Your mathing is spot on. From a raster perspective, yes, an 18TF target should be the target. But while 17TF doesn't sound sexy, I think thats around where it would land. Idk, 53CU@2500mhz just sounds right to me. Its around a 10% boost to the current PS5 GPUs clocks. I really do feel tough that there are other parts of RDNA3+ that would be more relevant to this.
Please, enlighten me. How does a Pro console, split the user base?
I believe we are at another paradigm shift in GPU design. The last one was when the 20xx was released with RT. And now, under people's noses, is VOPD (vector operation, dual). This thing has the potential to become a very big deal, and its the only way I see GPU tech advancing in any meaningful way in the short-term (next 10 years). I have considered trying to explain it, and what its current limitations are, but I haven't quite fully understood it myself, so I don't wanna mislead anyone lol. But if used correctly, it really does have the potential to boost performance by another 60%+.
You would be right f the PS5pro was going to have 72CU. just don't see it happening. Not because its not possible... because it is, but more important, because it's not necessary.
Nope. But common sense dictates that the GPU would at least be RDNA3+. As or the CPU, my money is still on Zen 2. But I can see it easily being Zen 4. A higher-clocked Zen 2 CPU with more cache solves all the issues a console that is expected to peak at 120fps could have. The key thing is the more cache part, that's the real bottleneck with the current PS5 CPU.
Even if they put a Zen4 CPU in it, if they gave it the same cache that the current PS5 has, we would have the same issues.