Impressive. They should charge extra for such authenticity.

Impressive. They should charge extra for such authenticity.
CodeMystics is a great team.
It's just a port? I thought this was going to be a remake. Yikes.
Lol, of course the original had big frame drops.
If not for Nintendo we would have the remake on the 360 decades ago. Nintendo are scumThe thing is what we have here is an emulated version on both consoles. One has higher resolution, the other don't. Both have the original shitty framrate. Why would Nintendo allow the better resolution and not the framerate?
And also why would they care about technical aspects when what they obviously wanted to secure was exclusive online play?
That's what i was saying. I should have specifiedIts because of Nintendo
Dumb comments 101 ZzzzZzLaziness
Guess I'm going to start an emulation company then. You apparently don't have to do fuck all to the game and when you do the bare minimum just blame it on the original code you decided not to optimize.
So why wouldn't MS offer the "superior version" as part of the deal if they want people to have it and it's not even being sold? The parity could be the same as now with just higher resolution and/or 120fps on Xbox. Switch has great ports from PS360 surpassing their versions, a simple game like that would not be an issue. It looked passable 15+ years ago (yes, passable, it looks more like an Xbox game than 360 and not even its best*) when it was being developed but by now it needs a remake itself if it's to appeal to folks who want games for the graphics, defeating the whole point.I'm guessing Nintendo wasn't happy about Xbox getting the superior version
And you have no evidence (which is just a stepping stone before getting to the required actual proof before making such claims anyway but you aren't even there) to post when I just ask you for it so you continue your bullshit without replying to me, lol, very matureAlexious just says its headcanon and assumptions to say this, so it must be so, despite all evidence to the contrary.
That's what i was saying. I should have specifiedIts because of Nintendo
Read my other comment dummyDumb comments 101 ZzzzZz
The long awaited return of Goldeneye 007 is here on both the Xbox and Nintendo Switch. For the first time since 1997 gamers are able to enjoy this classic game for modern consoles ever since its original release on the Nintendo 64. While what is here is faithful to the original, it could have been so much better. In this episode we take a closer look at the good, the bad...and the confusing.
Why don’t they’ve just make Silvereye with protag Jim Bond and do new maps and crank up the visuals to insanity on UE5?
Cancelling a game because of licensing concerns makes no sense.
Exactly! That’s kinda how Dark Souls came to be, Sony owned Demon’s Souls and From wanted to do more for more people, it worked out fine. And with Goldeneye people just want the gameplay, it’s not the James Bond story that is the pull here, it’s an old ass movie.what would be kinda funny is if they made a Perfect Dark spinoff out of it.
replace the guns, assets, story and characters, but keep the mission designs identical.
call it Perfect Dark: Mission Gold or something.
and let 4J Studios make it.
the engine is already there thanks to their Perfect Dark 360 port.
To be fair Perfect Dark on Xbox looks and runs amazing!It's one of my favourite games on Series S!.....and yet the PC has had a 60fps emulated version (1964 emulator branch) for both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark forever now. Lazy ass shit.
It and PD have the best Pause Music of all time.To be fair Perfect Dark on Xbox looks and runs amazing!It's one of my favourite games on Series S!
i honestly am enjoying Goldeneye alot at the moment,there's some ocassional juddder and compared to Perfect Dark it's a night and day difference in smoothness but it's still very enjoyable and having not played this until now I can now see how it became such a classic.It has a soul which many games nowadays lack.That incredible soundtrack also helps alot.
Because this game was made for a quick buck?Modern gaming is becoming a joke at this point.
So why wouldn't MS offer the "superior version" as part of the deal if they want people to have it and it's not even being sold? The parity could be the same as now with just higher resolution and/or 120fps on Xbox. Switch has great ports from PS360 surpassing their versions, a simple game like that would not be an issue. It looked passable 15+ years ago (yes, passable, it looks more like an Xbox game than 360 and not even its best*) when it was being developed but by now it needs a remake itself if it's to appeal to folks who want games for the graphics, defeating the whole point.
*Wii got that Call of GoldenEye reimagining the PS360 also got and while it's a lesser/different game (and held back by its Wii roots) it's closer to the visuals people expected back then, well beyond the GoldenEye remake yet still far from the best PS360 (and the superior Switch) can do.
And you have no evidence (which is just a stepping stone before getting to the required actual proof before making such claims anyway but you aren't even there) to post when I just ask you for it so you continue your bullshit without replying to me, lol, very mature
I get some of you folks are in damage control mode for like this entire generation so far when it comes to Microsoft but come on.
That and also because of the state of it. More generaly, lately we've been delivered half ass ports, unfinished games released at full price etc etc...Because this game was made for a quick buck?
That and also because of the state of it. More generaly, lately we've been delivered half ass ports, unfinished games released at full price etc etc...
The game is legendary, why didn't they put the effort into delivering something that matches that legacy ? I can't believe they ditched the graphical overhaul of the cancelled XBLA version.
Also why are the Switch and XS versions handled by different teams with different issues/perks ?
That's such a mess...
