Event summary provided by
And all because she posted a tweet that she was looking forward to Harry Potter. That was enough for the morons on Ree to investigate her Twitter past, find some 6 year old tweets that they deem problematic and the fact she follows some alt right folks apparantly.
Now she's being labeled a transphobe without any hesitation. First they all act like unions and workers rights are the most important thing in gaming, now their trying to get her fired because she works in an at will work state.
Its only a matter of time before Kotaku or some other cuck will write a hitpiece and LGR fires her.

Ugh, didn't know about this topic. That title...
It gets quite hard to follow the line. GAF needs to implement threadmarks.
- There's a woman called Kara Lynne that works at Limited Run Games as Community Manager.
- There's a Twitter account by the nick "Purple Tinker (hates Elon)".
- Kara Lynne tweets about how she's excited for the next game Hogwarts Legacy.
- Purple Tinker identifies as a trans woman (a woman that was a man).
- She (he, or whatever, see next bullet points) gets upset by this fact due to Rowling's "transphobia" controversy.
- Purple Tinker starts digging hard into Kara Lynne's Twitter feed, as far as going into 7 years old tweets.
- Purple Tinker finds tweets where Kara Lynne express her discomfort on predatory men using trans rights (like being able to go into women's bathroom posing as trans women) in order to harass women.
- Purple Tinker also finds she follows a couple of "alt-right" associated accounts.
- Purple Tinker calls her out on this and points towards her job position as CM of Limited Run Games.
- Purple Tinker tweets about it and asks Limited Run Games to fire her.
- Doesn't get too much attention until this is picked up by Resetera users.
- A Resetera thread gets created on the topic and start a witch hunt.
- Limited Run Games terminates Kara Lynne as their Community Manager and finally fires her.
- Kara Lynne's husband gets upset by it and calls the company out.
- Resetera users are not satisfied. Now they start another witch hunt asking to fire him (they start digging on him and find that he has worked on some key art for a game published by Limited Run Games but don't know if he actually works at LRG).
- At this point the controversy erupted and is all over the place. So supporters of Kara Lynne start digging into Purple Tinker's history.
- Finding Purple Tinker is a trans woman that is also a Brony and creator of "BronyCon".
- Brony: adult people fans of the show My Little Ponny, into "Furry" cosplay and cartoon furry (zoophilic) porn.
- This BronyCon is known for having multiple pedophiles among its community. Going as far as having tried to abduct an 11 years old child in one of this BronyCon events.
- Upon further digging, it is found that Purple Tinker also harassed another Brony fan for 2 years straight, stalking, doxxing and threatening of murdering him.
- Finally, it is found that Purple Tinker it is also a pedophilia defender and probably a pedophile her(him)self. Lots of "receipts" were found on the matter in old Tumblr.
- Purple Tinker closes his Twitter account.
- Resetera closes their witch-hunting thread, calling thread derailing. Refuses to elaborate further lasts events.
- You are here.
And all because she posted a tweet that she was looking forward to Harry Potter. That was enough for the morons on Ree to investigate her Twitter past, find some 6 year old tweets that they deem problematic and the fact she follows some alt right folks apparantly.
Now she's being labeled a transphobe without any hesitation. First they all act like unions and workers rights are the most important thing in gaming, now their trying to get her fired because she works in an at will work state.
Its only a matter of time before Kotaku or some other cuck will write a hitpiece and LGR fires her.
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