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Is Hollywood a Bunch of Phonies?

Is Hollywood a Bunch of Phonies?

  • Yes

    Votes: 98 91.6%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's not that simple. Allow me to elaborate in the comments

    Votes: 9 8.4%

  • Total voters
I've been listening to podcasts of people running in Hollywood social circles (Joe Rogan, It's Always Sunny, How Did This Get Made), and something that stands out is how the conversation stops for effusive praise of every other actor/director/producer/cast/crew member that gets mentioned in passing, and even if the conversation is about dunking on the work for comedy as in the case of How Did This Get Made. It always struck me as phony, but recently, I'm thinking it's not a bad practice: it's a small world, and word gets around, so you better not say anything that could hurt your chances in the future.

Seems like it could come off weak and disingenuous, but maybe I'm being cynical. It's good practice to say nothing of someone not in the room with you if it's not positive. Like Thumper said in Bambi, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

However, if Hollywood has ex-communicated someone (ex: Harvey Weinstein), the gloves come off. Funny how once someone is no longer in power and can't help a career, "true" opinions come out.

So, are Hollywooders a bunch of phonies?

Bonus: Since you took the time to read this, I wanted to share trivia on the origin of the term "phony", which comes not from the poor audio quality of phones, but from "The Fawney Rig", which is a con with Irish origins explained as thus: "The confidence man would drop a Lady’s purse containing a cheap ring and wait for someone to spot it. He would then pretend to notice at the same time and claim half the loot for sharing in the discovery. The confidence man or an accomplice would appraise the ring at three or four times its real value, and offer the dupe his half of the find for about double its actual value."


Of course they are. Once one of these abusers is outed it’s revealed that it was an “open secret”, so everyone knew but nobody cared. Then they go and lecture the rest of the world on how badly we treat women. Same with flying around in jets constantly while telling us to lower our carbon emissions.


Of course they are. Once one of these abusers is outed it’s revealed that it was an “open secret”, so everyone knew but nobody cared. Then they go and lecture the rest of the world on how badly we treat women. Same with flying around in jets constantly while telling us to lower our carbon emissions.
Friend of mine worked as an hostess for Leo DiCaprio. Told me that he loves to ride a jetski in protected areas. The $10,000 fine is peanuts for him. Oh and there always are a lot of girls involved as well.


Gold Member
Being phony isn't a hollywood thing. It's people in general. Only a small number of people will openly state what they feel not caring if other people like it or hate it.

Just take a skim of Linkedin. Every post by someone is some kind of motivational post, looking for brownie points, and even looking for pity pts (one post I saw posted his dad's obituary). Looks like one giant group of happy high fivers.

Go out to lunch with some of these people and they are the biggest pigs you'll ever meet. Commenting on who's the hottest at the office, strip joints, gross guy jokes behind closed doors. Women are no different. The key difference I notice is women are more on guard at the beginning. But once you get to know them they are just as sexist and piggish as the guys.

All about PR image. It's really no different than someone posting a pic of themselves on social media. Know them in real life and that pic is from 12 years ago when they looked good. In reality they are ugly and fat now.
Being phony isn't a hollywood thing. It's people in general. Only a small number of people will openly state what they feel not caring if other people like it or hate it.

Just take a skim of Linkedin. Every post by someone is some kind of motivational post, looking for brownie points, and even looking for pity pts (one post I saw posted his dad's obituary). Looks like one giant group of happy high fivers.

Go out to lunch with some of these people and they are the biggest pigs you'll ever meet. Commenting on who's the hottest at the office, strip joints, gross guy jokes behind closed doors. Women are no different. The key difference I notice is women are more on guard at the beginning. But once you get to know them they are just as sexist and piggish as the guys.

All about PR image. It's really no different than someone posting a pic of themselves on social media. Know them in real life and that pic is from 12 years ago when they looked good. In reality they are ugly and fat now.
I've definitely noticed this in my jobs, too, but I do my best to live as Thumper says. Why add negativity? I'm probably shooting myself in the foot a bit because talking shit is a way that people bond. Nothing ties a group together better than defining an "enemy" together like that--an intrinsic aspect of humanity I'm not a fan of. Plus, if someone talks shit about someone else with you, they're probably doing the same about you with someone else.
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I choose it's complex. Many factors at play.
Not in the mood for a deep dive well tought out response atm, sorry.

