Gold Member

It's that time of the year again gaf. When the eyes of the internet descend on the forum to see what the finest people rate the game of the year. There are some significant changes this year, but ultimately you vote on game categories. We ain't games journalists so I'm sure we can figure this out!
Changes/How to vote
Please review this thread detailing the new voting process
Deadline: Voting closes January 15th
Voting Link:
Can I post my list/choices in the thread?
Certainly. It is encouraged! You can just copy/paste now from your completed list unlike the last few years!
My game isn't listed
Just tag me or Topher and we'll update the list and ping you back when done!
Last years results

Neogaf GOTY Awards 2021 |OT| RESULTS
Welcome to the Results thread for GOTY 2021 at NeoGAF! Continuing from last year we condensed the categories into specific votes to get a more accurate picture and just simply awarded gold, silver bronze, we also tagged the most anticipated title on here as well. Given the way cross platform is...