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Wonder Woman 1984 Coming to HBO Max December 25th


It's probably one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen, but weirdly, I kinda enjoyed it. It feels like whoever made this didn't give a fuck and just went with their "vision" or whatever, story/logic/world building be damned. It's kinda like The Last Jedi of the DCEU in subverting a lot of expectations but it kinda works in this case.

It almost feels like this could end up being one of those cult movies that are so bad and dumb it ends up being memorable, if you view it from that lens you might enjoy it more. Just don't expect this to be a typical superhero epic like Infinity War. If there's a dumb MCU movie I can compare this to it's probably Iron Man 3.
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Usually I agree and thought I would roll my eyes througout the movie, but I actually enjoyed it. Didn't really get to deep into the arcs etc, just enjoyed the movie for what it was.

Its not the greatest thing ever, but for a movie made after 2010 and in the woke SJW era its pretty good. Compared to dreck like T5 and Bill and Ted and Birds of Prey etc it might as well be 2001 or the Godfather LOL.

I will admit though I did FF a bit through it and took a break or 2 so I condensed the 2.5 hours into more like 100-120 minutes so maybe that helped.

Its no masterpiece but IMO it doesn't deserve the hate its getting. I was really expecting something a lot worse. Its just a brain off light hearted affair where you know pretty much everything thats going to happen but it gets there in a somewhat entertaining fashion.
I don't even know what to say to someone who judges a movie they fast forwarded through lol like what the f*** dude I don't even do that for the worst movies if I really hate them I just turn them off.


Usually I agree and thought I would roll my eyes througout the movie, but I actually enjoyed it. Didn't really get to deep into the arcs etc, just enjoyed the movie for what it was.

Its not the greatest thing ever, but for a movie made after 2010 and in the woke SJW era its pretty good. Compared to dreck like T5 and Bill and Ted and Birds of Prey etc it might as well be 2001 or the Godfather LOL.

I will admit though I did FF a bit through it and took a break or 2 so I condensed the 2.5 hours into more like 100-120 minutes so maybe that helped.

Its no masterpiece but IMO it doesn't deserve the hate its getting. I was really expecting something a lot worse. Its just a brain off light hearted affair where you know pretty much everything thats going to happen but it gets there in a somewhat entertaining fashion.

I liked this post originally and then saw that you fast forwarded parts.

What's with people and short attention spans.


When I first watched this I thought it was bad, Then the more I thought about it afterwards, The dumb character choices, The ridiculous amount of huge plot holes, The disappointing action, The more I think it might be the worst DCEU movie. And that's really saying something. I hated Batman Vs Superman for it's dumb inconsistences, the way it treated the characters, etc. But at least that had some decent action in it. This has nothing going for it at all. It's awful.


Watched it last night in Dolby Cinema. Pretty disappointed considering how great the first movie was. Also I did overall enjoy Birds of Prey, and before that DC had a pretty solid trio of Wonder Woman -> Aquaman -> Shazam line of movies going.

I think "message" movies like this about humanity and life lessons generally work better on a smaller scale. Going big makes for really awkward moments like there was a moment where I think
a terrorist dude just renowned the wish they made to have nuclear weapons... like if the world is going to sh*t would they really care?

The first half of the movie was entertaining and had me intrigued into the two main female characters, but I also maybe felt fatigue at the whole business-man bad guy that we've seen too many times. We just had a Trump-evoking Thomas Wayne last year, did we need another business tycoon evoking Trump right now?

It was too slow and felt like it had very little action. Also, while the opening scene was alright, I wish they had tried to tie it in more directly to the rest of the movie. It wasn't necessary at all.

I planned to see this movie multiple times but it seems like a bore. I'm hoping I get to catch Batman Returns again cause this movie didn't do it for me. In a few weeks I'll give it another chance, but first time around I'm disappointed.


Saw it last night and contrary to many I really enjoyed it. It’s a sweet and earnest movie that raises surprising moral questions for Diana as much as for anyone. And in the end, Diana wins through moral force rather than brute force. That’s a rare and appreciated thing in superhero films.

