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Dragon Quest composer Koichi Sugiyama has passed away at age 90


"Bigotry is allowed to fester and spread because people default to upholding decorum. In a better world we'd all be celebrating the death of someone who used his wealth to help make life so miserable for so many innocent people."

This REEEE post says it all. They actually believe they are righting the wrongs in society by being childish shits spitting on tombstones AND if you don't condone or participate you are a part of the problem. Amazing.

They don't understand the privilege they have, despite using it as a mechanism for arguments all the time.

Half of these people make demands to bring about a "better world", yet would give up liberty to drop themselves into a position where some dictating force or government that has moral authority and the illusion of safety to sell, would stomp on them while using their good intentions to pave their own personal road to hell.

I don't care that a 90 year old man hated gay people and used his wealth to be a dickhead. Society as a whole offered him that right, and it generally rejected his influence.


May he rest in peace. When I played my first Dragon Quest, I immediately liked some themes from it. I'll be listening to some of it tonight.

I wonder how this affects Dragon Quest XII, though. He reportedly already wrote some music for it, but the game seems to be so far away all of the music might not have been ready yet.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
He will be missed. He made Dragon Quest music what it was.

As a pessimist I would say try and remember people for the positivity they bring to the world and those around them. For all those that hate all the negativity and actions filled with dark intent your time is better spent not being resentful and spiteful because after all there is more then enough hatred as it is. We don't need to add to it. If you do you only prove you are no better then the object of your hatred.


Shocking... the self-appointed arbiters of morality and purity are awful human beings.

They're the same forum where several members were having a laugh at Etika's mental state just hours before his suicide so those pieces of hypocrite shit can go fuck themselves.

They believe 2 wrongs make a right. "He was a piece of shit so it's okay for me to be a petty piece of shit and laugh at his death!"

🧠 🤡


Neo Member

I love the Dragon Quest series music so much, it is sad, but he was really old now.. This will happened whit every great figure in this business eventually. :(

PD: In Era people are laughing because he die, they can't separate the artist from the person...
Nanjing Massacre is widely documented. I guess by the same logic Nazis were patriots as well.

I'm out of this thread and will not respond further to people quoting, I will let you guys mourn a PoS human that happened to make a good music.
Bye Felicia. People like you are why I wish I still had access to the report user feature here. Oh well, ignoring will have to do I guess. Ciao!


I think there is a clear discussion to be had about when it's appropriate to separate the art from the artist. Someone should make a thread on that... I can't be bothered. Having said that given who Sugiyama was outside he's work and specifically in regards to he's propaganda to disparage war crimes, I honestly think it's perfectly reasonable that many people still hold resentment and this news of he's passing will only fester hate and anger from those people. If you flip the coin and only see what's on the surface then it's an utter tragedy that the industry has lost a legend who has contributed so much of he's life to influence video game culture and music. I don't really hold a strong opinion for either side of the conversation but I think this is becoming a reoccurring theme within the industry more often than not that someone is being boycotted for social and/or political beliefs who are also cherished for the work.
They continue to prove how "classy" they are.



I separate person from the work and no matter what I cannot celebrate someone's death, so rest in peace to a legend in the music industry. Sadly, I've seen enough people attack others outside of these forums and make generalizations about them who mourn his death for his works.

It's perfectly okay to have strong feelings about the matter on either side, but doesn't warrant condemning anyone for it.


What did he do? Kinda weird he would be famous and work on big projects if he is so horrible.

He used quite a bit of his money to fund revisionist propaganda about Japan's war crimes (there's still people alive today that were affected and the erasure desired and pursued by him could still harm those survivors). He once literally laughed out loud at the mention of rising rates of suicide among LGBT teens and also consistently funded ultra-nationalist propaganda.

Those are a few of the reasons for me to consider him a complete piece of shit: some of his beliefs and actions go deeply against my values. That's my opinion though, others may have a different perception of him due to having a different set of values.

I still offered my condolences to his loved ones and would never celebrate a death, especially for someone who's work is so important to me. I love Dragon Quest and I love every piece of music he created for it.
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Velcro Fly

The series I love would not be the same without him

His views on a variety of things was completely abhorrent and there is no excuse for them

I feel comfortable that both of those things can be true at the same time.


Hey. Resetera pussies. I know you're lurking.

I know you say you're dancing on his grave but the reality is this:
1) He lived to be 90
2) He was loved by his friends, family and fans
3) His music was beautiful and will endure long after you and I are forgotten

I bet you just can't stand that. Keep smiling through your clenched teeth


The guy was 10 years old and probably raised to be super patriotic to the empire. He was too young to do anything, saw his nation defeated as a teenager, and raised in occupation years. It's not hard to understand why he may have a hateful bias or denial about the shit that went down.

His age alone, regardless of those circumstances, should make people disregard his personal views and politics on progressive shit of modern times. He was a fossil. His views were a product of their time. He wasn't wielding the power to oppress anybody, so you hand waive it and if you truly care, don't support his products.

Half of the people complaining enough to witch hunt and rejoice at this man's death are hypocrites that will contribute nothing in their lives that will be comparable to his body of work.
This. Why can't people understand stuff like this?

