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CYBERPUNK 2077 |OT2| The Last Samurai [>56K Warning_]

SF Kosmo

That's true but clearly the jump from a Streetkid or Nomad to a mercenary for hire is more relatable than Corpo -> mercenary. I will start another playthrough as a Corpo with an open mind. Who knows, maybe this time I will like it.
Well street kid feels like it can cohabit being a merc without losing that identity. Where really you lose your status as a corpo (and to a lesser extent as a Nomad) after the intro.

But it's meant as backstory not character class. It's just about where you're from and how you relate to the world.


Well I treated lifepath as another skill, for the skill checks tbh. And chose the corpo mostly as such - I didn't want to be played by corpo motherfuckers in my 1st playthrough (at least that's what decided when I chose this instead of the nomad). It worked well for this purpose.

Sure, they could use this more but it can be said about anything in any game.


Some random images. Feels amazing to go out to the badlands after being in the city for a while.














I think I'll wait with 2nd playthrough - I want o know if the patch comes in January / February and I think I'll buy 3700x. I should be closer to 60fps with RX6800.

I also hope CDPR communicates some roadmap for the game.

Before that I'll just check other two endings I could choose.

BTW, does anyone feels like looking at family photos when going through screenshots?
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Gold Member
Just finished it, 88 hours on the clock. Got the All Along the Watchtower / The Star ending, not super happy with it honestly.

Gotta say the finale was kinda whack, not gonna lie. The mission itself was pretty bland and unfortunately quite buggy. The area/level environment was hardly inspiring [I expected so much more freom all of the buildup] and the game dumps so many choices on you [faux and real] that I felt overwhelmed. And that bossfight was eh.... okay I guess.

Also I can't believe they don't let you keep anything you collect past the point of no return. I mean, you get a whole new outfit for just the final few minutes and you don't get to keep it. How bizarre. Do you even get anything at all for finishing the game? I couldn't find anything noteworthy in my inventory.
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Despite having sunk an inhuman number of hours into the game (I like to noodle) I actually rolled back right to the beginning (just after the Scav hunt) to try out a different build approach, and round my character out some, by using the time in between when Dex offers you the job, to undertaking the Lizzie and Maelstrom missions to clear pretty much all the Blue NCPD jobs in Watson (I left the main jobs in case there's any Johnny commentary) and actively concentrate on building out my characters perk levels to their natural max. Because in doing so you not only gain slight benefits, but you also gain additional perk points, which you can spend anywhere. For instance, I never really bothered all that much with grenades in my previous playthroughs (least of all aiming my throws) but that's kind of essential to improve your engineering skill (that and using tech weapons). In that regard, the game is actively encouraging you to not stick to one playstyle because you're not really making any gains beyond the general experience of 'mission complete' XP if say you stealth a job if you've already matched your Stealth Level to your Cool level. Also absolutely do put 1 Perk point into Cold Blood. It's not a skill tree that I would ever envisage pushing down in terms of investment, but it levels up just through quick eliminations and there are some nice gains to be made from it in terms of the levels.
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I've been having a lot of fun just using the Cyberpsychosis spell on groups of enemies and watching them slaughter each other. Very inefficient way to kill enemies, but a lot of fun to watch.
Yup, I love mixing all the hacks. For one group of enemies I'll use Cyberpsychosis, while for another I'll use Contagion. For enemies really close to me I'll use System Reset, and save some other combat hacks like Shock and Overheat for emergencies.
Having said that, now that I have legendary hacks, enemies don't last very long lol.
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Rodent Whores
Also absolutely do put 1 Perk point into Cold Blood. It's not a skill tree that I would ever envisage pushing down in terms of investment, but it levels up just through quick eliminations and there are some nice gains to be made from it in terms of the levels.
Cold Blood gets pretty powerful if you maximize the stacks. Especially the crit damage and crit chance.


Yup, I love mixing all the hacks. For one group of enemies I'll use Cyberpsychosis, while for another I'll use Contagion. For enemies really close to me I'll use System Reset, and save some other combat mods like Shock and Overheat for emergencies.
Having said that, now that I have legendary hacks, enemies don't last very long lol.
Honestly, they did a better job with hacking than cyberware. They really need to add more active abilities/options with DLCs. Holo emiter Decoy, Bionic arm, Mass Effect-like Charge, Scorpion-like Spear, etc.


