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Doom Eternal is the most disappointing game I have ever played.

I agree with OP, this game wants you to play the way THEY want, in the other hand, doom 2016 you play the way YOU want.

But Eternal still good, but i liked Doom 2016 a lot more.
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Gold Member
All the damn verticality and jumping gave me terrible motion sickness...so I couldn't stick with it.
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Your doing it wrong then. Not that you can't dislike a game, but worst? Not even close.


I agree with TC.
This is doom but from another timeline.
The whole gimping ammo on purpose and many enemies having some kind of gimmick to defeat them faster like a grenade launcher into a cacodemon's mouth is tiresome.

Ran out of ammo?
tImE To uSe THe maGIc auTO rEfIlLiNG CHAiNSaW, kIDS!

The game lets you fight however you wish but quickly reminds you that you're doing it wrong and punishes you for it.
In the original doom games each weapon has its usefulness and can be viable in every situation even if it's not ideal.

Doom Eternal also feels like they're trying to be Mario 64 / Tomb Raider hybrid.
I can't get into it.
It's not your dad's doom.
More like Doom for zoomers.
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Doom Eternal is one of the best games I've played in the last 10 years. The first day I played it I didn't like it as much as 2016 and was going to abandon it. I slept on it and decided to go at it fresh. By the end of the day I liked it more than Doom 2016.

Ammo is never an issue. Use your weapons wisely, most enemies have a weakness to something and the game makes it very easy to swap weapons on the fly. Once you get a few upgrades installed you don't have to use specific weapons anymore, but it's more fun to do so.

Burn out your guns? Use your chainsaw and you're swimming in ammo drops.


I loved Doom 2016*, so I've read this thread carefully and I believe that people don't understand all the new mechanics in eternal.
Also, what a divisive game. They sure changed a lot. That to me is a studio that didn't just recicle stuff.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
DOOM 2016 is a modern day DOOM. DOOM Eternal is a modern day Mirror's Edge with lots of guns and a level of non-stop action that falls into the "overkill" category. DOOM 2016 is just a more pure experience.

I agree with this but it goes back to what the goals were of bringing Doom into the modern landscape. I think it will be interesting to see if we get a third game what itll be like and what direction they dive deeper into.

Personally I think they will dial it back a bit and get more Doom 2016 in there.


I have played some shit games in my gaming life. I know some will instantly say Git Gud but that wasn't the Doom Eternal problem for me. I didn't die a lot, I didn't have health problems.

I seemed to always have ammo problems and perhaps more importantly, I do not have a coke problem. And it feels like you need to be spun up to play this, or at the very least a gallon of Red Bull injected directly in your dick hole *Women can have dick holes too bigots. So not discriminating*

Being up front, I like Doom 2016... a lot. Loved it. And I liked retro Doom. I even like Duke Nukem. I've found value and enjoyment in games that have been panned by other players (Operation Raccoon City, Battlefront 2 at launch, Jedi Power Battle).

But holy dog shit Doom Eternal isn't for me. I made it to the point of picking up the Rocket Launcher. I then quit and uninstalled.

I feel like the game is punishing me for not playing how it wants me to. I legit believe the A.I. is rolling its eyes at me.

It isn't my fault tho. I enter an arena and start killing, run out of ammo before I've killed everything and have to search for more with enemies just chasing me. Or I chainsaw.

It got to a point where I just stopped killing the lowly zombie ones. They just weren't worthy of the ammo.

I honestly feel that the game would be enjoyable after I played it and could memorize the arenas/levels. Because it feels like the game is punishing me for not having knowledge of where everything is.

Even then I probably wouldn't be playing fast enough to satisfy the game lol. Everything about the game was tits. The music was awesome, the player movement was good. The game visually and performance wise was great.

Doom may run on a pregnancy test, but Doom Eternal isn't worthy of running on my PC. I rather play Duke Nukem Forever.
I beat this entire game on Nightmare and I literally have no idea how you're having these problems. "Your way of playing" must be completely antithetical to the gameplay loop of Eternal mate.

It's true you need to have good reflexes, really think on your feet. That need scales with the difficulty but it's something the game instills in you as you play it more.

