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LTTP: Battletoads 2020 | Why is no one playing/talking this???


I wonder what actually happened. I heard about a new Battletoads game a few years ago and was quite thrilled to see a remake/reboot of the series. then I saw the first screens and a trailer and thought: what is this crap?
i quickly forgot about this game and it was stealth released in summer. i saw this game in october in game pass and thought, well i might give it a try after this game receiving abysmal reviews.

What the hell has happened? the reviews were completely wrong? this game is absolutely what i was waiting for! it plays exactly what i was expecting! it is funny, it is hard, it has a veriety of good levels, replayability.
I was utterly shocked to see actually no one playing this or no one giving this a chance!

i was turned off by the trailer and the screenshots but seeing it in motion gives you a total different feel. the transition between game sections and cutscenes is a bit rough around the edges but it is totally my cup of tea. it looks really great and immersive.

It is fun to listen to the dialogues, the BGM and the whacky sounds when you walk around and punch your enemies.

You can play 3-play-coop. I had a blast with my brother and a friend. For me it is the GOTY. The variety is mindboggling. The minigames are so funny and weird. the confusion and the instant switch which made us giggle like elementary school kids. You have racing, jump n run, puzzles, shooting sections....

It is not as polished as other games, but cmon guysi dont understand how this game got such bad reviews. i loved battletoads/Turtles on the S/NES and this is right up my alley.

Please everyone, play this game.


I played it in Game Pass. It was fun, but I eventually quit at the platforming segment. Not my cup of tea overall, not a fan of the game-design.

Still I found that the game was very well made.


Its great fun, especially couch co-op.

Go look at the review thread. A lot of people shitting on it without playing it, and a lot of people saying "Huh, this is pretty good."

And I don't think the reviews were wrong, but the scores were certainly presented in such a way as to make them seem worse than they were. When it outscored Days Gone, there was a lot of confused outrage in that thread.

I agree with you - well worth playing. I hope Download numbers were enough thta it gets a sequel.
It's a pretty solid game, but I think it had two things working against it, aside from people being kinda childish and unfair about "not muh Battletoads". (Steam forums were incredibly toxic for a while.)

1: No online multiplayer. A lot of people were immediately turned off because it's a co-op brawler that you can't play over the internet. This is especially relevant on PC.
2: Some of the minigames were worse than others. Minigames are as Rare as herding beavers into a hole, but a few could have been removed because they're not very fun, or they're confusing.
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I've heard good things, but I think this game suffered from too much of a redesign to the point it alienated many of the old faithful whom loved the 90's edgelord design and scared off new comers with it's "flash-esqe" look...

If they had stuck closer to the old look, but kept some of the new changes (animation, story beats etc" I think it might have done considerably better...
I played it to unlock a skin in Sea of Thieves. It is awful. The new turbo tunnel level felt like it lasted hours, the damage sponge enemies were a slog, the combo system was decent and the humour was funny in parts. Felt like a cheap scroller. Streets of Rage 4 was infinitely better.


I played it at launch. Easily the worst experience I had this year.

Boring sidescrolling levels, where every enemy basically has an AoE or homing attack;
A lot of minigames, not a single one decent;
A crappy “Simon Says” level;
The worst shmup levels I’ve ever played;
A platform world where there’s no gameplay or challenge and you just walk and jump without a reason;

Literally the only good part of the game was 1 joke at the beginning that genuinely made me laugh. Too bad everything before and after that was pure garbage.


I think most people would agree that it didn't show well with the graphics and humor.

I have played a little bit and it feels like a really good best em up.


Gold Member
I liked it too. But somehow it felt longer than it actually is. I like that they tried many different things, but that also made the game inconsistent. I expected the brawler part to be the main meat of the game. Instead there's a lot of other stuff that sometimes (turbo tunnel, space shooter) goes on for too long and it's definitely too hardcore for some even at normal difficulty. And WTF at that picture shooting section, it went on and on and on and on while it woulda been a cute idea for a couple of QTEs at best.

But yeah, new Battletoads is a funny timewaster and I appreciated it for what it is. And I absolutely lost my shit at that scene with the Dark Queen getting mad, lol.
I thought it was a fun and even a good game. I enjoyed it and even felt it was quite imaginative and unique. Not being a traditional beat-em-up probably hurt it some. It’s not like SOR4 and that’s perfectly fine. It’s quite different from it. The unusual and controversial aesthetics are very opinionated and could of scared some gamers off as well.

Brawlers are already niche and honestly, I don’t think the XBOX demographic would really appreciate something like Battletoads even if it resembled the older games visually imo.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I enjoyed it. Its not screaming quality but I had fun with it. My issue is the game play differences are very lopsided. The later quarter of the game doesnt have a ton of fighting which is strange. I understand the need to mix things up but it should have been more even in terms of changing the game play loop.

Theres some depth to the combat that I wasnt expecting but there isn't a a huge reason to get good at the combat.

Id give it a 7.5/10


The teen titans go/ Sonic Boom tv show - lite writing, alone, made me drop the game, it didn't help that gameplay was bland as hell.


Loved playing it with my son but it kinda falls off a cliff near the end. Hated those platformer levels. I would’ve rated higher then streets of rage if it continued more like the first half


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
The humor in this game was incredibly cringe. :messenger_grimmacing_

Some of the co-op puzzles were either too easy (all players press A to pass) or too hard (coordinated button presses in sequence). Those fucking speeder levels were shit and completely unfair - though true to the original. The difficulty felt all over the damn place, which I suppose is also true to the source material.

Overall I found it to be incredibly average. Streets of Rage 4 was much, much better.


It too busy for my tastes. They really went for the "everything but the kitchen sink" strategy and for me... I just cant be bothered. Cool on gamepass. My friend adored this


Also after playing many hours of SOR4, the fighting mechanics here just felt bad and hard to follow onscreen.

No online co-op is another big factor in me not having much interest in returning to it.



^ The downgrade was definitely part of it.

Reasons it "failed":

1. Lack of online co-op
2. Art downgrade
3. Overshadowed by the superior Streets of Rage 4 (also in Game Pass).

It was a fun game though, writing was solid and the art choices weren't all awful. It's definitely not SoR-tier but Battletoads never was even back in the day, the thing that was special about it was mostly the humor and animation. The reality though is it didn't really fail, it has nearly 1mln players per GamStat.
It was a GamePass MS title. It never stood a chance at places like this.

I had fun with it, beat it on the hardest setting. I’d give it a 7, good in my book. IIRC it has a meta in the 70’s. At the time it released, that was pretty great for a MS title 😬
In my opinion it is the perfect 7/10 game, moved up to an 8/10 if you play co-op. It was fun, short, and pretty well done. But it did have some dud mini-games, some pretty frustrating hard levels, and some of the humor doesn't always land. I had fun playing it through, and even more fun when playing with my brother in co-op mode
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