I usually dont pay much attention to these rumors, but because some of these were proven to be right in the past I will post it here to:

Take this with huge grain of salt.

It's taken down ( for some reason), found an archived full thread from 4chan ( fun read, half the posters there sound like potential school shooters)

Some things seem sound, some are far fetched. ( whole sewer system is something you would notice, or at least traces of it)
From what I can tell, if CDPR really wants to make a comeback that blows everyone's mind, they need to add to a ton of content outside of missions. More explorable interiors ( like nightclubs and bars), interactive stands and npcs, complete AI overhaul, emergent gameplay/dynamic encounters in the world, car races, etc.
Video game escapism, "Second life", has crazy appeal for a lot of people ( and they expected something like that from this game).


I´m far from a completionist and I really enjoyed that game. But content-wise it feels a little bit lackluster. I´m on my first playthrough and I´m at 72 hours. There is nothing left to do for me. I finished all missions, saw 3 endings (sure I could go for the other endings), finished all gigs, and only left a couple of NCPD missions. 72 hours is good. Don´t get me wrong and all the things you mentioned are correct. But I can´t help but feel a little bit underwhelmed by the scope of the whole game.

I was sure this is going to be a game where you could easily pour in 120 hours without seeing everything it has to offer. Just like the Whitcher 3 did.... I really hope the big patches will bring more content and life to the game. Because I want to keep playing.
My guess is you missed half to 2/3 the game going through the Asssasins creed map marker system instead of open world exploration.

The scope of this game is overwheming, not underwhleming, if you play differently. I just turned over 145 hours and I have main percentages at 75--20--30. I am level 34 and street 50. I have almost all the main gigs and side quests yet to do. For actual organized quests I did lots of police stuff and minor side stuff, Judy and most of panam now but am leaving takamura for last. So what did I do ? Doing stealth and mostly underpowered so had to find ways to get in that were unconventional. I would die and try again. THere was an area at the harbour...you didnt need to do what I did if you were OP just go into the building guns a blazing, well I didnt, I swam underwater and took out each guard from behind after climbing on the docks. Not to mention, there was a yacht in the harbour.....all other games like New vegas would have no way to access the yacht, but in this game there was not only multiple wyas to get in, one of which would have tripped an alarm to all enemies, but there was decent loot and story shards in the boat I am sure 99% of players missed because there was absolutely no reason to go to the boat unless you were curious.. I ve mentioned it in two other posts but as far as I know SIlk road in Japantown had no major quests but I found it by accident walking around trying doors. 4 hours later and scaling fireeecapes ladders and balconies spanning floors 18-30 on both sides of the street via walkways, I found the best piece of loot in the game for me on my own so far (a legendary clothes mod crafting spec). You can get legendary weapons, mods, cyberware, crafting specs, and armour right from hour one of the game so why not explore without quests first? I had to look up where to find most pieces of my current matching netrunner suit because the matching set is all over the map and all but one piece was not hidden in quests but in random alleys and on rooftops. Sometimes there were convoluted ways to even get into the final respting place of the loot that unless you were an anal explorations addict like me you simply would not find. Using my methods, even 500 hours of gameplay would not have found that set in its entirety...two pieces were too well hidden and the map is too big. There are easter egg areas not associated directly with map markers from the quests, but give you back ground info on charcaters you do meet in a quest. For example I found the dead body of a wife on a sand bar under a bridge whose husband (through a fixer obviously) had me get him his money she stole. I would have not found out what happened to her unless I was swimming through the water looking for treasure instead of using map markers to do quests. BTW spoile alert there is stuff in the water but just like New vegas not enough to justify perhaps an extensive underwater exploration....you can build athletcs skill deve though LOL.

If you get close to a quest marker as you are freely exploring you will get a call and you can do it cuase you are close or leave it. Most of the mian gigs I did do were triggered this way for me...I didnt use the Journal much at all. Awesomne flexibility.