Eternal is a GOTY contender for me in 2020.
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Kev Kev

agreed op. its 100% my most disappointing game of all time. i figured there as no way it wasnt going to be amazing.

i really tried to get into it, like i reeaaalllly tried. but in the end i wasnt even having fun. i think its a good game for what it is, but its not "fun". its annoying, tedious, feels like work, and feels like it is actively trying to be not fun. i can not for the life of me understand what they were thinking, especially with how successful doom 2016 was.

sucks to be me i guess, because i know a lot of people enjoyed it. they need to retool it for the next installment. i wont be buying it day one tho, thats for sure.
i agree this game wasn't for me at all
i got pretty far, probably 2/3 of the way and just had no desire to play anymore. Why? The game isn't fun, it's stressful and not fun. You have to keep track of so much stuff and every fight is so repetitive. My fiance even said she hates watching me play Doom because it's boring. I agree, it is boring, but boring in a weird af way....it's high octane boring, it's not rewarding and it's always the same - run around a room getting chased by zombies and glory kill / flame thrower / chainsaw / melee enemies as you run around while shooting at them when you have a quick second

game sucks ass honestly
doom 2016 was a 9/10 game easily
It has a certain flow to it and if you can't keep up with it, you're going to have a miserable time. Sucks for you but for people who like it, it's a 10/10.


I agree with this but it goes back to what the goals were of bringing Doom into the modern landscape. I think it will be interesting to see if we get a third game what itll be like and what direction they dive deeper into.

Personally I think they will dial it back a bit and get more Doom 2016 in there.
Agreed. I love Eternal, though yeah, I thought the platforming and wall climbing stuff was a weird addition. But by the end of the game I didn't question it at all. It all worked surprisingly well.

But they definitely got a fair amount of feedback from reviewers and the community that revolved around them not liking the platforming stuff. Hell, even the resource cycle flow.

Excited to see where the next game goes. Also hoping they just go back to polished and expected multiplayer with a good variety of modes. DM, TDM, CTF, etc. 2016's multiplayer had some promise, but it also suffered from identity issues. If they would've canned the loadout nonsense, and made a few other adjustments it would've been solid IMO.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Agreed. I love Eternal, though yeah, I thought the platforming and wall climbing stuff was a weird addition. But by the end of the game I didn't question it at all. It all worked surprisingly well.

But they definitely got a fair amount of feedback from reviewers and the community that revolved around them not liking the platforming stuff. Hell, even the resource cycle flow.

Excited to see where the next game goes. Also hoping they just go back to polished and expected multiplayer with a good variety of modes. DM, TDM, CTF, etc. 2016's multiplayer had some promise, but it also suffered from identity issues. If they would've canned the loadout nonsense, and made a few other adjustments it would've been solid IMO.
It seems Eternal did not light the charts on fire and Hugo has said Ancient Gods is the end of the current arc so I am thinking it might be awhile before we see Doom again. Ancient Gods Part 1 was very well done and I struggle to see how they can make the chess game go further.

I think they will focus more on map design, which I think was lacking compared to 2016 although variety was better in location, and try to incorporate less circle strafing and verticality but instead more open designs.

I actually like Battlemode but its too dependent on getting evenly matched players.
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I really liked it but you do have to jive with how fast they sped up everything. I could definitely see how Doom 2016 people would not enjoy it.

Also the story kinda sucks. They should have just left it at the Doom Slayer being just this crazy person fighting for humanity who is able to endure and destroy hells forces fueled only by his sheer hatred of demons. That is metal as fuck.


It seems Eternal did not light the charts on fire and Hugo has said Ancient Gods is the end of the current arc so I am thinking it might be awhile before we see Doom again. Ancient Gods Part 1 was very well done and I struggle to see how they can make the chess game go further.

I think they will focus more on map design, which I think was lacking compared to 2016 although variety was better in location, and try to incorporate less circle strafing and verticality but instead more open designs.

I actually like Battlemode but its too dependent on getting evenly matched players.
Oh really? I must've missed that. Though I figured it was certainly a possibility. Quake has to get some love at some point. That it was, I LOVED it. Excited about the closure.

Agreed. Environments in Eternal were visually pretty, but less memorable from a build/map layout perspective. I mean, I remember THINGS about the maps rather than the maps themselves, haha.

Yeah, honestly I enjoyed Battlemode more than I thought I would. But between it working for me and matchmaking it could definitely be better. Hell, with Eternal feeling a bit lighter in the content department compared to 2016, it'd be awesome to see both in the next game, lmao.

I admit, a part of me thinks they pulled out the 2016 style multiplayer because it "felt too much like Quake." I mean, people that asked Hugo were just told to go play Quake Champions.

