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PC VR - Hardware, Software, Recommendations & Discussion Thread


You've got a good collection going so far brother! Can't go wrong with those two. I'm not sure about sideloading Beat Saber song because - unpopular opinion - I can't stand that game! I know its like the most popular game for VR there is so ... what can I say? Different strokes!

Since Oculus is native for you be sure to check out:

Lone Echo: Story-driven game set in space, exploring the relationship between yourself (a robot) and a scientist. Focuses on zero-g mechanics and set-piece story moments. Universally praised, its getting a bit aged these days but is well worth your time. And there's a sequel in the works.

Asgard's Wrath: Basically the open-world RPG people had been asking for for years. Its a Nordic setting but it does enough of it's own thing to avoid being a SkyrimVR clone.

Robo Recall: definitely getting a bit old graphically, this game came bundled with all Oculus headsets for awhile. Now they want full price but this game is a ton of fun and a great place to start your VR career. Shooting, melee, waves of robots - its a super fun, addictive game that has the honor of being the only game to cause me to punch a ceiling in real life.

Vader Immortal: This is a graphical powerhouse and if you enjoy Star Wars its a no-brainer. The focus is on lightsaber combat and force powers coupled with a surprising amount of character-development and lore. Caveat being that its released in short, episodic format and they want too much money for each one; a scummy pricing structure.

There's a lot more on the Oculus store, but as a new owner this is important to know - always buy games on SteamVR if given the option. This way if you decide to flee Facebook and upgrade to a non-Oculus platform in the future your library will go with you. This is doubly important when your Facebook account's standing is directly linked to your games library. Imagine losing your entire Steam or PlayStation library for a social media comment! Sadly, you may see a minor performance hit for a handful of games due to having to run Oculus and SteamVR in tandem instead of one or the other, but this should prove to be a small inconvenience and is well worth having your library secure from Facebook.

On the SteamVR side you have a ton of content so I won't write as much about these games. Everything I list is well worth checking out in detail though to see if it looks like its for you - remember, you can play up to two hours and still get a refund.

Blade & Sorcery: still in Early Access, don't let that fool you. The best melee combat in VR. Sadly, there's not much to do besides fight waves of enemies yet. Active modding scene (light sabers!).

Boneworks: Highly experimental, puzzle/shooter with an extreme emphasis on physics systems. An amazing demonstration of what the medium is capable of and where it's headed at best, and a miserable, janky act of frustration at worst.

Elite Dangerous: VR and cockpit games are a match made in heaven. That said, while the star-ship combat, customization and flight model in Elite are tough to beat, this game is a heavy sim. I've played for a thousand hours and am still kind of a newbie. My control bindings are three pages long. This is quite the undertaking so try it and do your research before you buy it.

Hotdogs, Horseshoes & Handgrenades (H3VR): By far, the best, most realistic guns you can find in VR - and there's over 400 of them, lovingly modeled, from a flintlock musket to a Stinger missile launcher. The catch is a control scheme that can be a challenge to set up, but once it clicks it is one of the best VR experiences I've ever had. Presented as a collection of "scenes," these range from basic shooting ranges for plinking targets and learning the controls, to a full-on rogue-like mode where you upgrade weapons and earn tokens for new ones. Oh yeah, there's a mini RPG included too along with dozens of other scenarios. Extremely active developer. (This game does not go on sale, FYI).

Moss: Just fucking adorable. You control a mouse and platform and fight your way through the forest. Third person. A brilliant, feel-good game that's cute to the point of unfairness.

Superhot VR: Its the pancake game everyone went crazy for, but now you're in the game! The weird, hacker "plot" they went for fits especially well in virtual reality.

Until You Fall: Psychedelic, gorgeous, melee/arena game. Incredibly addictive, easy to pick up but difficult-to-master combat is the bread and butter here. You need to see screenshots of this game to get it.