Part of me wants to extend the playthrough as much as possible to potentially get updates and fixes before finishing...but that isnt going to happen . I am entirely happy with my playstyle, however I should have gone on very hard difficulty as although underpowered at first, so many hours in I have awesome gear and I am good at what I do now. I take lots of pictures and videos and indeed explore aimlessly ....this is the best game I have experienced for doing just that and although it will get better later I simply cant put it down despite that fact. THis game will blow people away if they start it in June for example, because even if that leak isnt 100% true, you know that the developers at least tried to start out on a path that would lead to their promises being kept. If they get a chance to No mans Sky this game they could actually bank on their promise for this to be the best open world game ever. The skeleton is already there and for the stuff I mentioned above, its already there!
I just reached act 2 and now have been doing random gigs and side jobs. Any advice on the pace I should proceed? I mean when should I advance in the main quest line to proceed the game "as intended" as in not to be completely OP later in the game? Any tule of thumb or tips on this?
Read my above post....I cant imagine having the skeleton of the best open world exploration game ever made, and not jsut exploring. Some people turn off the minimap even...I dont, but I do ignore it a l lot. Worry less about being too OP IMO. Sure, with my playstyle its obvious I should have put it on very hard difficulty from the start, but sometimes its too hard when I do that and I am not an experienced shooter game kinda guy.

Pace your main quests the way you want...I did the two paths that pushed the character develpment so my character could have romantic interests completed. THis kept me going but I have been been doing moslty the lowest level quests possible first and will end with more main ones later..I alwasys throw a couple main gigs in each day jus tto keep Johnny showing up etc and admittedly some of the easier quests Ignored early are showing up now that Im OP and they are too easy, but meh, id rather have it this way. Challenge yourself with stealth, getting in from weird angles and the like, this game will hold your hand if you let it, but dont let it? I strongly suggest paying attention to the rated difficulty level of each quest and do the easy ones first...the loot is commensurate with the diffculty....usually.
That's true but clearly the jump from a Streetkid or Nomad to a mercenary for hire is more relatable than Corpo -> mercenary. I will start another playthrough as a Corpo with an open mind. Who knows, maybe this time I will like it.
HUh? My corpo V was a merc for hire with Arasaka ...she ran counter intel!!!! Thats MERC. Once a no name street kid or Nomad alwassy one, just tryingto be more famous...YAY , you are famous now, thats boring. Corpo is the ONLY stream where transformation from bad to good is more possible, and yes the game sets this up for you. BUt this is the idea of role playing...YOU primarily role play the character thats set out for you, and can approach the title the way you want secondarily. You seem to want the game to give better deeper results for your decisions but you have to do every thing possible to use what freedom the game does give you. For example, My one and only character was COrpo .......so far I have taken it upon MYSELF to live, eat, breathe, as a previous Corpo, who has the knowledge of the Corpo world, likes to dress up like a corpo and experience the best cyber tech and equipment, but alas finally learned not to lick boots and just be in it for those she cares about, more than the extrinsic benefits she has always been addicted to. She is still in it for herself, but she has had the Judy and Panam experience and is trying to go straight spiritually...MIsty is helping...a bit...... Problem is River is now in the picture and although she likes Panam as a friend and would go further given the chance, and already Loves Judy, River represents the "Good Cop" she always felt she couldnt be, given the corpo push toward selfishness. It will be intersting to see how I guide her through this next relationship with River given he represents the "Good" she now wants to fully embrace, but might fail if she cheats on Judy.

You could easily be a cold hearted b#tch, merc out for the cash and blow off any or all of the romantic interests as a corpo, but there are just as many if not more choices to redeem the corpo character as there is in all streams. Itsthe one stream where the vindicated transformed soul actually works the best??!!?? Yes its clearly placed in your lap by the devs, but its the most interesting of the three choices by far...thats why I chose it! I disagree with those that say streetkids is default....for sure its Corpo, easy. LOL.