I hope a revisited Quake is sooner than later...
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
So honestly what didn't you like? Because OP you aren't talking specifics.

And it comes a lot across of what some folks at DoomWorld talked bout Eternal.

But comparing it to DNF and preferring DNF - Musky_Cheese Musky_Cheese you are trying to fly through the sun and remain cold at the same time.

One of these things is not like the other.

Null Persp

I really love how fast and frenetic is this game, how you have to pay attention to your cooldowns and juggle between the enemies and refill your ammo constantly, really pure action.
It's a different experience than Doom 2016 and I prefer it.


The Marauder is the Death Knight but with a stupid shield :messenger_hushed:
I'm afraid a new Quake, either fantasy or Strogg, will double down on Eternal's bullshit.
Maybe they'll come up with a new theme, though I'd like both Quake flavours to return.
Yeah, he's like a juiced up cousin of theirs, lmao. Really? You think so? I'm not feeling that way honestly. Because with DOOM they really leaned into the power fantasy of "one space marine vs hell", and it worked pretty damn well. Sure, the platforming stuff didn't NEED to be there, but the story and overall feeling of the game just kinda worked IMO.

I feel like with Quake it could be a much more serious approach. Maybe not TOO serious, but I can't help it'd be a lot less tongue in cheek than what the latest DOOMs have been.

Agreed. I would ADORE a remade/revisited Quake leaning hard into the whole Lovecraftian style. But, I also loved the Strogg as well. So either way it would go, I would be happy honestly. I'm just a boomer ass (not really) FPS arena shooter lover, and I want it to come back, lmao.
Doom Eternal is Doom 2016 without it's training wheels, there were some difficult sections in the game but nothing made me "let's uninstall this shit" frustrated.
Games should never feel frustrating to any degree imho. Doom Eternal isn't fun. The devs made a game that is stressful and more like work, when I put the controller down I feel relief, not the temptation to pick it up because the gameplay loop is poorly thought out.

Every encounter plays out the exact same in this game. Think about how in prime Halo CE enemy encounters were so exciting, you can tackle a new room of baddies multiple ways. It was exciting, I loved that. Now looking at Doom Eternal, I absolutely dread those encounters that are high pressure, lots of enemies, music kicks in. I absolutely did not look forward to enemy encounters. The best part of the game was exploration and the mini encounters that didn't dial things to 11.

Game is bad.
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That part of the game, and soon after, gets challenging and can be frustrating, hate to say it but "get gud". Either your aim is bad and you're wasting a lot of ammo or you're not using the right weapons for the right enemies. The chainsaw recharges to ensure people don't absolutely run out of ammo so long as they exploit weak points/use your arsenal. Eternal requires certain rhythm. But I agree it is very fast paced.
You are smart , you brought the main ultimate debacle about doom and only doom , each weapon has its own use , you need to think strategically in order to pick one at the right time in the right place on the right enemy after getting used to use each one , it's just an effort you need to put in order to get the real taste of doom gameplay.


I can't stomach this game for more than 30 minutes either, very exhausting, would like to just chill after a long day of work, 2016 was easier to get into than this. I guess it's just not for me.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Games should never feel frustrating to any degree imho. Doom Eternal isn't fun. The devs made a game that is stressful and more like work, when I put the controller down I feel relief, not the temptation to pick it up because the gameplay loop is poorly thought out.

Every encounter plays out the exact same in this game. Think about how in prime Halo CE enemy encounters were so exciting, you can tackle a new room of baddies multiple ways. It was exciting, I loved that. Now looking at Doom Eternal, I absolutely dread those encounters that are high pressure, lots of enemies, music kicks in. I absolutely did not look forward to enemy encounters. The best part of the game was exploration and the mini encounters that didn't dial things to 11.

Game is bad.
Dj Khaled GIF by Music Choice


I could of done without all the silly lore too....I really don't care about the story in a game like this(and I love narrative heavy games usually).
They added too much shit to Doom Eternal....the back to basics approach of Doom 2016 was great.
I don't think it's a bad game though...just a different one from Doom 2016,perhaps a bit too different.


Gold Member
Game is fantastic.....youre playing it wrong OP if youre constantly running out of ammo. The game is designed to constantly force you to keep moving, and chainsaw for more ammo.

Only thing i hated about it is the online only trophies that i only noticed after getting every other trophy. Hate that bullshit


Its up there for me too. I didn't like the gameplay, but i can at least see how some people like it. The story was just straight up embarassing though, and a complete tonal clash coming from 2016.