The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners: Despite being a licensed title, this is solid as hell. Great sense of atmosphere and the gameplay loop of searching neighborhoods for resources while upgrading your kit and camp is enough of a hook to keep me invested through the fairly lengthy, 25-40 hour campaign. This is the VR zombie game.

There's tons more but these are some of my favorites and a fairly decent selection of "greatest hits." Should get you on the right track. Enjoy your new headset!

Honorable mentions: Budget Cuts 1/2, Duck Season, SkyrimVR (with mods), A Fisherman's Tale, The Forest, I Expect You To Die, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Pavlov, Serious Sam VR series, Star Wars: Squadrons

I really really appreciate the lengthy reply, I will definitely try to buy on SteamVR over oculus for sure.

Personally I think ill take a look at vader immortal, walking dead and I think I may have Asgard's Wrath for free because I bought and activated my oculus within the time period they were giving it for free. Need to connect to PC and see if I can claim it.

I will be coming back to list as I go.

Also, any recommendations for racing games in VR? I have a wheel and pedals so preferably PC VR
I really really appreciate the lengthy reply, I will definitely try to buy on SteamVR over oculus for sure.

Personally I think ill take a look at vader immortal, walking dead and I think I may have Asgard's Wrath for free because I bought and activated my oculus within the time period they were giving it for free. Need to connect to PC and see if I can claim it.

I will be coming back to list as I go.

Also, any recommendations for racing games in VR? I have a wheel and pedals so preferably PC VR
Oh I forgot to say- Ben plays vr channel on YouTube. He's really good and does tons of 'best vr games' lists.


Gold Member
This probably is t the best place to be saying this, but aren’t most the games people talk about the same exact ones that have been there since 3 years ago? I love VR and I was a DK2 backer. but it’s very concerning When I start up the oculus app and I see the exact same games on the store from literally 2 or 3 years ago. Seems like you can count on one hand the “good” vr games that (a) aren’t be mods for games that were originally non vr (b) came out in the last one or two years (c) have aaa studio quality and do not feel like shovel ware.

I love assetto corsa with a wheel and that’s been my main vr experience lately. I have about 250 hours in onward. I even have a valve index that I got in December that is still in the box.I guess I’m just trying to get as much mileage out of my cv1 rift as I can before “transitioning”. The dearth of games is not making that too hard.
Its true its a niche industry and releases are more sparse than mainstream, flat games, but I think your problem is that you're fixated on "starting up the oculus app and seeing the exact same games." Have a glance over at SteamVR's options. There's a lot of content out there. Also remember that these games take a long time to develop, a three-year dev cycle is probably the minimum so a lot of stuff is slated to come out soon and in the coming year that was just beginning development when the Rift S/Quest/Index/Vive Cosmos were being released. On top of this, many popular games are being live-developed with their respective communities - see Pavlov or H3VR - and for this reason are probably more feature complete then when they came out but very much still expanding and growing.

I really really appreciate the lengthy reply, I will definitely try to buy on SteamVR over oculus for sure.

Personally I think ill take a look at vader immortal, walking dead and I think I may have Asgard's Wrath for free because I bought and activated my oculus within the time period they were giving it for free. Need to connect to PC and see if I can claim it.

I will be coming back to list as I go.

Also, any recommendations for racing games in VR? I have a wheel and pedals so preferably PC VR

Sadly racing games are still trying to find that killer implementation that Elite cornered for flight sims. Arguably the two best options are Assetto Corsa and Project Cars 1/2. Both are excellent but their VR implementation can be extremely fussy, power hungry and this is before adding a bevy of peripherals into the mix. If you set them up to the point you're happy they can be very rewarding, but I've refunded both games on Steam due to poor performance and VR idiosyncrasies.

A side note - I missed that you said you enjoyed multiplayer shooters. Definitely check out Pavlov. Its arguably the VR multiplayer shooter with a hook that is basically "Counter Strike, but VR." Its being actively developed and, while a bit janky at times, just received a massive free update with dozens of WWII guns and fully operational tanks. These require crews of three and are very impressive. Well worth taking for a spin for 90 minutes to see if its for you.

