5: Digital Foundry Console Comparison - PlayStation 5 vs Xbox Series X/Series S + Performance - Every Game Mode Tested

I am really disappointed in DF here. I have defended them for months, but there is simply no excuse for them downplaying this. First they started this nonsense tools excuse, and now its a bug. Like what? they have a very good repertoire with codemasters, why didnt they get confirmation before saying its a bug? they said they told codemasters about this, but surely it would be easy for codemasters to say hey its a bug, we will fix it.

the nonsense about downplaying the difference in image quality modes and the framerate in the resolution mode is also weird. When the PS4 had worse AF in every game, we just assumed the PS4 was bad at AF. So why are we not assuming the same about the xsx underperforming in virtually every game? Why not assume that the xsx is able to keep up in the 120 fps mode because of the downgraded graphics?

I cant help, but wonder if they have boxed themselves into a corner here by running ludicrous articles and videos downplaying the PS5 hardware and are trying to save face. If you have proof that its a bug, fine. Show us the proof, get us a quote from a dev. It really shouldnt be that hard. if a console version is doing poorly in other modes, recommend the other.

This shouldnt be that hard. It's their one job. to recommend one version over the other, and they end the video saying its a wash. Like come the fuck on. What if codemasters doesnt patch the 120 fps mode? what if the patch doesnt fix the image quality mode? Will they still recommend people go buy the xsx version?

This is the 3rd direct comparison they have done where xsx is doing poorly. surely, this is a precedent. they havent covered watch dogs or cod but we have seen the ps5 do better there in other comparisons. Their dev sources already told them that the PS5 was more capable and that was before launch. Maybe it's time to stop making excuses and call up Microsoft and ask them just wtf is going on.
I remember a time when 2 fps and 4 pixels were enough to say that the Ps3 version of a game was unplayable and you should buy it on X360. Last gen 720p to 1080p became "negligible".


Microsoft needed to fire on all cylinders at the start of this gen, but once again they choked. I don't want to hear the excuses of late dev kits and tools, that's not our problem. They should have had their shit together like Sony did getting ready for next-gen, but what did they give us? Shittier performing multiplats and 0 exclusives at launch, like what the hell is going on with leadership at Microsoft's Xbox division?
I hope you aren't talking about our boy sir-phil-of-shit-lie-di-spencer? You need to be fair. He's only been in this role since 1845. He hasn't even had a chance to do anything yet.

I blame Don Mattrick.


I remember a time when 2 fps and 4 pixels were enough to say that the Ps3 version of a game was unplayable and you should buy it on X360. Last gen 720p to 1080p became "negligible".
Diminishing returns they said. But when Wolfenstein 2 shows better AF at 400% of zoom they scream to the world "look look, incredibly, a machine priced 100 bucks higher released a year later can push more pixels with better AF. that's a monster, a piece of magic engineering!!!" .
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Don’t believe the FUD, especially if is coming from Xbox fanboys.
I don't think that is the source though? That is just some poor wretch with a single-digit IQ that spends the best part of his day reposting all the bad PR and insane nonsense about PS5 he can possibly find.

(I know right, riveting journalistic content)

Does anybody know the actual source of the PS5 picture though? I'm pretty sure it's fake, because a burn there would make absolutely no sense for how the machine is built, but I'm curious to track down who put it out first.


Remember when people said it wouldn't harm game development? Months later Phil gave an interview where he acknowledged that it would cost time/money for devs
I wonder how is the ratio for XSX/XSS
Imagine having to make a game run on a console nobody bought.

Ah, the GOOD times of rainbows and unicorns where the SS would be dragged back by the PS5, where scaling back res would magically fix everything, where generations were a thing of the past, where everyone was playing the best multiplayer experience on sx.
Yeah i rember people believing PR bullshit, bathing in those see of shit and calling everyone else Sony shills.
Such a beautiful time it was, then reality comes, harsh, cynical, merciless, no rainbows, no unicorns, just tearing in the rain.


PS5 does not have a SMT Off feature for its CPU; SMT is always enabled, so the high-limit clock of the CPU (3.5 GHz) is always there and that's with 16 threads available.

