Gaming Summary:
MS Summary:
Presentation Slides:
Earnings Call will be at
Earnings Slide:] Earnings Excel: [URL]
Will update when I get a chance.
- Gaming Revenue decline 4% (down 1% CC)
- Xbox content and services up 3% (up 5% CC) due to growth in GP
- Xbox HW down 30% (down 28% CC)
MS Summary:
Business Highlights
Revenue in Productivity and Business Processes was $17.5 billion and increased 11% (up 15% in constant currency), with the following business highlights:
· Office Commercial products and cloud services revenue increased 13% (up 17% in constant currency) driven by Office 365 Commercial revenue growth of 14% (up 18% in constant currency)
· Office Consumer products and cloud services revenue increased 1% (up 4% in constant currency) and Microsoft 365 Consumer subscribers grew to 65.4 million
· LinkedIn revenue increased 8% (up 10% in constant currency)
· Dynamics products and cloud services revenue increased 17% (up 21% in constant currency) driven by Dynamics 365 revenue growth of 25% (up 29% in constant currency)
Revenue in Intelligent Cloud was $22.1 billion and increased 16% (up 19% in constant currency), with the following business highlights:
· Server products and cloud services revenue increased 17% (up 21% in constant currency) driven by Azure and other cloud services revenue growth of 27% (up 31% in constant currency)
Revenue in More Personal Computing was $13.3 billion and decreased 9% (down 7% in constant currency), with the following business highlights:
· Windows OEM revenue decreased 28%
· Devices revenue decreased 30% (down 26% in constant currency)
· Windows Commercial products and cloud services revenue increased 14% (up 18% in constant currency)
· Xbox content and services revenue increased 3% (up 5% in constant currency)
· Search and news advertising revenue excluding traffic acquisition costs increased 10% (up 13% in constant currency)
Microsoft returned $9.7 billion to shareholders in the form of share repurchases and dividends in the third quarter of fiscal year 2023.
Presentation Slides:

Earnings Call will be at
Earnings Slide:] Earnings Excel: [URL]
- Azure OpenAI being using adept and inflection (???)
- 2000 openai service costumers, up 10x
- Unilever went all in on Azure
- OpenAI using CosmoDB for Chatgpt.
- 76% of the fortune500 using github
- bunch of people using Github CoPilot
- Powerplatform usage up 50%
- Cloud for sustainability used by BBC.
- Teams up to 300m MAU, 60% of customers buy Teams room or one of the other additional software like premium or hardware.
- Record monthly windows devices
- 930m LinkedIn users, 100m in India
- Bing up to 100m monthly usage (??)
- Bing grew share in the US and Edge grew for the 8th in
- Q3 record in terms of gaming MAU
- Revenue from subs grew to 1bn
- 500m players across first party titles
Will update when I get a chance.
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