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So I finally played Control


I think Control is insane. I think it is more than a game. I think it's an amazing game.

.. That's why i can't progress beyond the first objective, it's intimidatingly deep and awesome, i dunno i feel like i can't give it the attention it requires.. arr
lmao theres not that much to it


Should give it another try. I also didn't get very far. Just kinda forgot about it quickly. It does look very good.


to be honest i'm probably doing it with a few other games too - death stranding, RDR2, shadow of the colossus, age of empires 4 to an extent... haven't even installed TLOU2 despite owning the disc lol
Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden


Wow, shame so many of you didn't like the game. I thought it was fantastic, myself.

I agree with the map being confusing, though; I got lost a few times and had to refer to walkthrough videos to see where I was meant to go.

Otherwise, I really enjoyed.

And I finally beat that fucking Anchor in post game. Man, I hated that thing. To be fair, it was falling to my death due to be knocked out of the air that did me in most often.


I'm with you OP.

I really tried to get into it but it just didn't grab me. I tried some more because of the high praise it got initially by some. She controls janky and the map is one of the worst maps ever in a video game.

Extremely overrated imo.
Didn't think she controlled too bad but both your offensive powers and movement powers being tied to the same meter and not even having the dash ability for the first couple hours kills it

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I respect the opinion of those who didn’t enjoy the game, but I really liked it.

I found the combat and the powers super fun and smooth and seamless. Then I also liked a lot the setting. Heck I bought the art book even.

Maybe the reason why I liked it so much is because both my parents were civil servants and these huge buildings filled with outdated technology, paper and way to quirky personnel are part of my childhood landscape.
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I wanted to play it from the moment I saw the gameplay and the story seemed interesting but I'm now 4 hours in and I can't really seem to get into it. Shootings alright,story isn't really gripping. I hate when games lock your movement abilities away at the start. and having all your powers on some cooldown doesn't feel right.I've heard the flying ability really changes things up but I'm not sure I even want to keep playing.
Yeah, bounced off it too. Didn't like the MC, didn't care for the bland, sterile environments, thought the combat was okay, but not enough to compensate for everything else. I really struggle to see Remedy's appeal at this point.


I loved everything about it personally, solid 8-9/10 game for me. The setting had me interested, loved the idea of a building transforming around you (Though that didnt quite pan out how i imagined it would but still, it was a cool idea). Powers were great and fun to use, especially once you could levitate. The smaller stories hidden about the place involving the objects of power were brilliant.
Genuinely excited for what Remedy come up with next tbh.


Great game, loved it to bits. Got the platinum on my PS4 (can you imagine, the framerate drops were horrible) and I’ll probably platinum the Ultimate Edition as well on PS5, or at least finish all DLCs.

I give it 8.5/10.

Could easily have been a 9/10 if they didn’t fuck up the map. A top down 2D map, WTH were they thinking?



⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛️ it’s ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛️ alright


Opposite for me. Platinumed both the PS5 and PS4 version. Just like everything else tho, depends on the person.


Just got to black rock quarry.
Am I starting to like this?
I still hate the map.
It is, indeed, obtuse
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Gold Member
Just curious, you playing on PC or console? I haven't tried it on console, but precise aiming on M&KB would make this game 10x better IMO far as the shooting goes. I was into the story, had a Max Payne feel to it, cuz you know...Remedy. I also played through the 1st DLC...I think there's another one.

Game was excellent to me.
Just got to black rock quarry.
Am I starting to like this?
I still hate the map.
It is, indeed, obtuse
The map is a necessary evil, no doubt. Game is good as you layer more abilities together, don't be afraid to change tactics if you get stuck somewhere or on some enemies.


Just curious, you playing on PC or console? I haven't tried it on console, but precise aiming on M&KB would make this game 10x better IMO far as the shooting goes. I was into the story, had a Max Payne feel to it, cuz you know...Remedy. I also played through the 1st DLC...I think there's another one.

Game was excellent to me.
I’m playing on Series X, performance mode.


I thought it was boring as hell.

Dull environments, tedious gameplay and bollocks storytelling.

Turned it off after a couple of hours.


This game is complete trash, but if you felt like you wasted your money, you can still get trophies with the cheats enabled in a single run. It's a relatively easy platinum.


Gold Member
It plays best on the PC. Mouse aiming helps allot.
The game has some thought provoking stuff.
I actually own way too many copies of the game.
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Gold Member
I’m playing on Series X, performance mode.
Gotcha. I mean yea the story is kind of an acquired taste I guess. It's super abstract, almost paranormal and if the mystery of the oldest house and the objects of power doesn't grasp you then I fear you won't really get into it from there. I remember the story immediately grabbing me. I guess I just like that kinda stuff.


I've literally forced myself through this game, the story is dull. I'm not a fan of the bullet sponge enemies or the OHK enemies when you go up against a few waves.

