Neo Member
My new Lae'zel Face

Hmm, can't talk to the githyanki dude at the Caress in act 3. He shows up there, and it shows a talk prompt, but clicking it does nothing.
I don't think it makes a difference - you can track round and find the other way in if you want to mop up XP (I went Underdark, then explored that enough to find the way out into the Mountain Pass).Does it matter which entrance I use to start act 2? I have tried both ways for few minutes and they both seem to start differently.
Does it matter which entrance I use to start act 2? I have tried both ways for few minutes and they both seem to start differently.
Great, I was sitting in the machine first, then I thought no she really wants to get in there. So that's probably right and i did reload.I think both ultimately lead you to the same spot.
Check to make sure both are the actual entrance options, the entrance that says to the mountain pass (IIRC northwest of Goblin Camp) doesn’t advance you to Act 2, rather takes you to more locations including the second entrance (the first being the elevator in the Underdark).
Also, if you do the Githyanki crèche area which should be marked on your map (which you should, big part of Lae’zel’s character arc), be warned, I had no idea about this (some mild spoilers):
Baldur's Gate 3: What is the Zaithisk Debuff and can you prevent it in BG3?
This debuff can permanently affect one companion.dotesports.com
Only found about this today as I had failed all three skill checks back when I did it and didn’t notice the change, the Con debuff sucked a little bit but she just got the Tough feat (+2 HP for every level) at Level 8 so that helps, and Int and Wisdom are pretty irrelevant for most fighters. So yeah, I’d recommend going for the other option presented in the article as the skill check DCs to pass them are far more reasonable.
Of course, if you don’t intend to use her in your party, then you can just do the area however you like.
Great, I was sitting in the machine first, then I thought no she really wants to get in there. So that's probably right and i did reload.
Edit: You just need to give Lae’zel illithid powers, then the debuff dissapears.
I just did it, it worked for me.People on Reddit were saying the illithid solution works for some players but not others. Either there’s an additional step that’s unclear, or it’s a bug that will hopefully be patched soon.
I just did it, it worked for me.
What does the quest log description look like? Is he waiting for you to go speak to someone else upstairs?
Log says, "we should talk to Voss, who's waiting in the Sharess' Caress taproom."
This is after I refused Rapheal's deal. Voss us there, I just can't initiate a conversation or anything with him.
Weird, definitely sounds like a bug then. Might have to reload to the Raph conversation.
I kept on rolling forward, hopefully it's just a side quest and not an automatic failstate for the main quest.
Also had 2 crashes since starting Act 3, hadn't had any up until then. People are right, it's a bit messy.
Finished the game on PS5! One hell of a ride for sure. Definitely deserving of all the 10/10 scores.
Wow, I had no idea about that! I completed (massacred everybody in) the creche ages ago and used the machine, so Lae'zel has had -2 wis, int and con for most of the game. The debuff is hidden way down in the character sheet too. If there was a notification about it, I never saw it.Also, if you do the Githyanki crèche area which should be marked on your map (which you should, big part of Lae’zel’s character arc), be warned, I had no idea about this (some mild spoilers):
Baldur's Gate 3: What is the Zaithisk Debuff and can you prevent it in BG3?
This debuff can permanently affect one companion.dotesports.com
Only found about this today as I had failed all three skill checks back when I did it and didn’t notice the change, the Con debuff sucked a little bit but she just got the Tough feat (+2 HP for every level) at Level 8 so that helps, and Int and Wisdom are pretty irrelevant for most fighters. So yeah, I’d recommend going for the other option presented in the article as the skill check DCs to pass them are far more reasonable.
Of course, if you don’t intend to use her in your party, then you can just do the area however you like.
Just finished on PC, 130 hours. It's probably the best game I've ever played. At the very least top five.
Amazing experience, I hope a steady pipeline of DLC manifests to expand on what's here.
Now I can finish TOTK.
Yeah it's incredible. Not so much for the dnd combat which is fine, it's a lot like the old baldur's gate games. But the story and dialogue choices make for the greatest story ever in an rpg imo.Now I'm looking for more D&D games to play. Bought the PS4 port of Planescape Torment. Everyone always says it's the greatest story ever written in the rpg genre.