Seeing that there are scenarios where the Series X version is maintaining higher framerates in 120 FPS mode, since the framerates would be CPU-bound as the CPU issues the drawcalls to the GPU, then there's a chance SMT Off mode might be getting used for the game on Series X and Series S platforms, but this is just speculation.
Dirt 5 uses SMT mode on all next generation consoles. This game is not CPU bound as 90% of the time it holds 120fps with lots of cars on screen with lots of alpha effects. Its only a certain track and location that drops the performance and there are scenarios where XSX drops to 90s also in 120fps mode.


are you saying he is lying?
Yes. Gavin whatever his name is, is a liar and a fraud. The outer layer of the PS5 is cooler than XSX. There is literally an air gap between the console and the outer plate. The inner plastic which literally holds everything and in direct contact with hotter temperatures is not showing burn mark but the outer plate is. I know you know better.


It's not that COVID didn't affect Sony; it certainly did. However, Sony most likely started their next-gen development/engineering earlier than MS, if they were less reliant on certain RDNA2 features being finalized since they'd be going with their own custom implementations analogous to those features, as is usually suggested. There is still also the (slight) proof they may've considered a 2019 launch, though that looks to be a bit less likely in hindsight considering no updated versions of TLOU2 or GoT are present on PS5, neither of those games were ready for 2019, and I doubt Sony'd want to release those games in 2020 (after a 2019 PS5 launch) on PS4 with no actual next-gen upgrades on PS5. Considering the timeliness of Miles Morales editions on PS5 and PS4, lack of any equivalents for TLOU2 or GoT kind of suggests 2019 might not've been in the cards for PS5 launch after all.

At the end of the day, places like DF (and NX Gamer, etc.) are professionals; they aren't going to become slovenly fanboys and outright trash a platform, say it sucks ass, is worthless etc. just because it's underperforming in a few 3P cross-gen launch titles. No one with a brain passes permanent judgement on a console's capabilities after a literal week, it seems a lot of people's perspectives around here have become skewed, probably influenced too much from the quickness and instant gratification of social media.

It's a bit more telling that people want to seemingly pit people like John, Richard, Alex etc. against other solid analysis folks like NX Gamer; you don't need to be limited in your scope, there's more than enough room for all of these guys to coexist as game performance analyzers. The more, the merrier, since that in turn means more potential points to cross-reference and dig deeper into what these games are or aren't doing.

We've got to stop trying to call for DF's blood every time they do a comparison analysis because we don't feel like they bodied one piece of plastic enough; all of these analysis guys, they certainly want to specify where things are strong or weak in, but they aren't really interested in completely trashing one console or another, even if some performance is sub-optimal. Especially considering this is launch period, it is imperative we give the consoles some time to breath, and none of this invalidates the reality that, yes, MS is most definitely suffering from a perception problem that could become really bad for them if things aren't improved on their end. But that is a different conversation for another time.

this line of thought just seems flawed to me, these people are companies, and their analysis affects consumer buying +spending, there should no favoritism at all in their end finished product of article, if something is not working well or is inferior on one console, they should be saying it and reporting on it, not mudding the waters due to fear of upsetting a client.

Df are not some fanboy channel that needs to get their kicks in, they are a business, act with in the rules, there should be ethics. What your saying just sounds wrong.

If Sony makes something terrible i want them to criticize them, my money's exchange and many other people's go hand in hand because of reviews like that.

You don't hold back on criticism, just to make a multi-billion company happy.

As for using the launch of the system as an excuse, this does not wash with me either, if your system is not ready hold it back, just like halo they were prepared to lunch a game in a shitty state until the backlash.

Why as a customer, should i have to put up with shoddy, unfinished workmanship. Microsoft choose to release their product in that state, they did not have to, they could have spent another 6 months perfecting it, making its launch almost flawless.

My standards should not have to drop, just because they are a big company says so.
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PS5 does not have a SMT Off feature for its CPU; SMT is always enabled, so the high-limit clock of the CPU (3.5 GHz) is always there and that's with 16 threads available.

Seeing that there are scenarios where the Series X version is maintaining higher framerates in 120 FPS mode, since the framerates would be CPU-bound as the CPU issues the drawcalls to the GPU, then there's a chance SMT Off mode might be getting used for the game on Series X and Series S platforms, but this is just speculation.