Gadot, Wiig and (especially) Pascal do great work selling their roles and dilemmas.


I don't even know what to say to someone who judges a movie they fast forwarded through lol like what the f*** dude I don't even do that for the worst movies if I really hate them I just turn them off.

TBH I don't have patience for movies now a days. Modern movie making its all about boring spectacle and stretching out movies to 2.5 hour run times.

So I skip the boring parts, watch the good parts, rewind if I missed anything. Try it might be why I didn't hate Wonder Woman as much as everyone else. But OTOH I did hate T5 so its not a cure all LOL.


I liked this post originally and then saw that you fast forwarded parts.

What's with people and short attention spans.

Is it people or is it that movies aren't as engaging anymore?

Also back in the day movies were 90 minutes. Now they are all 2.5 hours long. Sorry 2.5 hours is too long for a movie, I aint trying to watch the 10 commandments every single movie. They throw in so much BS and CGI to stretch it out to 2.5 hour running times.

Go back to 90 minute movies and maybe people wouldn't have enough time to find things to bitch about in every movie. Get in get out leave all the good parts get rid of the crap and you can reduce all the bitching.
It came out in theaters. I loved the movie. Overall rating from my side is 8.5/10, storyline was good. Cinematography and direction was superb. So the movie is all about strength and wisdom, I would recommend you, Although I like athletic movies but this one also touched my heart.


Is it people or is it that movies aren't as engaging anymore?

Also back in the day movies were 90 minutes. Now they are all 2.5 hours long. Sorry 2.5 hours is too long for a movie, I aint trying to watch the 10 commandments every single movie. They throw in so much BS and CGI to stretch it out to 2.5 hour running times.

Go back to 90 minute movies and maybe people wouldn't have enough time to find things to bitch about in every movie. Get in get out leave all the good parts get rid of the crap and you can reduce all the bitching.

It's definitely people.
Space Odyssey 2001 is slower paced than WW84 for example and less engaging for the majority of it's run time but it's still hailed as one of the greatest films made. The colourful kaleidoscope at the end for example is totally boring these days.


Well that was 150 minutes of terrible. Even my kids were laughing at it. Oddly enough, my wife wants to watch it again.
It makes sense. This was very much an interpretation of superheroes from a female point of view. ie It doesn't focus on the boring stuff that only guys really care about like, logic, "power levels", whether X is stronger than Y, "world building", etc....it's more about the emotional journey of Wonder Woman.
It makes sense. This was very much an interpretation of superheroes from a female point of view. ie It doesn't focus on the boring stuff that only guys really care about like, logic, "power levels", whether X is stronger than Y, "world building", etc....it's more about the emotional journey of Wonder Woman.

But the emotional journeys of the three main characters are all shallow and not very well developed.


Usually I agree and thought I would roll my eyes througout the movie, but I actually enjoyed it. Didn't really get to deep into the arcs etc, just enjoyed the movie for what it was.

Its not the greatest thing ever, but for a movie made after 2010 and in the woke SJW era its pretty good. Compared to dreck like T5 and Bill and Ted and Birds of Prey etc it might as well be 2001 or the Godfather LOL.

I will admit though I did FF a bit through it and took a break or 2 so I condensed the 2.5 hours into more like 100-120 minutes so maybe that helped.

Its no masterpiece but IMO it doesn't deserve the hate its getting. I was really expecting something a lot worse. Its just a brain off light hearted affair where you know pretty much everything thats going to happen but it gets there in a somewhat entertaining fashion.
Totally agree with this. I enjoyed it a lot. Great acting by most. Not perfect at all but still fun. I watched it at theater so couldnt skip anything but if I had been at home I would have been tempted to skip few parts between the first Amazon scene and when they get on the plane.


I don't know. The movie was entertaining, I guess, but it lacked the fun of the first. That's mostly due to the characters, I think. Overall, the story was ridiculous and filled with way too many plot holes. That, and there were too many convenient plot devices for my liking. I suppose I liked the first WW better... and I didn't really like the first WW.