I am at the end of Act 2 and have never had a fight go longer then 15 minutes to my knowledge. I remember the spider queen fight taking a while in Act 1, was the one fight I used ogre horn on, was very early for my characters I guess. Webs slowed things down. I suppose if you chained the entire Goblin keep together it would be 40 minutes, but I did it in chunks without alerting the other rooms.Think I might have to make my peace with the game and move onto something else. It's so good in so many ways, but the length of fights, the sheer amount of chance built into any encounter and the complete absence of a DM to actually keep things fair and rewarding makes it rage inducing.
A game this unapologetically long can not have you losing forty-odd minute fights on the luck of a dice roll. The camera is also knackered, but I'd work around it for everything else - such a shame, I waited years for the game.
Yeah, is it actually the Goblin Keep that was kicking my ass. Particularly Raghzlin fight. I stole and stacked a whole heap of smokepowder barrels around him and detonated them from the rafters. The game did a wierd pause and told me off for damaging property and then I realised it'd only knocked twenty off his health. Maybe I need to sort some better spells, just feels like the opposition always has the upper hand - I'm only playing on balance mode.I am at the end of Act 2 and have never had a fight go longer then 15 minutes to my knowledge. I remember the spider queen fight taking a while in Act 1, was the one fight I used ogre horn on, was very early for my characters I guess. Webs slowed things down. I suppose if you chained the entire Goblin keep together it would be 40 minutes, but I did it in chunks without alerting the other rooms.
Are you using potions/alchemy? I have basically never used any of the potions or magic arrows or scrolls, but if I did the game would be a cakewalk. If you are having a hard time don't horde the stuff, use your scrolls of haste/fireballs/hold person, pop a haste potion on your best melee fighter at the start of every fight until you run out and can't craft anymore.
For awhile I was sneaking into any difficult fight if I could to get a free opening round with all 4 of my characters, but I don't even do that anymore because it doesn't seem necessary.
Fireball is the best spell in the game for me so far, for sure killing those 6 guys single target would take like 4 rounds, but have Gale throw a fireball and my Bard MC throw a fireball, half a turn and they are all dead.
This is a common complaint i see. I think its really a matter of getting used to the kind of game this is.just feels like the opposition always has the upper hand - I'm only playing on balance mode.
Why not justYeah, is it actually the Goblin Keep that was kicking my ass. Particularly Raghzlin fight. I stole and stacked a whole heap of smokepowder barrels around him and detonated them from the rafters. The game did a wierd pause and told me off for damaging property and then I realised it'd only knocked twenty off his health. Maybe I need to sort some better spells, just feels like the opposition always has the upper hand - I'm only playing on balance mode.
Loved the Raphael one more. Kickass music. Seriously it is one of the best boss fights ever. I was kinda tired in the end and just wanted to finish the game.That last battle was something else.
This is a common complaint i see. I think its really a matter of getting used to the kind of game this is.
If you want to have the upper hand, you must work for it. Position your party members in advantegeous positions, set up some traps, heck, i've seen people poisoning the goblins by spiking their ale cauldron. I myself pushed the boss down the spider's pit and let the spiders take car of him while i killed his underlings.
If you kill key some characters in a very particular order, supposeldy some new areas and quests and buildings are accessible only in that scenario.
It goes way deeper too. According to some players on reddit, you can converse directly with an unknown entity in the game that then leave clues later on in Act 2 and 3 but the trail has gone cold as to what it is specifically. I am guessing a hidden ending.
I sneaked behind him into the upper level of his area, split my party up for maximum coverage, then kicked things off by having Lae'zel throw a surprise explosive barrel at him. Then she got a second turn before he was allowed to respond, so that was another barrel and maybe an arrow. Then I activated my other characters and piled in. He was dead before the first turn ended, he didn't even attack me.Yeah, is it actually the Goblin Keep that was kicking my ass. Particularly Raghzlin fight. I stole and stacked a whole heap of smokepowder barrels around him and detonated them from the rafters. The game did a wierd pause and told me off for damaging property and then I realised it'd only knocked twenty off his health. Maybe I need to sort some better spells, just feels like the opposition always has the upper hand - I'm only playing on balance mode.
