dont you dare sayWith the acquisition of CoD, Sony is in trouble long term.
I think Sony will be just fine this generation. They can't make enough PS5's to satisfy demand right now, so they're literally raising the price in a few countries.
It's next generation where I think Sony will face its problems. Microsoft will have had their new publishers running for a few years, and they won't be starting on the backfoot like they were this generation.
Totally underrated post. Since MS isn't much of a threat and are clearly in last place, Sony has nothing to worry about right? Sony is very healthy and they shouldn't need any concessions from MS when MS tries to purchase a gaming company. We need to get the narrative straight: either MS is completely inept and a joke or they are a monopoly looking to ruin the gaming industry. Can't see how you can argue both at the same time.See you in the next: "Microsoft buying Activision is anti-trust" thread.
Not that it's all about winning the sales numbers war, but if it were, Sony is trouble. They went against the weakest effort ever from Microsoft last generation and Xbox still had some success.
This generation is easily the most hungry version of Xbox I've seen and it's not close.
Gamepass, BC, and emulation might not be huge by themselves, but together they make a strong argument against ps5, and $300 console option to boot. How much longer until that console is $199? Late 2024? That will be an incredibly difficult problem for Sony to solve.
And when the heavy hitter xbox exclusives start rolling in next year, it's over imo. Starting with Starfield. I don't think Xbox has ever had this level of exclusives in the pipeline that people want to play again. Halo even last gen wasn't what it was, Gears and Forza aren't really console sellers.
So, Sony boxed against a featherweight last gen as a middleweight. Now it's a heavyweight match. Worse, it feels like there's no urgency and we're seeing a passive version of Sony. VR and the lack of fresh content are much of my reasoning here(I'm talking about console seller fresh content)
And as much as I love VR, it feels like an experiment rooted in the leisure of success. It shows a certain level of comfort to toss their hat back into VR.
Success is not guaranteed this time. Xbox made it super easy last gen and the opposite is true this gen. Not to say ps5 won't have incredible games and good sales numbers, but that's not my point.
Not that it's all about winning the sales numbers war, but if it were, Sony is trouble.
Not to say ps5 won't have incredible games and good sales numbers, but that's not my point.
i think a lot of you guys take this stuff personally.![]()
"Xbox will on top by the end of the generation - it's already obvious to see the ripples."
I'm getting "wait for E3" vibes from this.
Look at it this way. Sony is a traditional big man in the modern NBA. What they do worked/works, but they have to make an effort to adapt to the modern way gaming is consume hence why half of their studios are working on GAAS...but the major tech giants have been working to change the rules and style of play to fit them. Lots of money up front, little profit for massive gain on the back end. So they are trying to push Sony into a battle they can't win and Sony is doing everything to keep the industry as traditional as possible. They're in a wired space because they are still in first place, but first place playing the traditional game in a space where the rules are obviously changing.
Look at it this way. Sony is a traditional big man in the modern NBA. What they do worked/works, but they have to make an effort to adapt to the modern way gaming is consume hence why half of their studios are working on GAAS...but the major tech giants have been working to change the rules and style of play to fit them. Lots of money up front, little profit for massive gain on the back end. So they are trying to push Sony into a battle they can't win and Sony is doing everything to keep the industry as traditional as possible. They're in a wired space because they are still in first place, but first place playing the traditional game in a space where the rules are obviously changing.
Is this a troll/bait thread? Your opening and closing remarks are diametrically opposed to each other.
Not sure what you're saying. Losing the war doesn't mean you can't have great numbers. You can have great sales, great games and still lose when it comes to the tally of unit sales at the end of the generation.
You don't have to be the most successful to be successful. Sea of Thieves, Multiverses, Destiny that are successful but aren't the biggest. You need one fortnite or 2-3 dont need 10 fortnites for it to be a success as a company. Throw a ton at the wall see which sticks.Yeah, but there’s only a handful of GAAS games successful as GTAO, Apex & Fortnite constantly thriving lol. Plenty of devs are striving for this, but even MS has had troubles designing games for this model (Halo Infinite).
“Continued” success of GAAS games is perplexing devs the most. Keeping the core base engaged and player counts stable season-to-season is obviously difficult when a new fad arrives at the same rate too.