Just came back from watching Batman Returns in the theater again - wow that movie gets better and better everytime I watch it. Like Wonder Woman 1984, it didn't really have a lot of action except for maybe 3-4 sequences, but for some reason it was never boring and the characters really drew me in. It was quite something seeing two very different DC movies one day after the next.

I really think Batman Returns could be one of Burton's best. Growing up and for a long time I considered Batman the better of the two, but in retrospect I think Batman Returns has now edged it for me. It has a bit of a horror element, while being very funny. And of course Keaton is the best Bruce Wayne it's not even close. The dialogue really holds up all these years later. And the music is amazing. There were several sequences that almost felt like they could be stage ballet sequences (Penguin at the cemetery, Penguin's death, etc...) - the visuals kept me hooked and I couldn't look away. Meanwhile, there were sequences in Wonder Woman 1984 (like the opening and when she is introducing Steve Trevor to the 1984 world) that I think were supposed to awe me but somehow felt stale.

I will give Wonder Woman 1984 another chance soon, but I'm wondering if maybe it was trying too hard. I can't really put my finger to it, but the movie didn't really hit where I think the director was trying to. For example, in the learning-to-fly sequences, it was cool to see Wonder Woman coming to grips with this new ability, but it was nothing compared to feeling of watching Superman take Lois up to fly for the first time (Reeves version). I also felt like the relationship between Diana and Steve fell sorta flat. There was more chemistry in the first movie, maybe due to the fish-out-of-water aspect. I think it helped that in that movie they both had a single-minded mission they were on and found themselves at a crossroads in that (Diana, to find and kill Ares, Steve, to stop the new gas weapons). in 1984, they were both just sorta there and there was nothing to drive the motivations of either character, and once there was it more like Steve was along for the ride.

Another thing that crossed mind is how last year I really enjoyed Dark Phoenix (which I know was pretty universally hated). Watched it multiple times and even though I think it had a lot of problems, it was entertaining to sit through and I think Sophie Turner did a competent job as the lead. One thing that may have helped that movie is how "small-scale" and short it was. Less than 2 hours, which is short for superhero movies nowadays. It didn't feel like there was a lot of "fluff" and most scenes seemed to move the story along. Meanwhile, I'm annoyed at the runtime of 1984 and it's actually making me rethink how soon I want to go back and give it another chance. Just comparing the two "prologue" sequences, the Dark Phoenix car crash I could directly understand how it was related to the rest of the movie. With the WW1984 opening, I never really got what it had to do with the rest of the movie and it was a tad on the long side.


I found the performance of Pedro Pascal as the "inverted lamp genius" sometimes entertaining.
Everything else was dumb, embarrasing, ridiculous, and made no sense whatsoever.


This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The highlight for me was when Kristen Wiig inexplicably showed up as an anthropomorphic cat person. I couldn't stop laughing. I was wondering if they were doing some sort of crossover with the Cats universe.


Just watched this with my brother and his kids. It was a big step down from the first movie, too long with too many slow scenes. “That movie was sad” is what one of the kids said. I agree. It’s weird because it had a real cartoony flashy style in that first mall scene but it doesn’t keep it up and gets dull for a solid hour or so. The plot was terrible and the whole thing reminded my of the 70’s show when it got lame after the first season. The action scenes were cool but too few and far between. When people say “it’s like a lifetime movie” I totally get that. First one was way better.


The more I think about the plot the more I am kind of mad at this movie. Wonder Woman being so in love with this guy that there isn’t a single other in 80 years is a weird take for a “feminist” superhero. I’m not really sure there is a person there at all, “Diana” works at a museum and is obsessed with this one guy and that is as deep as she gets. She doesn’t even have any conflicts with her raising or the island she is from or the godly lineage. I just found a serious lack of anything there. In fact the movie spent far too much time on the villains when it could have used more, or at least better, Wonder Woman. At the end of the day she saves the world by telling people to not wish for anything. Kind of a cynical superhero moment imo. Yes it sucks that her wish selfishly killed someone, and Max Lord is a power hungry bad dad cliche, so both used their wishes for themselves. Basically making WW as complicit as anyone else. She is fine with people dying for her personal satisfaction, something we don’t really even see the main villain accept.