What I did for this fight was sneak up to the top with Halsin in my team and throw some smokepowder bombs down to the goblins and Ragzlin - Astarion made great use of ranged sneak attacks here, one-shotting nearly everyone he hit. When they would inevitably try to come up the ladders on the sides, Halsin was there and ready to push them off or get a free opportunity attack. Also I think it's best to be at least level 4 before challenging the goblin keep *or* the emerald grove, should you try that route.Yeah, is it actually the Goblin Keep that was kicking my ass. Particularly Raghzlin fight. I stole and stacked a whole heap of smokepowder barrels around him and detonated them from the rafters. The game did a wierd pause and told me off for damaging property and then I realised it'd only knocked twenty off his health. Maybe I need to sort some better spells, just feels like the opposition always has the upper hand - I'm only playing on balance mode.
I've just hit level four - with all these additional strats, I'm going to have another go tonight.What I did for this fight was sneak up to the top with Halsin in my team and throw some smokepowder bombs down to the goblins and Ragzlin - Astarion made great use of ranged sneak attacks here, one-shotting nearly everyone he hit. When they would inevitably try to come up the ladders on the sides, Halsin was there and ready to push them off or get a free opportunity attack. Also I think it's best to be at least level 4 before challenging the goblin keep *or* the emerald grove, should you try that route.
Keeping the party ungrouped and having some of the characters remain hidden at the start of the fight are two things I found made a massive difference. Hidden characters effectively get a free hit, assuming the action that gets them involved in the battle is an attack rather than just getting spotted.I've just hit level four - with all these additional strats, I'm going to have another go tonight.
Love being able to convince a tough boss to kill all their own minions then themselves. Classic shit lmao.
I only realized after I had convinced every single one of the bosses in the shadow cursed lands in act 2 to kill themselves that these can also be boss fights. The surgeon was great. After I rolled the success, seeing your character's reaction to what unfolds is priceless.Love being able to convince a tough boss to kill all their own minions then themselves. Classic shit lmao.
Yeah, real Silent Hill vibes in that place.The one in the "hospital" in act 2 is great.
I only realized after I had convinced every single one of the bosses in the shadow cursed lands in act 2 to kill themselves that these can also be boss fights. The surgeon was great. After I rolled the success, seeing your character's reaction to what unfolds is priceless.
Are you intentionally using the thing where every character and object gets a permanent outline? When that happened to me I thought the game was broken, I had to google how to turn it off (tilde key).They say preparation of half the battle
The enemies did not reach me lmao
Starfield bored me to tears after 24 hours to the point where I can't even bring myself to finish the game.
Time for a third BG3 run.
Update: Thanks to the feedback here, I went back and slammed it. I also found a novel way of beating Dror Ragzlin: I placed an explosive barrel to his right, ostensibly to smash him with damage, but the force actually blasted him into the pit on his left, never to be seen again. Couldn't loot him, but I also OHK'd him. Then I just dropped braziers on all of his underlings (who were also suddenly standing around explosive barrels). It was all over in two turns.Keeping the party ungrouped and having some of the characters remain hidden at the start of the fight are two things I found made a massive difference. Hidden characters effectively get a free hit, assuming the action that gets them involved in the battle is an attack rather than just getting spotted.
The first time I thought is was a bug too lolAre you intentionally using the thing where every character and object gets a permanent outline? When that happened to me I thought the game was broken, I had to google how to turn it off (tilde key).
The freedom you get to work around problems is amazing. No wonder the director described it as an immersive sim, it’s not your typical RPG.Update: Thanks to the feedback here, I went back and slammed it. I also found a novel way of beating Dror Ragzlin: I placed an explosive barrel to his right, ostensibly to smash him with damage, but the force actually blasted him into the pit on his left, never to be seen again. Couldn't loot him, but I also OHK'd him. Then I just dropped braziers on all of his underlings (who were also suddenly standing around explosive barrels). It was all over in two turns.
Great times.