That's when you realise it's just business and has nothing to do with heart and soul, and that there's a discrepancy between what players want and expect (heart and soul in a beloved game they have fond memories of) and what investors want and expect (maximum profit). In many cases these two interests allign but sometimes they do not. We've seen that with Rockstar who decided to hand the brand that made DMA Design to what is now Rockstar with all their success and one of the biggest gaming brands on the planet to a mobile port developer who has only average technical competence in porting something to the Unreal engine and zero understanding of visual art and how a proper remastered version would have looked like. But I doubt they were the ones who decided how it looks and either way it had to be approved by Rockstar and they gave it a pass.That and also because of the state of it. More generaly, lately we've been delivered half ass ports, unfinished games released at full price etc etc...
The game is legendary, why didn't they put the effort into delivering something that matches that legacy ? I can't believe they ditched the graphical overhaul of the cancelled XBLA version.
Also why are the Switch and XS versions handled by different teams with different issues/perks ?
That's such a mess...
They already made a remake in 2010. You don't want them to do this again. Copyright holders of the James Bond franchise have weird stipulations for video games based on the property.I just find it strange that they decided to just do a port instead of a remake.
And they would be right, they developed that specific version.Maybe MS didn't wanna give that?
Nintendo should let em have the original (included in the XBLA remaster too) and let them port it to Xbox as they actually did do, but MS shouldn't let them have the remaster and let them port it to Switch. K.And they would be right, they developed that specific version.
But considering that MS has already ported some of their games to Switch (The Bard's Tale remastered, Minecraft Dungeons and Legends, and both Ori titles), it doesn't make sense for them to suddenly not give a 15-year-old remaster from a 25-years-old game.
My personal guess is that Microsoft offered them the original Xbox Live Arcade remaster to release on the eShop, but Nintendo saw that Goldeneye would be a big boost for their N64 online service, and having the game available to purchase separately would go against that (and by the way, it's the exact same reason you can't buy NES, SNES, and N64 classics on Switch!).
And the icing on the cake, as everyone here agrees, is that they wanted some kind of version parity between the two consoles, which led to Microsoft accepting the deal.
The remake that hit the Internet least year was built from the from ground up with proper 60fps code from source and people are playing it on xlink kai, shits wildI just find it strange that they decided to just do a port instead of a remake.
Lol, that's more your case. Your whole post has nothing to do with what I said, read it again please. c:K. Parity is addressed in the post you pretend to reply to but apparently didn't read past the first two words even though it's just 2 small lines
That's why I said it's a personal guess! None of us have evidence for anything here, that doesn't mean we can't speculate as to why things are this way.PS: still no evidence
Sounds like the least effort was put it in to gain maximum profit.
I can't believe they took blood out of the Xbox Series version. What an absolute joke.
Couldn't Microsoft just offer to release the Xbox 360 cancelled version for both Xbox and Nintendo? I would think the switch would be capable of running a Xbox 360 port.This is one of those games where we will probably never know all of the background deals that had to be made to make this a reality. I’m sure Microsoft wanted to release the superior 360 remake, but I’m also sure than Nintendo pushed for as much parity as possible. In fact, I’m betting there were so many concessions going on back and forth that it would have been easier to just get up from the table and walk away.
I wish/hope that this deal would lead to further cooperation between the two companies as I would love to be able to play Diddy Kong Racing on NSO, but with Conker being in it, I just don’t know.
I can't believe they took blood out of the Xbox Series version. What an absolute joke.
If they did not care, then why would they have not just finished the xbla version, it would have been easier and cheaper to do so, and just let Nintendo do whatever they wanted,Don't be stupid, as if Microsoft/Nintendo paid for/commissioned a remake and they gave them this and they said alright, lmao. Code Mystics are great devs for emulated re-releases with a great track record. Of course that also depends on what they're hired to do and how they're told to do it.
Source? Why would Nintendo not want the remaster for themselves as well and just ask for it as part of the deal, so they could release both the original on their online service and the remake thing as a proper store release (or just on the service anyway), instead of block them from it?
It was an Xbox 360 game, not exactly impressive or unthinkable for the original Xbox even. Switch has improved ports and games that are beyond PS360, a port of a low end game like that seems viable with differences similar to this (a lower resolution basically) so with the same "parity".
I'd think it's just as likely both agreed they don't care for an all things considered low fi even for its time remake that is 2 (but looks 3, vs the original game's 4) generations removed and needs a remake itself plus costs to finish/port it since no team is fresh off the project so went with the rom.
I also think it was offered, but Nintendo probably wanted to get it in their N64 app and locking it behind the highest tier of NSO probably looked pretty enticing as extra value.Couldn't Microsoft just offer to release the Xbox 360 cancelled version for both Xbox and Nintendo? I would think the switch would be capable of running a Xbox 360 port.
But again, like you said there could be loads of background stuff we would never know, maybe it was offered and refused.
Certainly those “licensing issues” could be resolved with a certain sum of money? Or is it a matter of who actually owns the license since it’s a game tied to a movie made by a developer owned by Microsoft originally released exclusively on a Nintendo console?Licensing issues. They have a remastered version that is basically ready to go.