Just trying to find the energy to finish it ha ha. The collectibles are ridiculous as well.


I think it’s pretty exceptional but certainly not for everybody. Deliberately obtuse, it starts out weirdly because the controls, whilst not particularly different, are definitely a bit odd and the game looks boring. By the end though I realised that that the developers have probably made the most accurate representation of a mouse style pointer system for consoles, and everything made sense — The story just gets weirder and funnier as it goes along and the graphics better and better.

It reminded me of Evil Within a great deal, which may be one of the reasons it clicked as I love that game. I shouldn’t make excuses though, as it’s it‘s a title that tries very hard to be different within the constraints of the genre. And good god the graphics are good, I don‘t think I’ve ever seen a game quite like this. It really, really, grew on me and I would urge anyone who‘s into hard sci-fi to give it a go. It’s got a very odd unique atmosphere and some great ideas.

oh and for people who get excited about the rope tech in LOU2, it’s in abundance here, along with a whole bunch of other physics based tech that is beyond most games, if not ALL games at this point.


The game was mediocre all the way through IMO. Easily Remedy's worst game. Glad I waited for gamepass. Hopefully Alan Wake 2 is a better experience.
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Recently replayed it and still love it. Of course it comes down to taste but the story and setting are exactly what i love. I would suggest you keep playing and once the game opens up it's incredibly fun. Even the backtracking for side quests is cool as hell with the new abilities.

The only gripe i have is the absolutely terrible map and navigation. Sometimes i just had no idea where i was supposed to go.

Also the DLC's are crazy good. One especially has a more creepy horror feel to it and revolves around another known character from remedy ;)


I managed to finish QB.
I don’t know if I can do this one.
Probably like 5 or 6 hours in.
Hate that there’s no reload button, don’t like the upgrade system, not enough powers, not enough energy to continue using said powers….
I played this game on PSNow a while ago and I did enjoy it at first, thought the idea was cool, but, it so very quickly ended up disappointing me, I was bored outta my mind.


Loved it, one of my favorite games from last gen. But I would consider myself a Remedy Fanboy so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I loved all the lore in the game, and the main character amazing.

I loved how the combat just kept getting more and more crazy as you unlocked more abilities. The difficulty curve was perfection.

I think it would be second after Alan Wake for Remedy games.


I managed to finish QB.
I don’t know if I can do this one.
Probably like 5 or 6 hours in.
Hate that there’s no reload button, don’t like the upgrade system, not enough powers, not enough energy to continue using said powers….

Do what I did, use the assist mode in the start menu, you can basically increase ammo recovery, energy recovery etc. I didn't even know this existed until I'd done most of the game, but I just wanted to finish it at that point.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
...but Control is the best game of the last gen. Like literally nothing comes close. When you acquire powers and shit starts to fly around you, nothing comes close to this gaming experience.

I like to warry (is this a fucking works, like from warry > warrior, etc) about Control, I am not payed. But I want more games like this. You know games that actually pun emphasis on the gameplay, physics and blowing shit up.
I didn't even use all the powers, I literally never used that shield thing.


The powers are cool but most of the environments are pretty drab, and some of the enemies are quite annoying to deal with (even when you know how to beat them).
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Do what I did, use the assist mode in the start menu, you can basically increase ammo recovery, energy recovery etc. I didn't even know this existed until I'd done most of the game, but I just wanted to finish it at that point.
Damn, thanks for the tip. I’ll definitely try that out.


Can’t Git Gud
...but Control is the best game of the last gen. Like literally nothing comes close. When you acquire powers and shit starts to fly around you, nothing comes close to this gaming experience.

I like to warry (is this a fucking works, like from warry > warrior, etc) about Control, I am not payed. But I want more games like this. You know games that actually pun emphasis on the gameplay, physics and blowing shit up.
Most boring
Most spongy
Most unfinished story that goes nowhere
Most square jawline
Most demanding for GPU despite being all locked inside

You are correct. The game is the best in it's fields :p
The way of telling the story got boring af very quickly. Beginning was good, mysterious, interesting and then we are encountering this bureau employee. WTF was that? So much filler in the dialogue.
I absolutely loved Control, such a unique and memorable experience. One of those rare games I went out and got all the achievements for.

It takes a while to understand the layout of the bureau (in the early hours I got lost a lot), and some of the cooler powers take a bit to get to, but once shit got crazy I was hooked all the way to the end. Really enjoyed all the bits of information spread around the game via collectibles and figuring out what is going on and why. Got me really invested in the story.

A certain labyrinth section of the game is one of my favorite levels / moments of last gen and the DLC / tie in with Alan Wake was amazing to me (as a huge AW fan).

Way better than Quantum Break in my opinion, and way more bang for your buck. Although I still enjoyed and completed that game as well.
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