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I bet the percentage of $70 buyers that get the $30 battle passes is pretty low.One $70 sale a year…or $30 battle passes every three months.
Why are you guys doing this? These stats aren't hard to find and ABK has been VERY transparent with how much the core COD game makes and how successful it is.
Modern Warfare 2 Breaks CoD Sales Records Ahead Of Season 2 Launch
Long-lasting Call of Duty sales records have been gulagged, with Modern Warfare 2 being on a winning streak ahead of Season
End of an (Reset)Era
The general belief is that MWIII is the final yearly release and the game is going to transition to a pure GAAS like Fornite, Apex, Overwatch, etc.
GamePass Effect . . . /s . . . kinda.
Seriously though, I call BS. You don’t willingly stop selling millions of something for $70.
Yeah this would actually save me a lot of money but I find it hard to see them not letting Treyarc do another cold war 2 campaign or whatever they call it.End of single player campaigns confirmed.
That would mean the end of the series for me. Not buying it without a SP campaign.
Sounds about right for MS. Dog brain decision after dog brain decision.
They are going to fuck this franchise harder than Activision ever did.
First they'll kill off the SP campaign, then they'll port it to every single platform imaginable - Downgrading the fuck out of it for weak ass platforms like Switch.
PreachCall of duty been dead to me ever since they introduced sbmm
Lol I mean it’s all but done now. They own them.
End of single player campaigns confirmed.
That would mean the end of the series for me. Not buying it without a SP campaign.
Sounds about right for MS. Dog brain decision after dog brain decision.
They are going to fuck this franchise harder than Activision ever did.
First they'll kill off the SP campaign, then they'll port it to every single platform imaginable - Downgrading the fuck out of it for weak ass platforms like Switch.
Since then the sales have plummeted they might not be able to fund the nextI did not play Call of Duty since Modern Warfare back in PS3 days. So.....
I did not mean that.Since then the sales have plummeted they might not be able to fund the next
It doesn’t even have a release date or tdm modeI wonder if xdefiant is putting some pressure on them.
Obviously xdefiant is yet to show if it can be a worthy cod competitor as it hasn't released yet. But it got alot of good impressions from people on the cod communitynsueing the betas. It's free to play as well.
Just make a cod mobile for consoles all maps all guns etc charge a monthly fee to play.I could see Call of Duty going purely free to play, while in a few years release the new franchise IP for the yearly war themed shooter [not called Call of Duty] to avoid its obligations.![]()
Xwho? Come on nowI wonder if xdefiant is putting some pressure on them.
Xdefiant is yet to show if it can be a worthy cod competitor as it hasn't released yet. But it got alot of good impressions from people in the cod community during the betas. It's free to play as well.
Activision Blizzard revenue by composition 2022 | Statista
In 2022, Activision Blizzard generated 5.89 billion
true but " In 2022, Activision Blizzard generated 5.89 billion U.S. dollars of revenues through microtransactions and downloadable content, subscriptions, licensing royalties from our products and franchises, and other miscellaneous revenues. Gaming product sales only accounted for a third of company revenues during the measured period."...I'm assuming by attempting to the get the game is as many peoples hands as possible, probably in large part to do with MS cloud push, they think by removing that initial paywall they can garner an average of more than 60 (70) dollars per user.
cold war was the last fun cod game let trey make something without being interrupted by inferior studios and having to clean the mess up or dealing with crunch time bsIt be nice to get back to having Infinite Ward just handling the main COD of war games every 3 years or so with then one of the other teams just handling the online PVP every year.
I so hope we then have the likes of Raven getting back to making their own IP again; Love to see a remake or sequel to Singularity from them
I bet it's just something stupid in the storylineJust say it.![]()
I think most of the COD games are good to decent, but I only really enjoy the IW games for single player (did love Raven's Future warfare mind ) and I just think it be nice for the series to get back to having a major COD single player game every 3 or so years and have the other teams handle other stuff when they become part of the XBox family and will have In-House fundingcold war was the last fun cod game let trey make something without being interrupted by inferior studios and having to clean the mess up or dealing with crunch time bs
You haven't played Infinite Warfare's campaign? It's easily one of the best single player story campaigns in recent years, and not just for CoD standards either.Buying COD for the campaign is like watching porn for the story.
On a more serious note, with Warzone and all the microtransactions, this would be a logical next step
Most new CODs always felt like DLC anyway.
End of single player campaigns confirmed.
That would mean the end of the series for me. Not buying it without a SP campaign.
Sounds about right for MS. Dog brain decision after dog brain decision.
They are going to fuck this franchise harder than Activision ever did.
First they'll kill off the SP campaign, then they'll port it to every single platform imaginable - Downgrading the fuck out of it for weak ass platforms like Switch.
If it's anything like Halo MCC or Infinite, then you would still get new campaigns in the old schedule. Probably there would be three mainline free to play Call of Duty multiplayer games and all yearly "single player campaigns" will be released as expansions that you pay for. Makes sense, they won't have to redo the multiplayer every year while churning out new single player campaigns.Kinda sad. I enjoyed COD campaigns.
This is how i read the title at first. Now i am disappointed.End of an (Reset)Era
A paid $60 game?