It's not that COVID didn't affect Sony; it certainly did. However, Sony most likely started their next-gen development/engineering earlier than MS, if they were less reliant on certain RDNA2 features being finalized since they'd be going with their own custom implementations analogous to those features, as is usually suggested. There is still also the (slight) proof they may've considered a 2019 launch, though that looks to be a bit less likely in hindsight considering no updated versions of TLOU2 or GoT are present on PS5, neither of those games were ready for 2019, and I doubt Sony'd want to release those games in 2020 (after a 2019 PS5 launch) on PS4 with no actual next-gen upgrades on PS5. Considering the timeliness of Miles Morales editions on PS5 and PS4, lack of any equivalents for TLOU2 or GoT kind of suggests 2019 might not've been in the cards for PS5 launch after all.

At the end of the day, places like DF (and NX Gamer, etc.) are professionals; they aren't going to become slovenly fanboys and outright trash a platform, say it sucks ass, is worthless etc. just because it's underperforming in a few 3P cross-gen launch titles. No one with a brain passes permanent judgement on a console's capabilities after a literal week, it seems a lot of people's perspectives around here have become skewed, probably influenced too much from the quickness and instant gratification of social media.

It's a bit more telling that people want to seemingly pit people like John, Richard, Alex etc. against other solid analysis folks like NX Gamer; you don't need to be limited in your scope, there's more than enough room for all of these guys to coexist as game performance analyzers. The more, the merrier, since that in turn means more potential points to cross-reference and dig deeper into what these games are or aren't doing.

We've got to stop trying to call for DF's blood every time they do a comparison analysis because we don't feel like they bodied one piece of plastic enough; all of these analysis guys, they certainly want to specify where things are strong or weak in, but they aren't really interested in completely trashing one console or another, even if some performance is sub-optimal. Especially considering this is launch period, it is imperative we give the consoles some time to breath, and none of this invalidates the reality that, yes, MS is most definitely suffering from a perception problem that could become really bad for them if things aren't improved on their end. But that is a different conversation for another time.
I really would like to see throughout different parallel universes just to watch what DF would have said if ps5 was to the reverse side, let's take the 120 FPS mode on Dirt 5 as example. I bet whatever you want no bug or early development kit, just 2 TF less in action. Now I'm not saying they didn't a good job through the years, but they are undoubtedly partial and indeed to be enthusiastic and surprise about a weaker machine outperformed a more powerful one in that way (unprecedent), they waste all their narrative to find a reason because the more powerful branded MS doesn't deliver. Looks at the coincidence. I never heard a single prize about the ps5 version edge in the whole analysis, who knows, friendly development kit, easy access to the peak performance with the covid situation, nope, let's contact the developers, we urge to reassign the lead deserved to the series X, that's unacceptable. But sure blame just the same paranoic neogaffer, they never look theirself in the mirror, seriously it's time to reconsider about their approach when such things happen if they want to be intellectually honest because always more people start to notice this partiality.
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Identifies as young
this line of thought just seems flawed to me, these people are companies, and their analysis affects consumer buying +spending, there should no favoritism at all in their end finished product of article, if something is not working well or is inferior on one console, they should be saying it and reporting on it, not mudding the waters due to fear of upsetting a client.

Df are not some fanboy channel that needs to get their kicks in, they are a business, act with in the rules, there should be ethics. What your saying just sounds wrong.

If Sony makes something terrible i want them to criticize them, my money's exchange and many other people's go hand in hand because of reviews like that.

You don't hold back on criticism, just to make a multi-billion company happy.

As for using the launch of the system as an excuse, this does not wash with me either, if your system is not ready hold it back, just like halo they were prepared to lunch a game in a shitty state until the backlash.

Why as a customer, should i have to put up with shoddy, unfinished workmanship. Microsoft choose to release their product in that state, they did not have to, they could have spent another 6 months perfecting it, making its launch almost flawless.

Are standards should not have to drop, just because they are a big company says so.

That is my thinking as well as far as the state of XSX. Seems folks are willing to give Microsoft a grace period for fulfilling their boasts and marketing of the world's "most powerful console". I don't understand why. XSX should be outperforming PS5 by a significant margin. At least that is what we were lead to believe. Microsoft threw shade on PS5's variable clocks and bragged about their sustained performance. Why did they not inform their consumers of the piss poor state of their "tools" and embrace the "transparency" that they were patting themselves on the back with so early on? "Pro consumer"?
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Finally, sense. :messenger_heart:
As i've said to you before Sircaw, i've never failed to criticise Xbox, it's just that you want to paint a certain picture of me because i don't fawn and drool over Playstation like you do. Don't get me wrong with that post, i fucking love my Series X and no fanboys on here will change that, or bad developers doing bad work either. The technology is there, and they just need to pull their finger out of their asses and use it properly.

