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[NEXT LEVEL lames™] ResetEra sold to M.O.B.A. Network for USD$4.55 million

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WTF… Now i know that i am a racist… That place is a shitshow. I feel better now with the permaban.
Well, on ERA the terms racist, alt-right, bigot, sexist, misogynist, nazi etc are so over used that they've pretty much lost their meaning entirely.
Everyone who disagrees with the "progressive" mod clique's values is a garbage human and deserves to be banned.
Can I just say how much of a joy this thread has been? I signed up one year after all the drama from the site splitting off, and despite me making a few mistakes at this site (changing my name too many times, losing access to the report user feature, and a few other mistakes) I just wanted to say how awesome this place is and I love all yall! If resetera never did it what it did back in 2017, I prob would never have signed up here.

PS: I do wish I could change my name one more time though, lol.
EDIT: seems I do have the ability to request a name change. Nevermind. I am still locked out of the report user feature though, but it's fine. I don't need to use something like that when I can just be mature and ignore things I do not like. I don't want to be an easily triggered idiot any more.
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Well, on ERA the terms racist, alt-right, bigot, sexist, misogynist, nazi etc are so over used that they've pretty much lost their meaning entirely.
Everyone who disagrees with the "progressive" mod clique's values is a garbage human and deserves to be banned.
The people of Era are representative of the most spineless, placating, groveling, militantly patronizing creatures in the history of the planet. They thrive on debasing themselves and take pride in being able to out-self-flagellate each other. They are the quintessential, most demonstrative icon of self-destruction. They would cheer with glee at being decapitated as long as it was the right demographic sawing their heads off. They are the cancer of the white race; truly, abnormal and grotesque cells- the most disgusting of humanity, the waste of the Earth. They are more foul to me than a bowl of shit left unflushed for weeks. I am as ashamed of them as they probably are of themselves. It would be too generous to call them the appendix of a species, for they offer nothing but the plea of their own uselessness. I would say I pity them but humanity is a prerequisite and they don't qualify. They are in actuality the victims of mental disease, for which there is no cure. The world would be better without them
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Can I just say how much of a joy this thread has been? I signed up one year after all the drama from the site splitting off, and despite me making a few mistakes at this site (changing my name too many times, losing access to the report user feature, and a few other mistakes) I just wanted to say how awesome this place is and I love all yall! If resetera never did it what it did back in 2017, I prob would never have signed up here.

PS: I do wish I could change my name one more time though, lol.
EDIT: seems I do have the ability to request a name change. Nevermind. I am still locked out of the report user feature though, but it's fine. I don't need to use something like that when I can just be mature and ignore things I do not like. I don't want to be an easily triggered idiot any more.
You have the GOAT avatar so it's okay
Jade is the ultimate Hnnnggggggg


Gold Member
The people of Era are representative of the most spineless, placating, groveling, militantly patronizing creatures in the history of the planet. They thrive on debasing themselves and take pride in being able to out-self-flagellate each other. They are the quintessential, most demonstrative icon of self-destruction. They would cheer with glee at being decapitated as long as it was the right demographic sawing their heads off. They are the cancer of the white race; truly, abnormal and grotesque cells- the most disgusting of humanity, the waste of the Earth. They are more foul to me than a bowl of shit left unflushed for weeks. I am as ashamed of them as they probably are of themselves. They're the appendix of a species, offering nothing but the plea of their own uselessness. I would say I pity them but humanity is a prerequisite and they don't qualify.

That's bottom feeder mentalities. Anyone with some self worth or a decent job dont think like this.

To Reeeee, anyone with a good job and house, or business owner is some kind of greedy right wing oppressor, or they got an easy high paying job from a rich uncle who is CEO.

On the other hand, people who get through life with some accomplishments just see it as that - you got to do what you need to do to make some money, get through life and raise a family. It's not evil intentions trying to strive for the best you can do. It's just trying to do well reaping in rewards so you arent like a Reeee guy always scraping by. Having good friends, fam and living standard is just what happens based on putting some effort into normal shit in life like getting a career, living on your own and not dying your hair blue like an anime character.

But social media/forums have given them all a place to band together and pat each other on the back for calling out CEOs and evil white people so it makes them feel better. In reality, the better thing to do would be to skip the net and improve yourselves so someone can make it on their own. Bu since they love hanging out ripping anyone they hate, they waste their time there and it spreads to other parts of the net.

If this was before the net, they'd be miserable by themselves, silent and doing crossward puzzles all day.