Cool thread though 🌟

But to answer your question.

Some are. Some aren't. And context is key.
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Inter personal relationships between actors/directors/etc


Speaking about colleagues and producers etc as it were in a favorable way as to create a perhaps easier way to participate in a future film.

Which could be sincere or phony or both.

Established enough so no fucks given regarding keeping up facade

In need of money so better play nice

Having knowledge of dirt on a person

Does this make sense Grildon Tundy Grildon Tundy ??
Inter personal relationships between actors/directors/etc


Speaking about colleagues and producers etc as it were in a favorable way as to create a perhaps easier way to participate in a future film.

Which could be sincere or phony or both.

Established enough so no fucks given regarding keeping up facade

In need of money so better play nice

Having knowledge of dirt on a person

Does this make sense Grildon Tundy Grildon Tundy ??
It does, although I'd like to hear more context about the "having dirt on a person" part; i.e. are you saying they talk shit or don't talk shit in that scenario?

Sounds like being phony comes down to self-preservation for the most part, and since people have a right to "survival", I could sum it up by saying: Yes, they are phonies, but it's not necessarily immoral.

Edit: Hm...now that I'm thinking about it more, the "survival" aspect might be a failing lynchpin of my argument. Phoniness seems like a survival instinct that's been twisted into supporting "financial and social mega-success" and not pure survival and maybe therefore still immoral if it comes at the expense of another's "survival". Yeah, I'm an idealist who still thinks in terms of right and wrong.
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It does, although I'd like to hear more context about the "having dirt on a person" part; i.e. are you saying they talk shit or don't talk shit in that scenario?

Sounds like being phony comes down to self-preservation for the most part, and since people have a right to "survival", I could sum it up by saying: Yes, they are phonies, but it's not necessarily immoral.

Edit: Hm...now that I'm thinking about it more, the "survival" aspect might be the failing lynchpin of my argument. Phoniness seems like a survival instinct that's been twisted into "financial and social mega-success", so not pure survival and maybe therefore still immoral if it comes at the expense of another's "survival". Yeah, I'm an idealist who still thinks in terms of right and wrong.

Well said.

And with dirt i mean actors are humans, most are (very) rich and perhaps have done things in company of colleagues that's best kept secret. Which can lead to blackmail or w/e which in turn forces the one with the dirt on him/her to speak very favorably about the keeper of the secret. Then you have an imbalance in power

(which plays a huge role in general in Hollywood anyways)

Harvey? He's the only one you think? That's rhetorical.
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Well said.

And with dirt i mean actors are humans, most are (very) rich and perhaps have done things in company of colleagues that's best kept secret. Which can lead to blackmail or w/e which in turn forces the on with the dirt of him/her to speak very favorably about the keeper of the secret. Then you have an imbalance in power

(which plays a huge role in general in Hollywood anyways)

Harvey? He's the only one you think? That's rhetorical.
Interesting point...you don't want to give someone a reason to air your dirty laundry. And by no means do I think Harvey's the only one with skeletons in his closet. You hear rumors about actors all the time (Richard Gere's gerbil shenanigans; Armie Hammer's cannibalistic interests; John Travolta's late night gym cruising; and Tom Cruise's Scientology-sanctioned adventures to name a few), and like they say, where there's smoke there's fire.

I managed to fit three different idioms into three sentences lol
For those who do care (our good friend mitch1971 mitch1971 excluded): as of this posting, there are 15 votes: 11 for "yes" (74%), 4 for "It's not that simple" (27%).

Assuming a population size of 5,000, a 90% confidence level, and even with a 22% margin of error, we can safely say that NEOGAF's answer to the very important question of "Is Hollywood a Bunch of Phones" appears to be a resounding "Yes". Feel free to continue voting and inputting your opinions, but I'd say we're unlikely to get a different answer in the end.


Maybe they actually really liked working for said person, which is why they are praising them...?

And for most people, if you don't like a person, you generally aren't gonna go out of your way to say "X person sucks" because now you're just causing drama, especially if X person if friends with Y person.
If the drama is already happening, then sure, you feel free to add your 2 cents.