On top of that, Phil needs to clean up house and make better software for the devs to build upon. I will eagerly await your criticism of Playstation when the time comes because they aren't immune to fuck ups either.
  • LOL
Reactions: Rea


Why do they keep ignoring PC for these latest comparisons? Is there anyone really on the fence about which console to get, or which console version? It's pure console war bait. I'm much more interested to see how a $500 console stacks up against a $500 graphics card, as GPU prices are more inflated than ever.


Why do they keep ignoring PC for these latest comparisons? Is there anyone really on the fence about which console to get, or which console version? It's pure console war bait. I'm much more interested to see how a $500 console stacks up against a $500 graphics card, as GPU prices are more inflated than ever.
The whole DF narrative is built to ride the wave of the console war. Don't believe them when they said otherwise. Let's be honest there


That is my thinking as well as far as the state of XSX. Seems folks are willing to give Microsoft a grace period for fulfilling their boasts and marketing of the world's "most powerful console". I don't understand why. XSX should be outperforming PS5 by a significant margin. At least that is what were lead to believe. Microsoft threw shade on PS5's variable clocks and bragged about their sustained performance. Why did they not inform their consumers of the piss poor state of their "tools" and embrace the "transparency" that they were patting themselves on the back with so early on? "Pro consumer"?

yep they took every opportunity to come out with the "we are the worlds most powerful console, plays best on xbox, best muliplat bla bla" They went down that path, not us, they did.

Digital foundry should be saying the best place to play multi plat games on is the ps5 but they are not but for some reason. They went along with that narrative for months with no proof what so ever. Now that the tests are done and we have proof, why are they not saying that? Sorry but that's all so fucking strange toome.

Xbox put them self in this position and failed to deliver, not me, not you or the people that bought there consoles.

IT ain't right to give them a pass.
yep they took every opportunity to come out with the "we are the worlds most powerful console, plays best on xbox, best muliplat bla bla" They went down that path, not us, they did.

Digital foundry should be saying the best place to play multi plat games on is the ps5 but they are not but for some reason. They went along with that narrative for months with no proof what so ever. Now that the tests are done and we have proof, why are they not saying that? Sorry but that's all so fucking strange toome.

Xbox put them self in this position and failed to deliver, not me, not you or the people that bought there consoles.

IT ain't right to give them a pass.

The proof was 12 being a bigger number than 10.2. That's how these things usually work when the hardware is extremely similar, see last generation. Now the Xbox is underperforming for whatever reason and DF is puzzled and not sure what's going on. Until they know what's happening, they'll stay cautious and not give any definitive statements.


As i've said to you before Sircaw, i've never failed to criticise Xbox, it's just that you want to paint a certain picture of me because i don't fawn and drool over Playstation like you do. Don't get me wrong with that post, i fucking love my Series X and no fanboys on here will change that, or bad developers doing bad work either. The technology is there, and they just need to pull their finger out of their asses and use it properly.

On top of that, Phil needs to clean up house and make better software for the devs to build upon. I will eagerly await your criticism of Playstation when the time comes because they aren't immune to fuck ups either.

You see, this is when you just don't get things, you're blinded by it all. Microsoft are the boys that came out declaring how amazing there system was going to be, best this, best on that, the power of the cloud, 12 tflop monster, the beast

Every bloody single opportunity Microsoft got, they came out with shameless promotion, They were wrong in doing that. Fanboys attacked sony, who for the most part were dead quiet, not a fucking whisper and when they did speak they were professional and measured compared to Microsoft.

We had Microsoft executives going on podcasts with Dealer, Timdog etc, let that sink in dude.

Then we had people on this forum, hordes of them repeating the same hog wash, running their mouths for months on end trying to degrade the ps5. You were one of them i am afraid, you might not be as absurd or repugnant as what Funsocks was but you added to the entire environment with your vitriol, and reading your last line that i have made bold, you still don't seem to see the forest from the trees.

This is not about Sony or how they perform, this is about Microsoft and the way they present themselves, and twist shit.

As for sony releasing a shit product and you want me to criticize them, again this shows you have not understood or have learned anything from this endeavor.

