
Release Information
Developer: Nihon Falcom | Publisher: NISA
Launch Dates: JP - August 27, 2020 | US & EU - July 7, 2023 | AU - July 14, 2023
Price: Digital & Deluxe Editions - $59.99 | Limited Edition (PS5/PS4/Switch) - $99.99
Systems: PC (Steam/GOG) | PS5 | PS4 | Switch


The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Reviews
What destinies await these three fateful figures? Use the Crossroads system to switch between Rean Schwarzer, Lloyd Bannings, and the masked figure "C", and determine the fates of key characters and locations within Zemuria. Dive into refined tactical combat with new features such as United...

The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Reviews
The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie is rated 'Strong' after being reviewed by 57 critics, with an overall average score of 80. It's ranked in the top 17% of games and recommended by...

The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie (Eiyū Densetsu: Hajimari no Kiseki) is a turn-based RPG focused on world-bulding and is the 10th game in the Trails series by long-time RPG developer Nihon Falcom.
Like the previous titles in the series, Trails into Reverie is set shortly after the events of the previous games. Generally speaking, this series is niche enough that if you're here, you already know what Trails is all about. To be crystal clear for the rest of the audience though, this game is not an entry point. It functions chiefly as an epilogue to the Crossbell and Erebonian story arcs and a prologue to the Calvard arc and the 11th title in the series, the not yet localized officially in English Kuro no Kiseki.
If you're interested in getting into Trails, below is a brief outline of the series chronology and availability. Much discussion has been had over starting points - the first Sky or Cold Steel game is by my estimate most commonly cited. If you want more info, feel free to ask.
Liberl Arc
Trails in the Sky - (PSP/PC)
Trails in the Sky SC - (PSP/PC)
Trails in the Sky the 3rd - (PC)
Crossbell Arc
Trails from Zero - (PS4/Switch/PC)
Trails to Azure - (PS4/Switch/PC)
Erebonia Arc
Trails of Cold Steel - (PS3/Vita/PS4/PC)
Trails of Cold Steel II - (PS3/Vita/PS4/PC)
Trails of Cold Steel III - (PS4/Switch/PC)
Trails of Cold Steel IV - (PS4/Switch/PC)

Experience Reverie through the Trails to Walk system, bouncing back and forth between stories and heroes throughout the adventure.

Former member of and now instructor of Class VII in Thors Military Academy, and savior of Erebonia. What life awaits him after the tragedies of the war and what adventures will he and his class find themselves in this time?

Detective and leader of the Special Support Section in the Crossbell Police Department, and freedom fighter in Crossbell. Will Lloyd and his companions finally get over the barrier and win true freedom for their home?

The mysterious C. Who is this person who dons a mask and has adopted the moniker of the head of the old Imperial Liberation Front and what are his aims?
Also journey through the True Reverie Corridor, and play Trails in a fashion not seen since Trails in the Sky the 3rd, unlocking story sequences starring secondary members of the cast, new and old mini-games to play, and trials to overcome!

Before You Begin
Recommended reading: Some fans have recommended reading Three & Nine, if you haven't already, for some background on new characters in Reverie. It's available in-game in Trails of Cold Steel IV, on NISA's official website (with new artwork!), in the wiki, and in a physical book if you ordered the Limited Edition.

Save bonuses: When booting up the first time, the game will scan your files for system data for Trails from Zero, Trails to Azure, and Trails of Cold Steel I-IV. It should be noted that for all but one of these games, the scan for system data is the only thing the game is looking for (meaning that if you, like me, played the Geofront releases of Zero/Azure and then bought the official releases later to support without actually playing them, you can still get a bonus just for starting up those titles). Reverie will however scan for clear data of Cold Steel IV for your Thors rank to provide a matching reward. You will not be bound by your choice for the final bonding event from Cold Steel IV.
Enjoy one, last hurrah across western Zemuria!

7/28/23 edit: Link level bug has been fixed on all platforms. All can now play safely!
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