making a little progress again but i'm struggling and getting frustrated. have gone down to casual difficulty lol. yesterday i beat Shohei and today i went from the area you fight him up until i got the talisman to go through the flame wall.
edit: today i got through the flame wall and fought surt. got through all of the area and beat ishtar. just spammed dark and force attacks on her. now i'm at the castle. i think i got all the miman in this area. i might go do some side quests before starting the castle area.
edit 2: done a few side quests. went back to do earlier ones. fought the big ice cream cone dude and got a fish. killed the guy sitting on a toilet at the top of a hill. killed the zappy bird in the container area. started the castle. got to the second leyline but i keep dying.
edit 3: this thread is dead

anyway, another update...not that anyone reads it. got through the demon king castle! Arioch boss was destroying me but i'm using a guide pretty much all the time now (cause i really need the help lol). first attempt i was hardly doing any damage to the little star dudes. i had to go fuse some new demons. can't remember all their names. i still had demons at lvl ~38 (my main dude is lvl 51) and my party was getting 1 hit KO'd.
fought Abdiel. first attempt didn't go well. she killed me in 2 attacks. it was her physical attack. i gave my guy Retaliate skill and one of my demons Tetrakarn to cast to give phys resistance. that made the fight much easier! now i'm at the new area but haven't explored it yet.
edit 4: i've gave up on the game. this new area is brutal. i managed to destroy 2 abcesses but i can't get anywhere near the others because the standard field demons are fucking wrecking me. i think i must've died about 10 times today. tried doing some side quests but i'm too weak for some of them and some of them don't even give any rewards that are going to help me. tried recruiting demons but getting nowhere. i have no money to offer them either. i would've had money from vendor items but i lost them cause i keep dying. i tried going back to the castle area to fight demons and try level up but it's not happening. i've tried looking for help online but i feel like i'm being forced to play a certain way. you need
these demons and need
this skill!
i really enjoyed the combat and exploration but this has been a huge difficulty spike and i'm too frustrated with the game now. i'm sad that i'm not enjoying it anymore because up until now it has been fun even if it has been challenging. i did go down to casual difficulty but apparently i really suck even for that mode. so i'm done and moving onto something else. i don't have the energy for the game anymore. maybe in the future i'll come back to it. if i do i'll need a new save lol cause i went and deleted mine there. i promise this is the last edit and there won't be an "edit 5". see ya