Captain Toad
Still at that I see.I get it, you're still hurt from the 9 TF RDNA
Still at that I see.I get it, you're still hurt from the 9 TF RDNA
This is sadThe best performing Souls game is the one remade by Bluepoint. From Software does a poor job of optimizing games to run fluid on hardware, this is evident on both the PS5 and Series X version.
In that case, you would play the PS4 pro versionI like silky smooth gameplay, sue me![]()
Best way to play according to DF. Need to get me a VRR set.
I take it sarcasm is not your strong point. Listen to some here and the likes of MCG you can't play Xbox games offline, but never mind .They set it to offline so SmartDelivery doesn't kick in.
What's Guardians of the Galaxy got to do with Elden Ring?![]()
However, while that silky-smooth 60fps feeling may be off the table, if you have access to a 4K screen supporting variable refresh rate (VRR), we contend that Series X offers the best console version of the game: the many dips below 60fps are mostly smoothed out by the game-changing display technology.
Brand slaves. People are willing to make themselves look like dumbasses over it. They'll all change their tune when the VRR patch hits the PS5.Can’t believe being against VRR is even a console warrior defense point in 2022. I thought it was made abundantly clear since Gsync in (checks note), freaking 2014 that it’s the best solution for gaming with reduced tearing. 8 years we know it’s the best display tech to have.
Gotta love how a developers ineptitude is being passed off some sort of weakness of a console lol.
The first couple of pages are unbelievable..![]()
Hey now, I love the look of it man!
Game already doesn't look very sharp at like 1600p native. 1800p CB should look way blurrier. I prefer XSX with VRR. Loading times are fine and really only relevant when you repeatedly die to a boss, where they're generally sub 10 seconds.Even if you DO have VRR, you have to deal with over three times as long loading on Series X.
The best way to play is the PS4 version on PS5. Period.Bernd Lauert won't admit it, but he knows this.
We don’t call it VRR on the PC. It’s true form is GSYNC ultimate.PC on a VRR monitor.
DF tried running One X version on Series X to see if they can hit 60 fps like the PS4 version running on PS5 does. The answer... well, no, the game runs like on Series X in Quality Mode, "almost worse actually", according con Alex. Tom says ir runs 2 to 3 ffps slower indeed.
It does not. the CBR used here is very good. In the DF article about Sekiro they praised it and said it looked very similar to X1X native 1800p.Game already doesn't look very sharp at like 1600p native. 1800p CB should look way blurrier. I prefer XSX with VRR. Loading times are fine and really only relevant when you repeatedly die to a boss, where they're generally sub 10 seconds.
It turns a constantly stuttering GOTG into a buttery smooth experience. Of course people are gonna hype it.
No need to wonder. The tech has been only available on PC for the longest time. Then it slowly came to consoles with Xbox One, but back then basically nobody had a VRR TV. Now VRR TVs are getting more popular, and we have constant comparison threads between PS5 and XSX here. Of course VRR is gonna get brought up, especially in games which run like unoptimized turds.My man, the tech has been around for a decade. I've been here that whole time and the only time it's been talked about this much has been the last 12 months. I wonder why.
So? You’re going to stop talking about VRR once that is rolled out on PS5 and you know it. Everyone knows it. Look at your profile pic ffs.You know tons of devices use variable refresh rate screens including watches, smartphones, laptops and of course computer monitors? And that those devices use it because it’s simply superior and more versatile than fixed refresh rates?
Lol wut?I know my personal preference is the series x and vrr….I have the ps5 version also and I can’t stand the stuttering which seems to get brushed under the rug
No need to wonder. The tech has been only available on PC for the longest time. Then it slowly came to consoles with Xbox One, but back then basically nobody had a VRR TV. Now VRR TVs are getting more popular, and we have constant comparison threads between PS5 and XSX here. Of course VRR is gonna get brought up, especially in games which run like unoptimized turds.
It does not. the CBR used here is very good. In the DF article about Sekiro they praised it and said it looked very similar to X1X native 1800p.
Is this a serious question?I still don't know whether I should buy Elden Ring or not![]()
Very much so, I am not a Soulsborne veteran and suck at almost everyone of them, however I still love the games and their lore.Is this a serious question?
They are becoming more available, not necessarily more popular. In general 4k adoption still isn't as high as most people would think.
One would think that you guys would have been gaming on PC for the last decade since VRR is so important (along with performance in general) but alas...
It's one of the reasons I'm thinking of picking up Sekiro instead of RDR2. I heard that RDR2 CBR is pretty bad compared to what they used in Sekiro. Don't know if I'm willing to sacrifice IQ that much but there's always the PC/X1X version that I can get.
Anyways with Elden Ring i can pick up the PS4 version and just play it until they fix the PS5 one which is included with the PS4 copy if I'm not mistaken.
Edit: I don't have a VRR screen btw.
The PS4 version running on PS5 is the only version of this that isn't a mess. Shame, because it's my new GOAT.
