I'm not well versed in the shader layouts of the GPU so I usually avoid commenting on them, but yes seems more like it's going to have similar performance targets to the PS4 Pro such as double rasterization performance, with a mild gain in CPU performance... but again I'd be highly skeptical, RGT Playstation leaks are always almost wrong... actually I can't even think of anything he's gotten right historically? maybe someone can correct me on that.
About leaks being true or not, and actually having some solid info- if we assume ps5pr0 launches holiday 2024 earliest, then at least year in advance sony will have to send at least first version of devkits to the big pulbishers who will have to make ps5pr0 profile for their multiplatform releases, so holiday this year we can expect some credible and accurate leaks(among many fake ones that came straight of the ass)- ofc such first version of the devkit might be made on 5nm and generate more heat/take more power/look completely different vs final product, performance wise it should be superclose or onpoint(sometimes console manufacturer decides to up clocks really close to launch).
Its really hard to comment on some wet dreams/guesses of ppl who cant be in the know. Instead we should base our estimations on logic and known facts that cant change, since those arent speculations.
Example: if its holiday 2024 launchdate u cant assume 5nm process, but rather 3nm, otherwise there would be no reason to wait till then but we would get 5nm ps5pro year ago(nvidias rtx 40xx series is made on improved 5nm node called 4n for marketing purposes).
Another sure/logical thing is powerdraw ps5pr0 can have, since base ps5 could already draw 206W when running launch game such as miles morales- measured directly by DF in console review, u can assume ps5pr0 will also target around 220W powerdraw since it still has to be console form factor with noise/cooling profile that is apropriate for a console stationed in ur living room, not some separate cold bacement, so even on 3nm node it wont be anywhere close to current top gpu's powerwise that draw 400W+ and even around 600W if overclocked to the max(yups premium more expensive version of the card, with better cooling, more expensive pcb, binned chips etc).
Third sure thing is, current base ps5 power and its equivalent in pc space (best case scenario)
https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/radeon-rx-6700-xt.c3695 thats how powerful ps5 gpu can get, thx to optimisation/coding to the metal, and single spec aproach, even tho this gpu is visibly better or at the very least on pair in every possible aspect.
On a side note that was amd's flagship gpu that launched right before ps5 launch
https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/radeon-rx-6900-xt.c3481 so again great to extrapolate for future, when we get info about 2nd half/holiday 2024 amd flagship gpu.
TLDR Even if we use common sense and logic, we need more data since atm we are almost 1,5 year away from ps5pr0 launch, so hard to estimate its specs/performance straight from the ether w/o at least knowing its manufacturing process and what amd's flagship gpu is specs/perf wise, once we know that basic info we can guess somewhat accurately possible ps5pr0 specs.
Cost wise 600 to 800$ is safe bet, 600$ if sony takes conservative aproach, 800$ if they go balls to the wall path.