The movie tells us wishing is bad, the world uses it for greed. But wouldn’t there be people wishing for others? Not everyone in the planet is as self centred as WW. Certainly there were people who wished cancer away for their family members, or maybe war veterans wishing to have their limbs back, and most certainly starving people in Africa wishing for clean water and food. Guess they have to voluntarily take those wishes back then? Eh?

That’s the problem with the core of the entire plot, it is cynical of people, it thinks everyone on the planet’s wishes would be as self centred as WW and Max Lord’s. In doing that ludicrous ending it portrays WW/Lord as the moral centres of the universe and all the little people are just as corrupt and bad. No people dying of thirst or losing a loved one to cancer in their world. Everyone is a greedy capitalist who wishes their fellow were dead. It is a cynical, nihilist take.

At the heart of it is Max Lord, and I understand the Trump comparisons. To the TDS afflicted Trump is also a liar who has not made his fortune and is a fake and a phoney feeding off people’s greed. Once he gains power I found it funny to see a wall suddenly appear in Egypt, as if they moved the US border wall to the Middle East, something that doesn’t exist in real Cairo, but felt like an out of place jab at Trump. Of course there is the stuff with him taking over as president. Which just got cartoony. Too many shots of him over acting in a blue spotlight. It was like any other superhero movie with a light beam in the sky except it was him.

Overall he was too much in the movie. Instead of more scenes with WW we had to see his constant mugging. Seriously. We had to wait like a full hour after the mall for WW and this mugging cartoon villain took up way too much screen time. Patty tried making a crazy 80s movie but this has too much padding.

In the end, he himself decides to renounce his wish, saving the day, and he never lost anything. So that was anti climactic, the villain just stops behind evil. It never cost him a thing either. That is the odd thing, his kid was so important to him, I thought it was setting it up for him to be taken, since those are clearly the rules as stated by WW. The kid should have died, Lord made a wish, and did not pay for it. Where was the mom? Dude only had his son and the movie let him keep him even though the kid did nothing in the film besides act as cheap sentiment for the ending. It was unearned because even in a world where nuclear war is happening this guys kid is safe and sound and a nosebleed now and then is all that happens. Patty you are a terrible writer. So the movie was not even playing by its own rules with the main villain, whose fault was wanting to make people wish for a better life. Because that is bad. Huh?

Its just... kind of bizarre. It’s a baffling story. It is nonsense. It barely resembles anything in real life. I suppose it’s a good thing she is not writing the Star Wers movie. Yeesh.
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Watched it tonight and thought it was very bad. One of the worst DCU movies for sure. Disappointing because I really liked the first one.

Just lazy writing. Every plot thread comes out of a wish from one of the characters, so there's no attempt to explain anything. It's just mindless.

I was also surprised at how humorless the movie was. For such a silly throwaway plot, I would've expected at least some laughs. But they barely attempted any humor


I was also surprised at how humorless the movie was. For such a silly throwaway plot, I would've expected at least some laughs. But they barely attempted any humor
yes the movie draaaaaged. for a long time it felt like a Lifetime movie, or some serious adult film about relationships. then that scene was over and they never discussed it again.

the plot was straight up like a bad episode of the Ghostbusters cartoon or Muppet Babies or something. just terrible and so dumb that you don't want to waste time thinking about it. i feel like some writers use an "It's a space/comic book movie for wizards!" as an excuse to handwave away terrible writing.

the way they did Chris Pine... that was absolutely dreadful. he takes over the body of someone else, who doesn't change their physical appearance? when she says "I was lying", idgi, was she just fucking that other guy while pretending it was Chris Pine the whole time? because the way they did the scene, it was like he was still that other dude to the rest of the world, but she was, i dunno, afflicted with female hysteria, and was so crazy for that dick that she pretended he was another person? like for real? this is the main hero of the film? huh. and we don't discuss or get into this bizarre relationship at all? because it is too creepy and inhuman to even contemplate? the romantic subplot, like everything else, is just there, incoherent, puddle-deep, inhuman. did an AI write this movie? bizarre.
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Cheetah looked on par with Steppenwolf (btw had to look up his name cause of how forgettable the character was) that is impressive in the worst way.


also Hans Zimmer carries the film, almost none of the scenes work on their own but Zimmer's emotionally manipulative score forces you to feel what he wants you to feel.

