Did Cerium ever respond to his poor simps? Or has he stayed dark?
He didn't wake up yet.
Did Cerium ever respond to his poor simps? Or has he stayed dark?
With tags, lmfaoTrying to snuff out free speech and individuality, squash any uprisings.
4.5mln and not having to deal with hysteric man-children can have that effect on you.He didn't wake up yet.
Good morning fellow bastards and sons (and daughters) of bitches.
I expect a summary of the nights events on my desk by 9am EST.
Not only that, mod team has absolutely no saying in any of this. MOBA will demand things and they either accept or be removed from the mod team. A good example people posted is MMO Champion tread that had the mod team saying no ‘gender politics’ will be tolerated.Why are they still attempting going against their dictator mods? Have some dignity and just delete your account.
It’s first and foremost a identity politics forum, videogames come later.I feel so disconnected from that reality. Like... why that sick attachment to a fucking videogame forum.
In the mid to late 2000's there was a resurgence of passion for a movie called "Mac And Me", think of it as a low budget E.T. ripoff. The gif is one of the more particularly egregious scenes.I did not understand the reference to be honest, which is why I did not respond to it earlier because I did not want to assume anything negative.
Not only that, mod team has absolutely no saying in any of this. MOBA will demand things and they either accept or be removed from the mod team. A good example people posted is MMO Champion tread that had the mod team saying no ‘gender politics’ will be tolerated.
This is how it’s going to be on ERA - extremism and excluding people we disagree with is not a lever for growth. MOBA is literally being colourblind here, ResetERA users are apply CRT.
Not only that, mod team has absolutely no saying in any of this. MOBA will demand things and they either accept or be removed from the mod team. A good example people posted is MMO Champion tread that had the mod team saying no ‘gender politics’ will be tolerated.
This is how it’s going to be on ERA - extremism and excluding people we disagree with is not a lever for growth. MOBA is literally being colourblind here, ResetERA users are apply CRT.
Which makes Cerium con even more hilarious.No gender politics would remove 80% of the posts there.
If you want to fuck over the mods/admins, wait until the sale is finalized and ask for complete personal data removal. Any personal info you have listed (username, date of birth, city of residence, country etc.) must be scrubbed if you so ask. Including from any of your posts that got quoted by another user. Since it's unlikely scripts can catch all of them, they'll have to manually sift through your stuff to make sure it's all removed.
I don't want them to come back. Since they've left this place has become a lot better. There may not be as many people as there are over at Era but we have gained numbers, and the best part is that those numbers constitute (mostly) people who won't try to get you banned for having a political/philosophical difference of opinion.I hope more people move back here now. I moved to ERA simply because there was hardly anyone left here and the volume of information and posts was there. I've never cared much for being part of the 'community', it's always been mostly about keeping up to date with all the latest news for me.
In many ways it really is a miserable place though, all people want to do over there is bitch, moan and find people to cancel. And yeah you're constantly walking on egg shells over there so if you don't agree with the opinions of the majority you're better off keeping your mouth shut.
ERA was only ever a twisted, politically-fuelled version of GAF without the fun.
I have to ask now--- why would removing all your info screw over the mods?If you want to fuck over the mods/admins, wait until the sale is finalized and ask for complete personal data removal. Any personal info you have listed (username, date of birth, city of residence, country etc.) must be scrubbed if you so ask. Including from any of your posts that got quoted by another user. Since it's unlikely scripts can catch all of them, they'll have to manually sift through your stuff to make sure it's all removed.
Because they'll have to waste time manually checking that the stuff is clean.I have to ask now--- why would removing all your info screw over the mods?
well from what i see those people atleast believe they has influence in videogame industry. if i remembered correctly before they did 'try' to fire/ban/punish developers of certain studio lol. who the heck they think themself are? put aside the fact of wherever those devs is right or wrong, but they act like they has 'power' in the industry and everyone should care about them.I feel so disconnected from that reality. Like... why that sick attachment to a fucking videogame forum. They must think of themselves so high, that somehow they're driven to believe through RE they manage the destiny of the entire human fate -_-'
Devious to be sure.Because they'll have to waste time manually checking that the stuff is clean.