I feel you, OP. I enjoyed Eternal for what it is, but it felt very formulaic when it comes to gameplay. It forces you into a rythm that might not be your own, and it punishes you if you deviate from that too far.
Games should never feel frustrating to any degree imho. Doom Eternal isn't fun. The devs made a game that is stressful and more like work, when I put the controller down I feel relief, not the temptation to pick it up because the gameplay loop is poorly thought out.

Every encounter plays out the exact same in this game. Think about how in prime Halo CE enemy encounters were so exciting, you can tackle a new room of baddies multiple ways. It was exciting, I loved that. Now looking at Doom Eternal, I absolutely dread those encounters that are high pressure, lots of enemies, music kicks in. I absolutely did not look forward to enemy encounters. The best part of the game was exploration and the mini encounters that didn't dial things to 11.

Game is bad.

The problem with eternal that it’s designed for keyboard and mouse. Playing it with a controller is like
Playing football with one leg.

Yourself and I assume the op who use a controller is where the problem is.

Even on the lower difficulties you need
To put in so much input.


Is this guy PS5 or XBOX?
People who love the next gen dooms love to claim it’s an extension of the original games premise. I can see their point maybe from a story perspective, but personally playing doom1 in VR with motion controls felt like the true technological/hardware successor because doom was the first semi-3D FPS and was the impetus for an entire new genre.
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I have played some shit games in my gaming life. I know some will instantly say Git Gud but that wasn't the Doom Eternal problem for me. I didn't die a lot, I didn't have health problems.

I seemed to always have ammo problems and perhaps more importantly, I do not have a coke problem. And it feels like you need to be spun up to play this, or at the very least a gallon of Red Bull injected directly in your dick hole *Women can have dick holes too bigots. So not discriminating*

Being up front, I like Doom 2016... a lot. Loved it. And I liked retro Doom. I even like Duke Nukem. I've found value and enjoyment in games that have been panned by other players (Operation Raccoon City, Battlefront 2 at launch, Jedi Power Battle).

But holy dog shit Doom Eternal isn't for me. I made it to the point of picking up the Rocket Launcher. I then quit and uninstalled.

I feel like the game is punishing me for not playing how it wants me to. I legit believe the A.I. is rolling its eyes at me.

It isn't my fault tho. I enter an arena and start killing, run out of ammo before I've killed everything and have to search for more with enemies just chasing me. Or I chainsaw.

It got to a point where I just stopped killing the lowly zombie ones. They just weren't worthy of the ammo.

I honestly feel that the game would be enjoyable after I played it and could memorize the arenas/levels. Because it feels like the game is punishing me for not having knowledge of where everything is.

Even then I probably wouldn't be playing fast enough to satisfy the game lol. Everything about the game was tits. The music was awesome, the player movement was good. The game visually and performance wise was great.

Doom may run on a pregnancy test, but Doom Eternal isn't worthy of running on my PC. I rather play Duke Nukem Forever.
I legitimately can’t play the previous doom after doom eternal. I’ve tried and I can’t get into it at all. Eternal was far and away the most unique first person shooter I’ve played in a very very long time

EDIT: also the story in the 2016 one is way more into taking itself seriously and the dark aesthetic. I don’t have any idea why people are missing the point with doom eternal purposefully being cheesy as fuck
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You don't understand the game and playing it wrong.

Its not forcing you, it has quite simple mechanics, its a game that gives more of a challenge then Doom 2016 which was too easy. You could literally finish Doom 2016 with one weapon.

Sorry Eternal doesn't hand you everything on a silver platter.


You don't understand the game and playing it wrong.

Its not forcing you, it has quite simple mechanics, its a game that gives more of a challenge then Doom 2016 which was too easy. You could literally finish Doom 2016 with one weapon.

Sorry Eternal doesn't hand you everything on a silver platter.
Yup, and that's exactly what Hugo and Marty wanted to change. They wanted to create gameplay that made players utilize every weapon, gave enemies strengths and weaknesses, etc. I thought they did an excellent job of creating a flow that made players use specific weapons in specific scenarios and up against certain enemies. While also pushing them to focus on the loop of getting health, armor, and ammo.

I personally loved it.

I never understood why people had such a hard time with it as I felt the game did a good job of teaching the player the mechanics through out the game. 🤷‍♂️
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