This movie is pure drivel but what's worse is you can tell the movie was made as some kind of magnum opus of Patty Jenkins and co she shoved all of these ideas she has about men/woman, proliferation of nuclear weapons, isolationism and walls, cultural relativism, absentee parenting, cynical view of human nature, corporate greed.

What a complete mess of a movie but ya it does have the car crash effect.


Cheetah looked on par with Steppenwolf (btw had to look up his name cause of how forgettable the character was) that is impressive in the worst way.


also Hans Zimmer carries the film, almost none of the scenes work on their own but Zimmer's emotionally manipulative score forces you to feel what he wants you to feel.

This movie is pure drivel but what's worse is you can tell the movie was made as some kind of magnum opus of Patty Jenkins and co she shoved all of these ideas she has about men/woman, proliferation of nuclear weapons, isolationism and walls, cultural relativism, absentee parenting, cynical view of human nature, corporate greed.

What a complete mess of a movie but ya it does have the car crash effect.
That’s not Steppenwolf. This is Steppenwolf:



Greatest point of this documentary is how fucking backward this film was. The first film really was a strong feminist movie, and this one is about a woman pining over a man the entire fucking thing, and another woman being jealous of the same hot woman.

Patty Jenkins is a misogynist.


The more I think about the plot the more I am kind of mad at this movie. Wonder Woman being so in love with this guy that there isn’t a single other in 80 years is a weird take for a “feminist” superhero. I’m not really sure there is a person there at all, “Diana” works at a museum and is obsessed with this one guy and that is as deep as she gets. She doesn’t even have any conflicts with her raising or the island she is from or the godly lineage. I just found a serious lack of anything there. In fact the movie spent far too much time on the villains when it could have used more, or at least better, Wonder Woman. At the end of the day she saves the world by telling people to not wish for anything. Kind of a cynical superhero moment imo. Yes it sucks that her wish selfishly killed someone, and Max Lord is a power hungry bad dad cliche, so both used their wishes for themselves. Basically making WW as complicit as anyone else. She is fine with people dying for her personal satisfaction, something we don’t really even see the main villain accept.

The movie tells us wishing is bad, the world uses it for greed. But wouldn’t there be people wishing for others? Not everyone in the planet is as self centred as WW. Certainly there were people who wished cancer away for their family members, or maybe war veterans wishing to have their limbs back, and most certainly starving people in Africa wishing for clean water and food. Guess they have to voluntarily take those wishes back then? Eh?

That’s the problem with the core of the entire plot, it is cynical of people, it thinks everyone on the planet’s wishes would be as self centred as WW and Max Lord’s. In doing that ludicrous ending it portrays WW/Lord as the moral centres of the universe and all the little people are just as corrupt and bad. No people dying of thirst or losing a loved one to cancer in their world. Everyone is a greedy capitalist who wishes their fellow were dead. It is a cynical, nihilist take.

At the heart of it is Max Lord, and I understand the Trump comparisons. To the TDS afflicted Trump is also a liar who has not made his fortune and is a fake and a phoney feeding off people’s greed. Once he gains power I found it funny to see a wall suddenly appear in Egypt, as if they moved the US border wall to the Middle East, something that doesn’t exist in real Cairo, but felt like an out of place jab at Trump. Of course there is the stuff with him taking over as president. Which just got cartoony. Too many shots of him over acting in a blue spotlight. It was like any other superhero movie with a light beam in the sky except it was him.

Overall he was too much in the movie. Instead of more scenes with WW we had to see his constant mugging. Seriously. We had to wait like a full hour after the mall for WW and this mugging cartoon villain took up way too much screen time. Patty tried making a crazy 80s movie but this has too much padding.