I want quality products, not rubbish, it is unacceptable for anyone to do this.
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The proof was 12 being a bigger number than 10.2. That's how these things usually work when the hardware is extremely similar, see last generation. Now the Xbox is underperforming for whatever reason and DF is puzzled and not sure what's going on. Until they know what's happening, they'll stay cautious and not give any definitive statements.

12 vs 10.2 i get you for the uneducated in terms of tech.

But we have heard for months on end, you should not judge performance by tflops, we heard this from game developers on Twitter, we even heard this from the man himself Mark Cerny, he said it in that road to ps5 video.

If i know this and most of the people on this forum also know this, why the hell is this a surprise to Digital foundry, the most premier analysis channel on youtube?

I mean does that really wash with people>?


Gold Member
I don't think that is the source though? That is just some poor wretch with a single-digit IQ that spends the best part of his day reposting all the bad PR and insane nonsense about PS5 he can possibly find.

(I know right, riveting journalistic content)

Does anybody know the actual source of the PS5 picture though? I'm pretty sure it's fake, because a burn there would make absolutely no sense for how the machine is built, but I'm curious to track down who put it out first.

Yes. It is fake. Anything that is titled "Honest new Playstation 5 firmware released" is at best satirical and at worse a fanboy trying to spread FUD. The same FUD that gets proven wrong time and time again.

Looks like someone used a lighter.

I'm not talking about that tweet. This is the image I asked the original source for:

Is that picture from Odium?

Here's the thing. If the APU was running so hot that it would transfer enough heat through the heat sink, chassis and burn the outer shell don't you think the system would have shut off before that happens?

To be fair I think it's probably fake since it's just him claiming it at the moment. And we all know how Odium is. Once other people start reporting it then we can talk about it again.
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12 vs 10.2 i get you for the uneducated in terms of tech.

But we have heard for months on end, you should not judge performance by tflops, we heard this from game developers on Twitter, we even heard this from the man himself Mark Cerny, he said it in that road to ps5 video.

If i know this and most of the people on this forum also know this, why the hell is this a surprise to Digital foundry, the most premier analysis channel on youtube?

I mean does that really wash with people>?

It's not uneducated. When you have extremely similar hardware, 12 is indeed better than 10.2. There's no question about that.

There are essentially two schools of thought. The Followers of Cerny (PBUH) basically think that the Xbox is performing correctly, but that the Secret Sauce of the Almighty Cerny (PBUH) makes the PS5 magically overperform its paper specs by 30% because that's just how good the Sauce is.

The neutrals, on the other hand, think that the PS5 is performing correctly and that the Xbox is underperforming, and they're curious about the reasons. This is where DF is currently.
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Identifies as young
The proof was 12 being a bigger number than 10.2. That's how these things usually work when the hardware is extremely similar, see last generation. Now the Xbox is underperforming for whatever reason and DF is puzzled and not sure what's going on. Until they know what's happening, they'll stay cautious and not give any definitive statements.

How is the hardware "extremely similar" again? Because of RDNA 2? Seems the two companies took drastically different approaches to implementing that architecture so the relevance of the teraflop rating only goes so far.

The neutrals, on the other hand, think that the PS5 is performing correctly and that the Xbox is underperforming, and they're curious about the reasons. This is where DF is currently.

The neutrals? Really?
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Gold Member
I'm not talking about that tweet. This is the image I asked the original source for:
Not sure what is going on there. I saw something similar floating around. The issue I have with these kind of pics is A. It is not near the APU or any other major heat source and B. I have yet to see the inside of the panel.


It's not uneducated. When you have extremely similar hardware, 12 is indeed better than 10.2. There's no question about that.

There are essentially two schools of thought. The Followers of Cerny (PBUH) basically think that the Xbox is performing correctly, but that the Secret Sauce of the Almighty Cerny (PBUH) makes the PS5 magically overperform its paper specs by 30% because that's just how good the Sauce is.

The neutrals, on the other hand, think that the PS5 is performing correctly and that the Xbox is underperforming, and they're curious about the reasons. This is where DF is currently.

Will the xbox performance improve, of course, it will, i doubt anyone has said that it would not. But so will the ps5's and we are at a point wherein most games are hitting the upper thresholds of resolution and frames. For sure it's going to get better but its not going to get magically better like 51 frames from xbox side.

