Why even post this thread? To put thing's in perspective, a decade ago - it took 2 and a half weeks to fully charge a battery
intended to power a house utilizing Solar Technology - that battery would then last 4-5 hours.
Today, it take's 2 hours to fully charge a Tesla Battery using Solar intended to power a quarter of your house All Day.
10 Years ago, even 2 years ago when this became fact - many would had said "Not for 20 more years"
But essentially, what this really means - is within 5 to 10 years all energy needs should be met and energy should be freely available - specifically if you follow the trajectory of Molecular Fabrication and Molecular Compute when applied to energy sciences.
First I'll start with this:
A solid State Battery Start-Up backed by Bill Gates and Volkswagon
A battery said to last 80% longer than traditional Lithium Batteries of today with a 10 minute charge time.
NDB - Nano-Diamond Battery: A self-recharging Molecular Battery that utilizes non harmful amount's of Radioactive Decay at the molecular level to produce a Battery that never dies/Last's 28,000 Years
This technology sounds far flung, but considering Computer Science states as fact that batteries such as NDB should be easily quantifiable and achieved within the next 5 years - particularly considering Molecular Fab is in fact
up to the task now - it's really much closer than many may realize.
Toyota's game-changing solid-state battery en route for 2021 debut
Touting this battery last 5X longer with a 10 minute charge time.
And an Energy Centric Article - Offshore Wind Turbine To Power house for 2 days with Single Spin of it's Turbine
Solar Energy Is On The Brink Of A Golden Age In Energy Creation
Solar power is heading into a golden age thanks to an unlikely culmination of forces. A new axis of energy has emerged with the United States, the European Union, and China leading the charge toward a global energy transition to renewable energies and especially solar power. The United States has certainly not been a poster child for green energy in the last few years or, indeed, most of the nation’s history. Under the Trump administration, the country pulled out of the Paris climate accord and dragged its feet to put together a green stimulus package even as the rest of the world started to seriously edge into renewable energy markets, threatening to leave the U.S. behind. Under the new administration, led by incumbent president Joe Biden, the prognosis for U.S. renewables has improved drastically.
The price of solar electricity has dropped 89% in 10 years In 2009, building a new solar farm was 223% more expensive than building a new coal plant. Now, it’s flipped.
intended to power a house utilizing Solar Technology - that battery would then last 4-5 hours.
Today, it take's 2 hours to fully charge a Tesla Battery using Solar intended to power a quarter of your house All Day.
10 Years ago, even 2 years ago when this became fact - many would had said "Not for 20 more years"
But essentially, what this really means - is within 5 to 10 years all energy needs should be met and energy should be freely available - specifically if you follow the trajectory of Molecular Fabrication and Molecular Compute when applied to energy sciences.
First I'll start with this:
A solid State Battery Start-Up backed by Bill Gates and Volkswagon
A battery said to last 80% longer than traditional Lithium Batteries of today with a 10 minute charge time.

Solid-state automotive battery could transform EV industry
More powerful, longer lasting, faster charging.
NDB - Nano-Diamond Battery: A self-recharging Molecular Battery that utilizes non harmful amount's of Radioactive Decay at the molecular level to produce a Battery that never dies/Last's 28,000 Years
This technology sounds far flung, but considering Computer Science states as fact that batteries such as NDB should be easily quantifiable and achieved within the next 5 years - particularly considering Molecular Fab is in fact
up to the task now - it's really much closer than many may realize.

Nano diamond batteries could last thousands of years
Utilizing nuclear waste converted to diamonds, this company's batteries will reportedly last thousands of years in some cases.

NDB: Nano Diamond Battery is an innovative energy generator and storage that redefines and revolutionizes the battery as we know it.

Toyota's game-changing solid-state battery en route for 2021 debut
Touting this battery last 5X longer with a 10 minute charge time.

Toyota's game-changing solid-state battery en route for 2021 debut
Japan's government to join forces with industry to supercharge development

And an Energy Centric Article - Offshore Wind Turbine To Power house for 2 days with Single Spin of it's Turbine

New Offshore Wind Turbine to Power a House for 2 Days With a Single Spin
The company behind the turbine claims a single spin of it could power a home for two days. Get the details here.

Solar Energy Is On The Brink Of A Golden Age In Energy Creation

Solar Energy Is On The Brink Of A Golden Age | OilPrice.com
With the EU and China having already committed themselves to significantly reducing their emissions and the Biden administration promising to do the same, the golden age for solar energy could well be upon us
Solar power is heading into a golden age thanks to an unlikely culmination of forces. A new axis of energy has emerged with the United States, the European Union, and China leading the charge toward a global energy transition to renewable energies and especially solar power. The United States has certainly not been a poster child for green energy in the last few years or, indeed, most of the nation’s history. Under the Trump administration, the country pulled out of the Paris climate accord and dragged its feet to put together a green stimulus package even as the rest of the world started to seriously edge into renewable energy markets, threatening to leave the U.S. behind. Under the new administration, led by incumbent president Joe Biden, the prognosis for U.S. renewables has improved drastically.
The price of solar electricity has dropped 89% in 10 years In 2009, building a new solar farm was 223% more expensive than building a new coal plant. Now, it’s flipped.
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