You're way more advanced than me, I'm a total noob, twenty hours in and out of the nooby system but just pottering around in my cobra MK3 wondering what to do. I've got a cool 2mill in the bank and feel rich lol. I've done some combat missions and a bit of exploring (selling fss scans for pennies) and lots of cargo trips. Just started to actually by goods and sell them elsewhere too but that's not making me much.

Still very confused about the factions, super powers etc and how that'll play into my game and also not sure about unlocking engineers or whether that's for later game.

Also how'd you get a Sol permit? I wanna check out earth.

Elite is a massive fucking game. You'll be learning for hundreds of hours so no need to rush. You did well choosing the Cobra MK3 as your Sidewinder upgrade. Its a fantastic multipurpose ship. Just don't make the mistake so many CMDRs make - just because its a multipurpose ship doesn't mean you can do everything with it with a single build. You should have a rotation of parts - ideally D-rated for lightweight, or A-rated for performance - in storage and change them in or out depending on what you're doing in the moment. Delivery missions? Lose the weapons and add cargo racks. Bounty hunting? Cargo is not important but good thrusters and weapons are. Always specialize your ships for a single purpose or they will be lacking in all purposes.

As for Sol, it requires reaching Petty Officer rank in the Federation which is rank four of fourteen. Its a neat goal to have but since you can't actually land on Earth there's really not much to do in the system once the initial novelty wears off. There is a later-game engineer there to unlock though.

I could easily spill 5000 words about Elite so I'll just leave it at that, but feel free to hit me with some questions. I also recommend you join a squad as soon as possible. Many have active Discords and many are specifically geared towards helping new CMDRs get acquainted with the game.

So many good games, it's been the most surprising thing since I got the headset at Christmas. I've literally got ten on the back burner that I'd happily go back to as my main game.

A few not included above:

Outer wilds vr mod. Super easy to install and you can then play this goty contender in full vr!

Borderlands 2 vr, I've had a ton of fun playing this full fat BL2 in vr

Lone echos arena - it's free and the tutorial is worth it alone. Possibly my first welcome to vr moment. The floating movement is so convincing.

The lab - free basic mini games but high production values and worth a download

The Talos Principal - full fat pc game now in VR. It's a great puzzle game with lots of content.

Elite Dangerous - space MMO that fully supports VR. You can literally fly around the entire galaxy, landing at huge space stations, blasting pirates etc. It's awesome but a time sink.

Thumper - good on switch, great in vr. Get it for £5 if you can.

And many more on my want list - Skyrim, no man's sky, fallout 4vr, population one ( it's a battle royale), Tetris effect.

Regarding beat saber, you side load tracks using mod assistant and then picking the right mod. It's really easy ( must be as I did it and have no modding experience). Takes less than ten mins. For tracks you get them from beat saver and if you're into ranking then that's on score saber. I got addicted to ranking up for two weeks and got to 19,000.

I did mention Elite: Dangerous - how could I not? Its bloody amazing. Here's what I had to say about it on the previous page:

"Elite Dangerous: VR and cockpit games are a match made in heaven. That said, while the star-ship combat, customization and flight model in Elite are tough to beat, this game is a heavy sim. I've played for a thousand hours and am still kind of a newbie. My control bindings are three pages long. This is quite the undertaking so try it and do your research before you buy it."
I really really appreciate the lengthy reply, I will definitely try to buy on SteamVR over oculus for sure.

Personally I think ill take a look at vader immortal, walking dead and I think I may have Asgard's Wrath for free because I bought and activated my oculus within the time period they were giving it for free. Need to connect to PC and see if I can claim it.

I will be coming back to list as I go.

Also, any recommendations for racing games in VR? I have a wheel and pedals so preferably PC

How is Pavlov VR? I might just have grabbed it. :lollipop_content:
In my opinion, the gameplay is good enough, the game surrounding it is not. By that I mean it lacks everything a mp FPS could have - rankings, stats, challenges, unlockables. There is literally nothing and so I refunded it. I was cross that instead of adding actual game features, they focused on silly tanks. In a counter strike game.