People forget, Parity is what ps5 fans want, that is a win for them with their controller and ssd.

After the bullshit Microsoft said, Parity in any game is a Massive win for Sony.


The proof was 12 being a bigger number than 10.2. That's how these things usually work when the hardware is extremely similar, see last generation. Now the Xbox is underperforming for whatever reason and DF is puzzled and not sure what's going on. Until they know what's happening, they'll stay cautious and not give any definitive statements.
It's not extremely similar. The RAM/bandwidth management is completely different (for example) and isn't it so obvious where will land such difference.


Dirt 5 Dev Director reponse:

This is why its stupid to compare performance 2 weeks into a new gen during a pandemic when devs are not in the office. But fanboys gonna fanboy

No it's not. PS5 and the PS5 version have been hit by the same pandemic.
It tells us that it is easier to get the performance out of the PS5. It's a fair comparison.
Of course things can and will change. But they always do.

Md Ray

It's not uneducated. When you have extremely similar hardware, 12 is indeed better than 10.2. There's no question about that.

There are essentially two schools of thought. The Followers of Cerny (PBUH) basically think that the Xbox is performing correctly, but that the Secret Sauce of the Almighty Cerny (PBUH) makes the PS5 magically overperform its paper specs by 30% because that's just how good the Sauce is.

The neutrals, on the other hand, think that the PS5 is performing correctly and that the Xbox is underperforming, and they're curious about the reasons. This is where DF is currently.
There are parts of the PS5 GPU that are faster than XSX GPU, do you know?
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It's not uneducated. When you have extremely similar hardware, 12 is indeed better than 10.2. There's no question about that.

It's not just as simple as that and the comparisons prove it.

For some reason PS5>XSX in some comparisons. And we all know it's not because 12>10.28. It could boil down to one problem or a multitude of them even hardware issues. And indeed one system can be more efficient than the other in some way that's giving it advantages. Both systems have customizations that can affect performance.


Dirt 5 uses SMT mode on all next generation consoles. This game is not CPU bound as 90% of the time it holds 120fps with lots of cars on screen with lots of alpha effects. Its only a certain track and location that drops the performance and there are scenarios where XSX drops to 90s also in 120fps mode.

Yes dirt5 cpu code probably has to work 60fps on a shitty jaguar. Their technical director pretty much hinted the game has lots of cpu headroom that they can allocate the console power into the gpu, enabling the over clocking feature of ps5.


No it's not. PS5 and the PS5 version have been hit by the same pandemic.
It tells us that it is easier to get the performance out of the PS5. It's a fair comparison.
Of course things can and will change. But they always do.
Its stupid to compare, given the circumstances. If you can't see that, then I don't know.

We are literally 2 weeks into a new gen.... and its a pandemic. The fishing for "Ws" that nobody will care about in a week (at least) is sad really
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How is the hardware "extremely similar" again? Because of RDNA 2? Seems the two companies took drastically different approaches to implementing that architecture so the relevance of the teraflop rating only goes so far.

I don't see anything drastically different between the two. It's certainly not a PS3 vs 360 situation. It's much closer to PS4 vs X1.

The neutrals? Really?

Yes, people who look at the specs and set their expectations accordingly, while not relying on some Secret Sauce from their preferred toybox manufacturer.


Is that picture from Odium?

Here's the thing. If the APU was running so hot that it would transfer enough heat through the heat sink, chassis and burn the outer shell don't you think the system would have shut off before that happens?

To be fair I think it's probably fake since it's just him claiming it at the moment. And we all know how Odium is. Once other people start reporting it then we can talk about it again.
No, it's not from Odium. Odium also has a smudged PS5, but it's a different picture and a different smudge.

Not sure what is going on there. I saw something similar floating around. The issue I have with these kind of pics is A. It is not near the APU or any other major heat source and B. I have yet to see the inside of the panel.
I'm 99.99% sure it's fake, or at least it's not anything due to overheating from the inside. In order to burn the plastic like that the heat sink would have had to reach insane temperatures, like 120°+, for a sustained period of time, since there is even an additional plastic plate between the two. It is true that there is another mini-heat sink in the console around that spot, as some people pointed out, but it's ON THE OTHER SIDE of the console (you can see it in the teardown video).