It's not a hollywood exclusive thing, it's just human psychology and communication in general.
Maybe they actually really liked working for said person, which is why they are praising them...?
The difference that I noticed specifically with those podcast examples is that they will effusively praise whether they've worked with them or not. Like, there's no neutral. It's all ball-licking or virtue signaling by dunking on the Hollywood heretics


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
Being phony isn't a hollywood thing. It's people in general. Only a small number of people will openly state what they feel not caring if other people like it or hate it.

Just take a skim of Linkedin. Every post by someone is some kind of motivational post, looking for brownie points, and even looking for pity pts (one post I saw posted his dad's obituary). Looks like one giant group of happy high fivers.

Go out to lunch with some of these people and they are the biggest pigs you'll ever meet. Commenting on who's the hottest at the office, strip joints, gross guy jokes behind closed doors. Women are no different. The key difference I notice is women are more on guard at the beginning. But once you get to know them they are just as sexist and piggish as the guys.

All about PR image. It's really no different than someone posting a pic of themselves on social media. Know them in real life and that pic is from 12 years ago when they looked good. In reality they are ugly and fat now.

The man at least earns and has his money.
But women aside from being money suckers, have unrealistic ideals of men.


The difference that I noticed specifically with those podcast examples is that they will effusively praise whether they've worked with them or not. Like, there's no neutral. It's all ball-licking or virtue signaling by dunking on the Hollywood heretics
I listen to the Sunny podcast and I see it as gratitude for turning in excellent work. Always better to be positive than negative. Some people are generally wired that way, I know I am.

Mr Blobby

Bonus: Since you took the time to read this, I wanted to share trivia on the origin of the term "phony", which comes not from the poor audio quality of phones, but from "The Fawney Rig", which is a con with Irish origins explained as thus: "The confidence man would drop a Lady’s purse containing a cheap ring and wait for someone to spot it. He would then pretend to notice at the same time and claim half the loot for sharing in the discovery. The confidence man or an accomplice would appraise the ring at three or four times its real value, and offer the dupe his half of the find for about double its actual value."
Not sure about the other stuff but that's a nice bit of trivia! Like on Better Call Saul


Hollywood is full of people desperate to be famous, powerful and wealthy, and people desperate to stay famous, powerful and wealthy. Everything else is sacrificed for those three things.

It‘s a cess pit.

But guess what, children!

So is the church...
And the business world...
And the political world...

Because power and money corrupts.
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Gold Member

fuck these clowns

I'll have you know that I believe EVERY SINGLE ONE of these heart felt, emotional, passionate, and COMPLETELY AUTHENTIC pleas for humanity.

That these folks can summon such a performance on the spot whether it is a.political cause, an attempt to get a better table at a restaurant, or over a dropped napkin on the floor is COMPLETELY irrelevant.

#I BELIEVE actors!
Of course they are phonies. They claim to be anti-capitalist by and large, but LA has some of the highest income equality in the world. The Hollywood elite have plenty of money to help the poors and homeless living there but choose to continue to live in the lap of luxury instead.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Being a celebrity is marketing. And it will always be marketing. Marketing is selling you something.


I've always wondered if there is another industry where the economic gap between people at the bottom and the people at the top is as huge as the entertainment industry?
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I've always wondered if there is another industry where the economic gap between people at the bottom and the people at the top is as huge as the entertainment industry?

Tech? QA and Tech Support representatives aren't exactly swimming in money.

Hell, retail too. The Waltons are the richest family in America, how does the average Walmart employee compare?
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I think that phoniness is more of a west coast liberal middle-to-upper class thing.
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Gold Member
Last night a one hour breakdown of Andy Dick’s career came on my YouTube feed, nothing else to watch, so I dove right in. This guy is an unrepentant predator and drunkard but was getting work up until a few years ago. People just kind of laughed off his behavior “oh it’s just Andy Dick.” So these are the types running Hollywood, but it’s not just Hollywood, like the LA government enables this behavior. If I did a fraction of what Dick did over the years I would be on the sex offender list, probably a decade in jail, etc. And I would deserve it.

Hollywood is full of the worst people on earth and you pretty much have to sell your soul to succeed there, it’s like a blood path they’ve all taken.
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Being phony isn't a hollywood thing. It's people in general. Only a small number of people will openly state what they feel not caring if other people like it or hate it.

