The Cockatrice

was watching this video... visuals looks impressive to say the least.
I haven't played System shock since 94, going to be wild to revisit in high def.
Didnt this remake get canceled a million times? Why was that?
It was never officially cancelled, but it had one really big derailment where it got rebooted.Didnt this remake get canceled a million times? Why was that?
This game is very much going for retro. Even though it's all remade in Unreal 4, they have used intentionally low-res, unfiltered textures for a block, pixelated look, and kept a lot of the 90s aesthetic in the design. It isn't trying to look like a game from the 90s exactly, but it's trying to give you some retro nostalgic feels.I bought the original years ago but never stuck with it. Looking forward to trying this!
Are those PC specs for real?? Recommended CPU i7-3770/FX-8350 and GPU GTX 970/R9 290 and 8GB RAM? lol. Is it 2013? I mean yeah it's good literally anyone will be able to play this but that seems a bit weak for recommended specs.
Will the game come with RTX or do we know if it'll get an update with it?
It's not as linear. If I had to compare it to anything, I'd say Ultima Underworld.Is this game more similar to prey, dark messiah or dishonored in term of structure?
Never played ultima.It was never officially cancelled, but it had one really big derailment where it got rebooted.
Basically, they launched a really polished Kickstarter campaign with a playable demo and everyone loved it and they raised way more money than expected. Then they let that success go to their head and shifted the goal from this retro-flavored room-for-room remake to a more modern, looser reimagining, with the assumption that investors were just going to line up to give them the $15 million this would have costed. But they never did. And they ran out of the original Kickstarter money really early doing this over-ambitious thing, and then no one invested.
So at that point they tossed out all that work and scoped it back down to the original vision (you know, the one that people loved and backed in the first place), and managed to secure some additional funding for much more reasonable enahncements, and it's been relatively smooth sailing since then, albeit with some poor messaging on release dates leading to a lot of delays.
It's great. It walks the line between modern and retro beautifully. You still feel like you're playing the same game, but it's way more fun thanks to better controls and interface and subtle improvements to the level design. It's what this project always should have been, and I'm glad it got back on track with the original pitch, because System Shock is still so, so good.
This game is very much going for retro. Even though it's all remade in Unreal 4, they have used intentionally low-res, unfiltered textures for a block, pixelated look, and kept a lot of the 90s aesthetic in the design. It isn't trying to look like a game from the 90s exactly, but it's trying to give you some retro nostalgic feels.
It's not as linear. If I had to compare it to anything, I'd say Ultima Underworld.
Ultima Underworld (not much like mainline Ultima) is kind of the ancestor of all these games.Never played ultima.
I remember them from my childhood but never played them neither.Never played ultima.
Yeah, and I actually think there's some fuzzy memory there, because the remake is WAY more playable than the original. System Shock is a VERY early 3D game that was meant to be played with a keyboard, and it's super clunky.Game has a "fair" on OPENCRITIC, but when reading the reviews, it feels more like a "Game is too faithful to original and lacking justification for its existence" level of criticism.
. . .as someone who has never played the original, I'm guessing this is reviewing 10 or more points higher for newbies.