I'm thinking of breaking my 'no full price games ever at $70 rule' - my wife loves Harry Potter, the game looks decent, and it's important to end cancel culture. I feel like the more people support this, the more disillusioned "they" will become.
I'm not an evangelical, pro Trump, right wing, anti-trans, anti-woke (still not sure what that is tbh) lunatic, I'm just what used to be considered a normal person who is absolutely anti-force me to take a certain position on something, and absolutely pro your right to say what you believe, even if I disagree. Even if it offends me (which it doesn't) because it's
okay to be offended, you won't die. I'd even say it's important to be offended every once in a while, it shows you are still paying attention.
I have never been able to figure out what JK Rowling said that wasn't common sense - she is not someone I am particularly a fan of as a writer but what she said, at least in a well adjusted society, was nowhere close to being worth the bile and fury it provoked.
Trying to figure out if that's worth enough for me to spend $70