SF Kosmo
I'm not super tuned into that world but I think the issue with her is that she's a transmedicalist, which means that she thinks being trans is a real, biological thing that you are born with, rather than a choice.This stood out to me, too. I'm sure I've read in passing that she isn't liked by the internet trans community, but from the few videos I watched a couple years back she seemed very grounded and realistic. She's transsexual and is well aware of that fact and doesn't get mad if people aren't into transsexuals. If anyone knows why she's considered transphobic I'd love to understand why, because on the face of it using her as evidence of transphobia doesn't do the argument any favours.
SF Kosmo do you have the answers I'm looking for?
That probably doesn't sound bad from the outside, and echoes the sort of "born this way" rhetoric we have long favored for discussing sexual preference, but it's an increasingly unpopular stance in the trans and genderqueer community because it inevitably leads to gatekeeping and discussions about who is "real" or "legitimate" trans, and for being exclusionary of non-binary or genderqueer people that aren't trans. These people get labeled "truscum". Blaire's kind of the poster child for this, because she does like to play up herself as the sort of "model trans" and shit on others.
Personally, I think a lot of the debate around transmedicalism (on both sides) is just toxic hyperventilating within extremely online segment of the trans community, and it's perfectly possible to believe that some people are born trans and other people can adjust their gender presentation out of choice and who gives a shit.
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