In the end, he himself decides to renounce his wish, saving the day, and he never lost anything. So that was anti climactic, the villain just stops behind evil. It never cost him a thing either. That is the odd thing, his kid was so important to him, I thought it was setting it up for him to be taken, since those are clearly the rules as stated by WW. The kid should have died, Lord made a wish, and did not pay for it. Where was the mom? Dude only had his son and the movie let him keep him even though the kid did nothing in the film besides act as cheap sentiment for the ending. It was unearned because even in a world where nuclear war is happening this guys kid is safe and sound and a nosebleed now and then is all that happens. Patty you are a terrible writer. So the movie was not even playing by its own rules with the main villain, whose fault was wanting to make people wish for a better life. Because that is bad. Huh?

Its just... kind of bizarre. It’s a baffling story. It is nonsense. It barely resembles anything in real life. I suppose it’s a good thing she is not writing the Star Wers movie. Yeesh.

She's hundreds or thousand of years old, so a few decades isn't as much time to her as it is for a human. Also, Steve Trevor was her first love (both emotionally and physically). Hence, the few decades since Steve Trevor's death aren't much time to het. Furthermore, prior to being with Steve, she had gone her entire life without a relationship; so, the lack of intimacy she's had since his death isn't atypical for her.


Weird ass mess of a movie. The ending was funny.

"Hey world, I'm pretty much unkillable, have super powers, can get whatever I want easily, was raised as royalty and endure barely any suffering. I'm the perfect candidate to give moral advice as a balanced, grounded individual who represents the common man."
1 out of 10. I didn't think Vivarium would have a competitor for biggest recorded mistake of the last 5 years but here we are.

Atrocious movie. WB, for some dumb fucking unexplained reason, continue to make superhero movies that are 5% superhero stuff and 95% non-superhero stuff. I'm 100% convinced that they either have nowhere near the budget for their movies that people think they have or they have an internal mandate/written order/9mm pointed at the heads of their directors to make their superhero movies focus more on the 'human' side of the hero rather than the motherfucking thing we all came to see: the hero side. That's the only possible way that they can continue to churn out horrendous superhero movies.


This movie really is a turn you brain off movie.

Everything everyone pointed out is true, but I didn't pay attention or notice it when I was watching the movie. I think I literally turned my brain off during it. Maybe thats why I didn't hate it as much as everyone else.

But ya if you think about it the movie makes no sense.

thats why movies need to be shorter so people don't have the time to think to deeply and can be easily bamboozeled. Also if they would of thrown in some boobs and ass shots most of us would have been distracted enough.

make it 80 minutes, 20 of those with Gal in a somewhat nude state and all the rest of the junk will be easily forgotten.


She came in late into Wonder Woman 1 production. Script was done, action scenes and vfx were done by people usually responsible for Snyder films etc. After the success she demanded way more control.

This sequel is the result. Rogue Squadron and WW3 hype dead, at least until I see finished products.
Of all the movies I've worked on, this director has some of the most nonsensical ideas that we had to make work. I'm kinda happy to see it bomb so hard, serves them right.


She's hundreds or thousand of years old, so a few decades isn't as much time to her as it is for a human. Also, Steve Trevor was her first love (both emotionally and physically). Hence, the few decades since Steve Trevor's death aren't much time to het. Furthermore, prior to being with Steve, she had gone her entire life without a relationship; so, the lack of intimacy she's had since his death isn't atypical for her.

My wife made that as a good point too, Steve Trevor is the first man she ever met and fell in love with. And everyone knows how hard it is to get over their first love.
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Things going to chaos/anarchy in DC out of nowhere was laughably abrupt.

The wind holding back Diana looked cheesy as hell.

the shitty child acting reeked of a “producer’s kids” situation.

also, I missed Carter. Where was she?


Things going to chaos/anarchy in DC out of nowhere was laughably abrupt.

The wind holding back Diana looked cheesy as hell.

the shitty child acting reeked of a “producer’s kids” situation.

also, I missed Carter. Where was she?
Mid credits scene.


I finally saw this and it wasn't as good as the first movie. I didn't like the tone and there were many unintentionally funny moments. I laughed during many action scenes because they were so ridiculous and cgi looked bad. I hope the third movie will be more serious. This also felt too long. Pedro Pascal was the best part of the movie.
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