Yes, it's petty.
Cerium is still out partying:
It’s first and foremost a identity politics forum, videogames come later.
You just described Twitter too.It’s the self-righteousness that annoys me the most. Most of them just wake up each day and are determined to find something that offends them and then start a crusade against it.
don't forget redditYou just described Twitter too.
Cerium (3 months ago): "I still own Era..."Neogaf Language: "Partying all night with black jack and hookers" = Resetera Language: "He is taking time off to recover from his mental illness that he was suffering from for months now"
I had to mute them, complete attention seeker.Like that Kujii or whatever her name is. Anyone who doesn’t have exactly the same opinion as her is a bigot and should be silenced.
I wonder if they've gotten to the stage that they're rethinking how "influential" they actually were now that their forum has been bought out by exactly the kind of entities they (at least logically should, if they had any consistency and weren't shilling for corporate clout against their stated ideology every chance they could get) despise. It's clear now they were just another tool, another pawn in someone else's plans.well from what i see those people atleast believe they has influence in videogame industry. if i remembered correctly before they did 'try' to fire/ban/punish developers of certain studio lol. who the heck they think themself are? put aside the fact of wherever those devs is right or wrong, but they act like they has 'power' in the industry and everyone should care about them.
I don't want them to come back. Since they've left this place has become a lot better. There may not be as many people as there are over at Era but we have gained numbers, and the best part is that those numbers constitute (mostly) people who won't try to get you banned for having a political/philosophical difference of opinion.
it is funny now that all these time this people probably think they has holy grand political agenda scheme in motion but turn out, infact they all just merely part of money making cogs of someone else. all the enthuasist free of charge labor they pour just end up made someone's pocket deeper and larger instead.I wonder if they've gotten to the stage that they're rethinking how "influential" they actually were now that their forum has been bought out by exactly the kind of entities they (at least logically should, if they had any consistency and weren't shilling for corporate clout against their stated ideology every chance they could get) despise. It's clear now they were just another tool, another pawn in someone else's plans.
They did a quick Google of him and assumed he was some massive homophobe
You know who was actually a homophobe? Cerium who just sold them out.
There's court documents to prove it and the censored this information from the users.
To be honest I don’t want them here either. But we can’t just deny them right?I don't want them to come back. Since they've left this place has become a lot better. There may not be as many people as there are over at Era but we have gained numbers, and the best part is that those numbers constitute (mostly) people who won't try to get you banned for having a political/philosophical difference of opinion.
Every time it would be posted they’d ban the poster and delete the information. If anyone asks about it they’d lie and claim it was false innuendo and that Cerium was always a loyal ally.There wasn't a single thread posted about this, or even messages in other threads? I'd still like to see the contents of locked threads in Era that discussed this
No it's worse....its taking the experience of hatred, discrimination and bigotry and adopting it as your own towards people who are different to you.The final straw for me on Era was the topic of that British MP that was stabbed to death on Friday. Some of them were gleefully cheering on the fact that someone they had never met had just been brutally murdered, just because he was a conservative. And of course the mods did nothing. Plus you can’t sensibly debate with these people as you will be immediately labelled and then banned.
They did a quick Google of him and assumed he was some massive homophobe but by all account he was actually one of the nicest people you could meet who did so much for people, for animal welfare and was even helping refugees obtain citizenship. He had served his community for 40 years and probably accomplished and did more for humanity in one day than these guys will achieve in their entire worthless lives.
So yeah just a nasty bunch of self-righteous morons.
I lack the imagination to conceive of how it got get any worse than it already is.I watched the 1954 Animal Farm children's film adaptation from the George Orwell book this morning with the kids.
Whilst watching it with them, it struck me how similar that tale was to the whole situation with Neogaf and Resetera over the past few years.
I suppose the users seeking a 'better tomorrow' over there can just stick their heads in the sand and crack on as usual under their new stewardship. I'm sure things won't be that bad under the new owners? Right? Right?!
See, I'm sure he's actually having mental troubles and the words were chosen carefully.Neogaf Language: "Partying all night with black jack and hookers" = Resetera Language: "He is taking time off to recover from his mental illness that he was suffering from for months now"