Gold Member
How is Pavlov VR? I might just have grabbed it. :lollipop_content:
It's the best available multiplayer VR game. It actually has a population too which is no small achievement for a niche gaming scene like VR.

That said, the absolutely superb gunplay in H3VR has completely ruined guns in other games for me. It makes Pavlov's weapons seem like squirt guns in comparison. Of course there's no multiplayer, nor will there ever be for H3.


Is this guy PS5 or XBOX?
I'm I reading this right, you have a Ferrari parked in the garage but you're gonna keep driving your wee ford focus so you can get your moneys worth out of it??? Do you horde shit?
Haha she’s a garage queen. Not a hoarder but I have quite an impressive backlog going all the way back to Metal gear NES and super Metroid. It has now expanded to a hardware backlog.


Simps for Amouranth
Haha she’s a garage queen. Not a hoarder but I have quite an impressive backlog going all the way back to Metal gear NES and super Metroid. It has now expanded to a hardware backlog.
still m8, i wouldnt game on my old 386DX when my Alienware is sitting beside it... you know what i mean and especially with VR hardware where each new iteration is a significant improvement over the previous
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
He'll be back ;)

He just made the error of straying into parts of the forum where you basically gamble with your account 😅
What are you even talking about? See my recent posts history which has been on hold since my ban and until this post obviously and there's absolutely nothing of the sort there.

I got banned because some moderator couldn't handle doing his tasks as once in a blue moon when by chance I come across them I submit reports against the new threads of a person who has an account and makes and bumps threads just to self advertise his own youtube content. Not with the intent to demonize that person or get him banned or anything, but rather to get GAF to get revised self promotion rules that mean every member will be equally capable of the same, within reason and not spamming the shit out of their stuff obviously, but either way not left with rules that are against it and at the same time preferential treatment of some members over others because they or their content are liked by the moderators specifically or whatever. Several days after my last report I assumed was ignored as usual I got banned over it and told to "return a better poster".
Alexis got banned?

Can we actually talk about VR here now?!

What are you all playing?!!!
Er, you've done nothing while I'm gone that wasn't done while I was here. There's been less than a post a day on average since my ban (which took you a while to figure out). Beginner recommendations that followed this and basic info were right in the OP, if people didn't even read that it's not my fault. If that's the VR circle jerk you want, people going wow over the same old stuff as if they're brand new over and over and over and the actual new content I post about to promote it because the websites you all cite clearly don't if they aren't Quest 2/Sony related or otherwise heavily promoted then enjoy, from now on PC VR as far as you're conerned is what you already see @ UploadVR and RoadtoVR and influencers, basically a lesser afterthought with nothing of note besides Quest ports and the occasional game like Alyx, far from the truth but the only thing visible by such sources. I already had like 20 youtube trailers posted elsewhere while I was paused here and of course much more smaller neat stuff from twitter but oh well, you'll learn about them if they get a Quest 2 port. I get it, VR is new to many and that's awesome, but that's like people going gaga over the same launch console games and having no news about anything since. How long does it take to move past that and not circle jerk over re-re-re-re-re-discovering that, for example, all the Doom-engine games are playable in VR (again much of that stuff was added in the OP over time as it was new)?

You've always been able to make your own PC/VR threads anyway, nobody ever did which is why I made one my way until a better one comes along as I had said right in the OP. Feel free to ask for this one to get locked so that a "better poster" can keep a new OP nobody reads up to date with information past this point. I won't be maintaining this again just for a mod to press the pause button on me whenever they feel like it so I then scramble to get it back up to date with old and new stuff and won't be posting the RetroArch OT I was working on for its Steam launch either. Bye :messenger_medmask:
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Is this guy PS5 or XBOX?
still m8, i wouldnt game on my old 386DX when my Alienware is sitting beside it... you know what i mean and especially with VR hardware where each new iteration is a significant improvement over the previous
Yeah I’ll get around to it eventually , just kind of a hassle to set it all up, I currently run 4 sensors with the rift and I have extra base stations to set up too, so right. Is it’s just easier to use the rift instead of unboxing and setting everything up


