I dunno, I feel like Prey and Far Cry are as much open-world RPG's if not more so than CP2077. Again, I'm not saying this as someone who dislikes the game. I put nearly 150 hours into it, I'm just saying, I just think you could replace the mechanics of CP2077 with Far Cry 5 but add the hacking and you'd have pretty much the same game if not even a little bit better. I dunno if you've played the recent Far Cry's but CP2077 and Far Cry share a lot of the same design and RPG mechanics. Far Cry just has the benefit or being on it's like 7th iteration.well i didn't say open world games. i said open world rpgs. those you mentioned aren't open world rpgs. however i think it feels way better than far cry for sure.
I don't see them as, particularly valid criticisms. CP2077 is attempting to provide you, the player with the freedom to navigate missions using the tools and resources available to you within the framework of an open-world RPG experience. None of the games mentioned, are remotely attempting to do the same. They're enclosed experiences and that's a huge factor. I mean what next? Are we going to have a thread bitching out CP2077 because the driving isn't as great as it is in Forza? No shit Sherlock. How many more asynchronous comparisons do we require?
This whole thing reminds me of people moaning about TW3 winning in GOTG thread because they couldn't wrap their heads around the simple fact that for a great many people malleability of play in terms of the gestalt is far more important than any single aspect.
The game is not beyond criticism (I dislike the general NPC behaviour after a fights broken out and the AI driving behaviour is lamentable). But these are very much temporal issues, that can and will be addressed, through patches and updates over the coming months.
I'm over 300 hours deep now just exploring the game, trying out things and checking out the systems and having a blast. But I'm also submitting a lot of bug reports as well.
I dunno. As someone that does like the game and you go check that Witcher 3 GOTG thread, you'll see me in their championing that game too(probably my single favorite game of all time) I plain just disagree with you.

But just because I'm a HUGE fan of CDPR, doesn't mean I'll just gloss over the very glaring issues the game has. It's fun for what it offers, but it's half of what was promised. It's not a deep roleplaying game with really ANY kind of meaningful replay value. IF you can reload a specific save point and see 3 of the 4 endings without having to change a thing, then what's the point in replaying it? The criticism goes far beyond the NPC behavior. If you don't see that, than I'm not sure what you are expecting anyone to say. I really like the game, but it's got a lot of issues, and I'm not even talking technical, just plain design decisions that should have been addressed a long time ago. They at a minimum should have tempered expectations. I don't mind that the CP2077 does things just ok in the context of driving, and shooting, but where they should have shined, which is being an RPG, it just utterly fails to be anything other than mediocre.
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