RIP to a legend.


Nanjing Massacre is widely documented. I guess by the same logic Nazis were patriots as well.

I'm out of this thread and will not respond further to people quoting, I will let you guys mourn a PoS human that happened to make a good music.
Differing views on how to speak of the dead must be nails on a chalkboard for you, I understand. I assure you the other forum will welcome you with open arms and you can all blow each other to your hearts' content


This. Why can't people understand stuff like this?

RIP to a legend.
Because people who think they know everything aren't looking to understand. They don't want to learn how or why things work, or how people work, because they're convinced they already know.

Why do you think they spout divine justice as if they're celestial arbiters of the dead? Because they actually believe they're God


RIP, regardless of political or personal beliefs. I have somehow never played a Dragon Quest game - what's a good place to start?
If you can stomach NES RPGs, DQ3 and 4 are both great. If you're looking for something more modern, DQVIII (PS2, 3DS) or DQXI (I recommend the S version due to the extra content and orchestrated soundtrack) are excellent.
If you can stomach NES RPGs, DQ3 and 4 are both great. If you're looking for something more modern, DQVIII (PS2, 3DS) or DQXI (I recommend the S version due to the extra content and orchestrated soundtrack) are excellent.

Thanks! Might start with XI and then grab VIII for the PS2 if I like it well enough.
RIP, regardless of political or personal beliefs. I have somehow never played a Dragon Quest game - what's a good place to start?

A few choices

1 - Wait for the Dragon Quest 3 2D-HD remake to come out. DQ 3 is one of the defining games in the series. It is where the series got its personality IMHO. The remake looks amazing

2 - Play the DS remakes that came out 10 years ago. They're available on mobile. In fact the mobile version of 4 is even better than the the DS version of 4. IMHO, DQ6 remake is worse than the SNES version though. However, the DS remake is also the only version available in English officially...

3 - A lot of people's first DQ was 8. It's available on PS2 and 3DS. 3DS version is uglier than the PS2 version, but has more features and quality of life

4 - Dragon Quest XI is available on every system. It's as good as any place to start. There is some series fan service stuff in there, but its mostly self contained.

3, 5, and 8 are often cited as the best in the series. My personal favorites are 3, 4, and 7, though to be honest I like them all. Dragon Quest 1 and 2 feel the most dated. I wouldn't recommend starting with them, though I think they still deserve visiting once you played more of the series.


my cake, fuck off
They continue to prove how "classy" they are.

Those cunts over at era are so black and white on everything. Zero discussion allowed about anything even slightly controversial. Makes me wonder how many skeletons are in their closets. No way these people virtue signal like this without some juicy past. Fuckers must be miserable to know in the real world.
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Those cunts over at era are so black and white on everything. Zero discussion allowed about anything even slightly controversial. Makes me wonder how many skeletons are in their closets. No way these people virtue signal like this without some juicy past. Fuckers must be miserable to know in the real world.
I believe it. one post made 20 minutes ago claims that they would have killed him if they could have and then pissed in his grave.
Because a composer deserves to be murdered who has not murdered anyone themselves? Classy, but what would you expect from a website ran and populated with known pedophiles among everything else?
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SF Kosmo

I don’t know what to feel. On one hand he made one of the most memorable OSTs in all of gaming and on the other hand he is a sad example of a human being.

End of an era either way.
He was also kind of holding the series back in some ways. Like the whole MIDI soundtrack in DQ11 was because if his deal.

He did some great work but I don't think he was really worth it anymore.
I shared remembrance from Dq8 in this topic earlier, now I would like to share this in honor of the man's accomplishments in the DQ series:

If we're talking about separating art from the artist, I was a Lostprophets fan back in my teenage years and I can't even stand it to hear to the lead singer's voice anymore. He's a fucker which I hope rots in jail, and trust me, if you decide to see what he's doing a life sentence for you'll probably agree with me. You've been warned.

Stone Roses and The I.T. Crowd? I can still enjoy the work somewhat, but I won't deny Ian Brown and Graham Linehan can get fucked for all I care.

Lovecraft and Sugiyama? I'm really not gonna judge people from a century ago having terribly outdated views. I don't support their mistakes in any way but they did much less damage than any of the people above.

Context, y'know? I'm not going to treat an idiot like a monster, but a real monster or someone who's actively trying to make things worse will get no sympathy from me.

J. K. Rowling did more fucked up things than Sugiyama. I can let it slide for a 90-year old Japanese man, but not for the British writer which harms her own fans. Context, goddammit.
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I learned how to play piano because of this man. He's an icon and a legend. He's wrote some of my favorite gaming pieces. His role in the development of video game music can't be understated.

Here is an article I wrote about him a few years ago.

Dude change your site's name and logo stat lol got some Japanese people here happened to look at my monitor --cringing


RIP, regardless of political or personal beliefs. I have somehow never played a Dragon Quest game - what's a good place to start?
Dragon Quest 5 on your phone. No, seriously. It's a pretty good port and introduction to the series.

I would say 3 as well, but it's getting a HD-2D remake in the Octopath Traveler engine, so hold off on that one.
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