After my rift s had been gathering dust for months I've started using it for fitness. Mainly box vr. Its amazing and such a good workout. Trouble is my rift s is now a salty residue mess from the dried out sweat. Nasty


Is this guy PS5 or XBOX?
Yeah I have the cv1 rift and I didn’t use it for a good 6 months a year or so ago and when I went back to it there was all this white residue around the headset, not really around the faceplate but the top and sides where I would grip it. It came off easily though. I always wash my face before using it and the build quality I have to say was amazing all these years, the only thing that went wrong with it is that the original faceplate padding around the nose area lost its glue/sticking to the plastic and tends to hang down after I reconnect it, so I have to tape it or something.

the hmd cable also went bad but that was my fault for the way I was storing the headset with it always sitting on the cable and bending it

mango drank

I swallowed my pride and threw down another couple hundred shekels and ordered a set of Index Controllers, LHs and Dongles to run them with the G2. It will be interesting to see how the worst compares to the best.
How's this working out? I was thinking of getting a G2, but I keep hearing the controllers are awful.

Sounds like you're essentially paying the total Index price, but swapping out the headset for the G2.


Gold Member
How's this working out? I was thinking of getting a G2, but I keep hearing the controllers are awful.

Sounds like you're essentially paying the total Index price, but swapping out the headset for the G2.

That's exactly what this sounds like and ... well that sounds awful!

Really curious to see if it works out though.


What are you even talking about? See my recent posts history which has been on hold since my ban and until this post obviously and there's absolutely nothing of the sort there.

I got banned because some moderator couldn't handle doing his tasks as once in a blue moon when by chance I come across them I submit reports against the new threads of a person who has an account and makes and bumps threads just to self advertise his own youtube content. Not with the intent to demonize that person or get him banned or anything, but rather to get GAF to get revised self promotion rules that mean every member will be equally capable of the same, within reason and not spamming the shit out of their stuff obviously, but either way not left with rules that are against it and at the same time preferential treatment of some members over others because they or their content are liked by the moderators specifically or whatever. Several days after my last report I assumed was ignored as usual I got banned over it and told to "return a better poster".

As for VR discussion here, you've done nothing while I'm gone that wasn't done while I was here. Beginner recommendations and basic info are right in the OP already at that, if people don't even read that it's not my fault. If that's the VR circle jerk discussion you want, people going wow over the same stuff as if they're new over and over and the actual new content I post about in attempt to promote it because the websites you cite clearly don't if they aren't Quest 2/Sony related or otherwise heavily promoted then enjoy, from now on PC VR as far as you're conerned is what you already see @ UploadVR and RoadtoVR and the like, basically a lesser afterthought with nothing of note besides Quest ports and the occasional AAA game like Alyx, far from the truth but the only thing visible going by such sources. I already have like 10 youtube trailers posted elsewhere while I was paused here and of course much more neat stuff from twitter but oh well, it's alright, you'll learn about them if they get a Quest 2 port and those sites write a piece. I get it, VR is new to many and that's awesome, but that's like people going gaga over the same launch console games and having no news about anything since. How long does it take to move past that and not circle jerk over re-re-re-re-re-discovering that, for example, all the Doom-engine games are playable in VR (again much of that stuff also added in the OP over time)?

You've always been able to make your own PC/VR threads anyway, nobody did which is why I made one my way until a better one comes along as I had said right in the OP (I only removed that recently after it was clear nobody cares regardless). Feel free to ask for this one to get locked so that a better poster can keep a new OP nobody reads up to date with information past this point. I won't be maintaining this again just for a mod to press the pause button on me whenever they feel like it and won't be posting the RetroArch OT I was working on for its Steam launch either. Bye.
Jeez dude calm down. You know that the mods flag the post you are banned for, right? And as far as I remember it was a post from the political subforum. And if I learned anything in the last years on any forum is to stay firmly in the gaming section and to don't get triggered by political gaming threads. That's if you like your account.