It's taken down ( for some reason), found an archived full thread from 4chan ( fun read, half the posters there sound like potential school shooters)

Some things seem sound, some are far fetched. ( whole sewer system is something you would notice, or at least traces of it)
From what I can tell, if CDPR really wants to make a comeback that blows everyone's mind, they need to add to a ton of content outside of missions. More explorable interiors ( like nightclubs and bars), interactive stands and npcs, complete AI overhaul, emergent gameplay/dynamic encounters in the world, car races, etc.
Video game escapism, "Second life", has crazy appeal for a lot of people ( and they expected something like that from this game).
Although I would be happy to have all the stuff you listed, I would rather just have more of the same I mentioned above...more loot, in more random places, less save scum necessary to get better equipment more exploration. The most important is being able to use the junk items you find , BD's, records, vibrators, etc etc etc. Better AI wouldnt hurt also and at very least a few hangouts with vendors that recall you as a regular, etc. At least one ripperdoc finally recognized who I was LOL.
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Just an FYI the three percentages on the menu screen represent Street Cred (hitting 50 won't 100% this, you need to finish the game), your relationship with Silverhand and your countdown to dying
this countdown will never hit 100% in your play through

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Finally hit Level 50. A couple of more side quests to wrap up before the point of no return. Still a ton of gigs and stuff I can do, but I'll probably save them for a future playthrough.


40 armor stops ~1 projectile damage. Regardless of how high your armor is, you will still be vulnerable to melee, explosion and other kind of damage. I'm close to 6000 armor at the moment and yeah, it really is overpowered.

Check out Arasaka estate, there's some good loot in there including few legendary items.
Any way to open the gates and steal the cars?


Writes a lot, says very little
It's taken down ( for some reason), found an archived full thread from 4chan ( fun read, half the posters there sound like potential school shooters)

Some things seem sound, some are far fetched. ( whole sewer system is something you would notice, or at least traces of it)
From what I can tell, if CDPR really wants to make a comeback that blows everyone's mind, they need to add to a ton of content outside of missions. More explorable interiors ( like nightclubs and bars), interactive stands and npcs, complete AI overhaul, emergent gameplay/dynamic encounters in the world, car races, etc.
Video game escapism, "Second life", has crazy appeal for a lot of people ( and they expected something like that from this game).

The amount of time needed to add all of that simply proves even more how incomplete this game is and it should have been pushed back until all of this even gets added.

I don't know how many will return to something like this as I think they'd have better luck with that online version. Single player games have a short life and you really only have a few chances to really make that impression on people.

Right now this game is a meme for brokenness. I personally don't know when I'll go back if its even worth my time, I'm guessing next year spring or something depending on what is added.

I agree with that sewer part being suspect as I remember watching a youtube channel covering this and when I heard that I felt it wasn't true as CDPR PR would be shouting about that shit from the rooftops.


Rodent Whores
What difficulty? And what threat level are the enemies? Can you test on Very Hard?
That's not actually my video.

I'm playing on hard and I feel like you either get enough armor to keep yourself from getting one shot, or you stack the shit out of it.

Given that many other of the other clothing mods are pretty worthless or straight up don't even work, armadillo mods seem like the best choice most of the time.
Regarding difficulty levels. Hard actually used to be Normal prior to day one patch. Difficulty levels were renamed last minute. I wonder if they tweaked something or simply decided to go with a different naming.
Any way to open the gates and steal the cars?
I don't think so but cars parked there are not unique so who cares. There are multiple places in the game were nice cars are parked. Marina is one such place, you can always find expensive rides just waiting to get stolen there.
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Guys, I think I've found 鯨 Kujira

I wonder if at one point a quest to infiltrate this ship was planned but ultimately scrapped. :pie_thinking:

Oh, I thought there was going to be a mission later in the game, since the news talked about it. Shame... After more than 50 hrs put into the game I had multiple times the feeling that CP, although beautiful, is still unfinished. I think I will wait some time before proceeding with the other main quests. Let's see what happens this month.


That's not actually my video.

I'm playing on hard and I feel like you either get enough armor to keep yourself from getting one shot, or you stack the shit out of it.

Given that many other of the other clothing mods are pretty worthless or straight up don't even work, armadillo mods seem like the best choice most of the time.
After watching a few vids on this aspect, yes, the mods that do work:

Armadillo, Fortuna (crit chance, if you stack your skill tree and weapon you can get 100% crit chance , only one clothes mod though doesnt stack and still buggy for me on PS5), Bully, sort of untestable but the stats screen at least shows one to work, doesnt stack - buggy on PS5, Leg speed but almost unnoticeable differnce so virtually worthless, Backpacker decently useful, fall damage, can actauly stack and give you a decent chance to fall and do shtuff up high, resistances to elements, but not consistent in all situtations, like heat will be cut vs. nethacks but not fire caused from car explosion or grenade.

