That is the definition of monopolistic behaviour, buy so much presence in a given market by taking the air out of the competition. These tactics besome unfair when they reach high proportions and they can be actions like:Is literally someone saying "MS has too much money and shouldn't be able to buy studios." What is monopolistic about that? You might as well say, as a rule, that companies can not buy other smaller companies to increase their competitiveness.
- giving your products away or selling them way lower than one could reasonably hope to make money at a given price until the competition is out (then raise the prices because you are the sole provider)
- bundling less important products with big ones to help them gain market dominance
- buying the big players in a market so you can move the established players out
Again, there is a question of scale in each case, buying Ninja Theory is not like Buying Activision or Bethesda in therms of what it does to the gaming market.