And I can understand your frustrations that the thread is slow and so on. But at least it's your thread and I appreciate the news once in a while. :)

So keep on keeping on! 👍🏻😁👍🏻
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mango drank

Is Star Wars: Squadrons in VR worth $24? I played some Eve Valkyrie way back when, and it was all right, nothing mindblowing. I'm watching reviews of Squadrons VR and I'm having trouble hyping myself up for it.


Gold Member
Is Star Wars: Squadrons in VR worth $24? I played some Eve Valkyrie way back when, and it was all right, nothing mindblowing. I'm watching reviews of Squadrons VR and I'm having trouble hyping myself up for it.

Solid flight sim-lite for Star Wars buffs. Decent campaign but the multiplayer lacks legs and lack of post-launch support has kept the player base down.

VR was buggy as all hell at launch but has since been patched to an acceptable state.

I'd recommend it if you have a HOTAS and/or have always wanted to pilot an X-Wing or TIE. Especially for $24.

Sound design is phenomenal.


How's this working out? I was thinking of getting a G2, but I keep hearing the controllers are awful.

Sounds like you're essentially paying the total Index price, but swapping out the headset for the G2.
That's exactly the case. All in all, I spent 100$ more than a full Index Kit would've cost me. But at least going in I got to try the G2 controllers at half the price point of an Index and decide wether or not they were sufficent for my taste. Going in blind, I might've ended up beeing completely fine with them - and for the most part I was. Subpar tracking and battery drain might not bother someone else as much as it did me.

I can't compare the G2 itself to the Index since I never tried one, but there are plenty videos out there showing the Pros/Cons of each HMD. Basically, its a question of preferirng higher fov/refresh rate on the Index vs the G2s image clarity. Image clarity made me choose the G2. Whenever I look at Alyx's gravity gloves, I feel I made the right choice - There is just an insane amount of detail visible with the G2. One of those things that has to be seen live.
The whole WMR ecosystem on the other hand is an absolute nightmare, so much so that I would recommend a Valve Index over the G2 just to avoid all of that. That said, it is managable. There are plenty software solutions on the net to make WMR/SteamVR interoperability at least a bit less of a pain. It still sucks, though.

That's exactly what this sounds like and ... well that sounds awful!

Really curious to see if it works out though.
At the end of the day I will most likely trade in the G2 for another, better HMD sometime within the next couple years. I feel I will use the Knuckles for a long time to come. Maybe inside-out tracking via HMD cams improve to the point where cheaper controllers without LHs can match them at least, but I don't think we will see a straight up better alternative to the Knuckles for some time.

I spent a couple hours setting everything up now, went for a quick trip with Alyx before clocking in for the night. The Knuckles don't disappoint: They feel a lot more stable to use than the G2s native controllers, and from a build quality standpoint they are probably the best feeling controllers I ever held in my hands, VR or not. Like, they feel really, really nice. Tracking is much better than with the G2s, and they charge via MicroUSB instead of using plain old AA batteries.
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mango drank

Probably tons of posts in this thread about this already, but does anyone here actually use VorpX to play through a significant chunk of the games it's compatible with? Or is it more like I'm hearing elsewhere online--that it's cool to check out the games in 3D in VR for ~15 minutes, but then never play them that way again?

Man, I'd love to see Rapture and Columbia in 3D. Dead Space would be crazy too, and Cyberpunk. Shame that VorpX does only 3DOF, not 6DOF.


Gold Member
Probably tons of posts in this thread about this already, but does anyone here actually use VorpX to play through a significant chunk of the games it's compatible with? Or is it more like I'm hearing elsewhere online--that it's cool to check out the games in 3D in VR for ~15 minutes, but then never play them that way again?

