Gold Member
Tom is great with PS hardware and right now until his source flies to close to the sun I would take anything Tom says as gospelAt this point I almost take whatever Tom Henderson leaks as fact, he has been that accurate. I can't really name any well known leaker with a better track record tbh. Has he ever been wrong when it comes to PS products?
RGT on the other hand... he seems to have some possibly legit sources but 75% of the info he relays is so all over the place it could just as well be someone trolling him.
He's also one of those leakers that frequently starts his sentences with the phrase "I'm hearing..." which never stops sounding like some hippie new age crazy christian voodoo cult shit to me, but that's probably just me.
RGT main problem is throwing everything he hears into videos without any real verification and yeah of course everything comes from what he hears and he doesn't need to keep reminding us