I was just curious to track down where that came from.
I'm 99.99% sure it's fake, or at least it's not anything due to overheating from the inside. In order to burn the plastic like that the heat sink would have had to reach insane temperatures, like 120°+, for a sustained period of time, since there is even an additional plastic plate between the two. It is true that there is another mini-heat sink in the console around that spot, as some people pointed out, but it's ON THE OTHER SIDE of the console (you can see it in the teardown video).

Also why I think it's fake. The system would shut itself off before causing something like that to happen. It would do so to protect the internals and to not be a fire hazard.


Its stupid to compare, given the circumstances. If you can't see that, then I don't know.

We are literally 2 weeks into a new gen.... and its a pandemic. The fishing for "Ws" that nobody will care about in a month (at least) is sad really

But both had the same pandemic, so why is it stupid to compare? Why do we need excuses for everything? These are the current results, of officially launched products.

Will it maybe change over time? Entirely possible, and then there will be new comparisons. I don't see the problem here.

Other than that you don't like the current results and are making excuses for MS.
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yep, there whole marketing speel needs to change, they are the ones setting up this power narrative with the world most powerful console all the time and plays best on this bla bla bla.

Can they not just move away from that crap, concentrate on gaming, quality and for the love of god stop associating with fanboys on podcasts that are TOXIC.

Just be a better gaming company.

I mean the other day, i think i saw a tweet with Greenburg saying , silky smooth on assassins creed. This shit needs to stop, they need to be better.
seriously, they just need to be a gaming company.

PS5 does not have a SMT Off feature for its CPU; SMT is always enabled, so the high-limit clock of the CPU (3.5 GHz) is always there and that's with 16 threads available.

imagine you are a game engine developer for a game that runs on both ps5 and xsx. Ps5 has smt only. Why the hell will you make your life much harder by running SMT off on Xbox only, if SMT on is faster.

thus it doesn’t make sense at all.
There are parts of the PS5 GPU that are faster than XSX GPU, do you know?

A slightly higher pixel fill rate falls short of what I would call a drastic difference. And as a measurement of performance, pixel fill rate hasn't been relevant for like a decade. It certainly doesn't explain why the Xbox is underperforming in some games.
Yes dirt5 cpu code probably has to work 60fps on a shitty jaguar. Their technical director pretty much hinted the game has lots of cpu headroom that they can allocate the console power into the gpu, enabling the over clocking feature of ps5.
Its very interesting to see you love talking about tech when time and time again you prove you have no technical background . Just stick to talking about games . Whats the problem with that ?


But both had the same pandemic, so why is it stupid to compare? Why do we need excuses for everything? These are the current results, of officially launched products.

Will it maybe change over time? Entirely possible, and then there will be new comparisons. I don't see the problem here.

Other than that you don't like the current results and are making excuses for MS.
Because devs have had no time with either platform? They are pushing out updates and games with bugs all over the place just to meet deadlines. And a handful of games got pushed back because of the pandemic

The dev literally said they barely had any time with the platform and its not the final result. So you are comparing unfinished products, which is stupid.
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Md Ray

A slightly higher pixel fill rate falls short of what I would call a drastic difference. And as a measurement of performance, pixel fill rate hasn't been relevant for like a decade. It certainly doesn't explain why the Xbox is underperforming in some games.
Not just fillrate, the rasterization rate is also higher by 22%.


Because devs have had no time with either platform? They are pushing out updates and games with bugs all over the place just to meet deadlines. And a handful of games got pushed back because of the pandemic

The dev literally said they barely had any time with the platform and its not the final result. So you are comparing unfinished products, which is stupid. Are you stupid? How old are you?

Doesn't understanding my point about a level playing field, thus this being a valid comparison. Getting all emotional and offensive, attacking me. Asking if I'm stupid and suggesting that I'm young, tries to show superiority. Despite acting like he needs some more years to grow up himself.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the internet.

Edit: HAHA I only have seen now that you've edited your post. Trying to hide your behaviour to not get pwned? :messenger_tears_of_joy: That's kinda sad actually.
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I remember a time when 2 fps and 4 pixels were enough to say that the Ps3 version of a game was unplayable and you should buy it on X360. Last gen 720p to 1080p became "negligible".

Yes seriously, I remember this clearly. I used to think what on earth are they doing highlighting differences so microscopically small and then making recommendations based on them. Very different tone now, let's hope that's because they have matured as an outfit rather than have brand preferences.
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