Ones that definitely do not work no matter who you are or what platform:

deadeye, Resist,

Dont even know what it is:


Untestable really:

Damage agaisnt high or medium enemies (likely doesnt work) - this game is broken big time with regard to how much damage you can do its untestable as its so random. I wathced many videos and tried myself, but the damage you do to the exact same enemy after you load a save varies incredibly even using the exact same gear every time. Try it yourself...your mouth will drop at how bad the consistency is for damage.

TBH this is actually an unforgiveable aspect for an action RPG...but somehow given that the exploration is the best ever...I keep coming back regardless. I do seem to be doign more damage over time but there is no rhyme or reason to it at all and I hate that.

I cant even tell if my new Overwatch is any better than my old SPT-32. Does the silencer even matter?...both are loud. You get better crit chance with overwatch but the crit damage totals are abysmal....6% vs 114% for my regular SPT-GRAD! I shot a cyber psyco over and over in teh guts as he protected his head and I got a crit just about everytime but the damage was like 400 LOL. Headshots have been as high as 70000 with regular enemies but sometimes as low as 2000. The headshot multiplier was 4 on SPT grad but now its 3 and I have no idea what changed...THe overwatch is only 2.8. So despite better damage, if I only do headshots anyway I think my old SPT will do better damage for headshots, both are usually OHK regardless, but sucks if there is no reasn to get the overwatch over SPT.


Rodent Whores
Armadillo, Fortuna (crit chance, if you stack your skill tree and weapon you can get 100% crit chance , only one clothes mod though doesnt stack and still buggy for me on PS5), Bully, sort of untestable but the stats screen at least shows one to work, doesnt stack - buggy on PS5, Leg speed but almost unnoticeable differnce so virtually worthless, Backpacker decently useful, fall damage, can actauly stack and give you a decent chance to fall and do shtuff up high, resistances to elements, but not consistent in all situtations, like heat will be cut vs. nethacks but not fire caused from car explosion or grenade.
I don't think Fortuna (+15% crit chance) or Bully (+30% crit damage) stack. They only work once.

Movement speed is more noticeable when you crouch walk (sneak).


That's not actually my video.

I'm playing on hard and I feel like you either get enough armor to keep yourself from getting one shot, or you stack the shit out of it.

Given that many other of the other clothing mods are pretty worthless or straight up don't even work, armadillo mods seem like the best choice most of the time.
Reason I mention difficulty is because I mostly get one shot on Very Hard. So not sure how much difference armor will make if enemies are dealing a lot more damage vs lower difficulties.

I'll probably test it myself once I get to max level. But yeah, reading about stuff being broken is really disappointing. Witcher 3 had similar issues as well, but don't think it was this broken.
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Gold Member
I'm considering quitting the game. Struggling to stay interested. Maybe best to stop until we get patches, dlc, and expansions.

sucks to say that cause i was so hyped for the game but the fact is since launch i've only played just under 30 hours. Went a whole week without playing it. And i know it shouldnt but the amount of hate the game gets just kills any excitement i did have even though i was enjoying the game at times.

The game feels so rough and unfinished. Luckily no crashes on PC and the game runs well. But the bugs just take me right out it. Driving down the road and V ends up T posing her naked ass on the roof of the car or you get into a fight and enemies right next to you can't see you. Controls feel off. Cars/bikes are way too sensitive. Constantly crashing or missing my turn cause the map is far too zoomed in. Using the keyboard during dialogues is crazy having to press F all the time and god help you if you talk to someone when you've crouched cause if you press C you'll skip dialogue. Also it's missing basic stuff...i shouldnt need to edit hex codes or run a mod to change my fucking hair style.

maybe i'll go back to death stranding + hades until CDPR get their shit together.
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As much as I'm enjoying doing a lot of sidequests and gigs, I would really appreciate the game more if they have focused on making a meatier main quest

I know that they made it short compared to TW 3 because players thought that it was too long, but I think that they have shortned it a bit too much.