Just take a skim of Linkedin. Every post by someone is some kind of motivational post, looking for brownie points, and even looking for pity pts (one post I saw posted his dad's obituary). Looks like one giant group of happy high fivers.

Go out to lunch with some of these people and they are the biggest pigs you'll ever meet. Commenting on who's the hottest at the office, strip joints, gross guy jokes behind closed doors. Women are no different. The key difference I notice is women are more on guard at the beginning. But once you get to know them they are just as sexist and piggish as the guys.

All about PR image. It's really no different than someone posting a pic of themselves on social media. Know them in real life and that pic is from 12 years ago when they looked good. In reality they are ugly and fat now.
The world is phony.

You are correct.


Tech? QA and Tech Support representatives aren't exactly swimming in money.

Hell, retail too. The Waltons are the richest family in America, how does the average Walmart employee compare?

No name actors or people trying to make it in Hollywood have to work as waiters and waitresses just to survive and not be homeless.

On the other hand, a waitress who is only intending to work as a waitress can probably live more comfortably than the no name actor.


I've been listening to podcasts of people running in Hollywood social circles (Joe Rogan, It's Always Sunny, How Did This Get Made), and something that stands out is how the conversation stops for effusive praise of every other actor/director/producer/cast/crew member that gets mentioned in passing, and even if the conversation is about dunking on the work for comedy as in the case of How Did This Get Made. It always struck me as phony, but recently, I'm thinking it's not a bad practice: it's a small world, and word gets around, so you better not say anything that could hurt your chances in the future.

Seems like it could come off weak and disingenuous, but maybe I'm being cynical. It's good practice to say nothing of someone not in the room with you if it's not positive. Like Thumper said in Bambi, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

However, if Hollywood has ex-communicated someone (ex: Harvey Weinstein), the gloves come off. Funny how once someone is no longer in power and can't help a career, "true" opinions come out.

So, are Hollywooders a bunch of phonies?

Bonus: Since you took the time to read this, I wanted to share trivia on the origin of the term "phony", which comes not from the poor audio quality of phones, but from "The Fawney Rig", which is a con with Irish origins explained as thus: "The confidence man would drop a Lady’s purse containing a cheap ring and wait for someone to spot it. He would then pretend to notice at the same time and claim half the loot for sharing in the discovery. The confidence man or an accomplice would appraise the ring at three or four times its real value, and offer the dupe his half of the find for about double its actual value."

I mean, define "Hollywood".

Your existing a bunch of actors and a few producers. They don't run Hollywood. Hollywood 9s run by people you never see, and most of the material you consume is written by people you never hear from.

Are they all genuine? No. Are they all phony? Also no. But they're all about self preservation and that requires an air of professionalism to not piss off potential clients. Thats a reality in most places of business.


I was In Hollywood years ago and I told my handler “everyone is so nice to me”.
She looked at me straight faced, without emotion and said “yeah, because we’re paid to be”.
I think she summed up the place.
Just think about how small the Hollywood circle is and how many people want to get into it. That should tell you everything about the people that do manage to get in.


We've always heard about how fake Hollywood is, but these days we get to experience it for ourselves to a certain degree.

I listen to certain rewatch podcasts too and I definitely notice it, from some more than others. I quickly learned to filter out the forgettable fluff from most, and you can often tell it's insincere when it's an canned statement with no elaboration like "Love that guy!" or "He's great". Contrast that with, say, stories of games people play in writers rooms or social stories of people going out after work and the difference is clear.

The best ones are people that aren't too shy. Michael Rosenbaum tends to say what he thinks, and even though he's mature about it he will speak at least a certain amount of truth.
Hollywood is 100% authentically comprised of the most broken, and deranged gaggle of sociopaths our civilization has to offer.
The level of brokenness in Hollywood is another thing I've noticed. Not just the public meltdowns and head cases like Ezra Miller, even the "stable" ones are nearly all in therapy and the ones that aren't are the exception that surprise the rest of them.

I suppose fame and fortune naturally attracts a certain kind of person.


I don't think there phonies.
That would imply there pretending and on some level are rational. level headed people.

I think they are all fucking crazy.
Primarily because how they are worshipped and treated by the rest of society.

Actors killed Lincoln.
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