The VRR wars heating up. Now everyone who talks about it is a shill too lol or should have been playing on PC because it has been there for a decade. Clowns
This is a straw-man argument, VRR enhancing the perceivable experience on console(s) is not the same as everyone should have bought gaming PCs instead.
Not everyone wants to get into PC gaming for whatever reason.
VRR is only a hot button topic here cause one of the two major next-gen console brands doesn't have support for it, which leads to the fanbase of that console lambasting it and other ones champion it.
Once it's available everywhere, at least this argument should finish.
Jason Oestreicher, who is a giant bomb video producer, talks about how moving from the PC version to Xbox on a TV with VRR improved his game play experience so much.
And this is a prime example. Because the drops on PC are so severe, even VRR is not helpful. In an ideal world where the PC version doesn't have the severe stutters and hangs then this doesn't happen.
So in summary, VRR is not new. Those of us who have used it before the advent of HDMI 2.1 understand it's benefits and what it's capable of.
Good, and now that it's becoming more common in consoles, it's also becoming more accessible to a wider/broader gaming market. Ain't nothing wrong with that if it wasn't the first.
You completely ignored what I wrote to other team regarding vrr. Also, you are arguing with console players that obviously don’t game on pc. What the fuck JoeIf it's so important then yeh, you've all had a decade to get your shit together and use it on PC. I don't see why it's controversial to state that, maybe I struck a nerve considering how your mates are suddenly obsessing over it. But yes, "clowns" indeed.
Here are the facts:
Beyond this, considering console only gamers are only just discovering and understanding this tech, not everyone has a VRR capable display. Even if someone is buying a new 4k TV today, not every 4k TV has it. If you have a TV that wasn't purchased in the last 12-18 months you most likely don't have it. So unless you're going to tell me every new console comes with a VRR TV then it's not something that can be universally considered (unlike raw performance, which can be universally considered).
- PC gamers have been using it and enjoying it for a decade.
- However despite that VRR's existence has not prevented PC gamers from seeking better performance with each new generation of CPU's and GPU's.
- Nor has it stopped or prevented the pursuit of honest and factual benchmarking. Show me a review (from a reputable outlet) for a GPU or CPU where less or poor performance is brushed off with "but VRR".
- VRR exists to help smoothen the experience when there are minor and infrequent drops in framerate - it does not exist to smoothen out sharp drops or wildly inconsistent framerates.
- Hence PC gamers still seek out optimisation where possible - hence games with good graphics options that actually scale are widely praised - this allows people to get stability at a particular target framerate. You will not see people just haphazardly cranking up resolution and settings and then hoping VRR will work miracles.
So in summary, VRR is not new. Those of us who have used it before the advent of HDMI 2.1 understand it's benefits and what it's capable of.
And this is a prime example. Because the drops on PC are so severe, even VRR is not helpful. In an ideal world where the PC version doesn't have the severe stutters and hangs then this doesn't happen. Or are you going to tell me that even if the PC version didn't have the ridiculous issues that it has then the Series X version is still a better overall experience?
You completely ignored what I wrote to other team regarding vrr. Also, you are arguing with console players that obviously don’t game on pc. What the fuck Joe
This thread is a joke. 90% of people are here to console war rather than talk about what the actual findings were in the video.
This is down to the way the engine scales, it’s working to increase the visuals rather than maximise the frame rate in this scenario, which is really strange. Remembering that the PS4 Pro version is running at around 1800cb rather than native 4K of the One X version. This is likely some of the reason that the FPS is in the 30s on Series X.
This is nothing to do with raw power provided by the console itself, I’m not sure where anyone is pulling that information from.
You completely ignored what I wrote to other team regarding vrr. Also, you are arguing with console players that obviously don’t game on pc. What the fuck Joe
Yep, From being needlessly weird again with their choices. Every other game targets frame rates, but they target... god knows whatIt's quite bizarre that the engine goes well beyond the X1X version and starts pushing 4k with higher settings. Makes you think the Xbox version is just one set of code and scales to the GPU load constantly, they didn't actually optimise it at all.
I can't think of any other X1X game that does this on Series X without being patched or having FPS boost compatibility.
They are insanely talented at making games but maybe Sony could send over their ICE team and MS could send over whatever their equivariant is.This is sad![]()
We've had plenty of threads on GSYNC in particular - heralded as a "god-tier" upgrade. VRR is a massive upgrade, and I recommend everyone getting on that bandwagon if they haven't already.My man, the tech has been around for a decade. I've been here that whole time and the only time it's been talked about this much has been the last 12 months. I wonder why.
Yep. This is the way to do. Once PS5 has VRR, PS5 will be the definitive version. But I'd say PS4 locked 60fps is still better than XSX ~40fps + VRRIt's one of the reasons I'm thinking of picking up Sekiro instead of RDR2. I heard that RDR2 CBR is pretty bad compared to what they used in Sekiro. Don't know if I'm willing to sacrifice IQ that much but there's always the PC/X1X version that I can get.
Anyways with Elden Ring i can pick up the PS4 version and just play it until they fix the PS5 one which is included with the PS4 copy if I'm not mistaken.
Edit: I don't have a VRR screen btw.