I'm not done with the game yet, but I know that I'm nearing its end. And although loving it, I believe that it needed more meat (in main quests) to become truly GOAT material like TW 3 was.

I wouldnt have minded cutting some gigs in order to reserve more dev resources for fleshing out the main quest even more.

But oh well, Its great nonetheless
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I've been having a lot of fun just using the Cyberpsychosis spell on groups of enemies and watching them slaughter each other. Very inefficient way to kill enemies, but a lot of fun to watch.
I use Cyberpsychosis on the strongest one in the group and then hit the weaker ones with short circuit or overheat so the stronger enemy can mow them down easier. Then when there's only the one heavy gunner alive, I hit him with contagion, short circuit, overheat lol. It's overkill but fun to watch.
My Intelligence is maxed out at 20 and my Cool is coming upto level 13 now.

This game while broken is fun as hell. Just seen a youtube video where some anonymous developer said alot was cut from the final game Including a whole underground sewer network of the city, police system where you could play as a cop, Johnny being a cut down version of the original character and heaps of other cut content. Apparently the June 2021 update should fix heaps of the issues and reintroduce alot of the cut content.
There are definitely WRONG builds for this game, do not put too many perks into crafting in the early game, for instance. Unless you're playing on a baby difficulty and it doesn't really matter for you. Having it leveled well doesn't matter if high level loot isn't dropping, and it won't be in the early game, again if you're playing on easy and want to cheese high level areas you can do that but honestly the best way to play this game, to my mind, is to mainline the main story until you reach the point of no return, the whole time investing in making your combat, hacking or stealth better so you can survive shit, then start doing the side content and investing in whatever other perk trees interest you.
There are definitely WRONG builds for this game, do not put too many perks into crafting in the early game, for instance. Unless you're playing on a baby difficulty and it doesn't really matter for you. Having it leveled well doesn't matter if high level loot isn't dropping, and it won't be in the early game, again if you're playing on easy and want to cheese high level areas you can do that but honestly the best way to play this game, to my mind, is to mainline the main story until you reach the point of no return, the whole time investing in making your combat, hacking or stealth better so you can survive shit, then start doing the side content and investing in whatever other perk trees interest you.
Started off with cramming as much into handguns and stealth then pivoted heavily towards Intelligence and Cool. Now I clear out enemy camps without firing a single round spreading Contagion and Cripple Movement quick hacks.

Nothing more satisfying than seeing enemy groups frozen in place and being poisoned. Gives me enough time to sprint up to each one and get in a bonus headshot with my pistol or shotgun if I'm feeling to be a bit nasty.
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Started off with cramming as much into handguns and stealth then pivoted heavily towards Intelligence and Cool. Now I clear out enemy camps without firing a single round spreading Contagion and Cripple Movement quick hacks.

Nothing more satisfying than seeing enemy groups frozen in place and being poisoned. Gives me enough time to sprint up to each one and get in a bonus headshot with my pistol or shotgun if I'm feeling to be a bit nasty.

I'm not very experienced with hacking, I find if I do contagion they become alerted and seem to instantly know where I am, what am I doing wrong?
There are definitely WRONG builds for this game, do not put too many perks into crafting in the early game, for instance. Unless you're playing on a baby difficulty and it doesn't really matter for you. Having it leveled well doesn't matter if high level loot isn't dropping, and it won't be in the early game, again if you're playing on easy and want to cheese high level areas you can do that but honestly the best way to play this game, to my mind, is to mainline the main story until you reach the point of no return, the whole time investing in making your combat, hacking or stealth better so you can survive shit, then start doing the side content and investing in whatever other perk trees interest you.
The funniest build is Intelligence + Cool. Neurotoxin perk in Cool gives you double poison damage (level 18 required). Combine that with legendary Contagion quick hack and all other hacking perks in Intelligence skill tree and results are... interesting. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Have you reached Act 3? There's a main quest where if you go to do it the game will warn you you've hit a point of no return and going forward with the quest will stop you from being able to complete any side content you intended to do.
Oh I see, thank you for clearing it up, I have put in about 80+ hours so far, done most of the side jobs etc and did the Samurai reunion gig last night...
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