Man, I'd love to see Rapture and Columbia in 3D. Dead Space would be crazy too, and Cyberpunk. Shame that VorpX does only 3DOF, not 6DOF.
Essentially you heard right. It's neat but not something I'd want to use very often. At best it's a neat experience for an hour. At worst it's physically nauseating and I say that as someone who doesn't get sick in VR.

On the other hand, certain games can be modded for VR and those can be amazing. OG DOOM comes to mind. Not VorpX but in that vein.

mango drank

I returned my Reverb G2 today. It was uncomfortable, for one thing: the face mask was too tight around my cheekbones, and the top strap dug into my head really bad. But mainly, the sweet spot through the lenses was tiny. Rotating my eyes just a little vertically or horizontally would show me a blurry, god-rayed mess. I Googled for fixes, tried adjustments every which way: IPD, tilt of the headset, horizontal position of the headset, trying it closer or farther from my eyes, trying it without the face mask, trying it with and without glasses, updating my Nvidia drivers, etc etc. Nothing worked. For better comfort, I could've ordered a custom mask that didn't squeeze my face as much, and I could've padded the top strap. But without the sweet spot fix, those all would've been moot. Lots of other people online have this sweet spot problem too, from what I saw. Such a shame, because the clarity of the stuff I could see was amazing. For the first time ever, it felt like I was literally inside some kind of virtual world made out of tiny voxels. It felt ... real. It's kinda hard to explain, but it was a tantalizing taste of the future, when these rough edges get smoothed over. C'mooon PSVR2! (I also appreciate PSVR's super-comfy halo headstrap much more now. Why the hell don't more manufacturers make halo headsets? They're more expensive or sth?)

Here are mockups of the differences between what I saw through each display, G2 vs PSVR. The PSVR is lower-res and has some faint screen-door, but the sweet spot is huge. The G2's sweet spot is tiny.

HP Reverb G2:



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Can’t Git Gud
I returned my Reverb G2 today. It was uncomfortable, for one thing: the face mask was too tight around my cheekbones, and the top strap dug into my head really bad. But mainly, the sweet spot through the lenses was tiny. Rotating my eyes just a little vertically or horizontally would show me a blurry, god-rayed mess. I Googled for fixes, tried adjustments every which way: IPD, tilt of the headset, horizontal position of the headset, trying it closer or farther from my eyes, trying it without the face mask, trying it with and without glasses, updating my Nvidia drivers, etc etc. Nothing worked. For better comfort, I could've ordered a custom mask that didn't squeeze my face as much, and I could've padded the top strap. But without the sweet spot fix, those all would've been moot. Lots of other people online have this sweet spot problem too, from what I saw. Such a shame, because the clarity of the stuff I could see was amazing. For the first time ever, it felt like I was literally inside some kind of virtual world made out of tiny voxels. It felt ... real. It's kinda hard to explain, but it was a tantalizing taste of the future, when these rough edges get smoothed over. C'mooon PSVR2! (I also appreciate PSVR's super-comfy halo headstrap much more now. Why the hell don't more manufacturers make halo headsets? They're more expensive or sth?)

Here are mockups of the differences between what I saw through each display, G2 vs PSVR. The PSVR is lower-res and has some faint screen-door, but the sweet spot is huge. The G2's sweet spot is tiny.

HP Reverb G2:



so it's not my bad eyesight !

I had a chance to try g2 last few weeks and I am not impressed. The res in center is good but only that. Sweet spot is very small, fit is very weird, tracking and controllers are bad.... and windows mixed reality is horrible trash.
Best Sweet spot I've seen was on Rift S but that was the only good thing about it... Quest 1 was good too. Cv1 was exceptional too but they don't sell it anymore.
The only one I've not tried was quest 2... I am starting to think about it.

I never had psvr... I have ps5 but not sure I want to get psvr :p
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so it's not my bad eyesight !