K' Dash

I am upset at that nicely detailed post about the whole situation was locked instantly on off topic section. They mods definitely want this to blow over, yes there is a banner at the top but most people don't pay attention and close banners. Also even if they were to enter the announcement thread it's 88 pages they can just read the initial OP and last page and not really see everything. That post that was made on off topic detailed every single things with a nice summary with links and screenshots and got closed almost immediately. In fact in the announcement thread people were actually made aware of the situation thanks to the few minutes that off topic thread highlighted which highlights the banner and 88 pages of discussion isn't enough to know what the hell happened.

The mods are on some slick shit here trying to hide. I hope that thread that got locked keeps getting reposted in gaming and off topic. If anyone here in NeoGAF has an Era account can you please repost it this needs to be spammed as much as possible in gaming and off topic sections. Hell spam it in active threads in gaming and off topic as well

The poster now says he has been locked from making threads just wow
Yup, they'll keep doing that until this blows off, most users probably don't know what's happening and they must contain the conversation inside the current thread.

What a load of bullshit, I was banned by Nepenthe when I confronted them about manipulating the community for their own gain... Mods asking for money, I've seen it all.
Wait, so she admits that calling someone “alt-right adjacent” is bad faith?
If that person really is "alt right" then would it not be better to let them delete all their stuff like they did instead of reinstating it against their will? I don't understand how they can be so quick to get rid of someone via banning like they do, but in this case they don't want to purge themselves of what they hate per their self righteous bs.



If that person really is "alt right" then would it not be better to let them delete all their stuff like they did instead of reinstating it against their will? I don't understand how they can be so quick to get rid of someone via banning like they do, but in this case they don't want to purge themselves of what they hate per their self righteous bs.


in a resetera topic?


Reseterror Resettler
I have no idea what that is. Funny story (not really) is I didn't eat an actual kiwi till I was like 35. They are pretty incredible actually. We make kiwi "chips" in our ninja dehydrator and they are awesome.

It was a forum that was initially started off of the Chris Chan phenomena, and if you don't know about THAT, I'll refer to you to the tale of Oedipus. And Sonic.


Gold Member
This guy gets it. And well written too, so it'll be hard for mods to piss on his head or it'll look bad on them. Get into a pissing match and they'll shut you doww for disrespect or some other lame reason. But if you can nicely write it up, they cant. And due to the fact that entire thread is left open so people can vent (locking it would look bad), best way to make Reee look bad is write something well thought out.

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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
The twist is that they hate everyone, from all races, that aren’t like them and don’t subscribe to their hypocrisy.

They aren’t honest with themselves, so how can they be honest with the community? Morrigan was allowed to call other members ‘cunts’ and ‘manbabies’ because from her own mouth she stated she is a ‘woman’. Using that same logic(?), she feels justified to call white folks ‘crackers’ because she’s white … it’s just illogical and hypocrisy. Racism should be condemned regardless of whether it’s directed at Caucasian, Asian, Black etc, etc. We’re all suppose to be equal after all.

Then we see an admin asking for donations because her Lord and Saviour doesn’t respect or value her enough, to pay her … and no one sees an issue with that. They gleefully dance around, as the site burns down around them, and high-fiving each other for her ‘sass’.

They militantly and constantly cite white privilege as a pretence to ban all and sundry, but folks from all races often find themselves swept up in their egregious arbitrary rulings.

Have a look at all the sub-communities that have taken flight.

The mods and admins are grossly unprofessional and are actively antagonistic towards any member of the community not on their side; their MO is to steer discussions so that they’re aligned to their unrealistic and warped world view. They’ve are the very things they’ve espoused to detest, and they wonder and moan at why there’s unrest, and why parts of community revile them.They’ve lost their minds.

The sad thing is how some members over in Era, unconditionally support them despite all that has come to light. It shouldn’t take monochromatic freeloaders like us to see Era for the hypocritical joke that it is, but these guys will go down with the ship despite the mods having utter contempt for them. At least they’re getting some tags I guess.
It's just radlibs being radlibs with all it entails ie. Woke racism, performative allyship and so on and so


Gold Member
Can I just say how much of a joy this thread has been? I signed up one year after all the drama from the site splitting off, and despite me making a few mistakes at this site (changing my name too many times, losing access to the report user feature, and a few other mistakes) I just wanted to say how awesome this place is and I love all yall! If resetera never did it what it did back in 2017, I prob would never have signed up here.

PS: I do wish I could change my name one more time though, lol.
EDIT: seems I do have the ability to request a name change. Nevermind. I am still locked out of the report user feature though, but it's fine. I don't need to use something like that when I can just be mature and ignore things I do not like. I don't want to be an easily triggered idiot any more.
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