cdpr only wants that corpo shilling. They sadly do not want honest reviews from skillup, angry joe, and acg.
lol probably. With the issues we are seeing, I think they might be a bit worried on how its going to be received. I think its smart to hold off on the review embargo on this one. Folks need to get out of their echo chambers and realize some of the issues and missing or removed features will have an impact on some players. Some on here didn't even know of some of the removed features they were hype for, which tells me a reviewer will bring up those things.
We've had open world games with cars before folks, some of theses issues have no excuse after so many delays to be in the title and I'm doubtful a patch will clear them all out.....look at Witcher 3. I think they need to be held to the same standard as a Rockstar or Bethesda.
Can they release an open world game like this only to have missing features from titles they put out 20 years ago, faces missing, people flying, extreme pop in etc? They'd be torn to shreds if that was the case.
Keep that same energy. I want them to WANT to put those features in based on reviewers and gamers and not feel like this is acceptable or something. We simply would not give a pass to another developer who did this. This title seems to be trying to look good more then actually trying to PLAY GOOD and offer unique features. What is to say a Far Cry in the future doesn't do the same thing? ie here is a city, kill missions and cars? Looking good is a given, but this title doesn't even look better then Deus Ex Mankind Divided, so I feel they need to offer a bit more then "it lookeded good doe", this is where those missing features start to make a lot of what they are hyping up as window dressing.
" cd red are a transparent pro-consumer company. " I greatly disagree. They might try to pass themselves off like that, but we've had way too many articles about reversals or 180's or "time to admit something we claimed wasn't going to happen before" etc.
Transparent is lying to consumers about that downgrade on Witcher 3 and only telling fans about this the day after they bought the game?
So I got the bulk of their games day 1, I'm getting Cyberpunk 2077 day 1, but I'd never argue they are transparent or pro-consumer. They simply want to make that appearance, but WHAT THEY FACTUALLY DO shows otherwise. I'm personally not shocked at this. When they lied about that downgrade it was to move units, period. Them not giving out some of those review codes is to sell the game before those reviews start talking about those issues, missing features etc.