I had a chance to try g2 last few weeks and I am not impressed. The res in center is good but only that. Sweet spot is very small, fit is very weird, tracking and controllers are bad.... and windows mixed reality is horrible trash.
Best Sweet spot I've seen was on Rift S but that was the only good thing about it... Quest 1 was good too. Cv1 was exceptional too but they don't sell it anymore.
The only one I've not tried was quest 2... I am starting to think about it.

I never had psvr... I have ps5 but not sure I want to get psvr :p

The sweet spot will also be dictated by one's eyes and IPD. The Reverb G2 has a significantly better sweet spot than my Rift S does but in my specific case. It's going to be different for everyone.

mango drank

I never had psvr... I have ps5 but not sure I want to get psvr :p
Yeh, probably no point now. I think it's the lowest-res of all the headsets you listed: only 1080 vertical.

But comfort-wise and sweet-spot-wise, I love it. If it had a 4K display, this thing would be unbelievable.


Gold Member
So this game, MENTAL

will be open world with the next patch (not out, maybe before summer)



Such a shame, because the clarity of the stuff I could see was amazing. For the first time ever, it felt like I was literally inside some kind of virtual world made out of tiny voxels. It felt ... real. It's kinda hard to explain, but it was a tantalizing taste of the future, when these rough edges get smoothed over.
My thoughts exactly. I don't have that much of an issue with the sweet spot myself, usually its a matter of adjusting the HMD properly - but I can see where you are coming from. But the clarity, when its spot on, basically sits right on the threshold where VR becomes believable imo.
Received my prescription lenses for my rift cv1 this morning from Vroptician and wow, they're amazing! They came really quickly (2 weeks when the site says 4 just to manufacture) and shipped to the UK from Germany no problem.

They just pop right in and the improvement in clarity and fov for me is fantastic, it's almost like I've upgraded my headset, it's that much of a difference.

I was using my sports goggles inside the headset which was fine but they are quite thick rimmed and uncomfortable, and fogged like crazy. With these lenses, I've had no fog so far and it's so comfortable and clear.

If you're struggling with glasses in vr and can afford this solution (it's really not that pricey at £60) then I'd highly recommend it.
it's 2021, after Arizona Sunshine, TWD Saints and Sinners and Onslaught heeeeere coooomes...

a 2015 VR wave shooter with a famous license tie-in...

do these people ever learn
Just picked up Racket NX for £3 from a key shop and it's great! I know it's an oldie but it's tons of fun and the multi player seems active and the single player content seems good too, plus a monthly challenge map for leaderboard shenanigans.

It's really well done and the feeling of being in that dome hitting a ball is very convincing. I think I'll get £3 worth out of it easily.

There's a good demo too that basically sold me on it.
anyway, using this thread for generic pcvr stuff and exciting news, like this one:

I'd like to say eye-tracking with foveated rendering could potentially make VR graphics better than flat, but there are already eye-tracking devices for flat gaming - so the gap is always there...
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Maskmaker will be a very nice and original puzzler, much like their previous A Fisherman's Tale. I dig the picturesque painting looks - might translate very well to Quest, limited hardware is no excuse for blocky polygonal looks.

This time though a bit less original: masks were like you roamed around in psvr-exclusive Golem too and the way you work with yourself in small steps is like the obscure but lovely puzzler Transpose worked too. Doesn't matter a bit being derivative if it's good and I trust they can pull it off.
competition is coming from HTC:


but it's for fitness. No clue if standalone, possibly same XR2... someone dig this up before any actual news...
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Gold Member
Interesting. The fitness thing probably means that it is lightweight, comfortable to wear and has good ventilation. So basically what we all want from a headset.

Not sure about the camera positions though. Looks like they wouldn't track what's happening at the sides. Maybe that's why they are only for fitness games where you're usually just interacting with stuff in front of you.
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Interesting. The fitness thing probably means that it is lightweight, comfortable to wear and has good ventilation. So basically what we all want from a headset.

Not sure about the camera positions though. Looks like they wouldn't track what's happening at the sides. Maybe that's why they are only for fitness games where you're usually just interacting with stuff in front of you.

Lol, it's just a concept, not real product:

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