Microsoft didn't "lose the war" last generation while putting up great numbers. They "lost the war" (and I'm using quotation marks because I hate that phrase when it comes to consoles) because they got absolutely stomped. If Sony and Microsoft had been neck-and-neck but Sony eeked out a million more consoles sold and marginally better profit then both companies would have "won".
More to the point, the rest of my post actually addressed the specifics of your original post.
The op was addressing this specifically as IF sales numbers were the metric we were going by. Not saying thats my opinion on success, yours, or anyone else's
And again, I addressed the specific points that you made which were the basis for your claim that Sony would "lose the war" to Microsoft this generation. Go back and read my post.
Xbox360 had a whole year head start and still lost in the endLol 360 was definitely dominating PS3 for a good amount of time.
For those who forget, at the start of that generation, 360 EXCLUSIVES included Bioshock, Gears of War, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, etc. These were the biggest, most exciting titles of that time. Playstation had Uncharted 1. It was ugly for a second there. Of course, I got it for MGS4 but that came a tad later and just wasn't enough to compete.
Then PS3 came roaring back and dominated with PS4.
Don't take it personally and you'll see the light. That's the key.
Xbox360 had a whole year head start and still lost in the end
2020Q3-2023Q1 output for MS is not/has not been spectacular. Maybe once next the generation of consoles hit, some of these studios will start to materialize some steady content.
I know.Xbox360 had a whole year head start and still lost in the end
The best thing that XBOX has going for them is the Series S and parents buying it for their kids as a gamepass machine.
But Switch probably dominates that demographic by a large margin so who knows what it'll do to carve away at Sony's lead on XBOX.
Honestly though, it doesn't matter to me. I buy Sony consoles cause I like the controller layout and the thought of playing Resident Evil on an XBOX just makes me feel gross, lol, sorry. Ratchet & Clank is the only 1st party series I care about. I'd love to have a Series X but I just have no need for it. I'm sure people who own a Series X feel the same about PS5. Different strokes for different folks.
Sony got games on PC that's a good strategy for the long term. I think sony needs a good racing game to compete against forza horizon series. One shooter as well against halo. Apart from that, they should do ps2 ps3 full backward compatibility.
360 beat ps3, the damage was already done by then.Xbox360 had a whole year head start and still lost in the end
Loooool ..... OK this Guy Gets the trophy.. we are done hereSony should acquire 343i from Microsoft so that studio can start work on their second Halo killer.
360 beat ps3, the damage was already done by then.
I don't think ps5 and Xbox are that far apart right now. 360 had a massive lead for a while before ps3 came roaring back. But again, MS just didn't have the exclusive studios back then. It became Forza, Gears, rinse repeat show and they relied on multiplatforms and took their foot off the gas. That seems impossible now with all their studios. On top of that, they didn't have a console option that can always win the price war. No way in hell ps5 ever gets close to XSS in price. That advantage will last the entire generation.
People like you will be why Sony continues to do anti-consumer crap and it will be their demise.To you it might be the must hungry version of xbox, but to me, they will never be as good as during the OG and the 360.
Nothing about present xbox appeals to people like me.
Gamepass? no interested in rental services with limited time to play a game before they change the catalogue.
BC? If i could just put the disk and play the game and not have to download a new version that is actually compatible , then that would appeal to me.
A console being able to emulate others is not a deciding factor in my opinion. It should be a bonus, but for the most part, the new games should be the most important, and that's where MS fails a lot for me.
The consoles having online DRM by needing internet to set them up.
Then there's the mess with Smart Delivery. Sure, save money by only releasing one physical edition for all consoles, wich also makes it so nowadays xbox games come incomplete on the disk, either having small data for the one consoles and other small bit for the series consoles, or having only the one version and having to download the entire series version.
During the xbox one, their 1st party output was miserable, not in quantitiy, but in quality, only having Forza to really save it, and so far, the same still applies to the series X/S.
You mention the heavy hitters coming next year, but considering how they have handled their studios for a long while, why should i get hyped before those games get released? At least with Sony and Nintendo, i can expect a certain level of quality from their studios and it's not often that i get disappointed with them.
You say Sony is being passive, and honestly, why shouldnt they be? Where's the real threat? PS5 has sold a lot more than both series X/S. And no, im not being a Sony fanboy, if Xbox didnt have the issues i mentioned, i would have bought one, i wish they went back to how they were, but alas, it doesnt seem it will happen. To me, the xbox brand died, and to get me back again, they would have to change a lot.